blob: bc266e3020fc00b52324b086b8e1d0198c7295c9 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.common.tileentity
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly
import li.cil.oc.Settings
import li.cil.oc.util.Color
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
import net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.postfixOps
class Screen(var tier: Int) extends traits.TextBuffer with SidedEnvironment with traits.Rotatable with traits.RedstoneAware with traits.Colored with Analyzable with Ordered[Screen] {
def this() = this(0)
// Enable redstone functionality.
_isOutputEnabled = true
override def validFacings = ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* Check for multi-block screen option in next update. We do this in the
* update to avoid unnecessary checks on chunk unload.
var shouldCheckForMultiBlock = true
* On the client we delay connecting screens a little, to avoid glitches
* when not all tile entity data for a chunk has been received within a
* single tick (meaning some screens are still "missing").
var delayUntilCheckForMultiBlock = 40
var width, height = 1
var origin = this
val screens = mutable.Set(this)
var hadRedstoneInput = false
var cachedBounds: Option[AxisAlignedBB] = None
var invertTouchMode = false
private val arrows = mutable.Set.empty[EntityArrow]
color = Color.byTier(tier)
override def canConnect(side: ForgeDirection) = toLocal(side) != ForgeDirection.SOUTH
// Allow connections from front for keyboards, and keyboards only...
override def sidedNode(side: ForgeDirection) = if (toLocal(side) != ForgeDirection.SOUTH || world.getTileEntity(x + side.offsetX, y + side.offsetY, z + side.offsetZ).isInstanceOf[Keyboard]) node else null
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def isOrigin = origin == this
def localPosition = {
val (lx, ly, _) = project(this)
val (ox, oy, _) = project(origin)
(lx - ox, ly - oy)
def hasKeyboard = screens.exists(screen => => (side, world.getTileEntity(screen.x + side.offsetX, screen.y + side.offsetY, screen.z + side.offsetZ))).exists {
case (side, keyboard: Keyboard) => keyboard.hasNodeOnSide(side.getOpposite)
case _ => false
def checkMultiBlock() {
shouldCheckForMultiBlock = true
width = 1
height = 1
origin = this
screens += this
cachedBounds = None
invertTouchMode = false
def click(player: EntityPlayer, hitX: Double, hitY: Double, hitZ: Double): Boolean = {
// Compute absolute position of the click on the face, measured in blocks.
def dot(f: ForgeDirection) = f.offsetX * hitX + f.offsetY * hitY + f.offsetZ * hitZ
val (hx, hy) = (dot(toGlobal(ForgeDirection.EAST)), dot(toGlobal(ForgeDirection.UP)))
val tx = if (hx < 0) 1 + hx else hx
val ty = 1 - (if (hy < 0) 1 + hy else hy)
val (lx, ly) = localPosition
val (ax, ay) = (lx + tx, height - 1 - ly + ty)
// Get the relative position in the *display area* of the face.
val border = 2.25 / 16.0
if (ax <= border || ay <= border || ax >= width - border || ay >= height - border) {
return false
if (!world.isRemote) return true
val (iw, ih) = (width - border * 2, height - border * 2)
val (rx, ry) = ((ax - border) / iw, (ay - border) / ih)
// Make it a relative position in the displayed buffer.
val bw = origin.buffer.getWidth
val bh = origin.buffer.getHeight
val (bpw, bph) = (origin.buffer.renderWidth / iw.toDouble, origin.buffer.renderHeight / ih.toDouble)
val (brx, bry) = if (bpw > bph) {
val rh = bph.toDouble / bpw.toDouble
val bry = (ry - (1 - rh) * 0.5) / rh
if (bry <= 0 || bry >= 1) {
return true
(rx, bry)
else if (bph > bpw) {
val rw = bpw.toDouble / bph.toDouble
val brx = (rx - (1 - rw) * 0.5) / rw
if (brx <= 0 || brx >= 1) {
return true
(brx, ry)
else {
(rx, ry)
// Convert to absolute coordinates and send the packet to the server.
origin.buffer.mouseDown((brx * bw).toInt + 1, (bry * bh).toInt + 1, 0, null)
def walk(entity: Entity) {
val (x, y) = localPosition
entity match {
case player: EntityPlayer if Settings.get.inputUsername =>
origin.node.sendToReachable("computer.signal", "walk", + 1), - y), player.getCommandSenderName)
case _ =>
origin.node.sendToReachable("computer.signal", "walk", + 1), - y))
def shot(arrow: EntityArrow) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def canUpdate = true
override def updateEntity() {
if (shouldCheckForMultiBlock && ((isClient && isClientReadyForMultiBlockCheck) || (isServer && isConnected))) {
// Make sure we merge in a deterministic order, to avoid getting
// different results on server and client due to the update order
// differing between the two. This also saves us from having to save
// any multi-block specific state information.
val pending = mutable.SortedSet(this)
val queue = mutable.Queue(this)
while (queue.nonEmpty) {
val current = queue.dequeue()
val (lx, ly, lz) = project(current)
def tryQueue(dx: Int, dy: Int) {
val (nx, ny, nz) = unproject(lx + dx, ly + dy, lz)
world.getTileEntity(nx, ny, nz) match {
case s: Screen if s.pitch == pitch && s.yaw == yaw && pending.add(s) => queue += s
case _ => // Ignore.
tryQueue(-1, 0)
tryQueue(1, 0)
tryQueue(0, -1)
tryQueue(0, 1)
// Perform actual merges.
while (pending.nonEmpty) {
val current = pending.firstKey
while (current.tryMerge()) {}
current.screens.foreach {
screen =>
screen.shouldCheckForMultiBlock = false
queue += screen
if (isClient) {
val bounds = current.origin.getRenderBoundingBox
world.markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(bounds.minX.toInt, bounds.minY.toInt, bounds.minZ.toInt,
bounds.maxX.toInt, bounds.maxY.toInt, bounds.maxZ.toInt)
// Update visibility after everything is done, to avoid noise.
queue.foreach(screen => {
val buffer = screen.buffer
if (screen.isOrigin) {
if (isServer) {
buffer.setEnergyCostPerTick(Settings.get.screenCost * screen.width * screen.height)
buffer.setAspectRatio(screen.width, screen.height)
else {
if (isServer) {
buffer.setAspectRatio(1, 1)
val w = buffer.getWidth
val h = buffer.getHeight
buffer.setForegroundColor(0xFFFFFF, false)
buffer.setBackgroundColor(0x000000, false)
buffer.fill(0, 0, w, h, ' ')
if (arrows.size > 0) {
for (arrow <- arrows) {
val hitX = arrow.posX - x
val hitY = arrow.posY - y
val hitZ = arrow.posZ - z
val hitXInner = math.abs(hitX - 0.5) < 0.45
val hitYInner = math.abs(hitY - 0.5) < 0.45
val hitZInner = math.abs(hitZ - 0.5) < 0.45
if (hitXInner && hitYInner && !hitZInner ||
hitXInner && !hitYInner && hitZInner ||
!hitXInner && hitYInner && hitZInner) {
arrow.shootingEntity match {
case player: EntityPlayer if player == Minecraft.getMinecraft.thePlayer => click(player, hitX, hitY, hitZ)
case _ =>
private def isClientReadyForMultiBlockCheck = if (delayUntilCheckForMultiBlock > 0) {
delayUntilCheckForMultiBlock -= 1
} else true
override def dispose() {
override protected def onColorChanged() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def readFromNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
tier = nbt.getByte(Settings.namespace + "tier") max 0 min 2
color = Color.byTier(tier)
hadRedstoneInput = nbt.getBoolean(Settings.namespace + "hadRedstoneInput")
invertTouchMode = nbt.getBoolean(Settings.namespace + "invertTouchMode")
override def writeToNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
nbt.setByte(Settings.namespace + "tier", tier.toByte)
nbt.setBoolean(Settings.namespace + "hadRedstoneInput", hadRedstoneInput)
nbt.setBoolean(Settings.namespace + "invertTouchMode", invertTouchMode)
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) override
def readFromNBTForClient(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
invertTouchMode = nbt.getBoolean("invertTouchMode")
override def writeToNBTForClient(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
nbt.setBoolean("invertTouchMode", invertTouchMode)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def getRenderBoundingBox =
if ((width == 1 && height == 1) || !isOrigin) super.getRenderBoundingBox
else cachedBounds match {
case Some(bounds) => bounds
case _ =>
val (sx, sy, sz) = unproject(width, height, 1)
val ox = x + (if (sx < 0) 1 else 0)
val oy = y + (if (sy < 0) 1 else 0)
val oz = z + (if (sz < 0) 1 else 0)
val b = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(ox, oy, oz, ox + sx, oy + sy, oz + sz)
b.setBounds(math.min(b.minX, b.maxX), math.min(b.minY, b.maxY), math.min(b.minZ, b.maxZ),
math.max(b.minX, b.maxX), math.max(b.minY, b.maxY), math.max(b.minZ, b.maxZ))
cachedBounds = Some(b)
override def getMaxRenderDistanceSquared = if (isOrigin) super.getMaxRenderDistanceSquared else 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def onAnalyze(player: EntityPlayer, side: Int, hitX: Float, hitY: Float, hitZ: Float) = Array(origin.node)
override protected def onRedstoneInputChanged(side: ForgeDirection) {
val hasRedstoneInput = > 0
if (hasRedstoneInput != hadRedstoneInput) {
hadRedstoneInput = hasRedstoneInput
if (hasRedstoneInput) {
override def onRotationChanged() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def compare(that: Screen) =
if (x != that.x) x - that.x
else if (y != that.y) y - that.y
else z - that.z
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private def tryMerge() = {
val (ox, oy, oz) = project(origin)
def tryMergeTowards(dx: Int, dy: Int) = {
val (nx, ny, nz) = unproject(ox + dx, oy + dy, oz)
world.getTileEntity(nx, ny, nz) match {
case s: Screen if s.tier == tier && s.pitch == pitch && s.color == color && s.yaw == yaw && !screens.contains(s) =>
val (sx, sy, _) = project(s.origin)
val canMergeAlongX = sy == oy && s.height == height && s.width + width <= Settings.get.maxScreenWidth
val canMergeAlongY = sx == ox && s.width == width && s.height + height <= Settings.get.maxScreenHeight
if (canMergeAlongX || canMergeAlongY) {
val (newOrigin) =
if (canMergeAlongX) {
if (sx < ox) s.origin else origin
else {
if (sy < oy) s.origin else origin
val (newWidth, newHeight) =
if (canMergeAlongX) (width + s.width, height)
else (width, height + s.height)
val newScreens = screens ++ s.screens
for (screen <- newScreens) {
screen.width = newWidth
screen.height = newHeight
screen.origin = newOrigin
screen.screens ++= newScreens // It's a set, so there won't be duplicates.
screen.cachedBounds = None
else false // Cannot merge.
case _ => false
tryMergeTowards(0, height) || tryMergeTowards(0, -1) || tryMergeTowards(width, 0) || tryMergeTowards(-1, 0)
private def project(t: Screen) = {
def dot(f: ForgeDirection, s: Screen) = f.offsetX * s.x + f.offsetY * s.y + f.offsetZ * s.z
(dot(toGlobal(ForgeDirection.EAST), t), dot(toGlobal(ForgeDirection.UP), t), dot(toGlobal(ForgeDirection.SOUTH), t))
private def unproject(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) = {
def dot(f: ForgeDirection) = f.offsetX * x + f.offsetY * y + f.offsetZ * z
(dot(toLocal(ForgeDirection.EAST)), dot(toLocal(ForgeDirection.UP)), dot(toLocal(ForgeDirection.SOUTH)))