blob: e48c82db66c401246defed6f7dfee5a03989f81a [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package codechicken.multipart
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
import codechicken.lib.vec.BlockCoord
import codechicken.multipart.handler.MultipartProxy
import codechicken.lib.packet.PacketCustom
import codechicken.multipart.asm.IMultipartFactory
import codechicken.multipart.asm.ASMMixinFactory
* This class manages the dynamic construction and allocation of container TileMultipart instances.
* Classes that extend TileMultipart, adding tile centric logic, optimisations or interfaces, can be registered to a marker interface on a part instance.
* When a part is added to the tile that implements the certain marker interface, the container tile will be replaced with a class that includes the functionality from the corresponding mixin class.
* Classes are generated in a similar fashion to the way scala traits are compiled. To see the output, simply enable the config option and look in the asm/multipart folder of you .minecraft directory.
* There are several mixin traits that come with the API included in the scalatraits package. TPartialOcclusionTile is defined as class instead of trait to give an example for Java programmers.
object MultipartGenerator
private var tileTraitMap:Map[Class[_], Set[String]] = Map()
private var interfaceTraitMap_c:Map[String, String] = Map()
private var interfaceTraitMap_s:Map[String, String] = Map()
private var partTraitMap_c:Map[Class[_], Seq[String]] = Map()
private var partTraitMap_s:Map[Class[_], Seq[String]] = Map()
var factory:IMultipartFactory = ASMMixinFactory
def partTraitMap(client:Boolean) = if(client) partTraitMap_c else partTraitMap_s
def interfaceTraitMap(client:Boolean) = if(client) partTraitMap_c else interfaceTraitMap_s
def traitsForPart(part:TMultiPart, client:Boolean):Seq[String] =
var ret = partTraitMap(client).getOrElse(part.getClass, null)
if(ret == null)
def heirachy(clazz:Class[_]):Seq[Class[_]] =
var superClasses:Seq[Class[_]] = clazz.getInterfaces.flatMap(c => heirachy(c)):+clazz
if(clazz.getSuperclass != null)
superClasses = superClasses++heirachy(clazz.getSuperclass)
return superClasses
val interfaceTraitMap = if(client) interfaceTraitMap_c else interfaceTraitMap_s
ret = heirachy(part.getClass).flatMap(c => interfaceTraitMap.get(c.getName)).distinct
partTraitMap_c = partTraitMap_c+(part.getClass -> ret)
partTraitMap_s = partTraitMap_s+(part.getClass -> ret)
return ret
* Check if part adds any new interfaces to tile, if so, replace tile with a new copy and call tile.addPart(part)
* returns true if tile was replaced
private[multipart] def addPart(world:World, pos:BlockCoord, part:TMultiPart):TileMultipart =
val (tile, converted) = TileMultipart.getOrConvertTile2(world, pos)
var partTraits = traitsForPart(part, world.isRemote)
var ntile = tile
if(ntile != null)
if(converted)//perform client conversion
world.setBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, MultipartProxy.block.blockID, 0, 0)
silentAddTile(world, pos, ntile)
PacketCustom.sendToChunk(new Packet53BlockChange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, world), world, pos.x>>4, pos.z>>4)
val tileTraits = tileTraitMap(tile.getClass)
partTraits = partTraits.filter(!tileTraits(_))
ntile = factory.generateTile(partTraits++tileTraits, world.isRemote)
silentAddTile(world, pos, ntile)
world.setBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, MultipartProxy.block.blockID, 0, 0)
ntile = factory.generateTile(partTraits, world.isRemote)
silentAddTile(world, pos, ntile)
return ntile
* Adds a tile entity to the world without notifying neighbor blocks or adding it to the tick list
def silentAddTile(world:World, pos:BlockCoord, tile:TileEntity)
val chunk = world.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos.x, pos.z)
if(chunk != null)
chunk.setChunkBlockTileEntity(pos.x & 15, pos.y, pos.z & 15, tile)
* Check if tile satisfies all the interfaces required by parts. If not, return a new generated copy of tile
private[multipart] def generateCompositeTile(tile:TileEntity, parts:Seq[TMultiPart], client:Boolean):TileMultipart =
var partTraits = parts.flatMap(traitsForPart(_, client)).distinct
if(tile != null && tile.isInstanceOf[TileMultipart])
var tileTraits = tileTraitMap(tile.getClass)
if(partTraits.forall(tileTraits(_)) && partTraits.size == tileTraits.size)//equal contents
return tile.asInstanceOf[TileMultipart]
return factory.generateTile(partTraits, client)
* Check if there are any redundant interfaces on tile, if so, replace tile with new copy
private[multipart] def partRemoved(tile:TileMultipart, part:TMultiPart):TileMultipart =
val client = tile.worldObj.isRemote
var partTraits = tile.partList.flatMap(traitsForPart(_, client))
var testSet = partTraits.toSet
if(!traitsForPart(part, client).forall(testSet(_)))
val ntile = factory.generateTile(testSet.toSeq, client)
silentAddTile(tile.worldObj, new BlockCoord(tile), ntile)
return ntile
return tile
* register s_trait to be applied to tiles containing parts implementing s_interface
def registerTrait(s_interface:String, s_trait:String):Unit = registerTrait(s_interface, s_trait, s_trait)
* register traits to be applied to tiles containing parts implementing s_interface
* s_trait for server worlds (may be null)
* c_trait for client worlds (may be null)
def registerTrait(s_interface:String, c_trait:String, s_trait:String)
if(c_trait != null)
System.err.println("Trait already registered for "+s_interface)
interfaceTraitMap_c = interfaceTraitMap_c+(s_interface->c_trait)
factory.registerTrait(s_interface, c_trait, true)
if(s_trait != null)
System.err.println("Trait already registered for "+s_interface)
interfaceTraitMap_s = interfaceTraitMap_s+(s_interface->s_trait)
factory.registerTrait(s_interface, s_trait, false)
def registerPassThroughInterface(s_interface:String):Unit = registerPassThroughInterface(s_interface, true, true)
* A passthrough interface, is an interface to be implemented on the container tile instance, for which all calls are passed directly to the single implementing part.
* Registering a passthrough interface is equivalent to defining a mixin class as follows.
* 1. field 'impl' which contains the reference to the corresponding part
* 2. occlusionTest is overriden to prevent more than one part with s_interface existing in the block space
* 3. implementing s_interface and passing all calls directly to the part instance.
* This allows compatibility with APIs that expect interfaces on the tile entity.
def registerPassThroughInterface(s_interface:String, client:Boolean, server:Boolean)
val tType = factory.generatePassThroughTrait(s_interface)
if(tType == null)
System.err.println("Trait already registered for "+s_interface)
interfaceTraitMap_c = interfaceTraitMap_c+(s_interface->tType)
System.err.println("Trait already registered for "+s_interface)
interfaceTraitMap_s = interfaceTraitMap_s+(s_interface->tType)
private[multipart] def registerTileClass(clazz:Class[_ <: TileEntity], traits:Set[String])