blob: 34c001ddb00307ce8aae783d6eee6abea7cc93a9 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package mekanism.common.recipe;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import mekanism.api.gas.GasRegistry;
import mekanism.api.gas.GasStack;
import mekanism.api.gas.GasTank;
import mekanism.api.infuse.InfusionInput;
import mekanism.api.infuse.InfusionOutput;
import mekanism.api.recipe.AdvancedInput;
import mekanism.api.recipe.ChanceOutput;
import mekanism.api.recipe.ChemicalPair;
import mekanism.api.recipe.PressurizedProducts;
import mekanism.api.recipe.PressurizedReactants;
import mekanism.api.recipe.PressurizedRecipe;
import mekanism.api.util.StackUtils;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidTank;
* Class used to handle machine recipes. This is used for both adding recipes and checking outputs.
* @author AidanBrady
public final class RecipeHandler
public static void addRecipe(Recipe recipe, Object input, Object output)
recipe.put(input, output);
* Add an Enrichment Chamber recipe.
* @param input - input ItemStack
* @param output - output ItemStack
public static void addEnrichmentChamberRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack output)
Recipe.ENRICHMENT_CHAMBER.put(input, output);
* Add an Osmium Compressor recipe.
* @param input - input ItemStack
* @param output - output ItemStack
public static void addOsmiumCompressorRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack output)
Recipe.OSMIUM_COMPRESSOR.put(new AdvancedInput(input, GasRegistry.getGas("liquidOsmium")), output);
* Add a Combiner recipe.
* @param input - input ItemStack
* @param output - output ItemStack
public static void addCombinerRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack output)
Recipe.COMBINER.put(new AdvancedInput(input, GasRegistry.getGas("liquidStone")), output);
* Add a Crusher recipe.
* @param input - input ItemStack
* @param output - output ItemStack
public static void addCrusherRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack output)
Recipe.CRUSHER.put(input, output);
* Add a Purification Chamber recipe.
* @param input - input ItemStack
* @param output - output ItemStack
public static void addPurificationChamberRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack output)
Recipe.PURIFICATION_CHAMBER.put(new AdvancedInput(input, GasRegistry.getGas("oxygen")), output);
* Add a Metallurgic Infuser recipe.
* @param input - input Infusion
* @param output - output ItemStack
public static void addMetallurgicInfuserRecipe(InfusionInput input, ItemStack output)
Recipe.METALLURGIC_INFUSER.put(input, InfusionOutput.getInfusion(input, output));
* Add a Chemical Infuser recipe.
* @param input - input ChemicalPair
* @param output - output GasStack
public static void addChemicalInfuserRecipe(ChemicalPair input, GasStack output)
Recipe.CHEMICAL_INFUSER.put(input, output);
* Add a Chemical Oxidizer recipe.
* @param input - input ItemStack
* @param output - output GasStack
public static void addChemicalOxidizerRecipe(ItemStack input, GasStack output)
Recipe.CHEMICAL_OXIDIZER.put(input, output);
* Add a Chemical Injection Chamber recipe.
* @param input - input ItemStack
* @param output - output ItemStack
public static void addChemicalInjectionChamberRecipe(AdvancedInput input, ItemStack output)
Recipe.CHEMICAL_INJECTION_CHAMBER.put(input, output);
* Add an Electrolytic Separator recipe.
* @param fluid - FluidStack to electrolyze
* @param products - Pair of gases to produce when the fluid is electrolyzed
public static void addElectrolyticSeparatorRecipe(FluidStack fluid, ChemicalPair products)
Recipe.ELECTROLYTIC_SEPARATOR.put(fluid, products);
* Add an Precision Sawmill recipe.
* @param input - input ItemStack
* @param output - output ChanceOutput
public static void addPrecisionSawmillRecipe(ItemStack input, ChanceOutput output)
Recipe.PRECISION_SAWMILL.put(input, output);
* Add a Chemical Dissolution Chamber recipe.
* @param input - input ItemStack
* @param output - output GasStack
public static void addChemicalDissolutionChamberRecipe(ItemStack input, GasStack output)
Recipe.CHEMICAL_DISSOLUTION_CHAMBER.put(input, output);
* Add a Chemical Washer recipe.
* @param input - input GasStack
* @param output - output GasStack
public static void addChemicalWasherRecipe(GasStack input, GasStack output)
Recipe.CHEMICAL_WASHER.put(input, output);
* Add a Chemical Crystallizer recipe.
* @param input - input GasStack
* @param output - output ItemStack
public static void addChemicalCrystallizerRecipe(GasStack input, ItemStack output)
Recipe.CHEMICAL_CRYSTALLIZER.put(input, output);
* Add a Pressurized Reaction Chamber recipe.
* @param input - input PressurizedReactants
* @param output - output PressurizedProducts
* @param extraEnergy - extra energy needed by the recipe
* @param ticks - amount of ticks it takes for this recipe to complete
public static void addPRCRecipe(PressurizedReactants input, PressurizedProducts output, double extraEnergy, int ticks)
PressurizedRecipe recipe = new PressurizedRecipe(input, extraEnergy, output, ticks);
Recipe.PRESSURIZED_REACTION_CHAMBER.put(input, recipe);
* Gets the InfusionOutput of the InfusionInput in the parameters.
* @param infusion - input Infusion
* @param stackDecrease - whether or not to decrease the input slot's stack size AND the infuse amount
* @return InfusionOutput
public static InfusionOutput getMetallurgicInfuserOutput(InfusionInput infusion, boolean stackDecrease)
if(infusion != null && infusion.inputStack != null)
HashMap<InfusionInput, InfusionOutput> recipes = Recipe.METALLURGIC_INFUSER.get();
for(Map.Entry<InfusionInput, InfusionOutput> entry : recipes.entrySet())
InfusionInput input = (InfusionInput)entry.getKey();
if(StackUtils.equalsWildcard(input.inputStack, infusion.inputStack) && infusion.inputStack.stackSize >= input.inputStack.stackSize)
if(infusion.infusionType == input.infusionType)
infusion.inputStack.stackSize -= ((InfusionInput)entry.getKey()).inputStack.stackSize;
return ((InfusionOutput)entry.getValue()).copy();
return null;
* Gets the GasStack of the ChemicalInput in the parameters.
* @param leftTank - first GasTank
* @param rightTank - second GasTank
* @param doRemove - actually remove the gases
* @return output GasStack
public static GasStack getChemicalInfuserOutput(GasTank leftTank, GasTank rightTank, boolean doRemove)
ChemicalPair input = new ChemicalPair(leftTank.getGas(), rightTank.getGas());
HashMap<ChemicalPair, GasStack> recipes = Recipe.CHEMICAL_INFUSER.get();
for(Map.Entry<ChemicalPair, GasStack> entry : recipes.entrySet())
ChemicalPair key = (ChemicalPair)entry.getKey();
key.draw(leftTank, rightTank);
return entry.getValue().copy();
return null;
* Gets the Chemical Crystallizer ItemStack output of the defined GasTank input.
* @param gasTank - input GasTank
* @param removeGas - whether or not to use gas in the gas tank
* @return output ItemStack
public static ItemStack getChemicalCrystallizerOutput(GasTank gasTank, boolean removeGas)
GasStack gas = gasTank.getGas();
if(gas != null)
HashMap<GasStack, ItemStack> recipes = Recipe.CHEMICAL_CRYSTALLIZER.get();
for(Map.Entry<GasStack, ItemStack> entry : recipes.entrySet())
GasStack key = (GasStack)entry.getKey();
if(key != null && key.getGas() == gas.getGas() && gas.amount >= key.amount)
gasTank.draw(key.amount, removeGas);
return entry.getValue().copy();
return null;
* Gets the Chemical Washer GasStack output of the defined GasTank input.
* @param gasTank - input GasTank
* @param removeGas - whether or not to use gas in the gas tank
* @return output GasStack
public static GasStack getChemicalWasherOutput(GasTank gasTank, boolean removeGas)
GasStack gas = gasTank.getGas();
if(gas != null)
HashMap<GasStack, GasStack> recipes = Recipe.CHEMICAL_WASHER.get();
for(Map.Entry<GasStack, GasStack> entry : recipes.entrySet())
GasStack key = (GasStack)entry.getKey();
if(key != null && key.getGas() == gas.getGas() && gas.amount >= key.amount)
gasTank.draw(key.amount, removeGas);
return entry.getValue().copy();
return null;
* Gets the GasStack of the ItemStack in the parameters using a defined map.
* @param itemstack - input ItemStack
* @param stackDecrease - whether or not to decrease the input slot's stack size
* @return output GasStack
public static GasStack getItemToGasOutput(ItemStack itemstack, boolean stackDecrease, HashMap<ItemStack, GasStack> recipes)
if(itemstack != null)
for(Map.Entry<ItemStack, GasStack> entry : recipes.entrySet())
ItemStack stack = (ItemStack)entry.getKey();
if(StackUtils.equalsWildcard(stack, itemstack) && itemstack.stackSize >= stack.stackSize)
itemstack.stackSize -= stack.stackSize;
return entry.getValue().copy();
return null;
* Gets the output ChanceOutput of the ItemStack in the parameters.
* @param itemstack - input ItemStack
* @param stackDecrease - whether or not to decrease the input slot's stack size
* @param recipes - Map of recipes
* @return output ChanceOutput
public static ChanceOutput getChanceOutput(ItemStack itemstack, boolean stackDecrease, Map<ItemStack, ChanceOutput> recipes)
if(itemstack != null)
for(Map.Entry entry : recipes.entrySet())
ItemStack stack = (ItemStack)entry.getKey();
if(StackUtils.equalsWildcard(stack, itemstack) && itemstack.stackSize >= stack.stackSize)
itemstack.stackSize -= stack.stackSize;
return ((ChanceOutput)entry.getValue()).copy();
return null;
* Gets the output ItemStack of the ItemStack in the parameters.
* @param itemstack - input ItemStack
* @param stackDecrease - whether or not to decrease the input slot's stack size
* @param recipes - Map of recipes
* @return output ItemStack
public static ItemStack getOutput(ItemStack itemstack, boolean stackDecrease, Map<ItemStack, ItemStack> recipes)
if(itemstack != null)
for(Map.Entry entry : recipes.entrySet())
ItemStack stack = (ItemStack)entry.getKey();
if(StackUtils.equalsWildcard(stack, itemstack) && itemstack.stackSize >= stack.stackSize)
itemstack.stackSize -= stack.stackSize;
return ((ItemStack)entry.getValue()).copy();
return null;
* Gets the output ItemStack of the AdvancedInput in the parameters.
* @param input - input AdvancedInput
* @param stackDecrease - whether or not to decrease the input slot's stack size
* @param recipes - Map of recipes
* @return output ItemStack
public static ItemStack getOutput(AdvancedInput input, boolean stackDecrease, Map<AdvancedInput, ItemStack> recipes)
if(input != null && input.isValid())
for(Map.Entry<AdvancedInput, ItemStack> entry : recipes.entrySet())
input.itemStack.stackSize -= entry.getKey().itemStack.stackSize;
return entry.getValue().copy();
return null;
* Get the result of electrolysing a given fluid
* @param fluidTank - the FluidTank to electrolyse fluid from
public static ChemicalPair getElectrolyticSeparatorOutput(FluidTank fluidTank, boolean doRemove)
FluidStack fluid = fluidTank.getFluid();
if(fluid != null)
HashMap<FluidStack, ChemicalPair> recipes = Recipe.ELECTROLYTIC_SEPARATOR.get();
for(Map.Entry<FluidStack, ChemicalPair> entry : recipes.entrySet())
FluidStack key = (FluidStack)entry.getKey();
fluidTank.drain(key.amount, doRemove);
return entry.getValue().copy();
return null;
public static PressurizedRecipe getPRCOutput(ItemStack inputItem, FluidTank inputFluidTank, GasTank inputGasTank)
FluidStack inputFluid = inputFluidTank.getFluid();
GasStack inputGas = inputGasTank.getGas();
if(inputFluid != null && inputGas != null)
HashMap<PressurizedReactants, PressurizedRecipe> recipes = Recipe.PRESSURIZED_REACTION_CHAMBER.get();
for(PressurizedRecipe recipe : recipes.values())
PressurizedReactants reactants = recipe.reactants;
if(reactants.meetsInput(inputItem, inputFluid, inputGas))
return recipe.copy();
return null;
* Gets the output ItemStack of the ItemStack in the parameters.
* @param itemstack - input ItemStack
* @param recipes - Map of recipes
* @return whether the item can be used in a recipe
public static boolean isInRecipe(ItemStack itemstack, Map<ItemStack, ItemStack> recipes)
if(itemstack != null)
for(Map.Entry entry : recipes.entrySet())
ItemStack stack = (ItemStack)entry.getKey();
if(StackUtils.equalsWildcard(stack, itemstack))
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isInPressurizedRecipe(ItemStack stack)
if(stack != null)
for(PressurizedReactants key : (Set<PressurizedReactants>)Recipe.PRESSURIZED_REACTION_CHAMBER.get().keySet())
return true;
return false;
public static enum Recipe
ENRICHMENT_CHAMBER(new HashMap<ItemStack, ItemStack>()),
OSMIUM_COMPRESSOR(new HashMap<AdvancedInput, ItemStack>()),
COMBINER(new HashMap<AdvancedInput, ItemStack>()),
CRUSHER(new HashMap<ItemStack, ItemStack>()),
PURIFICATION_CHAMBER(new HashMap<AdvancedInput, ItemStack>()),
METALLURGIC_INFUSER(new HashMap<InfusionInput, InfusionOutput>()),
CHEMICAL_INFUSER(new HashMap<ChemicalPair, GasStack>()),
CHEMICAL_OXIDIZER(new HashMap<ItemStack, GasStack>()),
CHEMICAL_INJECTION_CHAMBER(new HashMap<AdvancedInput, ItemStack>()),
ELECTROLYTIC_SEPARATOR(new HashMap<FluidStack, ChemicalPair>()),
PRECISION_SAWMILL(new HashMap<ItemStack, ChanceOutput>()),
CHEMICAL_DISSOLUTION_CHAMBER(new HashMap<ItemStack, FluidStack>()),
CHEMICAL_WASHER(new HashMap<GasStack, GasStack>()),
CHEMICAL_CRYSTALLIZER(new HashMap<GasStack, ItemStack>()),
PRESSURIZED_REACTION_CHAMBER(new HashMap<PressurizedReactants, PressurizedRecipe>());
private HashMap recipes;
private Recipe(HashMap map)
recipes = map;
public void put(Object input, Object output)
recipes.put(input, output);
public boolean containsRecipe(ItemStack input)
for(Object obj : get().entrySet())
if(obj instanceof Map.Entry)
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)obj;
if(entry.getKey() instanceof ItemStack)
ItemStack stack = (ItemStack)entry.getKey();
if(StackUtils.equalsWildcard(stack, input))
return true;
else if(entry.getKey() instanceof FluidStack)
return true;
else if(entry.getKey() instanceof AdvancedInput)
ItemStack stack = ((AdvancedInput)entry.getKey()).itemStack;
if(StackUtils.equalsWildcard(stack, input))
return true;
return false;
public boolean containsRecipe(Fluid input)
for(Object obj : get().entrySet())
if(obj instanceof Map.Entry)
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)obj;
if(entry.getKey() instanceof FluidStack)
if(((FluidStack)entry.getKey()).getFluid() == input)
return true;
return false;
public HashMap get()
return recipes;