blob: 7bf869cbad0e38ff30c8cfc1428db7162686406c [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
// Based on the code from TinkersConstruct and Cazzar's repo.
// Thanks ProgWML6 and Cazzar!
// verify the properties exist... or initialize.
if (!project.hasProperty("keystore_location")) // keystore stuff
ext.keystore_location = ""
if (!project.hasProperty("keystore_alias")) // keystore stuff
ext.keystore_alias = ""
if (!project.hasProperty("keystore_password")) // keystore stuff
ext.keystore_password = ""
task("signJar", dependsOn: "reobf") {
inputs.file jar.getArchivePath()
inputs.file keystore_location "keystore_alias", keystore_alias "keystore_password", keystore_password
outputs.file jar.getArchivePath()
// only sign if the keystore exists
onlyIf {
return !keystore_location.empty
// the actual action - sign the jar.
doLast {
destDir: jar.destinationDir,
jar: jar.getArchivePath(),
keystore: keystore_location,
alias: keystore_alias,
storepass: keystore_password,
keypass: keystore_password