blob: 3548b129d9d07097821b985e9c5384b48b3f43b1 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.common.item
import java.util.Random
import li.cil.oc.OpenComputers
import li.cil.oc.api
import li.cil.oc.util.ItemUtils
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import scala.collection.mutable
class Present(val parent: Delegator) extends Delegate {
showInItemList = false
override def onItemRightClick(stack: ItemStack, world: World, player: EntityPlayer) = {
if (stack.stackSize > 0) {
stack.stackSize -= 1
if (!world.isRemote) {
world.playSoundAtEntity(player, "random.levelup", 0.2f, 1f)
val present = Present.nextPresent()
if (player.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(present)) {
if (player.openContainer != null) {
else {
player.dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice(present, false)
object Present {
private lazy val Presents = {
val result = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[ItemStack]
def add(name: String, weight: Int): Unit = {
val item = api.Items.get(name)
if (item != null) {
val stack = item.createItemStack(1)
// Only if it can be crafted (wasn't disabled in the config).
if (ItemUtils.getIngredients(stack).nonEmpty) {
for (i <- 0 until weight) result += stack
else {
OpenComputers.log.warn(s"Oops, trying to add '$name' as a present even though it doesn't exist!")
add("arrowKeys", 520)
add("buttonGroup", 460)
add("numPad", 410)
add("disk", 370)
add("transistor", 350)
add("floppy", 340)
add("printedCircuitBoard", 320)
add("chip1", 290)
add("eeprom", 250)
add("interweb", 220)
add("card", 190)
add("analyzer", 170)
add("signUpgrade", 150)
add("inventoryUpgrade", 130)
add("craftingUpgrade", 110)
add("tankUpgrade", 90)
add("pistonUpgrade", 80)
add("leashUpgrade", 70)
add("angelUpgrade", 55)
add("redstoneCard1", 50)
add("ram1", 48)
add("cu", 46)
add("alu", 45)
add("batteryUpgrade1", 43)
add("lanCard", 38)
add("hdd1", 36)
add("generatorUpgrade", 35)
add("cpu1", 31)
add("microcontrollerCase1", 30)
add("droneCase1", 25)
add("upgradeContainer1", 23)
add("cardContainer1", 23)
add("graphicsCard1", 19)
add("redstoneCard2", 17)
add("ram2", 15)
add("databaseUpgrade1", 15)
add("chip2", 15)
add("componentBus1", 13)
add("batteryUpgrade2", 12)
add("wlanCard", 11)
add("ram3", 10)
add("server1", 10)
add("internetCard", 9)
add("terminal", 9)
add("solarGeneratorUpgrade", 9)
add("hdd2", 7)
add("navigationUpgrade", 7)
add("inventoryControllerUpgrade", 7)
add("tankControllerUpgrade", 7)
add("cpu2", 6)
add("microcontrollerCase2", 6)
add("componentBus2", 6)
add("tabletCase1", 5)
add("upgradeContainer2", 5)
add("cardContainer2", 5)
add("graphicsCard2", 4)
add("ram4", 4)
add("droneCase2", 4)
add("databaseUpgrade2", 4)
add("server2", 4)
add("chip3", 3)
add("componentBus3", 3)
add("tractorBeamUpgrade", 3)
add("batteryUpgrade3", 3)
add("experienceUpgrade", 2)
add("ram5", 2)
add("upgradeContainer3", 2)
add("cardContainer3", 2)
add("tabletCase2", 1)
add("hdd3", 1)
add("chunkloaderUpgrade", 1)
add("cpu3", 1)
add("graphicsCard3", 1)
add("server3", 1)
add("databaseUpgrade3", 1)
add("ram6", 1)
private val rng = new Random()
def nextPresent() = Presents(rng.nextInt(Presents.length)).copy()