blob: 2720305a32e903fc0a504da4b16f56772fad9371 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.common.tileentity
import li.cil.oc.client.{PacketSender => ClientPacketSender}
import li.cil.oc.server.{PacketSender => ServerPacketSender}
import net.minecraft.block.Block
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection
/** TileEntity base class for rotatable blocks. */
abstract class TileEntityRotatable extends TileEntity {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Lookup tables
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* Translates forge directions based on the block's pitch and yaw. The base
* forward direction is facing south with no pitch. The outer array is for
* the three different pitch states, the inner for the four different yaw
* states.
private val translations = Array(
// Pitch = Down
// Yaw = North
Array(D.south, D.north, D.up, D.down, D.east, D.west, D.unknown),
// Yaw = South
Array(D.south, D.north, D.down, D.up, D.west, D.east, D.unknown),
// Yaw = West
Array(D.south, D.north, D.west, D.east, D.up, D.down, D.unknown),
// Yaw = East
Array(D.south, D.north, D.east, D.west, D.down, D.up, D.unknown)),
// Pitch = Up
// Yaw = North
Array(D.north, D.south, D.down, D.up, D.east, D.west, D.unknown),
// Yaw = South
Array(D.north, D.south, D.up, D.down, D.west, D.east, D.unknown),
// Yaw = West
Array(D.north, D.south, D.west, D.east, D.down, D.up, D.unknown),
// Yaw = East
Array(D.north, D.south, D.east, D.west, D.up, D.down, D.unknown)),
// Pitch = Forward (North|East|South|West)
// Yaw = North
Array(D.down, D.up, D.south, D.north, D.east, D.west, D.unknown),
// Yaw = South
Array(D.down, D.up, D.north, D.south, D.west, D.east, D.unknown),
// Yaw = West
Array(D.down, D.up, D.west, D.east, D.south, D.north, D.unknown),
// Yaw = East
Array(D.down, D.up, D.east, D.west, D.north, D.south, D.unknown)))
private val pitch2Direction = Array(D.up, D.north, D.down)
private val yaw2Direction = Array(D.south, D.west, D.north, D.east)
/** Shortcuts for forge directions to make the above more readable. */
private object D {
val down = ForgeDirection.DOWN
val up = ForgeDirection.UP
val north = ForgeDirection.NORTH
val south = ForgeDirection.SOUTH
val west = ForgeDirection.WEST
val east = ForgeDirection.EAST
val unknown = ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// State
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
/** One of Up, Down and North (where north means forward/no pitch). */
private var _pitch = ForgeDirection.NORTH
/** One of the four cardinal directions. */
private var _yaw = ForgeDirection.SOUTH
/** Translation for facings based on current pitch and yaw. */
private var cachedTranslation = translations(_pitch.ordinal)(_yaw.ordinal - 2)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Accessors
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def pitch = _pitch
def pitch_=(value: ForgeDirection): Unit =
trySetPitchYaw(value match {
case ForgeDirection.DOWN | ForgeDirection.UP => value
case _ => ForgeDirection.NORTH
}, _yaw)
def yaw = _yaw
def yaw_=(value: ForgeDirection): Unit =
trySetPitchYaw(pitch, value match {
case ForgeDirection.DOWN | ForgeDirection.UP => _yaw
case _ => value
def setFromEntityPitchAndYaw(entity: Entity) =
pitch2Direction((entity.rotationPitch / 90).round + 1),
yaw2Direction((entity.rotationYaw / 360 * 4).round & 3))
def setFromFacing(value: ForgeDirection) =
value match {
case ForgeDirection.DOWN | ForgeDirection.UP =>
trySetPitchYaw(value, ForgeDirection.SOUTH)
case yaw =>
trySetPitchYaw(ForgeDirection.NORTH, yaw)
def invertRotation() =
trySetPitchYaw(_pitch match {
case ForgeDirection.DOWN | ForgeDirection.UP => _pitch.getOpposite
case _ => ForgeDirection.NORTH
}, _yaw.getOpposite)
def facing = _pitch match {
case ForgeDirection.DOWN | ForgeDirection.UP => _pitch
case _ => _yaw
def translate(value: ForgeDirection) = cachedTranslation(value.ordinal)
override def readFromNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = {
_pitch = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(nbt.getInteger("pitch"))
_yaw = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(nbt.getInteger("yaw"))
override def writeToNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = {
nbt.setInteger("pitch", _pitch.ordinal)
nbt.setInteger("yaw", _yaw.ordinal)
override def validate() = {
if (worldObj.isRemote)
/** Updates cached translation array and sends notification to clients. */
private def updateTranslation() = {
val newTranslation = translations(_pitch.ordinal)(_yaw.ordinal - 2)
if (cachedTranslation != newTranslation) {
cachedTranslation = newTranslation
if (worldObj != null && !worldObj.isRemote) {
ServerPacketSender.sendRotatableRotate(this, _pitch, _yaw)
/** Validates new values against the allowed rotations as set in our block. */
private def trySetPitchYaw(pitch: ForgeDirection, yaw: ForgeDirection) = {
val block = Block.blocksList(worldObj.getBlockId(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord))
if (block != null) {
val valid = block.getValidRotations(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord)
if (valid.contains(pitch))
_pitch = pitch
if (valid.contains(yaw))
_yaw = yaw