blob: c47283ae849b03e9742759ebc4015df4208c275b [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.common.block
import java.util
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Optional
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.{Side, SideOnly}
import li.cil.oc.common.{GuiType, tileentity}
import li.cil.oc.util.mods.{BuildCraft, Mods}
import li.cil.oc.util.{Color, PackedColor, Tooltip}
import li.cil.oc.{Localization, OpenComputers, Settings}
import mcp.mobius.waila.api.{IWailaConfigHandler, IWailaDataAccessor}
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
import net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
import net.minecraft.item.{EnumRarity, ItemStack}
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon
import{IBlockAccess, World}
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
class Screen(val parent: SimpleDelegator, val tier: Int) extends RedstoneAware with SimpleDelegate {
override val unlocalizedName = super.unlocalizedName + tier
override def rarity = Array(EnumRarity.common, EnumRarity.uncommon, EnumRarity.rare).apply(tier)
override def color = Color.byTier(tier)
override def tooltipLines(stack: ItemStack, player: EntityPlayer, tooltip: util.List[String], advanced: Boolean) {
val (w, h) = Settings.screenResolutionsByTier(tier)
val depth = PackedColor.Depth.bits(Settings.screenDepthsByTier(tier))
tooltip.addAll(Tooltip.get(super.unlocalizedName, w, h, depth))
@Optional.Method(modid = Mods.IDs.Waila)
override def wailaBody(stack: ItemStack, tooltip: util.List[String], accessor: IWailaDataAccessor, config: IWailaConfigHandler) {
val node = accessor.getNBTData.getCompoundTag("node")
if (node.hasKey("address")) {
object Icons {
var b, b2, bbl, bbl2, bbm, bbm2, bbr, bbr2, bhb, bhb2, bhm, bhm2, bht, bht2, bml, bmm, bmr, btl, btm, btr, bvb, bvb2, bvm, bvt, f, f2, fbl, fbl2, fbm, fbm2, fbr, fbr2, fhb, fhb2, fhm, fhm2, fht, fht2, fml, fmm, fmr, ftl, ftm, ftr, fvb, fvb2, fvm, fvt = null: IIcon
def fh = Array(fht, fhm, fhb)
def fv = Array(fvt, fvm, fvb)
def bh = Array(bht, bhm, bhb)
def bv = Array(bvt, bvm, bvb)
def fth = Array(ftl, ftm, ftr)
def fmh = Array(fml, fmm, fmr)
def fbh = Array(fbl, fbm, fbr)
def bth = Array(btl, btm, btr)
def bmh = Array(bml, bmm, bmr)
def bbh = Array(bbl, bbm, bbr)
def ftv = Array(ftl, fml, fbl)
def fmv = Array(ftm, fmm, fbm)
def fbv = Array(ftr, fmr, fbr)
def btv = Array(btl, bml, bbl)
def bmv = Array(btm, bmm, bbm)
def bbv = Array(btr, bmr, bbr)
def fh2 = Array(fht2, fhm2, fhb2)
def fv2 = Array(fvt, fvm, fvb2)
def bh2 = Array(bht2, bhm2, bhb2)
def bv2 = Array(bvt, bvm, bvb2)
def fbh2 = Array(fbl2, fbm2, fbr2)
def bbh2 = Array(bbl2, bbm2, bbr2)
def fud = Icons.fh2 ++ Icons.fv2 ++ Icons.fth ++ Icons.fmh ++ Icons.fbh2
def bud = Icons.bh2.reverse ++ Icons.bv2 ++ Icons.bth.reverse ++ Icons.bmh.reverse ++ Icons.bbh2.reverse
def fsn = Icons.fh ++ Icons.fv ++ Icons.fth ++ Icons.fmh ++ Icons.fbh
def few = Icons.fv ++ Icons.fh ++ Icons.ftv ++ Icons.fmv ++ Icons.fbv
def bsn = ++ ++ Icons.bth ++ Icons.bmh ++ Icons.bbh
def bew = ++ ++ Icons.btv ++ Icons.bmv ++ Icons.bbv
def sud = Array(Icons.bvt, Icons.bvm, Icons.bvb2)
def sse = Array(Icons.bhb2, Icons.bhm2, Icons.bht2)
def snw = Array(Icons.bht2, Icons.bhm2, Icons.bhb2)
def th = Array(Icons.bhb, Icons.bhm, Icons.bht)
def tv = Array(Icons.bvb, Icons.bvm, Icons.bvt)
// This an ugly monstrosity, but it's still better than having to manually
// compute ambient occlusion in a custom block renderer to keep the lighting
// pretty... which would be even more grotesque.
override def icon(world: IBlockAccess, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, worldSide: ForgeDirection, localSide: ForgeDirection) =
world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) match {
case screen: tileentity.Screen if screen.width > 1 || screen.height > 1 =>
val right = screen.width - 1
val bottom = screen.height - 1
val (px, py) = screen.localPosition
val (lx, ly) = screen.pitch match {
case ForgeDirection.NORTH => (px, py)
case ForgeDirection.UP => screen.yaw match {
case ForgeDirection.SOUTH =>
(px, py)
case ForgeDirection.NORTH =>
(right - px, bottom - py)
case ForgeDirection.EAST =>
(right - px, py)
case ForgeDirection.WEST =>
(px, bottom - py)
case _ => throw new AssertionError("yaw has invalid value")
case ForgeDirection.DOWN => screen.yaw match {
case ForgeDirection.SOUTH =>
(px, bottom - py)
case ForgeDirection.NORTH =>
(right - px, py)
case ForgeDirection.EAST =>
(right - px, bottom - py)
case ForgeDirection.WEST =>
(px, py)
case _ => throw new AssertionError("yaw has invalid value")
case _ => throw new AssertionError("pitch has invalid value")
// See which face we're rendering. We can pretty much treat front and
// back the same, except with a different texture set. Same goes for
// left and right sides, as well as top and bottom sides.
localSide match {
case ForgeDirection.SOUTH | ForgeDirection.NORTH =>
val (ud, sn, ew) =
if (localSide == ForgeDirection.SOUTH) (Icons.fud, Icons.fsn, Icons.few)
else (Icons.bud, Icons.bsn, Icons.bew)
val Array(ht, hm, hb, vt, vm, vb, tl, tm, tr, ml, mm, mr, bl, bm, br) = screen.pitch match {
case ForgeDirection.NORTH => ud
case _ => screen.yaw match {
case ForgeDirection.SOUTH | ForgeDirection.NORTH => sn
case ForgeDirection.EAST | ForgeDirection.WEST => ew
case _ => throw new AssertionError("yaw has invalid value")
if (screen.height == 1) {
if (lx == 0) Some(ht)
else if (lx == right) Some(hb)
else Some(hm)
else if (screen.width == 1) {
if (ly == 0) Some(vb)
else if (ly == bottom) Some(vt)
else Some(vm)
else {
if (lx == 0) {
if (ly == 0) Some(bl)
else if (ly == bottom) Some(tl)
else Some(ml)
else if (lx == right) {
if (ly == 0) Some(br)
else if (ly == bottom) Some(tr)
else Some(mr)
else {
if (ly == 0) Some(bm)
else if (ly == bottom) Some(tm)
else Some(mm)
case ForgeDirection.EAST | ForgeDirection.WEST =>
val (ud, sn, ew) =
if (localSide == ForgeDirection.EAST) (Icons.sud, Icons.sse, Icons.snw)
else (Icons.sud, Icons.snw, Icons.sse)
val Array(t, m, b) = screen.pitch match {
case ForgeDirection.NORTH => ud
case _ => screen.yaw match {
case ForgeDirection.SOUTH | ForgeDirection.EAST => sn
case ForgeDirection.NORTH | ForgeDirection.WEST => ew
case _ => throw new AssertionError("yaw has invalid value")
if (screen.height == 1) {
else {
if (ly == 0) Some(b)
else if (ly == bottom) Some(t)
else Some(m)
case ForgeDirection.UP | ForgeDirection.DOWN =>
val (sn, ew) =
if (localSide == ForgeDirection.UP ^ screen.pitch == ForgeDirection.DOWN) (Icons.snw, Icons.sse)
else (Icons.sse, Icons.snw)
val Array(t, m, b) = screen.pitch match {
case ForgeDirection.NORTH => screen.yaw match {
case ForgeDirection.SOUTH =>
case ForgeDirection.NORTH =>
case ForgeDirection.EAST =>
case ForgeDirection.WEST =>
case _ => throw new AssertionError("yaw has invalid value")
case _ => screen.yaw match {
case ForgeDirection.SOUTH | ForgeDirection.WEST => sn
case ForgeDirection.NORTH | ForgeDirection.EAST => ew
case _ => throw new AssertionError("yaw has invalid value")
if (screen.width == 1) {
if (screen.pitch == ForgeDirection.NORTH) Some(Icons.b)
else Some(Icons.b2)
else {
if (lx == 0) Some(b)
else if (lx == right) Some(t)
else Some(m)
case _ => None
case screen: tileentity.Screen =>
val (f, b, t, s) = screen.pitch match {
case ForgeDirection.NORTH => (Icons.f2, Icons.b2, Icons.b, Icons.b2)
case _ => (Icons.f, Icons.b, Icons.b2, Icons.b2)
localSide match {
case ForgeDirection.SOUTH => Some(f)
case ForgeDirection.NORTH => Some(b)
case ForgeDirection.DOWN | ForgeDirection.UP => Some(t)
case _ => Some(s)
case _ => icon(localSide)
override def icon(side: ForgeDirection) =
Some(side match {
case ForgeDirection.SOUTH => Icons.f2
case ForgeDirection.DOWN | ForgeDirection.UP => Icons.b
case _ => Icons.b2
override def registerIcons(iconRegister: IconRegister) = {
Icons.b = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/b")
Icons.b2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/b2")
Icons.bbl = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bbl")
Icons.bbl2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bbl2")
Icons.bbm = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bbm")
Icons.bbm2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bbm2")
Icons.bbr = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bbr")
Icons.bbr2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bbr2")
Icons.bhb = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bhb")
Icons.bhb2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bhb2")
Icons.bhm = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bhm")
Icons.bhm2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bhm2")
Icons.bht = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bht")
Icons.bht2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bht2")
Icons.bml = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bml")
Icons.bmm = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bmm")
Icons.bmr = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bmr")
Icons.btl = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/btl")
Icons.btm = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/btm")
Icons.btr = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/btr")
Icons.bvb = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bvb")
Icons.bvb2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bvb2")
Icons.bvm = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bvm")
Icons.bvt = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/bvt")
Icons.f = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/f")
Icons.f2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/f2")
Icons.fbl = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fbl")
Icons.fbl2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fbl2")
Icons.fbm = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fbm")
Icons.fbm2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fbm2")
Icons.fbr = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fbr")
Icons.fbr2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fbr2")
Icons.fhb = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fhb")
Icons.fhb2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fhb2")
Icons.fhm = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fhm")
Icons.fhm2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fhm2")
Icons.fht = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fht")
Icons.fht2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fht2")
Icons.fml = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fml")
Icons.fmm = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fmm")
Icons.fmr = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fmr")
Icons.ftl = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/ftl")
Icons.ftm = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/ftm") = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/ftr")
Icons.fvb = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fvb")
Icons.fvb2 = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fvb2")
Icons.fvm = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fvm")
Icons.fvt = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":screen/fvt")
override def luminance(world: IBlockAccess, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) = 5
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def drops(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, fortune: Int) = {
// Always drop the new screen block (with proper redstone support).
val list = new java.util.ArrayList[ItemStack]()
override def hasTileEntity = true
override def createTileEntity(world: World) = Some(new tileentity.Screen(tier))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def rightClick(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, player: EntityPlayer,
side: ForgeDirection, hitX: Float, hitY: Float, hitZ: Float) =
if (BuildCraft.holdsApplicableWrench(player, x, y, z)) false
else world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) match {
case screen: tileentity.Screen if screen.hasKeyboard && !player.isSneaking =>
// Yep, this GUI is actually purely client side. We could skip this
// if, but it is clearer this way (to trigger it from the server we
// would have to give screens a "container", which we do not want).
if (world.isRemote) {
player.openGui(OpenComputers,, world, x, y, z)
case screen: tileentity.Screen if screen.tier > 0 && side == screen.facing =>, hitX, hitY, hitZ)
case _ => false
override def walk(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, entity: Entity) =
if (!world.isRemote) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) match {
case screen: tileentity.Screen if screen.tier > 0 && screen.facing == ForgeDirection.UP => screen.walk(entity)
case _ =>
override def collide(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, entity: Entity) =
if (world.isRemote) (entity, world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)) match {
case (arrow: EntityArrow, screen: tileentity.Screen) if screen.tier > 0 =>
val hitX = math.max(0, math.min(1, arrow.posX - x))
val hitY = math.max(0, math.min(1, arrow.posY - y))
val hitZ = math.max(0, math.min(1, arrow.posZ - z))
val absX = math.abs(hitX - 0.5)
val absY = math.abs(hitY - 0.5)
val absZ = math.abs(hitZ - 0.5)
val side = if (absX > absY && absX > absZ) {
if (hitX < 0.5) ForgeDirection.WEST
else ForgeDirection.EAST
else if (absY > absZ) {
if (hitY < 0.5) ForgeDirection.DOWN
else ForgeDirection.UP
else {
if (hitZ < 0.5) ForgeDirection.NORTH
else ForgeDirection.SOUTH
if (side == screen.facing) {
case _ =>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def validRotations(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) =
world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) match {
case screen: tileentity.Screen =>
if (screen.facing == ForgeDirection.UP || screen.facing == ForgeDirection.DOWN) ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS
else ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS.filter {
d => d != screen.facing && d != screen.facing.getOpposite
case _ => super.validRotations(world, x, y, z)