blob: 1f19f3e725d173e846b18bf2bf3b2fa5ce522f0e [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package codechicken.multipart
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import codechicken.lib.packet.PacketCustom
import codechicken.lib.vec.BlockCoord
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import cpw.mods.fml.common.ModContainer
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader
* This class handles the registration and internal ID mapping of all multipart classes.
object MultiPartRegistry
* Interface to be registered for constructing parts.
* Every instance of every multipart is constructed from an implementor of this.
trait IPartFactory
* Create a new instance of the part with the specified type name identifier
* @param client If the part instance is for the client or the server
def createPart(name:String, client:Boolean):TMultiPart
* An interface for converting existing blocks/tile entities to multipart versions.
trait IPartConverter
* Return true if this converter can handle the specific blockID (may or may not actually convert the block)
def canConvert(blockID:Int):Boolean
* Return a multipart version of the block at pos in world. Return null if no conversion is possible.
def convert(world:World, pos:BlockCoord):TMultiPart
private val typeMap:HashMap[String, (Boolean)=>TMultiPart] = new HashMap
private val nameMap:HashMap[String, Int] = new HashMap
private var idMap:Array[(String, (Boolean)=>TMultiPart)] = _
private val idWriter = new IDWriter
private val converters:Array[Seq[IPartConverter]] = Array.fill(4096)(Seq())
private val containers:HashMap[String, ModContainer] = new HashMap()
* The state of the registry. 0 = no parts, 1 = registering, 2 = registered
private var state:Int = 0
* Register a part factory with an array of types it is capable of instantiating. Must be called before postInit
def registerParts(partFactory:IPartFactory, types:Array[String])
registerParts(partFactory.createPart _, types:_*)
* Scala function version of registerParts
def registerParts(partFactory:(String, Boolean)=>TMultiPart, types:String*)
throw new IllegalStateException("Parts must be registered in the init methods.")
val container = Loader.instance.activeModContainer
if(container == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Parts must be registered during the initialization phase of a mod container")
types.foreach{s =>
throw new IllegalStateException("Part with id "+s+" is already registered.")
typeMap.put(s, (c:Boolean) => partFactory(s, c))
containers.put(s, container)
* Register a part converter instance
def registerConverter(c:IPartConverter)
for(i <- 0 until 4096)
converters(i) = converters(i):+c
private[multipart] def beforeServerStart()
idMap = typeMap.toList.sortBy(_._1).toArray
for(i <- 0 until idMap.length)
nameMap.put(idMap(i)._1, i)
private[multipart] def writeIDMap(packet:PacketCustom)
idMap.foreach(e => packet.writeString(e._1))
private[multipart] def readIDMap(packet:PacketCustom):Seq[String] =
val k = packet.readInt()
idMap = new Array(k)
val missing = ListBuffer[String]()
for(i <- 0 until k)
val s = packet.readString()
val v = typeMap.get(s)
else {
idMap(i) = (s, v.get)
nameMap.put(s, i)
return missing
* Return true if any multiparts have been registered
private[multipart] def required = state > 0
* Return true if no more parts can be registered
def loaded = state == 2
private[multipart] def postInit(){state = 2}
* Writes the id of part to data
def writePartID(data:MCDataOutput, part:TMultiPart)
idWriter.write(data, nameMap.get(part.getType).get)
* Uses instantiators to creat a new part from the id read from data
def readPart(data:MCDataInput) = idMap(
* Uses instantiators to create a new part with specified identifier on side
def createPart(name:String, client:Boolean):TMultiPart =
val part = typeMap.get(name)
return part.get(client)
System.err.println("Missing mapping for part with ID: "+name)
return null
* Calls converters to create a multipart version of the block at pos
def convertBlock(world:World, pos:BlockCoord, id:Int):TMultiPart =
converters(id).foreach{c =>
val ret = c.convert(world, pos)
if(ret != null)
return ret
return null
def getModContainer(name:String) = containers(name)