blob: 53cc3239f1e0eeaee5014515fc3cf86363bf6256 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package ic2.api.crops;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import net.minecraftforge.common.BiomeDictionary.Type;
* General management of the crop system.
public abstract class Crops {
public static Crops instance;
* Adds a crop humidity and nutrient biome bonus.
* 0 indicates no bonus and negative values indicate a penalty.
* @param biome Biome to apply the bonus in
* @param humidityBonus Humidity stat bonus
* @param nutrientsBonus Nutrient stat bonus
public abstract void addBiomeBonus(BiomeGenBase biome, int humidityBonus, int nutrientsBonus);
* Adds a crop humidity and nutrient biome bonus.
* 0 indicates no bonus and negative values indicate a penalty.
* @param type Forge biome type to apply the bonus in
* @param humidityBonus Humidity stat bonus
* @param nutrientsBonus Nutrient stat bonus
public abstract void addBiomeBonus(Type type, int humidityBonus, int nutrientsBonus);
* Gets the humidity bonus for a biome.
* @param biome Biome to check
* @return Humidity bonus or 0 if none
public abstract int getHumidityBiomeBonus(BiomeGenBase biome);
* Gets the nutrient bonus for a biome.
* @param biome Biome to check
* @return Nutrient bonus or 0 if none
public abstract int getNutrientBiomeBonus(BiomeGenBase biome);
* Returns the list of registered crops.
* @return Registered crops by ID
public abstract CropCard[] getCropList();
* Auto-assign an ID to a plant and register it.
* Usage of this method is not recommended! Other plants could take your IDs and cause your plants to turn into other plants.
* @param crop plant to register
* @return The ID assigned to the plant
public abstract short registerCrop(CropCard crop);
* Attempt to register a plant to an ID.
* If the ID is taken, the crop will not be registered and a console print will notify the user.
* @param crop plant to register
* @param i ID to register the plant to
* @return Whether the crop was registered
public abstract boolean registerCrop(CropCard crop, int i);
* Registers a base seed, an item used to plant a crop.
* @param stack item
* @param id plant ID
* @param size initial size
* @param growth initial growth stat
* @param gain initial gain stat
* @param resistance initial resistance stat
* @return True if successful
public abstract boolean registerBaseSeed(ItemStack stack, int id, int size, int growth, int gain, int resistance);
* Finds a base seed from the given item.
* @return Base seed or null if none found
public abstract BaseSeed getBaseSeed(ItemStack stack);
* Execute registerSprites for all registered crop cards.
* This method will get called by IC2, don't call it yourself.
public abstract void startSpriteRegistration(IIconRegister iconRegister);
* Returns the ID for the given crop.
* @param crop Crop to look up
* @return ID, or -1 if not found
public abstract int getIdFor(CropCard crop);