blob: 485fdad02c06c81229f482c6ead80457172ddb4a [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package mods.immibis.redlogic.api.wiring;
* Implemented by entities that can emit bundled cable signals.
public interface IBundledEmitter {
* Returns the current emitted bundled cable strength for each colour.
* The bytes are treated as having unsigned values from 0 to 255 - when extracting
* a value from the array, you need to convert it (value & 255).
* May return null, which is equivalent to returning an array with all values 0.
* Array indices are the same as the corresponding wool damage values.
* blockFace and toDirection are the same as the values passed to IRedstoneEmitter and IConnectable.
* blockFace can be -1 for freestanding wire connections.
* The return value will be used immediately, so the returned array may be overwritten
* by the next call to getBundledCableStrength.
public byte[] getBundledCableStrength(int blockFace, int toDirection);