blob: 8494c5a9ebfb89faeae024a99216c3e83efaa4fa [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc
import li.cil.oc.util.PackedColor
object Config {
val resourceDomain = "opencomputers"
val savePath = "opencomputers/"
val scriptPath = "/assets/" + resourceDomain + "/lua/"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
val screenResolutionsByTier = Array((50, 16), (80, 25), (160, 50))
val screenDepthsByTier = Array(PackedColor.Depth.OneBit, PackedColor.Depth.FourBit, PackedColor.Depth.EightBit)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
var bufferComputer = 16.0
var bufferConverter = 64.0
var bufferScreen = 16.0
var bufferWireless = 32.0
var computerBaseCost = 1.0 / 20
var computerCpuTimeCost = 256.0
var screenFillCost = 1.0 / 180
var screenClearCost = 1.0 / 200
var screenCopyCost = 1.0 / 160
var screenSetCost = 1.0 / 20
var wirelessRangePerPower = 8.0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
var blockRenderId = 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
var blockId = 3650
var blockSpecialId = 3651
var itemId = 4600
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
var maxScreenTextRenderDistance = 10.0
var screenTextFadeStartDistance = 8.0
var textLinearFiltering = false
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
var baseMemory = 0
var canComputersBeOwned = true
var commandUser = "OpenComputers"
var fileCost = 512
var filesBuffered = true
var ignorePower = false
var maxHandles = 16
var maxReadBuffer = 8 * 1024
var maxScreenHeight = 6
var maxScreenWidth = 8
var maxUsernameLength = 32
var maxUsers = 16
var startupDelay = 0.5
var threads = 4
var timeout = 3.0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def load(file: File) = {
val config = new net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration(file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
blockId = config.getBlock("block", blockId,
"The block ID used for simple blocks.").
blockSpecialId = config.getBlock("blockSpecial", blockSpecialId,
"The block ID used for special blocks.").
itemId = config.getItem("item", itemId,
"The item ID used for all non-stackable items.").
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
setComment("Client side settings, presentation and performance related stuff.")
maxScreenTextRenderDistance = config.get("client", "maxScreenTextRenderDistance", maxScreenTextRenderDistance, "" +
"The maximum distance at which to render text on screens. Rendering text\n" +
"can be pretty expensive, so if you have a lot of screens you'll want\n" +
"to avoid huge numbers here. Note that this setting is client-sided, and\n" +
"only has an impact on render performance on clients.").
screenTextFadeStartDistance = config.get("client", "screenTextFadeStartDistance", screenTextFadeStartDistance, "" +
"The distance at which to start fading out the text on screens. This is\n" +
"purely cosmetic, to avoid text disappearing instantly when moving too far\n" +
"away from a screen. This should have no measurable impact on performance.\n" +
"Note that this needs OpenGL 1.4 to work, otherwise text will always just\n" +
"instantly disappear when moving away from the screen displaying it.").
textLinearFiltering = config.get("client", "textLinearFiltering", textLinearFiltering, "" +
"Whether to apply linear filtering for text displayed on screens when the\n" +
"screen has to be scaled down - i.e. the text is rendered at a resolution\n" +
"lower than their native one, e.g. when the GUI scale is less than one or\n" +
"when looking at a far away screen. This leads to smoother text for scaled\n" +
"down text but results in characters not perfectly connecting anymore (for\n" +
"example for box drawing characters. Look it up on Wikipedia.)").
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
setComment("Power settings, buffer sizes and power consumption.")
bufferComputer = config.get("power", "bufferComputer", bufferComputer, "" +
"The buffer size for computers.").
bufferConverter = config.get("power", "bufferConverter", bufferConverter, "" +
"The buffer size for converters.").
bufferScreen = config.get("power", "bufferScreen", bufferScreen, "" +
"The buffer size for screens.").
bufferWireless = config.get("power", "bufferWireless", bufferWireless, "" +
"The buffer size for wireless network cards. Note that this effectively\n" +
"limits the maximum range of wireless communication, together with the\n" +
"`wirelessRangePerPower` setting: the maximum range is this times the\n" +
"range per power (so per default that's 32 * 8 = 256 blocks).").
computerBaseCost = config.get("power", "computerBaseCost", computerBaseCost, "" +
"Power it takes per tick to run a computer, even if it's idle (base cost).").
computerCpuTimeCost = config.get("power", "computerCpuTimeCost", computerCpuTimeCost, "" +
"Power it takes to run a computer at 100% CPU time for one second.").
screenFillCost = config.get("power", "screenFillCost", screenFillCost, "" +
"Power it takes to change a single pixel via the fill command.").
screenClearCost = config.get("power", "screenClearCost", screenClearCost, "" +
"Power it takes to change a single pixel to blank via the fill command.").
screenCopyCost = config.get("power", "screenCopyCost", screenCopyCost, "" +
"Power it takes to move a single pixel via the copy command.").
screenSetCost = config.get("power", "screenSetCost", screenSetCost, "" +
"Power it takes to change a single pixel via the set command.").
wirelessRangePerPower = config.get("power", "wirelessRangePerPower", wirelessRangePerPower, "" +
"The range in blocks a wireless network card gains for each additional\n" +
"power it spends. In other words, the higher this value, the lower the\n" +
"cost of incrementing the signal strength.\n" +
"See also: `bufferWireless`").
getDouble(wirelessRangePerPower) max 0
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
setComment("Server side settings, gameplay and security related stuff.")
baseMemory = config.get("server", "baseMemory", baseMemory, "" +
"The base amount of memory made available in computers even if they have no\n" +
"RAM installed. Use this if you feel you can't get enough RAM using the\n" +
"given means, that being RAM components. Just keep in mind that this is\n" +
"global and applies to all computers!").
canComputersBeOwned = config.get("server", "canComputersBeOwned", canComputersBeOwned, "" +
"This determines whether computers can only be used by players that are\n" +
"registered as users on them. Per default a newly placed computer has no\n" +
"users. Whenever there are no users the computer is free for all. Users\n" +
"can be managed via the Lua API (os.addUser, os.removeUser, os.users). If\n" +
"this is true, the following interactions are only possible for users:\n" +
" - input via the keyboard.\n" +
" - inventory management.\n" +
" - breaking the computer block.\n" +
"If this is set to false, all computers will always be usable by all\n" +
"players, no matter the contents of the user list. Note that operators are\n" +
"treated as if they were in the user list of every computer, i.e. no\n" +
"restrictions apply to them.\n" +
"See also: `maxUsers` and `maxUsernameLength`.").
commandUser = config.get("server", "commandUser", commandUser, "" +
"The user name to specify when executing a command via a command block. If\n" +
"you leave this empty it will use the address of the network node that sent\n" +
"the execution request - which will usually be a computer.").
fileCost = config.get("server", "fileCost", fileCost, "" +
"The base 'cost' of a single file or directory on a limited file system,\n" +
"such as hard drives. When computing the used space we add this cost to\n" +
"the real size of each file (and folders, which are zero sized otherwise).\n" +
"This is to ensure that users cannot spam the file system with an infinite\n" +
"number of files and/or folders. Note that the size returned via fs.size\n" +
"will always be the real file size, however.").
getInt(fileCost) max 0
filesBuffered = config.get("server", "filesBuffered", filesBuffered, "" +
"Whether persistent file systems such as disk drivers should be 'buffered',\n" +
"and only written to disk when the world is saved. This applies to all hard\n" +
"drives. The advantage of having this enabled is that data will never go\n" +
"'out of sync' with the computer's state if the game crashes. The price is\n" +
"slightly higher memory consumption, since all loaded files have to be kept\n" +
"in memory (loaded as in when the hard drive is in a computer).").
ignorePower = config.get("server", "ignorePower", ignorePower, "" +
"Whether to ignore any power requirements. Whenever something requires\n" +
"power to function, it will try to get the amount of power it needs from\n" +
"the buffer of its connector node, and in case it fails it won't perform" +
"the action / trigger a shutdown / whatever. Setting this to `true` will\n" +
"simply make the check 'is there enough power' succeed unconditionally.\n" +
"Note that buffers are still filled and emptied following the usual rules,\n" +
"there just is no failure case anymore.").
maxHandles = config.get("server", "maxHandles", maxHandles, "" +
"The maximum number of file handles any single computer may have open at a\n" +
"time. Note that this is *per filesystem*. Also note that this is only\n" +
"enforced by the filesystem node - if an addon decides to be fancy it may\n" +
"well ignore this. Since file systems are usually 'virtual' this will\n" +
"usually not have any real impact on performance/not be noticeable on the\n" +
"host operating system.")
.getInt(maxHandles) max 1
maxReadBuffer = config.get("server", "maxReadBuffer", maxReadBuffer, "" +
"The maximum block size that can be read in one 'read' call on a file\n" +
"system. This is used to limit the amount of memory a call from a user\n" +
"program can cause to be allocated on the host side: when 'read' is called,\n" +
"a byte array with the specified size has to be allocated. So if this\n" +
"weren't limited, a Lua program could trigger massive memory allocations\n" +
"regardless of the amount of RAM installed in the computer it runs on. As a\n" +
"side effect this pretty much determines the read performance of file\n" +
.getInt(maxReadBuffer) max 1
maxScreenHeight = config.get("server", "maxScreenHeight", maxScreenHeight, "" +
"The maximum height of multi-block screens, in blocks. This is limited to\n" +
"avoid excessive computations for merging screens. If you really need\n" +
"bigger screens it's probably safe to bump this quite a bit before you\n" +
"notice anything, since at least incremental updates should be very\n" +
"efficient (i.e. when adding/removing a single screen).")
.getInt(maxScreenHeight) max 1
maxScreenWidth = config.get("server", "maxScreenWidth", maxScreenWidth, "" +
"The maximum width of multi-block screens, in blocks.\n" +
"See also: `maxScreenHeight`.")
.getInt(maxScreenWidth) max 1
maxUsernameLength = config.get("server", "maxUsernameLength", maxUsernameLength, "" +
"Sanity check for username length for users registered with computers. We\n" +
"store the actual user names instead of a hash to allow iterating the list\n" +
"of registered users on the Lua side.\n" +
"See also: `canComputersBeOwned`.").
maxUsers = config.get("server", "maxUsers", maxUsers, "" +
"The maximum number of users that can be registered with a single computer.\n" +
"This is used to avoid computers allocating unchecked amounts of memory by\n" +
"registering an unlimited number of users.\n" +
"See also: `canComputersBeOwned`.").
startupDelay = config.get("server", "startupDelay", startupDelay, "" +
"The time in seconds to wait after a computer has been restored before it\n" +
"continues to run. This is meant to allow the world around the computer to\n" +
"settle, avoiding issues such as components in neighboring chunks being\n" +
"removed and then re-connected and other odd things that might happen.").
getDouble(startupDelay) max 0
threads = config.get("server", "threads", threads, "" +
"The overall number of threads to use to drive computers. Whenever a\n" +
"computer should run, for example because a signal should be processed or\n" +
"some sleep timer expired it is queued for execution by a worker thread.\n" +
"The higher the number of worker threads, the less likely it will be that\n" +
"computers block each other from running, but the higher the host system's\n" +
"load may become.").
getInt(threads) max 1
timeout = config.get("server", "timeout", timeout, "" +
"The time in seconds a program may run without yielding before it is\n" +
"forcibly aborted. This is used to avoid stupidly written or malicious\n" +
"programs blocking other computers by locking down the executor threads.\n" +
"Note that changing this won't have any effect on computers that are\n" +
"already running - they'll have to be rebooted for this to take effect.").
getDouble(timeout) max 0.05
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
if (config.hasChanged)