blob: 1893b5c7cf7f2ed3019193fb593ddf2a37701fb5 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package net.darkhax.tesla.lib;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.ChatFormatting;
import net.darkhax.tesla.api.ITeslaConsumer;
import net.darkhax.tesla.api.ITeslaHolder;
import net.darkhax.tesla.api.ITeslaProducer;
import net.darkhax.tesla.api.implementation.BaseTeslaContainer;
import net.darkhax.tesla.capability.TeslaCapabilities;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n;
import net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings;
import net.minecraft.client.settings.KeyBinding;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.Capability;
import net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.ICapabilityProvider;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class TeslaUtils {
* The smallest unit of power measurement.
public static final int TESLA = 1;
* The amount of Tesla in a KiloTesla. One thousand.
public static final int KILOTESLA = 1000;
* The amount of Telsa in a MegaTesla. One Million.
public static final int MEGATESLA = 1000000;
* The amount of Tesla in a GigaTesla. One Billion.
public static final int GIGATESLA = 1000000000;
* The amount of Telsa in a TeraTesla. One Trillion.
public static final long TERATESLA = 1000000000000L;
* The amount of Tesla in a PentaTesla. One Quadrillion.
public static final long PETATESLA = 1000000000000000L;
* The amount of Tesla in a ExaTesla. One Quintilian.
* The ExaTesla should not be treated as the largest unit of Tesla. The naming scheme can
* go on indefinitely. The next unit would be a ZettaTesla, followed by YottaTesla,
* BronoTesla, GeopTesla and so on. While it is possible to define these measurements,
* there really isn't a point.
public static final long EXATESLA = 1000000000000000000L;
* Converts an amount of Tesla units into a human readable String. The string amount is
* only rounded to one decimal place.
* @param tesla The amount of Tesla units to display.
* @return A human readable display of the Tesla units.
public static String getDisplayableTeslaCount (long tesla) {
if (tesla < 1000)
return tesla + " T";
final int exp = (int) (Math.log(tesla) / Math.log(1000));
final char unitType = "KMGTPE".charAt(exp - 1);
return String.format("%.1f %sT", tesla / Math.pow(1000, exp), unitType);
* Gets the abbreviated name of the best unit to describe the provided power. For example,
* anything less than 1000 will return t for tesla, while anything between 999 and one
* million will return kt for kilo tesla. This method has support for up to Exatesla.
* @param tesla The amount of Tesla to get the unit for.
* @return The abbreviated name for the unit used to describe the provided power amount.
public static String getUnitType (long tesla) {
if (tesla < 1000)
return tesla + "t";
final int exp = (int) (Math.log(tesla) / Math.log(1000));
return "kmgtpe".charAt(exp - 1) + "t";
* Gets the name of the the power unit that best represents the amount of provided power.
* The name will be translated to the local language, or english if that language is not
* yet supported.
* @param tesla The amount of Tesla to get the unit name for.
* @return The name of the power unit that best represents the amount of power provided.
public static String getLocalizedUnitType (long tesla) {
return I18n.format("unit.tesla." + getUnitType(tesla));
* Checks if a capability provider has support for Tesla.
* @param provider The provider to check. ItemStack/TileEntity/Entity and so on.
* @param side The side to check.
* @return Whether or not the provider has support for Tesla.
public static boolean hasTeslaSupport (ICapabilityProvider provider, EnumFacing side) {
return isTeslaHolder(provider, side) || isTeslaConsumer(provider, side) || isTeslaProducer(provider, side);
* Checks if a capability provider is a Tesla holder.
* @param provider The provider to check. ItemStack/TileEntity/Entity and so on.
* @param side The side to check.
* @return Whether or not the provider is a Tesla holder.
public static boolean isTeslaHolder (ICapabilityProvider provider, EnumFacing side) {
return provider.hasCapability(TeslaCapabilities.CAPABILITY_HOLDER, side);
* Checks if a capability provider is a Tesla consumer.
* @param provider The provider to check. ItemStack/TileEntity/Entity and so on.
* @param side The side to check.
* @return Whether or not the provider is a Tesla consumer.
public static boolean isTeslaConsumer (ICapabilityProvider provider, EnumFacing side) {
return provider.hasCapability(TeslaCapabilities.CAPABILITY_CONSUMER, side);
* Checks if a capability provider is a Tesla producer.
* @param provider The provider to check. ItemStack/TileEntity/Entity and so on.
* @param side The side to check.
* @return Whether or not the provider is a Tesla producer.
public static boolean isTeslaProducer (ICapabilityProvider provider, EnumFacing side) {
return provider.hasCapability(TeslaCapabilities.CAPABILITY_PRODUCER, side);
* Gets an ITeslaHolder implementation from the capability provider.
* @param provider The provider to get the capability from.
* @param side The side to access;
* @return A Tesla holder implementation, or null if none could be found.
public static ITeslaHolder getTeslaHolder (ICapabilityProvider provider, EnumFacing side) {
return (ITeslaHolder) provider.getCapability(TeslaCapabilities.CAPABILITY_HOLDER, side);
* Gets an ITeslaConsumer implementation from the capability provider.
* @param provider The provider to get the capability from.
* @param side The side to access;
* @return A Tesla consumer implementation, or null if none could be found.
public static ITeslaConsumer getTeslaConsumer (ICapabilityProvider provider, EnumFacing side) {
return (ITeslaConsumer) provider.getCapability(TeslaCapabilities.CAPABILITY_CONSUMER, side);
* Gets an ITeslaProducer implementation from the capability provider.
* @param provider The provider to get the capability from.
* @param side The side to access;
* @return A Tesla producer implementation, or null if none could be found.
public static ITeslaProducer getTeslaProducer (ICapabilityProvider provider, EnumFacing side) {
return (ITeslaProducer) provider.getCapability(TeslaCapabilities.CAPABILITY_PRODUCER, side);
* Gets the capacity of a provider.
* @param provider The provider to access.
* @param side The side to access.
* @return The capacity of the provider. 0 if it has no capacity.
public static long getCapacity (ICapabilityProvider provider, EnumFacing side) {
return isTeslaHolder(provider, side) ? getTeslaHolder(provider, side).getCapacity() : 0;
* Gets the stored power of a provider.
* @param provider The provider to access.
* @param side The side to access.
* @return The amount of power stored.
public static long getStoredPower (ICapabilityProvider provider, EnumFacing side) {
return isTeslaHolder(provider, side) ? getTeslaHolder(provider, side).getStoredPower() : 0;
* Attempt to give power to a provider.
* @param power The amount of power to offer.
* @param simulated Whether or not this is being called as part of a simulation.
* Simulations are used to get information without affecting the Tesla Producer.
* @return The amount of power that the consumer accepts.
public static long givePower (ICapabilityProvider provider, EnumFacing side, long power, boolean simulated) {
return isTeslaConsumer(provider, side) ? getTeslaConsumer(provider, side).givePower(power, simulated) : 0;
* Attempts to take power from a provider.
* @param power The amount of power to request.
* @param simulated Whether or not this is being called as part of a simulation.
* Simulations are used to get information without affecting the Tesla Producer.
* @return The amount of power that the Tesla Producer will give.
public static long takePower (ICapabilityProvider provider, EnumFacing side, long power, boolean simulated) {
return isTeslaProducer(provider, side) ? getTeslaProducer(provider, side).takePower(power, simulated) : 0;
* Gets a list of all capabilities that touch a BlockPos. This will search for tile
* entities touching the BlockPos and then query them for access to their capabilities.
* @param capability The capability you want to retrieve.
* @param world The world that this is happening in.
* @param pos The position to search around.
* @return A list of all capabilities that are being held by connected blocks.
public static <T> List<T> getConnectedCapabilities (Capability<T> capability, World world, BlockPos pos) {
final List<T> capabilities = new ArrayList<T>();
for (final EnumFacing side : EnumFacing.values()) {
final TileEntity tile = world.getTileEntity(pos.offset(side));
if (tile != null && !tile.isInvalid() && tile.hasCapability(capability, side.getOpposite()))
capabilities.add(tile.getCapability(capability, side.getOpposite()));
return capabilities;
* Attempts to give power to all consumers touching the given BlockPos.
* @param world The world that this is happening in.
* @param pos The position to search around.
* @param amount The amount of power to offer to each individual face.
* @param simulated Whether or not this is being ran as part of a simulation.
* @return The amount of power that was consumed.
public static long distributePowerToAllFaces (World world, BlockPos pos, long amount, boolean simulated) {
long consumedPower = 0L;
for (final ITeslaConsumer consumer : getConnectedCapabilities(TeslaCapabilities.CAPABILITY_CONSUMER, world, pos))
consumedPower += consumer.givePower(amount, simulated);
return consumedPower;
* Attempts to consume power from all producers touching the given BlockPos.
* @param world The world that this is happening in.
* @param pos The position to search around.
* @param amount The amount of power to request from each individual face.
* @param simulated Whether or not this is being ran as part of a simulation.
* @return The amount of power that was successfully consumed.
public static long consumePowerFromAllFaces (World world, BlockPos pos, long amount, boolean simulated) {
long recievedPower = 0L;
for (final ITeslaProducer producer : getConnectedCapabilities(TeslaCapabilities.CAPABILITY_PRODUCER, world, pos))
recievedPower += producer.takePower(amount, simulated);
return recievedPower;
* Checks if a capability is for the Tesla holder.
* @param capability The capability to check.
* @return Whether or not the capability is for the Tesla holder.
public static boolean isHolderCapability (Capability<?> capability) {
return capability == TeslaCapabilities.CAPABILITY_HOLDER;
* Checks if a capability is for the Tesla consumer.
* @param capability The capability to check.
* @return Whether or not the capability is for the Tesla consumer.
public static boolean isConsumerCapability (Capability<?> capability) {
return capability == TeslaCapabilities.CAPABILITY_CONSUMER;
* Checks if a capability is for the Tesla producer.
* @param capability The capability to check.
* @return Whether or not the capability is for the Tesla producer.
public static boolean isProducerCapability (Capability<?> capability) {
return capability == TeslaCapabilities.CAPABILITY_PRODUCER;
* Checks if a capability is a Tesla capability
* @param capability The capability to check.
* @return Whether or not the capability is a Tesla capability.
public static boolean isTeslaCapability (Capability<?> capability) {
return isHolderCapability(capability) || isConsumerCapability(capability) || isProducerCapability(capability);
* Generates tooltip data for an ItemStack that has the ITeslaHolder interface.
* Additionally, if the holder is a BaseTeslaContainer, input/output rates will be shown.
* @param stack The ItemStack to make the tooltip for.
* @param tooltip A list of strings which represent the lines of the tooltip.
public static void createTooltip (ItemStack stack, List<String> tooltip) {
if (isTeslaHolder(stack, EnumFacing.DOWN)) {
final KeyBinding keyBindSneak = Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.keyBindSneak;
final ITeslaHolder holder = TeslaUtils.getTeslaHolder(stack, EnumFacing.DOWN);
if (GameSettings.isKeyDown(keyBindSneak)) {
addHolderInfo(holder, tooltip);
if (holder instanceof BaseTeslaContainer) {
final BaseTeslaContainer container = (BaseTeslaContainer) holder;
tooltip.add(ChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + I18n.format("tooltip.tesla.input", Long.toString(container.getInputRate())));
tooltip.add(ChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + I18n.format("tooltip.tesla.output", Long.toString(container.getOutputRate())));
tooltip.add(I18n.format("tooltip.tesla.showinfo", ChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA, keyBindSneak.getDisplayName(), ChatFormatting.GRAY));
* Adds Tesla holder info to a tooltip.
* @param stack The ItemStack to display info for.
* @param tooltip The tooltip to add the info to.
public static void addHolderInfo (ItemStack stack, List<String> tooltip) {
if (isTeslaHolder(stack, EnumFacing.DOWN))
addHolderInfo(getTeslaHolder(stack, EnumFacing.DOWN), tooltip);
* Adds Tesla holder info to a tooltip.
* @param holder The ITeslaHolder to display info for.
* @param tooltip The tooltip to add the info to.
public static void addHolderInfo (ITeslaHolder holder, List<String> tooltip) {
addHolderInfo(holder.getStoredPower(), holder.getCapacity(), tooltip);
* Adds Tesla holder info to a tooltip.
* @param stored The amount of stored power.
* @param capacity The max capacity.
* @param tooltip The tooltip to add the info to.
public static void addHolderInfo (long stored, long capacity, List<String> tooltip) {
tooltip.add(ChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + I18n.format("tooltip.tesla.powerinfo", Long.toString(stored), Long.toString(capacity)));