blob: d4cfb1fe890cc573afe3806d480939e1fc59ea7f [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.common.tileentity
import java.util
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly
import li.cil.oc.Settings
import li.cil.oc.api
import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Arguments
import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Callback
import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Context
import li.cil.oc.server.{PacketSender => ServerPacketSender}
import li.cil.oc.util.ExtendedNBT._
import li.cil.oc.util.ItemUtils
import net.minecraft.inventory.ISidedInventory
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
class Printer extends traits.Environment with traits.Inventory with traits.Rotatable with SidedEnvironment with traits.StateAware with ISidedInventory {
val node = api.Network.newNode(this, Visibility.Network).
val maxAmountMaterial = 256000
var amountMaterial = 0
val maxAmountInk = 100000
var amountInk = 0
var data = new PrintData()
var isActive = false
var limit = 0
var output: Option[ItemStack] = None
var totalRequiredEnergy = 0.0
var requiredEnergy = 0.0
val slotMaterial = 0
val slotInk = 1
val slotOutput = 2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def canConnect(side: ForgeDirection) = side != ForgeDirection.UP
override def sidedNode(side: ForgeDirection) = if (side != ForgeDirection.UP) node else null
override def currentState = {
if (isPrinting) util.EnumSet.of(traits.State.IsWorking)
else if (canPrint) util.EnumSet.of(traits.State.CanWork)
else util.EnumSet.noneOf(classOf[traits.State])
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def canPrint = data.stateOff.size > 0 && data.stateOff.size <= Settings.get.maxPrintComplexity && data.stateOn.size <= Settings.get.maxPrintComplexity
def isPrinting = output.isDefined
def progress = (1 - requiredEnergy / totalRequiredEnergy) * 100
def timeRemaining = (requiredEnergy / Settings.get.assemblerTickAmount / 20).toInt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
@Callback(doc = """function() -- Resets the configuration of the printer and stop printing (current job will finish).""")
def reset(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
data = new PrintData()
isActive = false // Needs committing.
@Callback(doc = """function(value:string) -- Set a label for the block being printed.""")
def setLabel(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
data.label = Option(args.optString(0, null)).map(_.take(24))
if (data.label.fold(false)(_.isEmpty)) data.label = None
isActive = false // Needs committing.
@Callback(doc = """function():string -- Get the current label for the block being printed.""")
def getLabel(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
@Callback(doc = """function(value:string) -- Set a tooltip for the block being printed.""")
def setTooltip(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
data.tooltip = Option(args.optString(0, null)).map(_.take(128))
if (data.tooltip.fold(false)(_.isEmpty)) data.tooltip = None
isActive = false // Needs committing.
@Callback(doc = """function():string -- Get the current tooltip for the block being printed.""")
def getTooltip(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
@Callback(doc = """function(value:number) -- Set what light level the printed block should have.""")
def setLightLevel(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
data.lightLevel = args.checkInteger(0) max 0 min Settings.get.maxPrintLightLevel
isActive = false // Needs committing.
@Callback(doc = """function():number -- Get which light level the printed block should have.""")
def getLightLevel(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
@Callback(doc = """function(value:boolean or number) -- Set whether the printed block should emit redstone when in its active state.""")
def setRedstoneEmitter(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
if (args.isBoolean(0)) data.redstoneLevel = if (args.checkBoolean(0)) 15 else 0
else data.redstoneLevel = args.checkInteger(0) max 0 min 15
isActive = false // Needs committing.
@Callback(doc = """function():boolean, number -- Get whether the printed block should emit redstone when in its active state.""")
def isRedstoneEmitter(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
result(data.emitRedstone, data.redstoneLevel)
@Callback(doc = """function(value:boolean) -- Set whether the printed block should automatically return to its off state.""")
def setButtonMode(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
data.isButtonMode = args.checkBoolean(0)
isActive = false // Needs committing.
@Callback(doc = """function():boolean -- Get whether the printed block should automatically return to its off state.""")
def isButtonMode(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
@Callback(doc = """function(minX:number, minY:number, minZ:number, maxX:number, maxY:number, maxZ:number, texture:string[, state:boolean=false][,tint:number]) -- Adds a shape to the printers configuration, optionally specifying whether it is for the off or on state.""")
def addShape(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
if (data.stateOff.size > Settings.get.maxPrintComplexity || data.stateOn.size > Settings.get.maxPrintComplexity) {
return result(null, "model too complex")
val minX = (args.checkInteger(0) max 0 min 16) / 16f
val minY = (args.checkInteger(1) max 0 min 16) / 16f
val minZ = (16 - (args.checkInteger(2) max 0 min 16)) / 16f
val maxX = (args.checkInteger(3) max 0 min 16) / 16f
val maxY = (args.checkInteger(4) max 0 min 16) / 16f
val maxZ = (16 - (args.checkInteger(5) max 0 min 16)) / 16f
val texture = args.checkString(6).take(64)
val state = if (args.isBoolean(7)) args.checkBoolean(7) else false
val tint = if (args.isInteger(7)) Option(args.checkInteger(7)) else if (args.isInteger(8)) Option(args.checkInteger(8)) else None
if (minX == maxX) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty block")
if (minY == maxY) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty block")
if (minZ == maxZ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty block")
val list = if (state) data.stateOn else data.stateOff
list += new PrintData.Shape(AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(
math.min(minX, maxX),
math.min(minY, maxY),
math.min(minZ, maxZ),
math.max(maxX, minX),
math.max(maxY, minY),
math.max(maxZ, minZ)),
texture, tint)
isActive = false // Needs committing.
world.markBlockForUpdate(x, y, z)
@Callback(doc = """function():number -- Get the number of shapes in the current configuration.""")
def getShapeCount(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = result(data.stateOff.size, data.stateOn.size)
@Callback(doc = """function():number -- Get the maximum allowed number of shapes.""")
def getMaxShapeCount(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = result(Settings.get.maxPrintComplexity)
@Callback(doc = """function([count:number]):boolean -- Commit and begin printing the current configuration.""")
def commit(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
if (!canPrint) {
return result(null, "model invalid")
limit = (args.optDouble(0, 1) max 0 min Integer.MAX_VALUE).toInt
isActive = limit > 0
@Callback(doc = """function(): string, number or boolean -- The current state of the printer, `busy' or `idle', followed by the progress or model validity, respectively.""")
def status(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[Object] = {
if (isPrinting) result("busy", progress)
else if (canPrint) result("idle", true)
else result("idle", false)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def canUpdate = isServer
override def updateEntity() {
def canMergeOutput = {
val presentStack = getStackInSlot(slotOutput)
val outputStack = data.createItemStack()
presentStack == null || (presentStack.isItemEqual(outputStack) && ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(presentStack, outputStack))
if (isActive && output.isEmpty && canMergeOutput) {
PrintData.computeCosts(data) match {
case Some((materialRequired, inkRequired)) =>
totalRequiredEnergy = Settings.get.printCost
requiredEnergy = totalRequiredEnergy
if (amountMaterial >= materialRequired && amountInk >= inkRequired) {
amountMaterial -= materialRequired
amountInk -= inkRequired
limit -= 1
output = Option(data.createItemStack())
if (limit < 1) isActive = false
ServerPacketSender.sendPrinting(this, printing = true)
case _ =>
isActive = false
data = new PrintData()
if (output.isDefined) {
val want = math.max(1, math.min(requiredEnergy, Settings.get.printerTickAmount))
val have = want + (if (Settings.get.ignorePower) 0 else node.changeBuffer(-want))
requiredEnergy -= have
if (requiredEnergy <= 0) {
val result = getStackInSlot(slotOutput)
if (result == null) {
setInventorySlotContents(slotOutput, output.get)
else if (result.stackSize < result.getMaxStackSize && canMergeOutput /* Should never fail, but just in case... */ ) {
result.stackSize += 1
else {
requiredEnergy = 0
output = None
ServerPacketSender.sendPrinting(this, have > 0.5 && output.isDefined)
val inputValue = PrintData.materialValue(getStackInSlot(slotMaterial))
if (inputValue > 0 && maxAmountMaterial - amountMaterial >= inputValue) {
val material = decrStackSize(slotMaterial, 1)
if (material != null) {
amountMaterial += inputValue
val inkValue = PrintData.inkValue(getStackInSlot(slotInk))
if (inkValue > 0 && maxAmountInk - amountInk >= inkValue) {
val material = decrStackSize(slotInk, 1)
if (material != null) {
amountInk += inkValue
if (material.getItem.hasContainerItem(material)) {
setInventorySlotContents(slotInk, material.getItem.getContainerItem(material))
override def readFromNBTForServer(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
amountMaterial = nbt.getInteger(Settings.namespace + "amountMaterial")
amountInk = nbt.getInteger(Settings.namespace + "amountInk")
data.load(nbt.getCompoundTag(Settings.namespace + "data"))
isActive = nbt.getBoolean(Settings.namespace + "active")
limit = nbt.getInteger(Settings.namespace + "limit")
if (nbt.hasKey(Settings.namespace + "output")) {
output = Option(ItemUtils.loadStack(nbt.getCompoundTag(Settings.namespace + "output")))
totalRequiredEnergy = nbt.getDouble(Settings.namespace + "total")
requiredEnergy = nbt.getDouble(Settings.namespace + "remaining")
override def writeToNBTForServer(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
nbt.setInteger(Settings.namespace + "amountMaterial", amountMaterial)
nbt.setInteger(Settings.namespace + "amountInk", amountInk)
nbt.setNewCompoundTag(Settings.namespace + "data",
nbt.setBoolean(Settings.namespace + "active", isActive)
nbt.setInteger(Settings.namespace + "limit", limit)
output.foreach(stack => nbt.setNewCompoundTag(Settings.namespace + "output", stack.writeToNBT))
nbt.setDouble(Settings.namespace + "total", totalRequiredEnergy)
nbt.setDouble(Settings.namespace + "remaining", requiredEnergy)
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) override
def readFromNBTForClient(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
data.load(nbt.getCompoundTag(Settings.namespace + "data"))
requiredEnergy = nbt.getDouble("remaining")
override def writeToNBTForClient(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
nbt.setNewCompoundTag(Settings.namespace + "data",
nbt.setDouble("remaining", requiredEnergy)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def getSizeInventory = 3
override def getInventoryStackLimit = 64
override def isItemValidForSlot(slot: Int, stack: ItemStack) =
if (slot == slotMaterial)
PrintData.materialValue(stack) > 0
else if (slot == slotInk)
PrintData.inkValue(stack) > 0
else false
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(side: Int): Array[Int] = Array(slotMaterial, slotInk, slotOutput)
override def canExtractItem(slot: Int, stack: ItemStack, side: Int): Boolean = !isItemValidForSlot(slot, stack)
override def canInsertItem(slot: Int, stack: ItemStack, side: Int): Boolean = slot != slotOutput