blob: 3f6410c357ee51a20d273ea577ba21b405d2db92 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package thermalexpansion.api.crafting;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import thermalexpansion.api.item.ItemRegistry;
* This class adds some basic and fool-proof recipe handlers that can help you out. They will add
* simple recipes that follow the TE defaults - they are not the only way of adding recipes. You can
* also use the more specific recipe functions defined in the Manager interfaces if necessary. Once
* again, only call these during @PostInit or things may not go so rosy.
public class CraftingHelpers {
private static ItemStack sawdust = ItemRegistry.getItem("sawdust", 1);
private static ItemStack slag = ItemRegistry.getItem("slag", 1);
private static ItemStack slagRich = ItemRegistry.getItem("slagRich", 1);
private static ItemStack blockSand = new ItemStack(Block.sand);
* Ore x1 to Dust x2 conversion. 400 MJ. Will return false if recipe already exists.
public static boolean addPulverizerOreToDustRecipe(ItemStack inputOre, ItemStack outputDust) {
if (inputOre == null || outputDust == null) {
return false;
ItemStack ore = inputOre.copy();
ore.stackSize = 1;
ItemStack primaryDust = outputDust.copy();
primaryDust.stackSize = 2;
return CraftingManagers.pulverizerManager.addRecipe(400, ore, primaryDust);
* Ingot x1 to Dust x1 conversion. 240 MJ. Will return false if recipe already exists.
public static boolean addPulverizerIngotToDustRecipe(ItemStack inputIngot, ItemStack outputDust) {
if (inputIngot == null || outputDust == null) {
return false;
ItemStack ingot = inputIngot.copy();
ingot.stackSize = 1;
ItemStack primaryDust = outputDust.copy();
primaryDust.stackSize = 1;
return CraftingManagers.pulverizerManager.addRecipe(240, ingot, primaryDust);
* Ore x1 to Dust x2 conversion, 10% chance of Secondary x1 being generated. 400 MJ. Will return
* false if recipe already exists.
public static boolean addPulverizerOreToDustRecipe(ItemStack inputOre, ItemStack outputDust, ItemStack outputSecondary) {
if (inputOre == null || outputDust == null || outputSecondary == null) {
return false;
ItemStack ore = inputOre.copy();
ore.stackSize = 1;
ItemStack primaryDust = outputDust.copy();
primaryDust.stackSize = 2;
ItemStack secondary = outputSecondary.copy();
secondary.stackSize = 1;
return CraftingManagers.pulverizerManager.addRecipe(400, ore, primaryDust, secondary, 10);
* Log x1 to Plank x6 conversion, 100% chance of Sawdust. 80 MJ. Will return false if recipe
* already exists.
public static boolean addSawmillLogToPlankRecipe(ItemStack inputLog, ItemStack outputPlanks) {
if (inputLog == null || outputPlanks == null) {
return false;
ItemStack log = inputLog.copy();
log.stackSize = 1;
ItemStack planks = outputPlanks.copy();
planks.stackSize = 6;
return CraftingManagers.sawmillManager.addRecipe(80, log, planks, sawdust);
* Dust x2, Sand x1 to Ingot x2, 25% chance of Slag. 80 MJ. Will return false if recipe already
* exists.
public static boolean addSmelterDustToIngotsRecipe(ItemStack inputDust, ItemStack outputIngots) {
if (inputDust == null || outputIngots == null) {
return false;
ItemStack dust = inputDust.copy();
dust.stackSize = 2;
ItemStack ingots = outputIngots.copy();
ingots.stackSize = 2;
return CraftingManagers.smelterManager.addRecipe(80, dust, blockSand, ingots, slag, 25);
* Ore x1, Sand x1 to Ingot x2, 5% chance of Rich Slag. 320 MJ. Also, Ore x1, Rich Slag x1 to
* Ingot x3, 75% chance of Slag. 400 MJ. Will return false if recipe already exists.
public static boolean addSmelterOreToIngotsRecipe(ItemStack inputOre, ItemStack outputIngots) {
if (inputOre == null || outputIngots == null) {
return false;
ItemStack ore = inputOre.copy();
ore.stackSize = 1;
ItemStack ingots2 = outputIngots.copy();
ingots2.stackSize = 2;
ItemStack ingots3 = outputIngots.copy();
ingots3.stackSize = 3;
if (!CraftingManagers.smelterManager.addRecipe(320, ore, blockSand, ingots2, slagRich, 5)) {
return false;
if (!CraftingManagers.smelterManager.addRecipe(400, ore, slagRich, ingots3, slag, 75)) {
return false;
return true;