blob: 0c938a8afc9a267190ce7fd1001233c81b41b464 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.server.fs
import{IOException, InputStream, FileNotFoundException}
import{ZipEntry, ZipFile}
import li.cil.oc.api
import li.cil.oc.api.fs.{File, Mode}
import net.minecraft.nbt.{NBTTagList, NBTTagCompound}
import scala.collection.mutable
class ZipFileSystem(val zip: ZipFile, val root: String) extends api.FileSystem {
def exists(path: String) = entry(path).isDefined
def size(path: String) = entry(path).fold(0L)(_.getSize)
def isDirectory(path: String) = entry(path).exists(_.isDirectory)
def list(path: String) = entry(path) match {
case Some(entry) if entry.isDirectory => Some(entries(entry))
case _ => None
def open(path: String, mode: Mode.Value) = if (mode == Mode.Read) {
entry(path).filter(_.isDirectory) match {
case Some(entry) => openHandle(entry)
case _ => throw new FileNotFoundException(path)
} else throw new FileNotFoundException(path)
def file(handle: Long) = Option(handles(handle): File)
def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
val handlesNbt = nbt.getTagList("handles")
(0 until handlesNbt.tagCount).map(handlesNbt.tagAt).map(_.asInstanceOf[NBTTagCompound]).foreach(handleNbt => {
val handle = handleNbt.getLong("handle")
val name = handleNbt.getString("name")
val position = handleNbt.getLong("position")
entry(name) match {
case Some(entry) =>
val file = new ZipFile(this, handle, name, zip.getInputStream(entry))
val skipped =
file.position = skipped // May be != position if the file changed since we saved.
handles += handle -> file
case _ => // The source file seems to have changed since last time.
def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
val handlesNbt = new NBTTagList()
for (file <- handles.values) {
val handleNbt = new NBTTagCompound()
handleNbt.setLong("handle", file.handle)
handleNbt.setLong("position", file.position)
nbt.setTag("handles", handlesNbt)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private val directories = mutable.Map.empty[ZipEntry, Array[String]]
private def entry(path: String) = Option(zip.getEntry(root + path))
private def entries(path: ZipEntry) = directories.get(path).getOrElse {
val pathName = root + path.getName
val list = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
val iterator = zip.entries
while (iterator.hasMoreElements) {
val child = iterator.nextElement
if (child.getName.startsWith(pathName)) {
list += child.getName.substring(pathName.length)
val children = list.toArray
directories += path -> children
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private class ZipFile(val owner: ZipFileSystem, val handle: Long, val name: String, val stream: InputStream) extends File {
var isClosed = false
var position = 0L
def close() = if (!isClosed) {
isClosed = true
owner.handles -= handle
def read(into: Array[Byte]) = {
val read =
if (read >= 0)
position += read
def write(value: Array[Byte]) = throw new IOException()
private val handles = mutable.Map.empty[Long, ZipFile]
private val maxHandles = 32
private def openHandle(entry: ZipEntry) = if (handles.size < maxHandles) {
val handle = Iterator.continually((Math.random() * Long.MaxValue).toLong + 1).filterNot(handles.contains).next()
handles += handle -> new ZipFile(this, handle, entry.getName, zip.getInputStream(entry))
} else 0L