blob: 4a3a49fd1639cc8ff87dde41c483b62025f8d030 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package mekanism.common;
import java.util.List;
import mekanism.common.recipe.RecipeHandler;
import mekanism.common.recipe.RecipeHandler.Recipe;
import mekanism.common.recipe.ShapedMekanismRecipe;
import mekanism.common.recipe.ShapelessMekanismRecipe;
import mekanism.common.recipe.inputs.MachineInput;
import mekanism.common.recipe.machines.MachineRecipe;
import mekanism.common.util.RecipeUtils;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInterModComms.IMCMessage;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
public class IMCHandler
public void onIMCEvent(List<IMCMessage> messages)
for(IMCMessage msg : messages)
try {
boolean found = false;
boolean delete = false;
String message = msg.key;
ShapedMekanismRecipe recipe = ShapedMekanismRecipe.create(msg.getNBTValue());
if(recipe != null)
GameRegistry.addRecipe(recipe);"[Mekanism] " + msg.getSender() + " added a shaped recipe to the recipe list.");
else {
Mekanism.logger.error("[Mekanism] " + msg.getSender() + " attempted to add an invalid shaped recipe.");
found = true;
else if(message.equals("ShapelessMekanismRecipe"))
ShapelessMekanismRecipe recipe = ShapelessMekanismRecipe.create(msg.getNBTValue());
if(recipe != null)
GameRegistry.addRecipe(recipe);"[Mekanism] " + msg.getSender() + " added a shapeless recipe to the recipe list.");
else {
Mekanism.logger.error("[Mekanism] " + msg.getSender() + " attempted to add an invalid shapeless recipe.");
found = true;
else if(message.equals("DeleteMekanismRecipes") || message.equals("RemoveMekanismRecipes"))
ItemStack stack = RecipeUtils.loadRecipeItemStack(msg.getNBTValue());
if(stack != null)
RecipeUtils.removeRecipes(stack);"[Mekanism] " + msg.getSender() + " removed a Mekanism recipe from the recipe list.");
else {
Mekanism.logger.error("[Mekanism] " + msg.getSender() + " attempted to remove a Mekanism recipe with an invalid output.");
found = true;
if(message.startsWith("Delete") || message.startsWith("Remove"))
message = message.replace("Delete", "").replace("Remove", "");
delete = true;
for(Recipe type : Recipe.values())
if(msg.key.equalsIgnoreCase(type.getRecipeName() + "Recipe"))
MachineInput input = type.createInput(msg.getNBTValue());
if(input != null && input.isValid())
MachineRecipe recipe = type.createRecipe(input, msg.getNBTValue());
if(recipe != null && recipe.recipeOutput != null)
RecipeHandler.removeRecipe(type, recipe);"[Mekanism] " + msg.getSender() + " removed recipe of type " + type.getRecipeName() + " from the recipe list.");
else {
RecipeHandler.addRecipe(type, recipe);"[Mekanism] " + msg.getSender() + " added recipe of type " + type.getRecipeName() + " to the recipe list.");
else {
Mekanism.logger.error("[Mekanism] " + msg.getSender() + " attempted to " + (delete ? "remove" : "add") + " recipe of type " + type.getRecipeName() + " with an invalid output.");
else {
Mekanism.logger.error("[Mekanism] " + msg.getSender() + " attempted to " + (delete ? "remove" : "add") + " recipe of type " + type.getRecipeName() + " with an invalid input.");
found = true;
Mekanism.logger.error("[Mekanism] " + msg.getSender() + " sent unknown IMC message with key '" + msg.key + ".'");
} catch(Exception e) {