blob: 92a4bae37eb73bda607fa1168eeda171b949bb76 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.server.component.machine
import Machine.State
import{IOException, FileNotFoundException}
import java.util.logging.Level
import li.cil.oc.util.ScalaClosure._
import li.cil.oc.util.{ScalaClosure, GameTimeFormatter}
import li.cil.oc.{OpenComputers, server, Settings}
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import org.luaj.vm2._
import org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse.JsePlatform
import scala.Some
import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsScala._
class LuaJLuaArchitecture(machine: Machine) extends Architecture {
private var lua: Globals = _
private var thread: LuaThread = _
private var synchronizedCall: LuaFunction = _
private var synchronizedResult: LuaValue = _
private var doneWithInitRun = false
private var memory = 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private def node = machine.node
private def components = machine.components
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def isInitialized = doneWithInitRun
def recomputeMemory() = memory = machine.owner.installedMemory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def runSynchronized() {
synchronizedResult =
synchronizedCall = null
def runThreaded(enterState: State.Value) = {
try {
// Resume the Lua state and remember the number of results we get.
val results = enterState match {
case Machine.State.SynchronizedReturn =>
// If we were doing a synchronized call, continue where we left off.
val result = thread.resume(synchronizedResult)
synchronizedResult = null
case Machine.State.Yielded =>
if (!doneWithInitRun) {
doneWithInitRun = true
// We're doing the initialization run.
val result = thread.resume(LuaValue.NONE)
// We expect to get nothing here, if we do we had an error.
if (result.narg == 1) {
// Fake zero sleep to avoid stopping if there are no signals.
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.TRUE, LuaValue.valueOf(0))
else {
else machine.popSignal() match {
case Some(signal) =>
thread.resume(LuaValue.varargsOf(Array(LuaValue.valueOf( ++
case _ =>
case s => throw new AssertionError("Running computer from invalid state " + s.toString)
// Check if the kernel is still alive.
if (thread.state.status == LuaThread.STATUS_SUSPENDED) {
// If we get one function it must be a wrapper for a synchronized
// call. The protocol is that a closure is pushed that is then called
// from the main server thread, and returns a table, which is in turn
// passed to the originating coroutine.yield().
if (results.narg == 2 && results.isfunction(2)) {
synchronizedCall = results.checkfunction(2)
new ExecutionResult.SynchronizedCall()
// Check if we are shutting down, and if so if we're rebooting. This
// is signalled by boolean values, where `false` means shut down,
// `true` means reboot (i.e shutdown then start again).
else if (results.narg == 2 && results.`type`(2) == LuaValue.TBOOLEAN) {
new ExecutionResult.Shutdown(results.toboolean(2))
else {
// If we have a single number, that's how long we may wait before
// resuming the state again. Note that the sleep may be interrupted
// early if a signal arrives in the meantime. If we have something
// else we just process the next signal or wait for one.
val ticks = if (results.narg == 2 && results.isnumber(2)) (results.todouble(2) * 20).toInt else Int.MaxValue
new ExecutionResult.Sleep(ticks)
// The kernel thread returned. If it threw we'd be in the catch below.
else {
// We're expecting the result of a pcall, if anything, so boolean + (result | string).
if (results.`type`(2) != LuaValue.TBOOLEAN || !(results.isstring(3) || results.isnil(3))) {
OpenComputers.log.warning("Kernel returned unexpected results.")
// The pcall *should* never return normally... but check for it nonetheless.
if (results.toboolean(1)) {
OpenComputers.log.warning("Kernel stopped unexpectedly.")
new ExecutionResult.Shutdown(false)
else {
val error = results.tojstring(3)
if (error != null) new ExecutionResult.Error(error)
else new ExecutionResult.Error("unknown error")
catch {
case e: LuaError =>
OpenComputers.log.log(Level.WARNING, "Kernel crashed. This is a bug!" + e)
new ExecutionResult.Error("kernel panic: this is a bug, check your log file and report it")
case e: Throwable =>
OpenComputers.log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error in kernel. This is a bug!", e)
new ExecutionResult.Error("kernel panic: this is a bug, check your log file and report it")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def init() = {
lua = JsePlatform.debugGlobals()
lua.set("package", LuaValue.NIL)
lua.set("io", LuaValue.NIL)
lua.set("luajava", LuaValue.NIL)
// Prepare table for os stuff.
val os = LuaValue.tableOf()
lua.set("os", os)
// Remove some other functions we don't need and are dangerous.
lua.set("dofile", LuaValue.NIL)
lua.set("loadfile", LuaValue.NIL)
// Provide some better Unicode support.
val unicode = LuaValue.tableOf()
unicode.set("lower", (args: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(args.checkjstring(1).toLowerCase))
unicode.set("upper", (args: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(args.checkjstring(1).toUpperCase))
unicode.set("char", (args: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(String.valueOf((1 to args.narg).map(args.checkint).map(_.toChar).toArray)))
unicode.set("len", (args: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(args.checkjstring(1).length))
unicode.set("reverse", (args: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(args.checkjstring(1).reverse))
unicode.set("sub", (args: Varargs) => {
val string = args.checkjstring(1)
val start = math.max(0, args.checkint(2) match {
case i if i < 0 => string.length + i
case i => i - 1
val end =
if (args.narg > 2) math.min(string.length, args.checkint(3) match {
case i if i < 0 => string.length + i + 1
case i => i
else string.length
if (end <= start) LuaValue.valueOf("")
else LuaValue.valueOf(string.substring(start, end))
lua.set("unicode", unicode)
os.set("clock", (_: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf((machine.cpuTime + (System.nanoTime() - machine.cpuStart)) * 10e-10))
// Date formatting function.
os.set("date", (args: Varargs) => {
val format =
if (args.narg > 0 && args.isstring(1)) args.tojstring(1)
else "%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S"
val time =
if (args.narg > 1 && args.isnumber(2)) args.todouble(2) * 1000 / 60 / 60
else machine.worldTime + 6000
val dt = GameTimeFormatter.parse(time)
def fmt(format: String) = {
if (format == "*t") {
val table = LuaValue.tableOf(0, 8)
table.set("year", LuaValue.valueOf(dt.year))
table.set("month", LuaValue.valueOf(dt.month))
table.set("day", LuaValue.valueOf(
table.set("hour", LuaValue.valueOf(dt.hour))
table.set("min", LuaValue.valueOf(dt.minute))
table.set("sec", LuaValue.valueOf(dt.second))
table.set("wday", LuaValue.valueOf(dt.weekDay))
table.set("yday", LuaValue.valueOf(dt.yearDay))
else {
LuaValue.valueOf(GameTimeFormatter.format(format, dt))
// Just ignore the allowed leading '!', Minecraft has no time zones...
if (format.startsWith("!"))
// Return ingame time for os.time().
os.set("time", (_: Varargs) => {
// Game time is in ticks, so that each day has 24000 ticks, meaning
// one hour is game time divided by one thousand. Also, Minecraft
// starts days at 6 o'clock, so we add those six hours. Thus:
// timestamp = (time + 6000) * 60[kh] * 60[km] / 1000[s]
LuaValue.valueOf((machine.worldTime + 6000) * 60 * 60 / 1000)
// Computer API, stuff that kinda belongs to os, but we don't want to
// clutter it.
val computer = LuaValue.tableOf()
// Allow getting the real world time for timeouts.
computer.set("realTime", (_: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000.0))
// The time the computer has been running, as opposed to the CPU time.
// World time is in ticks, and each second has 20 ticks. Since we
// want uptime() to return real seconds, though, we'll divide it
// accordingly.
computer.set("uptime", (_: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf((machine.worldTime - machine.timeStarted) / 20.0))
// Allow the computer to figure out its own id in the component network.
computer.set("address", (_: Varargs) => Option(node.address) match {
case Some(address) => LuaValue.valueOf(address)
case _ => LuaValue.NIL
// Are we a robot? (No this is not a CAPTCHA.)
computer.set("isRobot", (_: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(machine.isRobot))
computer.set("freeMemory", (_: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(memory / 2))
computer.set("totalMemory", (_: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(memory))
computer.set("pushSignal", (args: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(machine.signal(args.checkjstring(1), toSimpleJavaObjects(args, 2): _*)))
// And its ROM address.
computer.set("romAddress", (_: Varargs) => machine.rom.fold(LuaValue.NIL)(rom => Option(rom.node.address) match {
case Some(address) => LuaValue.valueOf(address)
case _ => LuaValue.NIL
// And it's /tmp address...
computer.set("tmpAddress", (_: Varargs) => machine.tmp.fold(LuaValue.NIL)(tmp => Option(tmp.node.address) match {
case Some(address) => LuaValue.valueOf(address)
case _ => LuaValue.NIL
// User management.
computer.set("users", (_: Varargs) => LuaValue.varargsOf(
computer.set("addUser", (args: Varargs) => {
computer.set("removeUser", (args: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(machine.removeUser(args.checkjstring(1))))
computer.set("energy", (_: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(node.globalBuffer))
computer.set("maxEnergy", (_: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(node.globalBufferSize))
// Set the computer table.
lua.set("computer", computer)
// Whether bytecode may be loaded directly.
lua.set("allowBytecode", (_: Varargs) => LuaValue.valueOf(Settings.get.allowBytecode))
// How long programs may run without yielding before we stop them.
lua.set("timeout", LuaValue.valueOf(Settings.get.timeout))
// Component interaction stuff.
val component = LuaValue.tableOf()
component.set("list", (args: Varargs) => components.synchronized {
val filter = if (args.isstring(1)) Option(args.tojstring(1)) else None
val table = LuaValue.tableOf(0, components.size)
for ((address, name) <- components) {
if (filter.isEmpty || name.contains(filter.get)) {
table.set(address, name)
component.set("type", (args: Varargs) => components.synchronized {
components.get(args.checkjstring(1)) match {
case Some(name: String) =>
case _ =>
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.NIL, LuaValue.valueOf("no such component"))
component.set("methods", (args: Varargs) => {
Option( match {
case Some(component: if component.canBeSeenFrom(node) || component == node =>
val table = LuaValue.tableOf()
for (method <- component.methods()) {
table.set(method, LuaValue.valueOf(component.isDirect(method)))
case _ =>
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.NIL, LuaValue.valueOf("no such component"))
component.set("invoke", (args: Varargs) => {
val address = args.checkjstring(1)
val method = args.checkjstring(2)
val params = toSimpleJavaObjects(args, 3)
try {
machine.invoke(address, method, params) match {
case results: Array[_] =>
LuaValue.varargsOf(Array(LuaValue.TRUE) ++
case _ =>
catch {
case e: Throwable =>
if (Settings.get.logLuaCallbackErrors && !e.isInstanceOf[Machine.LimitReachedException]) {
OpenComputers.log.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception in Lua callback.", e)
e match {
case _: Machine.LimitReachedException =>
case e: IllegalArgumentException if e.getMessage != null =>
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.FALSE, LuaValue.valueOf(e.getMessage))
case e: Throwable if e.getMessage != null =>
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.TRUE, LuaValue.NIL, LuaValue.valueOf(e.getMessage))
case _: IndexOutOfBoundsException =>
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.FALSE, LuaValue.valueOf("index out of bounds"))
case _: IllegalArgumentException =>
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.FALSE, LuaValue.valueOf("bad argument"))
case _: NoSuchMethodException =>
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.FALSE, LuaValue.valueOf("no such method"))
case _: FileNotFoundException =>
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.TRUE, LuaValue.NIL, LuaValue.valueOf("file not found"))
case _: SecurityException =>
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.TRUE, LuaValue.NIL, LuaValue.valueOf("access denied"))
case _: IOException =>
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.TRUE, LuaValue.NIL, LuaValue.valueOf("i/o error"))
case e: Throwable =>
OpenComputers.log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error in Lua callback.", e)
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue.TRUE, LuaValue.NIL, LuaValue.valueOf("unknown error"))
lua.set("component", component)
val kernel = lua.load(classOf[Machine].getResourceAsStream(Settings.scriptPath + "kernel.lua"), "=kernel", "t", lua)
thread = new LuaThread(lua, kernel) // Left as the first value on the stack.
def close() = {
lua = null
thread = null
synchronizedCall = null
synchronizedResult = null
doneWithInitRun = false
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
if (machine.isRunning) {
def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {}