blob: 57bddd71fcbcb5d0edd41496b9778874bff197b1 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.common.tileentity
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.{Side, SideOnly}
import li.cil.oc.Config
import{Analyzable, Visibility}
import li.cil.oc.client.{PacketSender => ClientPacketSender}
import li.cil.oc.server.{PacketSender => ServerPacketSender}
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection
import scala.collection.mutable
class Screen(var tier: Int) extends Buffer with Rotatable with Analyzable with Ordered[Screen] {
def this() = this(0)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* Check for multi-block screen option in next update. We do this in the
* update to avoid unnecessary checks on chunk unload.
var shouldCheckForMultiBlock = true
var width, height = 1
var origin = this
val screens = mutable.Set(this)
var hasPower = true
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def checkMultiBlock() {
shouldCheckForMultiBlock = true
width = 1
height = 1
origin = this
screens += this
def isOrigin = origin == this
def localPosition = {
val (x, y, _) = project(this)
val (ox, oy, _) = project(origin)
((ox - x).abs, (oy - y).abs)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def updateEntity() {
if (isServer) {
val hadPower = hasPower
hasPower = buffer.node.changeBuffer(-Config.screenCost)
if (hasPower != hadPower) {
ServerPacketSender.sendScreenPowerChange(this, hasPower)
if (shouldCheckForMultiBlock) {
// Make sure we merge in a deterministic order, to avoid getting
// different results on server and client due to the update order
// differing between the two. This also saves us from having to save
// any multi-block specific state information.
val pending = mutable.SortedSet(this)
val queue = mutable.Queue(this)
while (queue.nonEmpty) {
val current = queue.dequeue()
val (x, y, z) = project(current)
def tryQueue(dx: Int, dy: Int) {
val (nx, ny, nz) = unproject(x + dx, y + dy, z)
worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(nx, ny, nz) match {
case s: Screen if s.pitch == pitch && s.yaw == yaw && pending.add(s) => queue += s
case _ => // Ignore.
tryQueue(-1, 0)
tryQueue(1, 0)
tryQueue(0, -1)
tryQueue(0, 1)
// Perform actual merges.
while (pending.nonEmpty) {
val current = pending.firstKey
while (current.tryMerge()) {}
current.screens.foreach {
screen =>
screen.shouldCheckForMultiBlock = false
screen.bufferIsDirty = true
queue += screen
if (isClient) {
val bounds = current.origin.getRenderBoundingBox
worldObj.markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(bounds.minX.toInt, bounds.minY.toInt, bounds.minZ.toInt,
bounds.maxX.toInt, bounds.maxY.toInt, bounds.maxZ.toInt)
// Update visibility after everything is done, to avoid noise.
queue.foreach(screen =>
if (screen.isOrigin) {
if (isServer) {
else {
if (isServer) {
val s = screen.buffer
val (w, h) = s.resolution
s.buffer.fill(0, 0, w, h, ' ')
override def validate() {
if (isClient) {
override def invalidate() {
if (currentGui.isDefined) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def readFromNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
tier = nbt.getByte(Config.namespace + "tier")
override def writeToNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
nbt.setByte(Config.namespace + "tier", tier.toByte)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def getRenderBoundingBox =
if ((width == 1 && height == 1) || !isOrigin) super.getRenderBoundingBox
else {
val (sx, sy, sz) = unproject(width, height, 1)
val ox = x + (if (sx < 0) 1 else 0)
val oy = y + (if (sy < 0) 1 else 0)
val oz = z + (if (sz < 0) 1 else 0)
val b = AxisAlignedBB.getAABBPool.getAABB(ox, oy, oz, ox + sx, oy + sy, oz + sz)
b.setBounds(b.minX min b.maxX, b.minY min b.maxY, b.minZ min b.maxZ,
b.minX max b.maxX, b.minY max b.maxY, b.minZ max b.maxZ)
override def getMaxRenderDistanceSquared = if (isOrigin) super.getMaxRenderDistanceSquared else 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def onAnalyze(stats: NBTTagCompound, player: EntityPlayer, side: Int, hitX: Float, hitY: Float, hitZ: Float) = origin
override def onRotationChanged() {
override protected def markForRenderUpdate() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def compare(that: Screen) =
if (x != that.x) x - that.x
else if (y != that.y) y - that.y
else z - that.z
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private def tryMerge() = {
val (x, y, z) = project(origin)
def tryMergeTowards(dx: Int, dy: Int) = {
val (nx, ny, nz) = unproject(x + dx, y + dy, z)
worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(nx, ny, nz) match {
case s: Screen if s.tier == tier && s.pitch == pitch && s.yaw == yaw && !screens.contains(s) =>
val (sx, sy, _) = project(s.origin)
val canMergeAlongX = sy == y && s.height == height && s.width + width <= Config.maxScreenWidth
val canMergeAlongY = sx == x && s.width == width && s.height + height <= Config.maxScreenHeight
if (canMergeAlongX || canMergeAlongY) {
val (newOrigin) =
if (canMergeAlongX) {
if (sx < x) s.origin else origin
else {
if (sy < y) s.origin else origin
val (newWidth, newHeight) =
if (canMergeAlongX) (width + s.width, height)
else (width, height + s.height)
val newScreens = screens ++ s.screens
for (screen <- newScreens) {
screen.width = newWidth
screen.height = newHeight
screen.origin = newOrigin
screen.screens ++= newScreens // It's a set, so there won't be duplicates.
else false // Cannot merge.
case _ => false
tryMergeTowards(width, 0) || tryMergeTowards(0, height) || tryMergeTowards(-1, 0) || tryMergeTowards(0, -1)
private def project(t: Screen) = {
def dot(f: ForgeDirection, s: Screen) = f.offsetX * s.x + f.offsetY * s.y + f.offsetZ * s.z
(dot(toGlobal(ForgeDirection.EAST), t), dot(toGlobal(ForgeDirection.UP), t), dot(toGlobal(ForgeDirection.SOUTH), t))
private def unproject(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) = {
def dot(f: ForgeDirection) = f.offsetX * x + f.offsetY * y + f.offsetZ * z
(dot(toLocal(ForgeDirection.EAST)), dot(toLocal(ForgeDirection.UP)), dot(toLocal(ForgeDirection.SOUTH)))