blob: 5189a28cd97672175481c6c9a92a8a6b0763af29 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side
import{Node => ImmutableNode, SidedEnvironment, Environment, Visibility}
import li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.PassiveNode
import{Node => MutableNode}
import li.cil.oc.{Settings, api}
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection
import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeSubscribe
import{ChunkEvent, WorldEvent}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsScala._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
// Looking at this again after some time, the similarity to const in C++ is somewhat uncanny.
private class Network private(private val data: mutable.Map[String, Network.Vertex] = mutable.Map.empty) extends Distributor {
def this(node: MutableNode) = {
var globalBuffer = 0.0
var globalBufferSize = 0.0
private val connectors = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Connector]
private lazy val wrapper = new Network.Wrapper(this)
data.values.foreach(node => { match {
case connector: Connector => addConnector(connector)
case _ =>
} = wrapper
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def connect(nodeA: MutableNode, nodeB: MutableNode) = {
if (nodeA == nodeB) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot connect a node to itself.")
val containsA = contains(nodeA)
val containsB = contains(nodeB)
if (!containsA && !containsB) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"At least one of the nodes must already be in this network.")
lazy val oldNodeA = node(nodeA)
lazy val oldNodeB = node(nodeB)
if (containsA && containsB) {
// Both nodes already exist in the network but there is a new connection.
// This can happen if a new node sequentially connects to multiple nodes
// in an existing network, e.g. in a setup like so:
// O O Where O is an old node, and N is the new Node. It would connect
// O N to the node above and left to it (in no particular order).
if (!oldNodeA.edges.exists(_.isBetween(oldNodeA, oldNodeB))) {
assert(!oldNodeB.edges.exists(_.isBetween(oldNodeA, oldNodeB)))
Network.Edge(oldNodeA, oldNodeB)
if ( == Visibility.Neighbors)
if ( == Visibility.Neighbors)
else false // That connection already exists.
else if (containsA) add(oldNodeA, nodeB)
else add(oldNodeB, nodeA)
def disconnect(nodeA: MutableNode, nodeB: MutableNode) = {
if (nodeA == nodeB) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot disconnect a node from itself.")
val containsA = contains(nodeA)
val containsB = contains(nodeB)
if (!containsA || !containsB) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Both of the nodes must be in this network.")
def oldNodeA = node(nodeA)
def oldNodeB = node(nodeB)
oldNodeA.edges.find(_.isBetween(oldNodeA, oldNodeB)) match {
case Some(edge) =>
if ( == Visibility.Neighbors)
if ( == Visibility.Neighbors)
case _ => false // That connection doesn't exists.
def remove(node: MutableNode) = {
data.remove(node.address) match {
case Some(entry) =>
node match {
case connector: Connector => removeConnector(connector)
case _ =>
} = null
val subGraphs = entry.remove()
val targets = Iterable(node) ++ ( match {
case Visibility.None => Iterable.empty[ImmutableNode]
case Visibility.Neighbors =>
case Visibility.Network =>
case _ => false
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def node(address: String) = {
data.get(address) match {
case Some(node) =>
case _ => null
def nodes: Iterable[ImmutableNode] =
def nodes(reference: ImmutableNode): Iterable[ImmutableNode] = {
val referenceNeighbors = neighbors(reference).toSet
nodes.filter(node => node != reference && (node.reachability == Visibility.Network ||
(node.reachability == Visibility.Neighbors && referenceNeighbors.contains(node))))
def neighbors(node: ImmutableNode): Iterable[ImmutableNode] = {
data.get(node.address) match {
case Some(n) =>
assert( == node)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node must be in this network.")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def sendToAddress(source: ImmutableNode, target: String, name: String, args: AnyRef*) = {
if ( != wrapper)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source node must be in this network.")
data.get(target) match {
case Some(node) if =>
send(source, Iterable(, name, args: _*)
case _ =>
def sendToNeighbors(source: ImmutableNode, name: String, args: AnyRef*) = {
if ( != wrapper)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source node must be in this network.")
send(source, neighbors(source).filter(_.reachability != Visibility.None), name, args: _*)
def sendToReachable(source: ImmutableNode, name: String, args: AnyRef*) = {
if ( != wrapper)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source node must be in this network.")
send(source, nodes(source), name, args: _*)
def sendToVisible(source: ImmutableNode, name: String, args: AnyRef*) = {
if ( != wrapper)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source node must be in this network.")
send(source, nodes(source) collect {
case component: if component.canBeSeenFrom(source) => component
}, name, args: _*)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private def contains(node: ImmutableNode) = data.contains(node.address)
private def node(node: ImmutableNode) = data(node.address)
private def addNew(node: MutableNode) = {
val newNode = new Network.Vertex(node)
if (node.address == null)
node.address = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString
data += node.address -> newNode
node match {
case connector: Connector => addConnector(connector)
case _ =>
} = wrapper
private def add(oldNode: Network.Vertex, addedNode: MutableNode) = {
// Queue onConnect calls to avoid side effects from callbacks.
val connects = mutable.Buffer.empty[(ImmutableNode, Iterable[ImmutableNode])]
// Check if the other node is new or if we have to merge networks.
if ( == null) {
val newNode = addNew(addedNode)
Network.Edge(oldNode, newNode)
addedNode.reachability match {
case Visibility.None =>
connects += ((addedNode, Iterable(addedNode)))
case Visibility.Neighbors =>
connects += ((addedNode, Iterable(addedNode) ++ neighbors(addedNode)))
nodes(addedNode).foreach(node => connects += ((node, Iterable(addedNode))))
case Visibility.Network =>
// Explicitly send to the added node itself first.
connects += ((addedNode, Iterable(addedNode) ++ nodes.filter(_ != addedNode)))
nodes(addedNode).foreach(node => connects += ((node, Iterable(addedNode))))
else {
val otherNetwork =[Network.Wrapper].network
if (addedNode.reachability == Visibility.Neighbors)
connects += ((addedNode, Iterable(
if ( == Visibility.Neighbors)
connects += ((, Iterable(addedNode)))
val oldNodes = nodes
val newNodes = otherNetwork.nodes
val oldVisibleNodes = oldNodes.filter(_.reachability == Visibility.Network)
val newVisibleNodes = newNodes.filter(_.reachability == Visibility.Network)
newVisibleNodes.foreach(node => connects += ((node, oldNodes)))
oldVisibleNodes.foreach(node => connects += ((node, newNodes)))
data ++=
connectors ++= otherNetwork.connectors
globalBuffer += otherNetwork.globalBuffer
globalBufferSize += otherNetwork.globalBufferSize => { match {
case connector: Connector => connector.distributor = Some(wrapper)
case _ =>
} = wrapper
Network.Edge(oldNode, node(addedNode))
for ((node, nodes) <- connects) nodes.foreach(_.asInstanceOf[MutableNode].onConnect(node))
private def handleSplit(subGraphs: Seq[mutable.Map[String, Network.Vertex]]) =
if (subGraphs.size > 1) {
val nodes =
val visibleNodes = == Visibility.Network))
globalBuffer = 0
globalBufferSize = 0
data ++= subGraphs.head
for (node <- data.values) match {
case connector: Connector => addConnector(connector)
case _ =>
subGraphs.tail.foreach(new Network(_))
for (indexA <- 0 until subGraphs.length) {
val nodesA = nodes(indexA)
val visibleNodesA = visibleNodes(indexA)
for (indexB <- (indexA + 1) until subGraphs.length) {
val nodesB = nodes(indexB)
val visibleNodesB = visibleNodes(indexB)
visibleNodesA.foreach(node => nodesB.foreach(_.onDisconnect(node)))
visibleNodesB.foreach(node => nodesA.foreach(_.onDisconnect(node)))
private def send(source: ImmutableNode, targets: Iterable[ImmutableNode], name: String, args: AnyRef*) {
val message = new Network.Message(source, name, Array(args: _*))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def addConnector(connector: Connector) {
if (connector.localBufferSize > 0) {
connectors += connector
globalBuffer += connector.localBuffer
globalBufferSize += connector.localBufferSize
connector.distributor = Some(wrapper)
def removeConnector(connector: Connector) {
if (connector.localBufferSize > 0) {
connectors -= connector
globalBuffer -= connector.localBuffer
globalBufferSize -= connector.localBufferSize
def changeBuffer(delta: Double): Double = {
if (delta == 0) 0
else if (Settings.get.ignorePower) {
if (delta < 0) 0
else /* if (delta > 0) */ delta
else this.synchronized {
val oldBuffer = globalBuffer
globalBuffer = math.min(math.max(globalBuffer + delta, 0), globalBufferSize)
if (globalBuffer == oldBuffer) {
return delta
if (delta < 0) {
var remaining = -delta
for (connector <- connectors if remaining > 0) {
if (connector.localBuffer > 0) {
if (connector.localBuffer < remaining) {
remaining -= connector.localBuffer
connector.localBuffer = 0
else {
connector.localBuffer -= remaining
remaining = 0
else /* if (delta > 0) */ {
var remaining = delta
for (connector <- connectors if remaining > 0) {
if (connector.localBuffer < connector.localBufferSize) {
val space = connector.localBufferSize - connector.localBuffer
if (space < remaining) {
remaining -= space
connector.localBuffer = connector.localBufferSize
else {
connector.localBuffer += remaining
remaining = 0
object Network extends api.detail.NetworkAPI {
def onWorldLoad(e: WorldEvent.Load) {
val world =
if (!world.isRemote) {
for (t <- world.loadedTileEntityList) t match {
case p: TileEntity with PassiveNode => p.getBlockType.updateTick(world, p.xCoord, p.yCoord, p.zCoord, world.rand)
case _ =>
def onChunkLoad(e: ChunkEvent.Load) {
val world =
if (!world.isRemote) {
for (t <- e.getChunk.chunkTileEntityMap.values) t match {
case p: TileEntity with PassiveNode => p.getBlockType.updateTick(world, p.xCoord, p.yCoord, p.zCoord, world.rand)
case _ =>
override def joinOrCreateNetwork(tileEntity: TileEntity): Unit =
if (!tileEntity.getWorldObj.isRemote) {
for (side <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) {
getNetworkNode(tileEntity, side) match {
case Some(node: MutableNode) =>
val (nx, ny, nz) = (
tileEntity.xCoord + side.offsetX,
tileEntity.yCoord + side.offsetY,
tileEntity.zCoord + side.offsetZ)
getNetworkNode(tileEntity.getWorldObj.getBlockTileEntity(nx, ny, nz), side.getOpposite) match {
case Some(neighbor: MutableNode) if neighbor != node && != null => neighbor.connect(node)
case _ => // Ignore.
if ( == null) {
case _ => // No node for this side or bad environment.
def joinNewNetwork(node: ImmutableNode): Unit = node match {
case mutableNode: MutableNode if == null =>
new Network(mutableNode)
case _ =>
private def getNetworkNode(tileEntity: TileEntity, side: ForgeDirection) =
tileEntity match {
case host: SidedEnvironment => Option(host.sidedNode(side))
case host: Environment => Some(host.node)
case _ => None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def newNode(host: Environment, reachability: Visibility) = new NodeBuilder(host, reachability)
class NodeBuilder(val _host: Environment, val _reachability: Visibility) extends api.detail.Builder.NodeBuilder {
def withComponent(name: String, visibility: Visibility) = new Network.ComponentBuilder(_host, _reachability, name, visibility)
def withComponent(name: String) = withComponent(name, _reachability)
def withConnector(bufferSize: Double) = new Network.ConnectorBuilder(_host, _reachability, bufferSize)
def withConnector() = withConnector(0)
def create() = if (FMLCommonHandler.instance.getEffectiveSide == Side.SERVER) new MutableNode with NodeVarargPart {
val host = _host
val reachability = _reachability
else null
class ComponentBuilder(val _host: Environment, val _reachability: Visibility, val _name: String, val _visibility: Visibility) extends api.detail.Builder.ComponentBuilder {
def withConnector(bufferSize: Double) = new Network.ComponentConnectorBuilder(_host, _reachability, _name, _visibility, bufferSize)
def withConnector() = withConnector(0)
def create() = if (FMLCommonHandler.instance.getEffectiveSide == Side.SERVER) new Component with NodeVarargPart {
val host = _host
val reachability = _reachability
val name = _name
else null
class ConnectorBuilder(val _host: Environment, val _reachability: Visibility, val _bufferSize: Double) extends api.detail.Builder.ConnectorBuilder {
def withComponent(name: String, visibility: Visibility) = new Network.ComponentConnectorBuilder(_host, _reachability, name, visibility, _bufferSize)
def withComponent(name: String) = withComponent(name, _reachability)
def create() = if (FMLCommonHandler.instance.getEffectiveSide == Side.SERVER) new Connector with NodeVarargPart {
val host = _host
val reachability = _reachability
var localBufferSize = _bufferSize
else null
class ComponentConnectorBuilder(val _host: Environment, val _reachability: Visibility, val _name: String, val _visibility: Visibility, val _bufferSize: Double) extends api.detail.Builder.ComponentConnectorBuilder {
def create() = if (FMLCommonHandler.instance.getEffectiveSide == Side.SERVER) new ComponentConnector with NodeVarargPart {
val host = _host
val reachability = _reachability
val name = _name
var localBufferSize = _bufferSize
else null
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private class Vertex(val data: MutableNode) {
val edges = ArrayBuffer.empty[Edge]
def remove() = {
edges.foreach(edge => edge.other(this).edges -= edge)
private case class Edge(left: Vertex, right: Vertex) {
left.edges += this
right.edges += this
def other(side: Vertex) = if (side == left) right else left
def isBetween(a: Vertex, b: Vertex) = (a == left && b == right) || (b == left && a == right)
def remove() = {
left.edges -= this
right.edges -= this
searchGraphs(List(left, right))
private def searchGraphs(seeds: Seq[Vertex]) = {
val seen = mutable.Set.empty[Vertex] => {
if (seen.contains(seed)) None
else {
val addressed = mutable.Map.empty[String, Vertex]
val queue = mutable.Queue(seed)
while (queue.nonEmpty) {
val node = queue.dequeue()
seen += node
addressed += -> node
queue ++= => !seen.contains(n) && !queue.contains(n))
}) filter (_.nonEmpty) map (_.get)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private class Message(val source: ImmutableNode, val name: String, val data: Array[AnyRef]) extends {
var isCanceled = false
def cancel() = isCanceled = true
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private class Wrapper(val network: Network) extends with Distributor {
def connect(nodeA: ImmutableNode, nodeB: ImmutableNode) =
network.connect(nodeA.asInstanceOf[MutableNode], nodeB.asInstanceOf[MutableNode])
def disconnect(nodeA: ImmutableNode, nodeB: ImmutableNode) =
network.disconnect(nodeA.asInstanceOf[MutableNode], nodeB.asInstanceOf[MutableNode])
def remove(node: ImmutableNode) = network.remove(node.asInstanceOf[MutableNode])
def node(address: String) = network.node(address)
def nodes = network.nodes.asJava
def nodes(reference: ImmutableNode) = network.nodes(reference).asJava
def neighbors(node: ImmutableNode) = network.neighbors(node).asJava
def sendToAddress(source: ImmutableNode, target: String, name: String, data: AnyRef*) =
network.sendToAddress(source, target, name, data: _*)
def sendToNeighbors(source: ImmutableNode, name: String, data: AnyRef*) =
network.sendToNeighbors(source, name, data: _*)
def sendToReachable(source: ImmutableNode, name: String, data: AnyRef*) =
network.sendToReachable(source, name, data: _*)
def sendToVisible(source: ImmutableNode, name: String, data: AnyRef*) =
network.sendToVisible(source, name, data: _*)
def globalBuffer = network.globalBuffer
def globalBuffer_=(value: Double) = network.globalBuffer = value
def globalBufferSize = network.globalBufferSize
def globalBufferSize_=(value: Double) = network.globalBufferSize = value
def addConnector(connector: Connector) = network.addConnector(connector)
def removeConnector(connector: Connector) = network.removeConnector(connector)
def changeBuffer(delta: Double) = network.changeBuffer(delta)