| package li.cil.oc.server.component |
| |
| import li.cil.oc.api.{Rotatable, Network} |
| import li.cil.oc.api.driver.Container |
| import li.cil.oc.api.network._ |
| import li.cil.oc.common.component |
| import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntitySign |
| |
| class UpgradeSign(val owner: Container with Rotatable) extends component.ManagedComponent { |
| val node = Network.newNode(this, Visibility.Network). |
| withComponent("sign", Visibility.Neighbors). |
| withConnector(). |
| create() |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| |
| @Callback(doc = """function():string -- Get the text on the sign in front of the robot.""") |
| def getValue(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = { |
| val facing = owner.facing |
| owner.world.getBlockTileEntity(owner.xPosition.toInt + facing.offsetX, owner.yPosition.toInt + facing.offsetY, owner.zPosition.toInt + facing.offsetZ) match { |
| case sign: TileEntitySign => result(sign.signText.mkString("\n")) |
| case _ => result(Unit, "no sign") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @Callback(doc = """function(value:string):string -- Set the text on the sign in front of the robot.""") |
| def setValue(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = { |
| val text = args.checkString(0).lines.padTo(4, "").map(line => if (line.length > 15) line.substring(0, 15) else line) |
| val facing = owner.facing |
| val (sx, sy, sz) = (owner.xPosition.toInt + facing.offsetX, owner.yPosition.toInt + facing.offsetY, owner.zPosition.toInt + facing.offsetZ) |
| owner.world.getBlockTileEntity(sx, sy, sz) match { |
| case sign: TileEntitySign => |
| text.copyToArray(sign.signText) |
| owner.world.markBlockForUpdate(sx, sy, sz) |
| result(sign.signText.mkString("\n")) |
| case _ => result(Unit, "no sign") |
| } |
| } |
| } |