| package li.cil.oc.server |
| |
| import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.Player |
| import li.cil.oc.common.PacketBuilder |
| import li.cil.oc.common.PacketType |
| import li.cil.oc.common.tileentity._ |
| import li.cil.oc.util.PackedColor |
| import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound |
| import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection |
| import scala.Some |
| |
| /** Centralized packet dispatcher for sending updates to the client. */ |
| object PacketSender { |
| def sendAnalyze(stats: NBTTagCompound, address: String, player: Player) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.Analyze) |
| |
| pb.writeNBT(stats) |
| pb.writeUTF(address) |
| |
| pb.sendToPlayer(player) |
| } |
| |
| def sendComputerState(t: TileEntity, value: Boolean, player: Option[Player] = None) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.ComputerStateResponse) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeBoolean(value) |
| |
| player match { |
| case Some(p) => pb.sendToPlayer(p) |
| case _ => pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def sendPowerState(t: PowerInformation, player: Option[Player] = None) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.PowerStateResponse) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeDouble(t.globalPower) |
| |
| player match { |
| case Some(p) => pb.sendToPlayer(p) |
| case _ => pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def sendRedstoneState(t: Redstone, player: Option[Player] = None) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.RedstoneStateResponse) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeBoolean(t.isOutputEnabled) |
| for (d <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { |
| pb.writeByte(t.output(d)) |
| } |
| |
| player match { |
| case Some(p) => pb.sendToPlayer(p) |
| case _ => pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def sendRobotMove(t: Robot, ox: Int, oy: Int, oz: Int) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.RobotMove) |
| |
| // Custom pb.writeTileEntity() with fake coordinates (valid for the client). |
| pb.writeInt(t.world.provider.dimensionId) |
| pb.writeInt(ox) |
| pb.writeInt(oy) |
| pb.writeInt(oz) |
| |
| pb.writeInt(t.x) |
| pb.writeInt(t.y) |
| pb.writeInt(t.z) |
| |
| pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| |
| def sendRobotSelectedSlotState(t: Robot, player: Option[Player] = None) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.RobotSelectedSlotResponse) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeInt(t.selectedSlot) |
| |
| player match { |
| case Some(p) => pb.sendToPlayer(p) |
| case _ => pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def sendRotatableState(t: Rotatable, player: Option[Player] = None) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.RotatableStateResponse) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeDirection(t.pitch) |
| pb.writeDirection(t.yaw) |
| |
| player match { |
| case Some(p) => pb.sendToPlayer(p) |
| case _ => pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def sendScreenBufferState(t: Buffer, player: Option[Player] = None) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.ScreenBufferResponse) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| |
| val screen = t.buffer |
| val (w, h) = screen.resolution |
| pb.writeInt(w) |
| pb.writeInt(h) |
| pb.writeUTF(screen.text) |
| pb.writeInt(screen.depth.id) |
| pb.writeInt(screen.foreground) |
| pb.writeInt(screen.background) |
| for (cs <- screen.color) for (c <- cs) pb.writeShort(c) |
| |
| player match { |
| case Some(p) => pb.sendToPlayer(p) |
| case _ => pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def sendScreenColorChange(t: Buffer, foreground: Int, background: Int) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.ScreenColorChange) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeInt(foreground) |
| pb.writeInt(background) |
| |
| pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| |
| def sendScreenCopy(t: Buffer, col: Int, row: Int, w: Int, h: Int, tx: Int, ty: Int) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.ScreenCopy) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeInt(col) |
| pb.writeInt(row) |
| pb.writeInt(w) |
| pb.writeInt(h) |
| pb.writeInt(tx) |
| pb.writeInt(ty) |
| |
| pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| |
| def sendScreenDepthChange(t: Buffer, value: PackedColor.Depth.Value) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.ScreenDepthChange) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeInt(value.id) |
| |
| pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| |
| def sendScreenFill(t: Buffer, col: Int, row: Int, w: Int, h: Int, c: Char) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.ScreenFill) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeInt(col) |
| pb.writeInt(row) |
| pb.writeInt(w) |
| pb.writeInt(h) |
| pb.writeChar(c) |
| |
| pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| |
| def sendScreenPowerChange(t: Buffer, hasPower: Boolean) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.ScreenPowerChange) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeBoolean(hasPower) |
| |
| pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| |
| def sendScreenResolutionChange(t: Buffer, w: Int, h: Int) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.ScreenResolutionChange) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeInt(w) |
| pb.writeInt(h) |
| |
| pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| |
| def sendScreenSet(t: Buffer, col: Int, row: Int, s: String) { |
| val pb = new PacketBuilder(PacketType.ScreenSet) |
| |
| pb.writeTileEntity(t) |
| pb.writeInt(col) |
| pb.writeInt(row) |
| pb.writeUTF(s) |
| |
| pb.sendToAllPlayers() |
| } |
| } |