blob: 3f00a6dd1577214aaeac53ee0e08e31c177c9ae8 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.common.tileentity
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagIntArray
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection
/** Mixin for block component add/remove logic. */
trait BlockComponentProxy {
protected val blockComponents = Array.fill(6)(0)
protected val computer: IComputer
def world: World
def coordinates: (Int, Int, Int)
def blockDriver(id: Int) = blockComponents.indexOf(id) match {
case -1 => None
case side => {
val d = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(side)
val (x, y, z) = coordinates
val (cx, cy, cz) = (x + d.offsetX, y + d.offsetY, z + d.offsetZ)
Drivers.driverFor(world, cx, cy, cz)
def blockComponent(id: Int) = blockComponents.indexOf(id) match {
case -1 => None
case side => {
val d = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(side)
val (x, y, z) = coordinates
val (cx, cy, cz) = (x + d.offsetX, y + d.offsetY, z + d.offsetZ)
Drivers.driverFor(world, cx, cy, cz) match {
case None => None
case Some(driver) => Some(driver.instance.component(world, cx, cy, cz))
def readBlocksFromNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = {
// val components = nbt.getTagList("components")
// for (i <- 0 until components.tagCount) {
// val component = components.tagAt(i).asInstanceOf[NBTTagCompound]
// val side = component.getByte("side")
// val id = component.getInteger("id")
// val componentName = component.getString("componentName")
// blockComponents(side) = (id, componentName)
// }
def writeBlocksToNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = {
// val components = new NBTTagList
// for (side <- 0 until blockComponents.length) {
// val (id, componentName) = blockComponents(side)
// if (id != 0) {
// val component = new NBTTagCompound
// component.setByte("side", side.toByte)
// component.setInteger("id", id)
// component.setString("componentName", componentName)
// components.appendTag(component)
// }
// }
// nbt.setTag("components", components)
nbt.setIntArray("components", blockComponents)
protected def checkBlockChanged(side: Int): Unit = {
val d = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(side)
val (x, y, z) = coordinates
val (cx, cy, cz) = (x + d.offsetX, y + d.offsetY, z + d.offsetZ)
Drivers.driverFor(world, cx, cy, cz) match {
case None if blockComponents(side) != 0 => {
// There was a block component and now there isn't, remove it.
// val (id, _) = blockComponents(side)
// computer.remove(id)
// blockComponents(side) = (0, "")
blockComponents(side) = 0
case None => // Nothing to do, but avoid match errors.
case Some(driver) => {
// val (oldId, oldComponentName) = blockComponents(side)
val component = driver.instance.component(world, cx, cy, cz)
val id =
// val componentName = driver.instance.componentName
// TODO we can still miss changes this way
// if (oldId != id || oldComponentName != componentName) {
if (blockComponents(side) != id) {
// computer.remove(oldId)
blockComponents(side) =
// if (computer.add(component, driver)) (id, componentName)
// else (0, "")
if (computer.add(component, driver)) id
else 0