blob: 0bf6fded647bb1c8aa0fe297b092eea6826ece50 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package universalelectricity.core.electricity;
import java.util.List;
* A simple way to store electrical data.
* @author Calclavia
public class ElectricityPack implements Cloneable
public float amperes;
public float voltage;
public ElectricityPack(float amperes, float voltage)
this.amperes = amperes;
this.voltage = voltage;
public ElectricityPack()
this(0, 0);
public static ElectricityPack getFromWatts(float watts, float voltage)
return new ElectricityPack(watts / voltage, voltage);
* Merges multiple ElectricityPacks together to form one with an average voltage.
public static ElectricityPack merge(ElectricityPack... packs)
float totalEnergy = 0;
float totalVoltage = 0;
for (ElectricityPack pack : packs)
totalEnergy += pack.getWatts();
totalVoltage += pack.voltage;
if (totalEnergy <= 0 || totalVoltage <= 0)
return new ElectricityPack();
return ElectricityPack.getFromWatts(totalEnergy, totalVoltage / packs.length);
public static ElectricityPack merge(List<ElectricityPack> providedPacks)
return merge(providedPacks.toArray(new ElectricityPack[0]));
* @return Returns the ElectricityPack with the largest amount of energy.
public static ElectricityPack max(ElectricityPack... packs)
ElectricityPack optimalPack = null;
for (ElectricityPack pack : packs)
if (optimalPack == null || (optimalPack != null && pack.getWatts() > optimalPack.getWatts()))
optimalPack = pack;
return optimalPack;
* @return Returns the ElectricityPack with the smallest amount of energy.
public static ElectricityPack min(ElectricityPack... packs)
ElectricityPack optimalPack = null;
for (ElectricityPack pack : packs)
if (optimalPack == null || (optimalPack != null && pack.getWatts() < optimalPack.getWatts()))
optimalPack = pack;
return optimalPack;
public float getWatts()
return getWatts(amperes, voltage);
public float getConductance()
return getConductance(amperes, voltage);
public float getResistance()
return getResistance(amperes, voltage);
public static float getJoules(float watts, float seconds)
return watts * seconds;
public static float getJoules(float amps, float voltage, float seconds)
return amps * voltage * seconds;
public static float getWattsFromJoules(float joules, float seconds)
return joules / seconds;
public static float getAmps(float watts, float voltage)
return watts / voltage;
public static float getAmps(float ampHours)
return ampHours * 3600;
public static float getAmpsFromWattHours(float wattHours, float voltage)
return getWatts(wattHours) / voltage;
public static float getWattHoursFromAmpHours(float ampHours, float voltage)
return ampHours * voltage;
public static float getAmpHours(float amps)
return amps / 3600;
public static float getWatts(float amps, float voltage)
return amps * voltage;
public static float getWatts(float wattHours)
return wattHours * 3600;
public static float getWattHours(float watts)
return watts / 3600;
public static float getWattHours(float amps, float voltage)
return getWattHours(getWatts(amps, voltage));
public static float getResistance(float amps, float voltage)
return voltage / amps;
public static float getConductance(float amps, float voltage)
return amps / voltage;
public String toString()
return "ElectricityPack [Amps:" + this.amperes + " Volts:" + this.voltage + "]";
public ElectricityPack clone()
return new ElectricityPack(this.amperes, this.voltage);
public boolean isEqual(ElectricityPack electricityPack)
return this.amperes == electricityPack.amperes && this.voltage == electricityPack.voltage;