blob: 00e56dd6365d47985ebdc2b7cc209e96513356bc [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.server.fs
import java.util.UUID
import li.cil.oc.OpenComputers
import li.cil.oc.Settings
import li.cil.oc.api
import li.cil.oc.api.fs.Label
import li.cil.oc.api.fs.Mode
import li.cil.oc.integration.Mods
import li.cil.oc.integration.computercraft.DriverComputerCraftMedia
import li.cil.oc.server.component
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager
import scala.util.Try
object FileSystem extends api.detail.FileSystemAPI {
lazy val isCaseInsensitive = Settings.get.forceCaseInsensitive || (try {
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString
val lowerCase = new io.File(DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory, uuid + "oc_rox")
val upperCase = new io.File(DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory, uuid + "OC_ROX")
// This should NEVER happen but could also lead to VERY weird bugs, so we
// make sure the files don't exist.
lowerCase.exists() && lowerCase.delete()
upperCase.exists() && upperCase.delete()
val insensitive = upperCase.exists()
catch {
case t: Throwable =>
// Among the security errors, createNewFile can throw an IOException.
// We just fall back to assuming case insensitive, since that's always
// safe in those cases.
OpenComputers.log.warn("Couldn't determine if file system is case sensitive, falling back to insensitive.", t)
override def fromClass(clazz: Class[_], domain: String, root: String): api.fs.FileSystem = {
val innerPath = ("/assets/" + domain + "/" + (root.trim + "/")).replace("//", "/")
val codeSource = clazz.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource.getLocation.getPath
val (codeUrl, isArchive) =
if (codeSource.contains(".zip!") || codeSource.contains(".jar!"))
(codeSource.substring(0, codeSource.lastIndexOf('!')), true)
(codeSource, false)
val url = Try {
new URL(codeUrl)
}.recoverWith {
case _: MalformedURLException => Try {
new URL("file://" + codeUrl)
val file = => new io.File(url.toURI)).recoverWith {
case _: URISyntaxException => => new io.File(url.getPath))
}.getOrElse(new io.File(codeSource))
if (isArchive) {
ZipFileInputStreamFileSystem.fromFile(file, innerPath.substring(1))
else {
if (!file.exists || file.isDirectory) return null
new io.File(new io.File(file.getParent), innerPath) match {
case fsp if fsp.exists() && fsp.isDirectory =>
new ReadOnlyFileSystem(fsp)
case _ =>
find(cp => {
val fsp = new io.File(new io.File(cp), innerPath)
fsp.exists() && fsp.isDirectory
}) match {
case None => null
case Some(dir) => new ReadOnlyFileSystem(new io.File(new io.File(dir), innerPath))
override def fromSaveDirectory(root: String, capacity: Long, buffered: Boolean) = {
val path = new io.File(DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory, Settings.savePath + root)
if (!path.isDirectory) {
if (path.exists() && path.isDirectory) {
if (buffered) new BufferedFileSystem(path, capacity)
else new ReadWriteFileSystem(path, capacity)
else null
def fromMemory(capacity: Long): api.fs.FileSystem = new RamFileSystem(capacity)
def fromComputerCraft(mount: AnyRef): api.fs.FileSystem =
if (Mods.ComputerCraft.isAvailable) {
else null
override def asReadOnly(fileSystem: api.fs.FileSystem) =
if (fileSystem.isReadOnly) fileSystem
else new ReadOnlyWrapper(fileSystem)
def asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem: api.fs.FileSystem, label: Label, host: EnvironmentHost, accessSound: String, speed: Int) =
Option(fileSystem).flatMap(fs => Some(component.FileSystem(fs, label, Option(host), Option(accessSound), speed))).orNull
def asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem: api.fs.FileSystem, label: String, host: EnvironmentHost, accessSound: String, speed: Int) =
asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem, new ReadOnlyLabel(label), host, accessSound, speed)
def asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem: api.fs.FileSystem, label: Label, host: EnvironmentHost, sound: String) =
asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem, label, host, sound, 1)
def asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem: api.fs.FileSystem, label: String, host: EnvironmentHost, sound: String) =
asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem, new ReadOnlyLabel(label), host, sound, 1)
def asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem: api.fs.FileSystem, label: Label) =
asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem, label, null, null, 1)
def asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem: api.fs.FileSystem, label: String) =
asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem, new ReadOnlyLabel(label), null, null, 1)
def asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem: api.fs.FileSystem) =
asManagedEnvironment(fileSystem, null: Label, null, null, 1)
abstract class ItemLabel(val stack: ItemStack) extends Label
private class ReadOnlyLabel(val label: String) extends Label {
def setLabel(value: String) = throw new IllegalArgumentException("label is read only")
def getLabel = label
override def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {}
override def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
if (label != null) {
nbt.setString(Settings.namespace + "fs.label", label)
private class ReadOnlyFileSystem(protected val root: io.File)
extends InputStreamFileSystem
with FileInputStreamFileSystem
private class ReadWriteFileSystem(protected val root: io.File, protected val capacity: Long)
extends OutputStreamFileSystem
with FileOutputStreamFileSystem
with Capacity
private class RamFileSystem(protected val capacity: Long)
extends VirtualFileSystem
with Volatile
with Capacity
private class BufferedFileSystem(protected val fileRoot: io.File, protected val capacity: Long)
extends VirtualFileSystem
with Buffered
with Capacity {
// Worst-case: we're on Windows or using a FAT32 partition mounted in *nix.
// Note: we allow / as the path separator and expect all \s to be converted
// accordingly before the path is passed to the file system.
private val invalidChars = """\:*?"<>|""".toSet
override protected def isValidFilename(name: String) = !name.exists(invalidChars.contains)
override def makeDirectory(path: String) = super.makeDirectory(validatePath(path))
override protected def openOutputHandle(id: Int, path: String, mode: Mode) = super.openOutputHandle(id, validatePath(path), mode)
protected override def segments(path: String) = {
val parts = super.segments(path)
if (isCaseInsensitive) toCaseInsensitive(parts) else parts
private def validatePath(path: String) = {
if (!isValidFilename(path)) {
throw new"path contains invalid characters")
private def toCaseInsensitive(path: Array[String]): Array[String] = {
var node = root => {
assert(node != null, "corrupted virtual file system")
node.children.find(entry => entry._1.toLowerCase == segment.toLowerCase) match {
case Some((name, child: VirtualDirectory)) =>
node = child
case Some((name, child: VirtualFile)) =>
node = null
case _ => segment