blob: d67ecc19eaddf7a572367a47d5f4b6f32f597626 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package codechicken.multipart
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MMap}
* Static class for packing update data.
* When a specific property of a part changes and needs sending to the client, a bit can be set in the mask.
* This bit can then be checked in the writeScheduled callback.
* This prevents sending multiple packets if the same property updates more than once per tick.
object PacketScheduler
private val map = MMap[TMultiPart, Long]()
* Add bits to the current update mask for part. (binary OR)
def schedulePacket(part:TMultiPart, mask:Long) = {//TODO remove = in 1.7
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use PacketScheduler on a client world")
map.put(part, map.getOrElse(part, 0L)|mask)
private[multipart] def sendScheduled() {
map.foreach{ e =>
val (part, mask) = e
if(part.tile != null) {
val ipart = part.asInstanceOf[IScheduledPacketPart]
val w = part.getWriteStream
ipart.maskWidth match {
case 1 => w.writeByte(mask.toInt)
case 2 => w.writeShort(mask.toInt)
case 4 => w.writeInt(mask.toInt)
case 8 => w.writeLong(mask)
ipart.writeScheduled(mask, w)
* Callback interface for PacketScheduler
trait IScheduledPacketPart
* Write scheduled data to the packet, mask is the cumulative mask from calls to schedulePacket
def writeScheduled(mask:Long, packet:MCDataOutput)
* Returns the width (in bytes) of the data type required to hold all valid mask bits. Valid values are 1, 2, 4 and 8
def maskWidth:Int
* Read data matching mask. Estiablishes a method for subclasses to override. This should be called from read
def readScheduled(mask:Long, packet:MCDataInput)
trait TScheduledPacketPart extends TMultiPart with IScheduledPacketPart
final override def read(packet:MCDataInput) {
val mask = maskWidth match {
case 1 => packet.readUByte
case 2 => packet.readUShort
case 4 => packet.readInt
case 8 => packet.readLong
readScheduled(mask, packet)
def writeScheduled(mask:Long, packet:MCDataOutput){}
def readScheduled(mask:Long, packet:MCDataInput){}