blob: 5451bdf7129389cbd2d4e9f482865ee6271226eb [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package universalelectricity.prefab;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.src.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.src.Entity;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.src.Item;
import net.minecraft.src.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.src.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.src.NBTTagFloat;
import net.minecraft.src.World;
import universalelectricity.electricity.ElectricInfo;
import universalelectricity.electricity.ElectricInfo.ElectricUnit;
import universalelectricity.implement.IItemElectric;
* Extend from this class if your item requires electricity or to be charged.
* Optionally, you can implement IItemElectric instead.
* @author Calclavia
public abstract class ItemElectric extends Item implements IItemElectric
public ItemElectric(int id, CreativeTabs tabs)
this.setMaxDamage((int) this.getMaxJoules());
public ItemElectric(int id)
this(id, CreativeTabs.tabTools);
* Allows items to add custom lines of information to the mouseover
* description. If you want to add more information to your item, you can
* super.addInformation() to keep the electiricty info in the item info bar.
public void addInformation(ItemStack par1ItemStack, EntityPlayer par2EntityPlayer, List par3List, boolean par4)
String color = "";
double joules = this.getJoules(par1ItemStack);
if (joules <= this.getMaxJoules() / 3)
color = "\u00a74";
else if (joules > this.getMaxJoules() * 2 / 3)
color = "\u00a72";
color = "\u00a76";
par3List.add(color + ElectricInfo.getDisplay(joules, ElectricUnit.JOULES) + " - " + Math.round((joules / this.getMaxJoules()) * 100) + "%");
* Make sure you super this method!
public void onUpdate(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, Entity par3Entity, int par4, boolean par5)
// Makes sure the damage is set correctly for this electric item!
ItemElectric item = ((ItemElectric) par1ItemStack.getItem());
item.setJoules(item.getJoules(par1ItemStack), par1ItemStack);
* Makes sure the item is uncharged when it is crafted and not charged.
* Change this if you do not want this to happen!
public void onCreated(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)
par1ItemStack = this.getUncharged();
public double onReceive(double amps, double voltage, ItemStack itemStack)
double rejectedElectricity = Math.max((this.getJoules(itemStack) + ElectricInfo.getJoules(amps, voltage, 1)) - this.getMaxJoules(), 0);
this.setJoules(this.getJoules(itemStack) + ElectricInfo.getJoules(amps, voltage, 1) - rejectedElectricity, itemStack);
return rejectedElectricity;
public double onUse(double joulesNeeded, ItemStack itemStack)
double electricityToUse = Math.min(this.getJoules(itemStack), joulesNeeded);
this.setJoules(this.getJoules(itemStack) - electricityToUse, itemStack);
return electricityToUse;
public boolean canReceiveElectricity()
return true;
public boolean canProduceElectricity()
return false;
* This function sets the electriicty. Do not directly call this function.
* Try to use onReceiveElectricity or onUseElectricity instead.
* @param wattHours
* - The amount of electricity in joules
public void setJoules(double wattHours, Object... data)
if (data[0] instanceof ItemStack)
ItemStack itemStack = (ItemStack) data[0];
// Saves the frequency in the itemstack
if (itemStack.stackTagCompound == null)
itemStack.setTagCompound(new NBTTagCompound());
double electricityStored = Math.max(Math.min(wattHours, this.getMaxJoules()), 0);
itemStack.stackTagCompound.setDouble("electricity", electricityStored);
itemStack.setItemDamage((int) (getMaxJoules() - electricityStored));
* This function is called to get the electricity stored in this item
* @return - The amount of electricity stored in watts
public double getJoules(Object... data)
if (data[0] instanceof ItemStack)
ItemStack itemStack = (ItemStack) data[0];
if (itemStack.stackTagCompound == null) { return 0; }
double electricityStored = 0;
if (itemStack.stackTagCompound.getTag("electricity") instanceof NBTTagFloat)
electricityStored = itemStack.stackTagCompound.getFloat("electricity");
electricityStored = itemStack.stackTagCompound.getDouble("electricity");
itemStack.setItemDamage((int) (getMaxJoules() - electricityStored));
return electricityStored;
return -1;
* Returns an uncharged version of the electric item. Use this if you want
* the crafting recipe to use a charged version of the electric item instead
* of an empty version of the electric item
* @return The ItemStack of a fully charged electric item
public ItemStack getUncharged()
ItemStack chargedItem = new ItemStack(this);
chargedItem.setItemDamage((int) this.getMaxJoules());
return chargedItem;
public static ItemStack getUncharged(ItemStack itemStack)
if(itemStack.getItem() instanceof IItemElectric)
ItemStack chargedItem = itemStack.copy();
return chargedItem;
return null;
public void getSubItems(int par1, CreativeTabs par2CreativeTabs, List par3List)
// Add an uncharged version of the electric item
ItemStack unchargedItem = new ItemStack(this, 1);
unchargedItem.setItemDamage((int) this.getMaxJoules());
// Add an electric item to the creative list that is fully charged
ItemStack chargedItem = new ItemStack(this, 1);
this.setJoules(((IItemElectric) chargedItem.getItem()).getMaxJoules(), chargedItem);