blob: d896c010dd904b60359a2e8df30d42673690dfc6 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.util
import li.cil.oc.Settings
import li.cil.oc.api
import net.minecraft.nbt._
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants.NBT
* This stores chars in a 2D-Array and provides some manipulation functions.
* The main purpose of this is to allow moving most implementation detail to
* the Lua side while keeping bandwidth costs low and still allowing for
* relatively fast updates, given a smart algorithm (using copy()/fill()
* instead of set()ing everything).
class TextBuffer(var width: Int, var height: Int, initialFormat: PackedColor.ColorFormat) {
def this(size: (Int, Int), format: PackedColor.ColorFormat) = this(size._1, size._2, format)
private var _format = initialFormat
private var _foreground = PackedColor.Color(0xFFFFFF)
private var _background = PackedColor.Color(0x000000)
private var packed = PackedColor.pack(_foreground, _background, _format)
def foreground = _foreground
def foreground_=(value: PackedColor.Color) = {
_foreground = value
packed = PackedColor.pack(_foreground, _background, _format)
def background = _background
def background_=(value: PackedColor.Color) = {
_background = value
packed = PackedColor.pack(_foreground, _background, _format)
def format = _format
def format_=(value: PackedColor.ColorFormat) = {
if (format.depth != value.depth) {
for (row <- 0 until height) {
val rowColor = color(row)
for (col <- 0 until width) {
val packed = rowColor(col)
val fg = PackedColor.Color(PackedColor.unpackForeground(packed, _format))
val bg = PackedColor.Color(PackedColor.unpackBackground(packed, _format))
rowColor(col) = PackedColor.pack(fg, bg, value)
_format = value
packed = PackedColor.pack(_foreground, _background, _format)
else false
var color = Array.fill(height, width)(packed)
var buffer = Array.fill(height, width)(' ')
/** The current buffer size in columns by rows. */
def size = (width, height)
* Set the new buffer size, returns true if the size changed.
* This will perform a proper resize as required, keeping as much of the
* buffer valid as possible if the size decreases, i.e. only data outside the
* new buffer size will be truncated, all data still inside will be copied.
def size_=(value: (Int, Int)): Boolean = {
val (iw, ih) = value
val (w, h) = (math.max(iw, 1), math.max(ih, 1))
if (width != w || height != h) {
val newBuffer = Array.fill(h, w)(' ')
val newColor = Array.fill(h, w)(packed)
(0 until math.min(h, height)).foreach(y => {
Array.copy(buffer(y), 0, newBuffer(y), 0, math.min(w, width))
Array.copy(color(y), 0, newColor(y), 0, math.min(w, width))
buffer = newBuffer
color = newColor
width = w
height = h
else false
/** Get the char at the specified index. */
def get(col: Int, row: Int) = {
if (col < 0 || col >= width || row < 0 || row >= height)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException()
else buffer(row)(col)
/** String based fill starting at a specified location. */
def set(col: Int, row: Int, s: String, vertical: Boolean): Boolean =
if (vertical) {
if (col < 0 || col >= width) false
else {
var changed = false
for (y <- row until math.min(row + s.length, height)) if (y >= 0) {
val line = buffer(y)
val lineColor = color(y)
val c = s(y - row)
changed = changed || (line(col) != c) || (lineColor(col) != packed)
setChar(line, lineColor, col, c)
else {
if (row < 0 || row >= height) false
else {
var changed = false
val line = buffer(row)
val lineColor = color(row)
var bx = math.max(col, 0)
for (x <- bx until math.min(col + s.length, width) if bx < line.length) {
val c = s(x - col)
changed = changed || (line(bx) != c) || (lineColor(bx) != packed)
setChar(line, lineColor, bx, c)
bx += math.max(1, FontUtils.wcwidth(c))
/** Fills an area of the buffer with the specified character. */
def fill(col: Int, row: Int, w: Int, h: Int, c: Char): Boolean = {
// Anything to do at all?
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return false
if (col + w < 0 || row + h < 0 || col >= width || row >= height) return false
var changed = false
for (y <- math.max(row, 0) until math.min(row + h, height)) {
val line = buffer(y)
val lineColor = color(y)
var bx = math.max(col, 0)
for (x <- bx until math.min(col + w, width) if bx < line.length) {
changed = changed || (line(bx) != c) || (lineColor(bx) != packed)
setChar(line, lineColor, bx, c)
bx += math.max(1, FontUtils.wcwidth(c))
/** Copies a portion of the buffer. */
def copy(col: Int, row: Int, w: Int, h: Int, tx: Int, ty: Int): Boolean = {
// Anything to do at all?
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return false
if (tx == 0 && ty == 0) return false
// Loop over the target rectangle, starting from the directions away from
// the source rectangle and copy the data. This way we ensure we don't
// overwrite anything we still need to copy.
val (dx0, dx1) = (math.max(0, math.min(width - 1, col + tx + w - 1)), math.max(0, math.min(width, col + tx))) match {
case dx if tx > 0 => dx
case dx => dx.swap
val (dy0, dy1) = (math.max(0, math.min(height - 1, row + ty + h - 1)), math.max(0, math.min(height, row + ty))) match {
case dy if ty > 0 => dy
case dy => dy.swap
val (sx, sy) = (if (tx > 0) -1 else 1, if (ty > 0) -1 else 1)
// Copy values to destination rectangle if there source is valid.
var changed = false
for (ny <- dy0 to dy1 by sy) {
val nl = buffer(ny)
val nc = color(ny)
ny - ty match {
case oy if oy >= 0 && oy < height =>
val ol = buffer(oy)
val oc = color(oy)
for (nx <- dx0 to dx1 by sx) nx - tx match {
case ox if ox >= 0 && ox < width =>
changed = changed || (nl(nx) != ol(ox)) || (nc(nx) != oc(ox))
nl(nx) = ol(ox)
nc(nx) = oc(ox)
for (offset <- 1 until FontUtils.wcwidth(nl(nx))) {
nl(nx + offset) = ol(' ')
nc(nx + offset) = oc(nx)
case _ => /* Got no source column. */
case _ => /* Got no source row. */
private def setChar(line: Array[Char], lineColor: Array[Short], x: Int, c: Char) {
if (FontUtils.wcwidth(c) > 1 && x >= line.length - 1) {
// Don't allow setting wide chars in right-most col.
if (x > 0 && line(x) == ' ' && FontUtils.wcwidth(line(x - 1)) > 1) {
// Don't allow setting the cell following a wide char.
line(x) = c
lineColor(x) = packed
for (x1 <- x + 1 until x + FontUtils.wcwidth(c)) {
line(x1) = ' '
lineColor(x1) = packed
def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound): Unit = {
val maxResolution = math.max(Settings.screenResolutionsByTier(2)._1, Settings.screenResolutionsByTier(2)._2)
val w = nbt.getInteger("width") max 1 min maxResolution
val h = nbt.getInteger("height") max 1 min maxResolution
size = (w, h)
val b = nbt.getTagList("buffer", NBT.TAG_STRING)
for (i <- 0 until math.min(h, b.tagCount)) {
val value = b.getStringTagAt(i)
System.arraycopy(value.toCharArray, 0, buffer(i), 0, math.min(value.length, buffer(i).length))
val depth = api.internal.TextBuffer.ColorDepth.values.apply(nbt.getInteger("depth") min (api.internal.TextBuffer.ColorDepth.values.length - 1) max 0)
_format = PackedColor.Depth.format(depth)
foreground = PackedColor.Color(nbt.getInteger("foreground"), nbt.getBoolean("foregroundIsPalette"))
background = PackedColor.Color(nbt.getInteger("background"), nbt.getBoolean("backgroundIsPalette"))
val c = nbt.getIntArray("color")
for (i <- 0 until h) {
val rowColor = color(i)
for (j <- 0 until w) {
val index = j + i * w
if (index < c.length) {
rowColor(j) = c(index).toShort
def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound): Unit = {
nbt.setInteger("width", width)
nbt.setInteger("height", height)
val b = new NBTTagList()
for (i <- 0 until height) {
b.appendTag(new NBTTagString(String.valueOf(buffer(i))))
nbt.setTag("buffer", b)
nbt.setInteger("depth", _format.depth.ordinal)
nbt.setInteger("foreground", _foreground.value)
nbt.setBoolean("foregroundIsPalette", _foreground.isPalette)
nbt.setInteger("background", _background.value)
nbt.setBoolean("backgroundIsPalette", _background.isPalette)
nbt.setTag("color", new NBTTagIntArray(
override def toString = {
val b = StringBuilder.newBuilder
if (buffer.length > 0) {
for (y <- 1 until height) {