| package li.cil.oc |
| |
| import java.io._ |
| import java.net.Inet4Address |
| import java.net.InetAddress |
| import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets |
| import java.security.SecureRandom |
| import java.util.UUID |
| |
| import com.google.common.net.InetAddresses |
| import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile |
| import com.typesafe.config._ |
| import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader |
| import cpw.mods.fml.common.versioning.DefaultArtifactVersion |
| import cpw.mods.fml.common.versioning.VersionRange |
| import li.cil.oc.Settings.DebugCardAccess |
| import li.cil.oc.common.Tier |
| import li.cil.oc.integration.Mods |
| import li.cil.oc.server.component.DebugCard |
| import li.cil.oc.server.component.DebugCard.AccessContext |
| import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex |
| import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils |
| |
| import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsScala._ |
| import scala.collection.mutable |
| import scala.io.Codec |
| import scala.io.Source |
| import scala.util.matching.Regex |
| |
| class Settings(val config: Config) { |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // client |
| val screenTextFadeStartDistance = config.getDouble("client.screenTextFadeStartDistance") |
| val maxScreenTextRenderDistance = config.getDouble("client.maxScreenTextRenderDistance") |
| val textLinearFiltering = config.getBoolean("client.textLinearFiltering") |
| val textAntiAlias = config.getBoolean("client.textAntiAlias") |
| val robotLabels = config.getBoolean("client.robotLabels") |
| val soundVolume = config.getDouble("client.soundVolume").toFloat max 0 min 2 |
| val fontCharScale = config.getDouble("client.fontCharScale") max 0.5 min 2 |
| val hologramFadeStartDistance = config.getDouble("client.hologramFadeStartDistance") max 0 |
| val hologramRenderDistance = config.getDouble("client.hologramRenderDistance") max 0 |
| val hologramFlickerFrequency = config.getDouble("client.hologramFlickerFrequency") max 0 |
| val monochromeColor = Integer.decode(config.getString("client.monochromeColor")) |
| val fontRenderer = config.getString("client.fontRenderer") |
| val beepSampleRate = config.getInt("client.beepSampleRate") |
| val beepAmplitude = config.getInt("client.beepVolume") max 0 min Byte.MaxValue |
| val beepRadius = config.getDouble("client.beepRadius").toFloat max 1 min 32 |
| val nanomachineHudPos = Array(config.getDoubleList("client.nanomachineHudPos"): _*) match { |
| case Array(x, y) => |
| (x: Double, y: Double) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Bad number of HUD coordiantes, ignoring.") |
| (-1.0, -1.0) |
| } |
| val enableNanomachinePfx = config.getBoolean("client.enableNanomachinePfx") |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // computer |
| val threads = config.getInt("computer.threads") max 1 |
| val timeout = config.getDouble("computer.timeout") max 0 |
| val startupDelay = config.getDouble("computer.startupDelay") max 0.05 |
| val eepromSize = config.getInt("computer.eepromSize") max 0 |
| val eepromDataSize = config.getInt("computer.eepromDataSize") max 0 |
| val cpuComponentSupport = Array(config.getIntList("computer.cpuComponentCount"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3) => |
| Array(tier1: Int, tier2: Int, tier3: Int) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Bad number of CPU component counts, ignoring.") |
| Array(8, 12, 16) |
| } |
| val callBudgets = Array(config.getDoubleList("computer.callBudgets"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3) => |
| Array(tier1: Double, tier2: Double, tier3: Double) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Bad number of call budgets, ignoring.") |
| Array(0.5, 1.0, 1.5) |
| } |
| val canComputersBeOwned = config.getBoolean("computer.canComputersBeOwned") |
| val maxUsers = config.getInt("computer.maxUsers") max 0 |
| val maxUsernameLength = config.getInt("computer.maxUsernameLength") max 0 |
| val eraseTmpOnReboot = config.getBoolean("computer.eraseTmpOnReboot") |
| val executionDelay = config.getInt("computer.executionDelay") max 0 |
| |
| // computer.lua |
| val allowBytecode = config.getBoolean("computer.lua.allowBytecode") |
| val allowGC = config.getBoolean("computer.lua.allowGC") |
| val enableLua53 = config.getBoolean("computer.lua.enableLua53") |
| val ramSizes = Array(config.getIntList("computer.lua.ramSizes"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5, tier6) => |
| Array(tier1: Int, tier2: Int, tier3: Int, tier4: Int, tier5: Int, tier6: Int) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Bad number of RAM sizes, ignoring.") |
| Array(192, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024) |
| } |
| val ramScaleFor64Bit = config.getDouble("computer.lua.ramScaleFor64Bit") max 1 |
| val maxTotalRam = config.getInt("computer.lua.maxTotalRam") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // robot |
| val allowActivateBlocks = config.getBoolean("robot.allowActivateBlocks") |
| val allowUseItemsWithDuration = config.getBoolean("robot.allowUseItemsWithDuration") |
| val canAttackPlayers = config.getBoolean("robot.canAttackPlayers") |
| val limitFlightHeight = config.getInt("robot.limitFlightHeight") max 0 |
| val screwCobwebs = config.getBoolean("robot.notAfraidOfSpiders") |
| val swingRange = config.getDouble("robot.swingRange") |
| val useAndPlaceRange = config.getDouble("robot.useAndPlaceRange") |
| val itemDamageRate = config.getDouble("robot.itemDamageRate") max 0 min 1 |
| val nameFormat = config.getString("robot.nameFormat") |
| val uuidFormat = config.getString("robot.uuidFormat") |
| val upgradeFlightHeight = Array(config.getIntList("robot.upgradeFlightHeight"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2) => |
| Array(tier1: Int, tier2: Int) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Bad number of hover flight height counts, ignoring.") |
| Array(64, 256) |
| } |
| |
| // robot.xp |
| val baseXpToLevel = config.getDouble("robot.xp.baseValue") max 0 |
| val constantXpGrowth = config.getDouble("robot.xp.constantGrowth") max 1 |
| val exponentialXpGrowth = config.getDouble("robot.xp.exponentialGrowth") max 1 |
| val robotActionXp = config.getDouble("robot.xp.actionXp") max 0 |
| val robotExhaustionXpRate = config.getDouble("robot.xp.exhaustionXpRate") max 0 |
| val robotOreXpRate = config.getDouble("robot.xp.oreXpRate") max 0 |
| val bufferPerLevel = config.getDouble("robot.xp.bufferPerLevel") max 0 |
| val toolEfficiencyPerLevel = config.getDouble("robot.xp.toolEfficiencyPerLevel") max 0 |
| val harvestSpeedBoostPerLevel = config.getDouble("robot.xp.harvestSpeedBoostPerLevel") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // robot.delays |
| |
| // Note: all delays are reduced by one tick to account for the tick they are |
| // performed in (since all actions are delegated to the server thread). |
| val turnDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.turn") - 0.06) max 0.05 |
| val moveDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.move") - 0.06) max 0.05 |
| val swingDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.swing") - 0.06) max 0 |
| val useDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.use") - 0.06) max 0 |
| val placeDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.place") - 0.06) max 0 |
| val dropDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.drop") - 0.06) max 0 |
| val suckDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.suck") - 0.06) max 0 |
| val harvestRatio = config.getDouble("robot.delays.harvestRatio") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // power |
| var is3rdPartyPowerSystemPresent = false |
| val pureIgnorePower = config.getBoolean("power.ignorePower") |
| lazy val ignorePower = pureIgnorePower || (!is3rdPartyPowerSystemPresent && !Mods.isPowerProvidingModPresent) |
| val tickFrequency = config.getDouble("power.tickFrequency") max 1 |
| val chargeRateExternal = config.getDouble("power.chargerChargeRate") |
| val chargeRateTablet = config.getDouble("power.chargerChargeRateTablet") |
| val generatorEfficiency = config.getDouble("power.generatorEfficiency") |
| val solarGeneratorEfficiency = config.getDouble("power.solarGeneratorEfficiency") |
| val assemblerTickAmount = config.getDouble("power.assemblerTickAmount") max 1 |
| val disassemblerTickAmount = config.getDouble("power.disassemblerTickAmount") max 1 |
| val printerTickAmount = config.getDouble("power.printerTickAmount") max 1 |
| val powerModBlacklist = config.getStringList("power.modBlacklist") |
| |
| // power.buffer |
| val bufferCapacitor = config.getDouble("power.buffer.capacitor") max 0 |
| val bufferCapacitorAdjacencyBonus = config.getDouble("power.buffer.capacitorAdjacencyBonus") max 0 |
| val bufferComputer = config.getDouble("power.buffer.computer") max 0 |
| val bufferRobot = config.getDouble("power.buffer.robot") max 0 |
| val bufferConverter = config.getDouble("power.buffer.converter") max 0 |
| val bufferDistributor = config.getDouble("power.buffer.distributor") max 0 |
| val bufferCapacitorUpgrades = Array(config.getDoubleList("power.buffer.batteryUpgrades"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3) => |
| Array(tier1: Double, tier2: Double, tier3: Double) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Bad number of battery upgrade buffer sizes, ignoring.") |
| Array(10000.0, 15000.0, 20000.0) |
| } |
| val bufferTablet = config.getDouble("power.buffer.tablet") max 0 |
| val bufferAccessPoint = config.getDouble("power.buffer.accessPoint") max 0 |
| val bufferDrone = config.getDouble("power.buffer.drone") max 0 |
| val bufferMicrocontroller = config.getDouble("power.buffer.mcu") max 0 |
| val bufferHoverBoots = config.getDouble("power.buffer.hoverBoots") max 1 |
| val bufferNanomachines = config.getDouble("power.buffer.nanomachines") max 0 |
| |
| // power.cost |
| val computerCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.computer") max 0 |
| val microcontrollerCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.microcontroller") max 0 |
| val robotCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.robot") max 0 |
| val droneCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.drone") max 0 |
| val sleepCostFactor = config.getDouble("power.cost.sleepFactor") max 0 |
| val screenCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.screen") max 0 |
| val hologramCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.hologram") max 0 |
| val hddReadCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.hddRead") max 0) / 1024 |
| val hddWriteCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.hddWrite") max 0) / 1024 |
| val gpuSetCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.gpuSet") max 0) / Settings.basicScreenPixels |
| val gpuFillCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.gpuFill") max 0) / Settings.basicScreenPixels |
| val gpuClearCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.gpuClear") max 0) / Settings.basicScreenPixels |
| val gpuCopyCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.gpuCopy") max 0) / Settings.basicScreenPixels |
| val robotTurnCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.robotTurn") max 0 |
| val robotMoveCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.robotMove") max 0 |
| val robotExhaustionCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.robotExhaustion") max 0 |
| val wirelessCostPerRange = config.getDouble("power.cost.wirelessCostPerRange") max 0 |
| val abstractBusPacketCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.abstractBusPacket") max 0 |
| val geolyzerScanCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.geolyzerScan") max 0 |
| val robotBaseCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.robotAssemblyBase") max 0 |
| val robotComplexityCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.robotAssemblyComplexity") max 0 |
| val microcontrollerBaseCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.microcontrollerAssemblyBase") max 0 |
| val microcontrollerComplexityCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.microcontrollerAssemblyComplexity") max 0 |
| val tabletBaseCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.tabletAssemblyBase") max 0 |
| val tabletComplexityCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.tabletAssemblyComplexity") max 0 |
| val droneBaseCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.droneAssemblyBase") max 0 |
| val droneComplexityCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.droneAssemblyComplexity") max 0 |
| val disassemblerItemCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.disassemblerPerItem") max 0 |
| val chunkloaderCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.chunkloaderCost") max 0 |
| val pistonCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.pistonPush") max 0 |
| val eepromWriteCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.eepromWrite") max 0 |
| val printCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.printerModel") max 0 |
| val hoverBootJump = config.getDouble("power.cost.hoverBootJump") max 0 |
| val hoverBootAbsorb = config.getDouble("power.cost.hoverBootAbsorb") max 0 |
| val hoverBootMove = config.getDouble("power.cost.hoverBootMove") max 0 |
| val dataCardTrivial = config.getDouble("power.cost.dataCardTrivial") max 0 |
| val dataCardTrivialByte = config.getDouble("power.cost.dataCardTrivialByte") max 0 |
| val dataCardSimple = config.getDouble("power.cost.dataCardSimple") max 0 |
| val dataCardSimpleByte = config.getDouble("power.cost.dataCardSimpleByte") max 0 |
| val dataCardComplex = config.getDouble("power.cost.dataCardComplex") max 0 |
| val dataCardComplexByte = config.getDouble("power.cost.dataCardComplexByte") max 0 |
| val dataCardAsymmetric = config.getDouble("power.cost.dataCardAsymmetric") max 0 |
| val transposerCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.transposer") max 0 |
| val nanomachineCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.nanomachineInput") max 0 |
| val nanomachineReconfigureCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.nanomachinesReconfigure") max 0 |
| |
| // power.rate |
| val accessPointRate = config.getDouble("power.rate.accessPoint") max 0 |
| val assemblerRate = config.getDouble("power.rate.assembler") max 0 |
| val caseRate = (Array(config.getDoubleList("power.rate.case"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3) => |
| Array(tier1: Double, tier2: Double, tier3: Double) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Bad number of computer case conversion rates, ignoring.") |
| Array(5.0, 10.0, 20.0) |
| }) ++ Array(9001.0) |
| // Creative case. |
| val chargerRate = config.getDouble("power.rate.charger") max 0 |
| val disassemblerRate = config.getDouble("power.rate.disassembler") max 0 |
| val powerConverterRate = config.getDouble("power.rate.powerConverter") max 0 |
| val serverRackRate = config.getDouble("power.rate.serverRack") max 0 |
| |
| // power.value |
| private val valueAppliedEnergistics2 = config.getDouble("power.value.AppliedEnergistics2") |
| private val valueFactorization = config.getDouble("power.value.Factorization") |
| private val valueGalacticraft = config.getDouble("power.value.Galacticraft") |
| private val valueIndustrialCraft2 = config.getDouble("power.value.IndustrialCraft2") |
| private val valueMekanism = config.getDouble("power.value.Mekanism") |
| private val valueRedstoneFlux = config.getDouble("power.value.RedstoneFlux") |
| private val valueRotaryCraft = config.getDouble("power.value.RotaryCraft") / 11256.0 |
| |
| private val valueInternal = 1000 |
| |
| val ratioAppliedEnergistics2 = valueAppliedEnergistics2 / valueInternal |
| val ratioFactorization = valueFactorization / valueInternal |
| val ratioGalacticraft = valueGalacticraft / valueInternal |
| val ratioIndustrialCraft2 = valueIndustrialCraft2 / valueInternal |
| val ratioMekanism = valueMekanism / valueInternal |
| val ratioRedstoneFlux = valueRedstoneFlux / valueInternal |
| val ratioRotaryCraft = valueRotaryCraft / valueInternal |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // filesystem |
| val fileCost = config.getInt("filesystem.fileCost") max 0 |
| val bufferChanges = config.getBoolean("filesystem.bufferChanges") |
| val hddSizes = Array(config.getIntList("filesystem.hddSizes"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3) => |
| Array(tier1: Int, tier2: Int, tier3: Int) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Bad number of HDD sizes, ignoring.") |
| Array(1024, 2048, 4096) |
| } |
| val hddPlatterCounts = Array(config.getIntList("filesystem.hddPlatterCounts"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3) => |
| Array(tier1: Int, tier2: Int, tier3: Int) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Bad number of HDD platter counts, ignoring.") |
| Array(2, 4, 6) |
| } |
| val floppySize = config.getInt("filesystem.floppySize") max 0 |
| val tmpSize = config.getInt("filesystem.tmpSize") max 0 |
| val maxHandles = config.getInt("filesystem.maxHandles") max 0 |
| val maxReadBuffer = config.getInt("filesystem.maxReadBuffer") max 0 |
| val sectorSeekThreshold = config.getInt("filesystem.sectorSeekThreshold") |
| val sectorSeekTime = config.getDouble("filesystem.sectorSeekTime") |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // internet |
| val httpEnabled = config.getBoolean("internet.enableHttp") |
| val httpHeadersEnabled = config.getBoolean("internet.enableHttpHeaders") |
| val tcpEnabled = config.getBoolean("internet.enableTcp") |
| val httpHostBlacklist = Array(config.getStringList("internet.blacklist").map(new Settings.AddressValidator(_)): _*) |
| val httpHostWhitelist = Array(config.getStringList("internet.whitelist").map(new Settings.AddressValidator(_)): _*) |
| val httpTimeout = (config.getInt("internet.requestTimeout") max 0) * 1000 |
| val maxConnections = config.getInt("internet.maxTcpConnections") max 0 |
| val internetThreads = config.getInt("internet.threads") max 1 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // switch |
| val switchDefaultMaxQueueSize = config.getInt("switch.defaultMaxQueueSize") max 1 |
| val switchQueueSizeUpgrade = config.getInt("switch.queueSizeUpgrade") max 0 |
| val switchDefaultRelayDelay = config.getInt("switch.defaultRelayDelay") max 1 |
| val switchRelayDelayUpgrade = config.getDouble("switch.relayDelayUpgrade") max 0 |
| val switchDefaultRelayAmount = config.getInt("switch.defaultRelayAmount") max 1 |
| val switchRelayAmountUpgrade = config.getInt("switch.relayAmountUpgrade") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // hologram |
| val hologramMaxScaleByTier = Array(config.getDoubleList("hologram.maxScale"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2) => |
| Array((tier1: Double) max 1.0, (tier2: Double) max 1.0) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Bad number of hologram max scales, ignoring.") |
| Array(3.0, 4.0) |
| } |
| val hologramMaxTranslationByTier = Array(config.getDoubleList("hologram.maxTranslation"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2) => |
| Array((tier1: Double) max 0.0, (tier2: Double) max 0.0) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Bad number of hologram max translations, ignoring.") |
| Array(0.25, 0.5) |
| } |
| val hologramSetRawDelay = config.getDouble("hologram.setRawDelay") max 0 |
| val hologramLight = config.getBoolean("hologram.emitLight") |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // misc |
| val maxScreenWidth = config.getInt("misc.maxScreenWidth") max 1 |
| val maxScreenHeight = config.getInt("misc.maxScreenHeight") max 1 |
| val inputUsername = config.getBoolean("misc.inputUsername") |
| val maxClipboard = config.getInt("misc.maxClipboard") max 0 |
| val maxNetworkPacketSize = config.getInt("misc.maxNetworkPacketSize") max 0 |
| // Need at least 4 for nanomachine protocol. Because I can! |
| val maxNetworkPacketParts = config.getInt("misc.maxNetworkPacketParts") max 4 |
| val maxOpenPorts = config.getInt("misc.maxOpenPorts") max 0 |
| val maxWirelessRange = config.getDouble("misc.maxWirelessRange") max 0 |
| val rTreeMaxEntries = 10 |
| val terminalsPerServer = 4 |
| val updateCheck = config.getBoolean("misc.updateCheck") |
| val lootProbability = config.getInt("misc.lootProbability") |
| val lootRecrafting = config.getBoolean("misc.lootRecrafting") |
| val geolyzerRange = config.getInt("misc.geolyzerRange") |
| val geolyzerNoise = config.getDouble("misc.geolyzerNoise").toFloat max 0 |
| val disassembleAllTheThings = config.getBoolean("misc.disassembleAllTheThings") |
| val disassemblerBreakChance = config.getDouble("misc.disassemblerBreakChance") max 0 min 1 |
| val disassemblerInputBlacklist = config.getStringList("misc.disassemblerInputBlacklist") |
| val hideOwnPet = config.getBoolean("misc.hideOwnSpecial") |
| val allowItemStackInspection = config.getBoolean("misc.allowItemStackInspection") |
| val databaseEntriesPerTier = Array(9, 25, 81) |
| // Not configurable because of GUI design. |
| val presentChance = config.getDouble("misc.presentChance") max 0 min 1 |
| val assemblerBlacklist = config.getStringList("misc.assemblerBlacklist") |
| val threadPriority = config.getInt("misc.threadPriority") |
| val giveManualToNewPlayers = config.getBoolean("misc.giveManualToNewPlayers") |
| val dataCardSoftLimit = config.getInt("misc.dataCardSoftLimit") max 0 |
| val dataCardHardLimit = config.getInt("misc.dataCardHardLimit") max 0 |
| val dataCardTimeout = config.getDouble("misc.dataCardTimeout") max 0 |
| val serverRackSwitchTier = (config.getInt("misc.serverRackSwitchTier") - 1) max Tier.None min Tier.Three |
| val redstoneDelay = config.getDouble("misc.redstoneDelay") max 0 |
| val tradingRange = config.getDouble("misc.tradingRange") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // nanomachines |
| val nanomachineTriggerQuota = config.getDouble("nanomachines.triggerQuota") max 0 |
| val nanomachineConnectorQuota = config.getDouble("nanomachines.connectorQuota") max 0 |
| val nanomachineMaxInputs = config.getInt("nanomachines.maxInputs") max 1 |
| val nanomachineMaxOutputs = config.getInt("nanomachines.maxOutputs") max 1 |
| val nanomachinesSafeInputsActive = config.getInt("nanomachines.safeInputsActive") max 0 |
| val nanomachinesMaxInputsActive = config.getInt("nanomachines.maxInputsActive") max 0 |
| val nanomachinesCommandDelay = config.getDouble("nanomachines.commandDelay") max 0 |
| val nanomachinesCommandRange = config.getDouble("nanomachines.commandRange") max 0 |
| val nanomachineMagnetRange = config.getDouble("nanomachines.magnetRange") max 0 |
| val nanomachineDisintegrationRange = config.getInt("nanomachines.disintegrationRange") max 0 |
| val nanomachinePotionWhitelist = config.getAnyRefList("nanomachines.potionWhitelist") |
| val nanomachinesHungryDamage = config.getDouble("nanomachines.hungryDamage").toFloat max 0 |
| val nanomachinesHungryEnergyRestored = config.getDouble("nanomachines.hungryEnergyRestored") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // printer |
| val maxPrintComplexity = config.getInt("printer.maxShapes") |
| val printRecycleRate = config.getDouble("printer.recycleRate") |
| val chameliumEdible = config.getBoolean("printer.chameliumEdible") |
| val maxPrintLightLevel = config.getInt("printer.maxBaseLightLevel") max 0 min 15 |
| val printCustomRedstone = config.getInt("printer.customRedstoneCost") max 0 |
| val printMaterialValue = config.getInt("printer.materialValue") max 0 |
| val printInkValue = config.getInt("printer.inkValue") max 0 |
| val printsHaveOpacity = config.getBoolean("printer.printsHaveOpacity") |
| val noclipMultiplier = config.getDouble("printer.noclipMultiplier") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // integration |
| val modBlacklist = config.getStringList("integration.modBlacklist") |
| val peripheralBlacklist = config.getStringList("integration.peripheralBlacklist") |
| val fakePlayerUuid = config.getString("integration.fakePlayerUuid") |
| val fakePlayerName = config.getString("integration.fakePlayerName") |
| val fakePlayerProfile = new GameProfile(UUID.fromString(fakePlayerUuid), fakePlayerName) |
| |
| // integration.vanilla |
| val enableInventoryDriver = config.getBoolean("integration.vanilla.enableInventoryDriver") |
| val enableTankDriver = config.getBoolean("integration.vanilla.enableTankDriver") |
| val enableCommandBlockDriver = config.getBoolean("integration.vanilla.enableCommandBlockDriver") |
| val allowItemStackNBTTags = config.getBoolean("integration.vanilla.allowItemStackNBTTags") |
| |
| // integration.buildcraft |
| val costProgrammingTable = config.getDouble("integration.buildcraft.programmingTableCost") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // debug |
| val logLuaCallbackErrors = config.getBoolean("debug.logCallbackErrors") |
| val forceLuaJ = config.getBoolean("debug.forceLuaJ") |
| val allowUserdata = !config.getBoolean("debug.disableUserdata") |
| val allowPersistence = !config.getBoolean("debug.disablePersistence") |
| val limitMemory = !config.getBoolean("debug.disableMemoryLimit") |
| val forceCaseInsensitive = config.getBoolean("debug.forceCaseInsensitiveFS") |
| val logFullLibLoadErrors = config.getBoolean("debug.logFullNativeLibLoadErrors") |
| val forceNativeLib = config.getString("debug.forceNativeLibWithName") |
| val logOpenGLErrors = config.getBoolean("debug.logOpenGLErrors") |
| val logHexFontErrors = config.getBoolean("debug.logHexFontErrors") |
| val alwaysTryNative = config.getBoolean("debug.alwaysTryNative") |
| val debugPersistence = config.getBoolean("debug.verbosePersistenceErrors") |
| val nativeInTmpDir = config.getBoolean("debug.nativeInTmpDir") |
| val periodicallyForceLightUpdate = config.getBoolean("debug.periodicallyForceLightUpdate") |
| val insertIdsInConverters = config.getBoolean("debug.insertIdsInConverters") |
| |
| val debugCardAccess = config.getValue("debug.debugCardAccess").unwrapped() match { |
| case "true" | "allow" | java.lang.Boolean.TRUE => DebugCardAccess.Allowed |
| case "false" | "deny" | java.lang.Boolean.FALSE => DebugCardAccess.Forbidden |
| case "whitelist" => |
| val wlFile = new File(Loader.instance.getConfigDir + File.separator + "opencomputers" + File.separator + |
| "debug_card_whitelist.txt") |
| |
| DebugCardAccess.Whitelist(wlFile) |
| |
| case _ => // Fallback to most secure configuration |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Unknown debug card access type, falling back to `deny`. Allowed values: `allow`, `deny`, `whitelist`.") |
| DebugCardAccess.Forbidden |
| } |
| |
| val registerLuaJArchitecture = config.getBoolean("debug.registerLuaJArchitecture") |
| val disableLocaleChanging = config.getBoolean("debug.disableLocaleChanging") |
| } |
| |
| object Settings { |
| val resourceDomain = "opencomputers" |
| val namespace = "oc:" |
| val savePath = "opencomputers/" |
| val scriptPath = "/assets/" + resourceDomain + "/lua/" |
| val screenResolutionsByTier = Array((50, 16), (80, 25), (160, 50)) |
| val screenDepthsByTier = Array(api.internal.TextBuffer.ColorDepth.OneBit, api.internal.TextBuffer.ColorDepth.FourBit, api.internal.TextBuffer.ColorDepth.EightBit) |
| val deviceComplexityByTier = Array(12, 24, 32, 9001) |
| var rTreeDebugRenderer = false |
| var blockRenderId = -1 |
| |
| def basicScreenPixels = screenResolutionsByTier(0)._1 * screenResolutionsByTier(0)._2 |
| |
| private var settings: Settings = _ |
| |
| def get = settings |
| |
| def load(file: File) = { |
| import scala.compat.Platform.EOL |
| // typesafe config's internal method for loading the reference.conf file |
| // seems to fail on some systems (as does their parseResource method), so |
| // we'll have to load the default config manually. This was reported on the |
| // Minecraft Forums, I could not reproduce the issue, but this version has |
| // reportedly fixed the problem. |
| val defaults = { |
| val in = classOf[Settings].getResourceAsStream("/application.conf") |
| val config = Source.fromInputStream(in)(Codec.UTF8).getLines().mkString("", EOL, EOL) |
| in.close() |
| ConfigFactory.parseString(config) |
| } |
| val config = |
| try { |
| val plain = Source.fromFile(file)(Codec.UTF8).getLines().mkString("", EOL, EOL) |
| val config = patchConfig(ConfigFactory.parseString(plain), defaults).withFallback(defaults) |
| settings = new Settings(config.getConfig("opencomputers")) |
| config |
| } |
| catch { |
| case e: Throwable => |
| if (file.exists()) { |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Failed loading config, using defaults.", e) |
| } |
| settings = new Settings(defaults.getConfig("opencomputers")) |
| defaults |
| } |
| try { |
| val renderSettings = ConfigRenderOptions.defaults.setJson(false).setOriginComments(false) |
| val nl = sys.props("line.separator") |
| val nle = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(nl) |
| val out = new PrintWriter(file) |
| out.write(config.root.render(renderSettings).lines. |
| // Indent two spaces instead of four. |
| map(line => """^(\s*)""".r.replaceAllIn(line, m => Regex.quoteReplacement(m.group(1).replace(" ", " ")))). |
| // Finalize the string. |
| filter(_ != "").mkString(nl). |
| // Newline after values. |
| replaceAll(s"((?:\\s*#.*$nle)(?:\\s*[^#\\s].*$nle)+)", "$1" + nl)) |
| out.close() |
| } |
| catch { |
| case e: Throwable => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Failed saving config.", e) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private val configPatches = Array( |
| // Upgrading to version 1.4.7, reduce default geolyzer noise. |
| VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec("[0.0, 1.4.7)") -> Array( |
| "misc.geolyzerNoise" |
| ), |
| // Upgrading to version 1.4.8, changed power value defaults. |
| VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec("[0.0, 1.4.8)") -> Array( |
| "power.value.AppliedEnergistics2", |
| "power.value.Factorization", |
| "power.value.Galacticraft", |
| "power.value.IndustrialCraft2", |
| "power.value.Mekanism", |
| "power.value.RedstoneFlux" |
| ), |
| // Upgrading to version 1.5.20, changed relay delay default. |
| VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec("[0.0, 1.5.20)") -> Array( |
| "switch.relayDelayUpgrade" |
| ) |
| ) |
| |
| // Checks the config version (i.e. the version of the mod the config was |
| // created by) against the current version to see if some hard changes |
| // were made. If so, the new default values are copied over. |
| private def patchConfig(config: Config, defaults: Config) = { |
| val mod = Loader.instance.activeModContainer |
| val prefix = "opencomputers." |
| val configVersion = new DefaultArtifactVersion(if (config.hasPath(prefix + "version")) config.getString(prefix + "version") else "0.0.0") |
| var patched = config |
| if (configVersion.compareTo(mod.getProcessedVersion) != 0) { |
| OpenComputers.log.info(s"Updating config from version '${configVersion.getVersionString}' to '${defaults.getString(prefix + "version")}'.") |
| patched = patched.withValue(prefix + "version", defaults.getValue(prefix + "version")) |
| for ((version, paths) <- configPatches if version.containsVersion(configVersion)) { |
| for (path <- paths) { |
| val fullPath = prefix + path |
| OpenComputers.log.info(s"Updating setting '$fullPath'. ") |
| if (defaults.hasPath(fullPath)) { |
| patched = patched.withValue(fullPath, defaults.getValue(fullPath)) |
| } |
| else { |
| patched = patched.withoutPath(fullPath) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| patched |
| } |
| |
| val cidrPattern = """(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(?:/(\d{1,2}))""".r |
| |
| class AddressValidator(val value: String) { |
| val validator = try cidrPattern.findFirstIn(value) match { |
| case Some(cidrPattern(address, prefix)) => |
| val addr = InetAddresses.coerceToInteger(InetAddresses.forString(address)) |
| val mask = 0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - prefix.toInt) |
| val min = addr & mask |
| val max = min | ~mask |
| (inetAddress: InetAddress, host: String) => inetAddress match { |
| case v4: Inet4Address => |
| val numeric = InetAddresses.coerceToInteger(v4) |
| min <= numeric && numeric <= max |
| case _ => true // Can't check IPv6 addresses so we pass them. |
| } |
| case _ => |
| val address = InetAddress.getByName(value) |
| (inetAddress: InetAddress, host: String) => host == value || inetAddress == address |
| } catch { |
| case t: Throwable => |
| OpenComputers.log.warn("Invalid entry in internet blacklist / whitelist: " + value, t) |
| (inetAddress: InetAddress, host: String) => true |
| } |
| |
| def apply(inetAddress: InetAddress, host: String) = validator(inetAddress, host) |
| } |
| |
| sealed trait DebugCardAccess { |
| def checkAccess(ctx: Option[DebugCard.AccessContext]): Option[String] |
| } |
| |
| object DebugCardAccess { |
| case object Forbidden extends DebugCardAccess { |
| override def checkAccess(ctx: Option[AccessContext]): Option[String] = |
| Some("debug card is disabled") |
| } |
| |
| case object Allowed extends DebugCardAccess { |
| override def checkAccess(ctx: Option[AccessContext]): Option[String] = None |
| } |
| |
| case class Whitelist(noncesFile: File) extends DebugCardAccess { |
| private val values = mutable.Map.empty[String, String] |
| private val rng = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG") |
| |
| load() |
| |
| def save(): Unit = { |
| val noncesDir = noncesFile.getParentFile |
| if (!noncesDir.exists() && !noncesDir.mkdirs()) |
| throw new IOException(s"Cannot create nonces directory: ${noncesDir.getCanonicalPath}") |
| |
| val writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(noncesFile), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), false) |
| try { |
| for ((p, n) <- values) |
| writer.println(s"$p $n") |
| } finally writer.close() |
| } |
| |
| def load(): Unit = { |
| values.clear() |
| |
| if (!noncesFile.exists()) |
| return |
| |
| val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(noncesFile), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) |
| Iterator.continually(reader.readLine()) |
| .takeWhile(_ != null) |
| .map(_.split(" ", 2)) |
| .flatMap { |
| case Array(p, n) => Seq(p -> n) |
| case _ => Nil |
| }.foreach(values += _) |
| } |
| |
| private def generateNonce(): String = { |
| val buf = new Array[Byte](16) |
| rng.nextBytes(buf) |
| new String(Hex.encodeHex(buf, true)) |
| } |
| |
| def nonce(player: String) = values.get(player.toLowerCase) |
| |
| def isWhitelisted(player: String) = values.contains(player.toLowerCase) |
| |
| def whitelist: collection.Set[String] = values.keySet |
| |
| def add(player: String): Unit = { |
| if (!values.contains(player.toLowerCase)) { |
| values.put(player.toLowerCase, generateNonce()) |
| save() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def remove(player: String): Unit = { |
| if (values.remove(player.toLowerCase).isDefined) |
| save() |
| } |
| |
| def invalidate(player: String): Unit = { |
| if (values.contains(player.toLowerCase)) { |
| values.put(player.toLowerCase, generateNonce()) |
| save() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def checkAccess(ctxOpt: Option[DebugCard.AccessContext]): Option[String] = ctxOpt match { |
| case Some(ctx) => values.get(ctx.player) match { |
| case Some(x) => |
| if (x == ctx.nonce) None |
| else Some("debug card is invalidated, please re-bind it to yourself") |
| case None => Some("you are not whitelisted to use debug card") |
| } |
| |
| case None => Some("debug card is whitelisted, Shift+Click with it to bind card to yourself") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |