blob: 4850fdac907d23985600f0fdac393c19f5d51805 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.api;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
public interface IOreInfo
public String getName();
public OreType getType();
public boolean isEnabled();
public ItemStack getOre();
public ItemStack getBlock();
public ItemStack getBrick();
// Returns the itemstack of dust this ore crushes into, if no dust exists, returns null
public ItemStack getDust();
// Returns the itemstack of ingot for this ore, if no ingot exists, returns null
public ItemStack getIngot();
// If this ore drops something other than itself, this returns the ItemStack
// of the drop, otherwise returns null
public ItemStack getDrop();
public int getDropAmountMin();
public int getDropAmountMax();
// Returns an array of OreDictionary keys of the dusts the make this if it's an alloy
// if it's not an alloy, this returns null
public String[] getAlloyRecipe();