| //********// |
| //MEKANISM// |
| //********// |
| |
| //Items |
| tile.ObsidianTNT.name=Obsidian TNT |
| item.EnrichedAlloy.name=Enriched Alloy |
| item.EnergyTablet.name=Energy Tablet |
| item.SpeedUpgrade.name=Speed Upgrade |
| item.EnergyUpgrade.name=Energy Upgrade |
| item.Robit.name=Robit |
| item.AtomicDisassembler.name=Atomic Disassembler |
| item.AtomicCore.name=Atomic Core |
| item.ElectricBow.name=Electric Bow |
| item.ControlCircuit.name=Control Circuit |
| item.EnrichedIron.name=Enriched Iron |
| item.CompressedCarbon.name=Compressed Carbon |
| item.PortableTeleporter.name=Portable Teleporter |
| item.TeleportationCore.name=Teleportation Core |
| item.Configurator.name=Configurator |
| item.NetworkReader.name=Network Reader |
| item.WalkieTalkie.name=Walkie-Talkie |
| item.Jetpack.name=Jetpack |
| item.ScubaTank.name=Scuba Tank |
| item.GasMask.name=Gas Mask |
| item.Dictionary.name=Dictionary |
| item.ElectrolyticCore.name=Electrolytic Core |
| item.CompressedRedstone.name=Compressed Redstone |
| item.Sawdust.name=Sawdust |
| item.Salt.name=Salt |
| item.BrineBucket.name=Brine Bucket |
| item.FreeRunners.name=Free Runners |
| item.ArmoredJetpack.name=Armored Jetpack |
| item.FilterCard.name=Filter Card |
| item.SeismicReader.name=Seismic Reader |
| item.HDPEPellet.name=HDPE Pellet |
| item.HDPERod.name=HDPE Rod |
| item.HDPESheet.name=HDPE Sheet |
| item.PlaStick.name=PlaStick |
| item.Substrate.name=Substrate |
| |
| //Gas Tank |
| tile.GasTank.GasTank.name=Gas Tank |
| |
| //Cardboard Box |
| tile.CardboardBox.name=Cardboard Box |
| |
| //Bounding Block |
| tile.BoundingBlock.name=Bounding Block |
| |
| //Basic Block |
| tile.BasicBlock.OsmiumBlock.name=Osmium Block |
| tile.BasicBlock.BronzeBlock.name=Bronze Block |
| tile.BasicBlock.RefinedObsidian.name=Refined Obsidian |
| tile.BasicBlock.CharcoalBlock.name=Charcoal Block |
| tile.BasicBlock.RefinedGlowstone.name=Refined Glowstone |
| tile.BasicBlock.SteelBlock.name=Steel Block |
| tile.BasicBlock.Bin.name=Bin |
| tile.BasicBlock.TeleporterFrame.name=Teleporter Frame |
| tile.BasicBlock.SteelCasing.name=Steel Casing |
| tile.BasicBlock.DynamicTank.name=Dynamic Tank |
| tile.BasicBlock.DynamicGlass.name=Dynamic Glass |
| tile.BasicBlock.DynamicValve.name=Dynamic Valve |
| tile.BasicBlock.CopperBlock.name=Copper Block |
| tile.BasicBlock.TinBlock.name=Tin Block |
| tile.BasicBlock.SalinationController.name=Salination Controller |
| tile.BasicBlock.SalinationValve.name=Salination Valve |
| |
| //Basic Block 2 (second ID iteration) |
| tile.BasicBlock2.SalinationBlock.name=Salination Block |
| |
| //Machine Block |
| tile.MachineBlock.EnrichmentChamber.name=Enrichment Chamber |
| tile.MachineBlock.OsmiumCompressor.name=Osmium Compressor |
| tile.MachineBlock.Combiner.name=Combiner |
| tile.MachineBlock.Crusher.name=Crusher |
| tile.MachineBlock.BasicFactory.name=Basic Factory |
| tile.MachineBlock.AdvancedFactory.name=Advanced Factory |
| tile.MachineBlock.EliteFactory.name=Elite Factory |
| tile.MachineBlock.MetallurgicInfuser.name=Metallurgic Infuser |
| tile.MachineBlock.PurificationChamber.name=Purification Chamber |
| tile.MachineBlock.EnergizedSmelter.name=Energized Smelter |
| tile.MachineBlock.Teleporter.name=Teleporter |
| tile.MachineBlock.ElectricPump.name=Electric Pump |
| tile.MachineBlock.ElectricChest.name=Electric Chest |
| tile.MachineBlock.Chargepad.name=Chargepad |
| tile.MachineBlock.LogisticalSorter.name=Logistical Sorter |
| tile.MachineBlock.DigitalMiner.name=Digital Miner |
| |
| //Machine Block 2 (second ID iteration) |
| tile.MachineBlock2.RotaryCondensentrator.name=Rotary Condensentrator |
| tile.MachineBlock2.ChemicalOxidizer.name=Chemical Oxidizer |
| tile.MachineBlock2.ChemicalInfuser.name=Chemical Infuser |
| tile.MachineBlock2.ChemicalCombiner.name=Chemical Combiner |
| tile.MachineBlock2.ChemicalInjectionChamber.name=Chemical Injection Chamber |
| tile.MachineBlock2.ElectrolyticSeparator.name=Electrolytic Separator |
| tile.MachineBlock2.PrecisionSawmill.name=Precision Sawmill |
| tile.MachineBlock2.ChemicalDissolutionChamber.name=Chemical Dissolution Chamber |
| tile.MachineBlock2.ChemicalWasher.name=Chemical Washer |
| tile.MachineBlock2.ChemicalCrystallizer.name=Chemical Crystallizer |
| tile.MachineBlock2.SeismicVibrator.name=Seismic Vibrator |
| tile.MachineBlock2.PressurizedReactionChamber.name=Pressurized Reaction Chamber |
| tile.MachineBlock2.PressurizedReactionChamber.short.name=PRC |
| |
| //Plastic |
| tile.PlasticBlock.name=Plastic Block |
| tile.SlickPlasticBlock.name=Slick Plastic Block |
| tile.GlowPlasticBlock.name=Plastic Glow Block |
| tile.ReinforcedPlasticBlock.name=Reinforced Plastic Block |
| tile.RoadPlasticBlock.name=Plastic Road |
| |
| tile.PlasticFence.name=Plastic Barrier |
| |
| //Infuse types |
| infuse.carbon=Carbon |
| infuse.tin=Tin |
| infuse.diamond=Diamond |
| infuse.redstone=Redstone |
| infuse.fungi=Fungi |
| |
| //Ore Block |
| tile.OreBlock.OsmiumOre.name=Osmium Ore |
| tile.OreBlock.CopperOre.name=Copper Ore |
| tile.OreBlock.TinOre.name=Tin Ore |
| |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.PressurizedTube.name=Pressurized Tube |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.BasicUniversalCable.name=Basic Universal Cable |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.AdvancedUniversalCable.name=Advanced Universal Cable |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.EliteUniversalCable.name=Elite Universal Cable |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.UltimateUniversalCable.name=Ultimate Universal Cable |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.BasicMechanicalPipe.name=Basic Mechanical Pipe |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.AdvancedMechanicalPipe.name=Advanced Mechanical Pipe |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.EliteMechanicalPipe.name=Elite Mechanical Pipe |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.UltimateMechanicalPipe.name=Ultimate Mechanical Pipe |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.LogisticalTransporter.name=Logistical Transporter |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.RestrictiveTransporter.name=Restrictive Transporter |
| item.MultipartTransmitter.DiversionTransporter.name=Diversion Transporter |
| |
| //Glow Panel |
| item.GlowPanel.name=Glow Panel |
| |
| //Energy Cubes |
| tile.EnergyCube.Basic.name=Basic Energy Cube |
| tile.EnergyCube.Advanced.name=Advanced Energy Cube |
| tile.EnergyCube.Elite.name=Elite Energy Cube |
| tile.EnergyCube.Ultimate.name=Ultimate Energy Cube |
| |
| //Dust |
| item.ironDust.name=Iron Dust |
| item.goldDust.name=Gold Dust |
| item.osmiumDust.name=Osmium Dust |
| item.obsidianDust.name=Refined Obsidian Dust |
| item.diamondDust.name=Diamond Dust |
| item.steelDust.name=Steel Dust |
| item.copperDust.name=Copper Dust |
| item.tinDust.name=Tin Dust |
| item.silverDust.name=Silver Dust |
| item.leadDust.name=Lead Dust |
| item.sulfurDust.name=Sulfur Dust |
| |
| //Clumps |
| item.ironClump.name=Iron Clump |
| item.goldClump.name=Gold Clump |
| item.osmiumClump.name=Osmium Clump |
| item.copperClump.name=Copper Clump |
| item.tinClump.name=Tin Clump |
| item.silverClump.name=Silver Clump |
| item.obsidianClump.name=Obsidian Clump |
| item.leadClump.name=Lead Clump |
| |
| //Shards |
| item.ironShard.name=Iron Shard |
| item.goldShard.name=Gold Shard |
| item.osmiumShard.name=Osmium Shard |
| item.copperShard.name=Copper Shard |
| item.tinShard.name=Tin Shard |
| item.silverShard.name=Silver Shard |
| item.obsidianShard.name=Obsidian Shard |
| item.leadShard.name=Lead Shard |
| |
| //Crystals |
| item.ironCrystal.name=Iron Crystal |
| item.goldCrystal.name=Gold Crystal |
| item.osmiumCrystal.name=Osmium Crystal |
| item.copperCrystal.name=Copper Crystal |
| item.tinCrystal.name=Tin Crystal |
| item.silverCrystal.name=Silver Crystal |
| item.obsidianCrystal.name=Obsidian Crystal |
| item.leadCrystal.name=Lead Crystal |
| |
| //Dirty Dust |
| item.dirtyIronDust.name=Dirty Iron Dust |
| item.dirtyGoldDust.name=Dirty Gold Dust |
| item.dirtyOsmiumDust.name=Dirty Osmium Dust |
| item.dirtyCopperDust.name=Dirty Copper Dust |
| item.dirtyTinDust.name=Dirty Tin Dust |
| item.dirtySilverDust.name=Dirty Silver Dust |
| item.dirtyObsidianDust.name=Dirty Obsidian Dust |
| item.dirtyLeadDust.name=Dirty Lead Dust |
| |
| //Ingots |
| item.obsidianIngot.name=Obsidian Ingot |
| item.osmiumIngot.name=Osmium Ingot |
| item.bronzeIngot.name=Bronze Ingot |
| item.glowstoneIngot.name=Glowstone Ingot |
| item.steelIngot.name=Steel Ingot |
| item.copperIngot.name=Copper Ingot |
| item.tinIngot.name=Tin Ingot |
| |
| //Gasses |
| gas.hydrogen=Hydrogen |
| gas.oxygen=Oxygen |
| gas.water=Water Vapor |
| gas.chlorine=Chlorine |
| gas.sulfurDioxideGas=Sulfur Dioxide |
| gas.sulfurTrioxideGas=Sulfur Trioxide |
| gas.sulfuricAcid=Sulfuric Acid |
| gas.hydrogenChloride=Hydrogen Chloride |
| gas.liquidOsmium=Liquid Osmium |
| gas.liquidStone=Liquid Stone |
| gas.ethene=Ethylene |
| |
| gas.iron=Iron Slurry |
| gas.gold=Gold Slurry |
| gas.osmium=Osmium Slurry |
| gas.copper=Copper Slurry |
| gas.tin=Tin Slurry |
| gas.silver=Silver Slurry |
| gas.obsidian=Obsidian Slurry |
| gas.lead=Lead Slurry |
| |
| gas.cleanIron=Clean Iron Slurry |
| gas.cleanGold=Clean Gold Slurry |
| gas.cleanOsmium=Clean Osmium Slurry |
| gas.cleanCopper=Clean Copper Slurry |
| gas.cleanTin=Clean Tin Slurry |
| gas.cleanSilver=Clean Silver Slurry |
| gas.cleanObsidian=Clean Obsidian Slurry |
| gas.cleanLead=Clean Lead Slurry |
| |
| //BC Fuel Gases |
| gas.fuel=Vaporized Fuel |
| gas.oil=Vaporized Oil |
| |
| //Fluids |
| fluid.hydrogen=Liquid Hydrogen |
| fluid.oxygen=Liquid Oxygen |
| fluid.chlorine=Liquid Chlorine |
| fluid.sulfurDioxideGas=Liquid Sulfur Dioxide |
| fluid.sulfurTrioxideGas=Liquid Sulfur Trioxide |
| fluid.sulfuricAcid=Liquid Sulfuric Acid |
| fluid.hydrogenChloride=Liquid Hydrogen Chloride |
| fluid.brine=Brine |
| fluid.ethene=Liquid Ethylene |
| |
| //OreGas names |
| oregas.iron=Iron Ore |
| oregas.gold=Gold Ore |
| oregas.osmium=Osmium Ore |
| oregas.copper=Copper Ore |
| oregas.tin=Tin Ore |
| oregas.silver=Silver Ore |
| oregas.obsidian=Obsidian Ore |
| oregas.lead=Lead Ore |
| |
| //Gui text |
| gui.removeSpeedUpgrade=Remove speed upgrade |
| gui.removeEnergyUpgrade=Remove energy upgrade |
| gui.condensentrating=Condensentrating |
| gui.decondensentrating=Decondensentrating |
| gui.power=Power |
| gui.confirm=Confirm |
| gui.open=Open |
| gui.allOK=All OK |
| gui.none=None |
| gui.new=New |
| gui.edit=Edit |
| gui.save=Save |
| gui.output=Output |
| gui.delete=Delete |
| gui.status=Status |
| gui.autoEject=Auto-eject |
| gui.itemstack=ItemStack |
| gui.oredict=OreDict |
| gui.material=Material |
| gui.out=Out |
| gui.noFluid=No fluid |
| gui.empty=Empty |
| gui.volume=Volume |
| gui.start=Start |
| gui.stop=Stop |
| gui.config=Config |
| gui.teleport=Teleport |
| gui.eject=Eject |
| gui.input=Input |
| gui.slots=Slots |
| gui.state=State |
| gui.on=On |
| gui.off=Off |
| gui.filters=Filters |
| gui.idle=Idle |
| gui.data=Data |
| gui.newFilter=New Filter |
| gui.energy=Energy |
| |
| gui.chemicalInfuser.short=C. Infuser |
| gui.chemicalDissolutionChamber.short=C. Dissolution Chamber |
| |
| gui.dictionary.noKey=No key. |
| gui.dictionary.key=Key |
| |
| gui.configuration=Configuration |
| gui.configuration.strictInput=Strict Input |
| |
| gui.rotaryCondensentrator.toggleOperation=Toggle operation |
| |
| gui.factory.secondaryEnergy=Secondary energy |
| gui.factory.smelting=Smelting |
| gui.factory.enriching=Enriching |
| gui.factory.crushing=Crushing |
| gui.factory.compressing=Compressing |
| gui.factory.combining=Combining |
| gui.factory.purifying=Purifying |
| gui.factory.injecting=Injecting |
| gui.factory.autoSort=Auto-sort |
| |
| gui.seismicReader.short=S. Reader |
| gui.seismicReader.solids=Solids |
| gui.seismicReader.fluids=Fluids |
| gui.seismicReader.reading=Reading |
| |
| gui.filterSelect.title=Create New Filter |
| |
| gui.oredictFilter=OreDict Filter |
| gui.oredictFilter.noKey=No key entered |
| gui.oredictFilter.sameKey=Same key |
| |
| gui.itemFilter=Item Filter |
| gui.itemFilter.noItem=No item |
| gui.itemFilter.details=ItemStack Details |
| gui.itemFilter.min=Min |
| gui.itemFilter.max=Max |
| |
| gui.materialFilter=Material Filter |
| gui.materialFilter.details=Using material of |
| |
| gui.portableTeleporter=Portable Teleporter |
| |
| gui.teleporter.notReady=Not Ready |
| gui.teleporter.ready=Ready |
| gui.teleporter.needsEnergy=Needs energy |
| gui.teleporter.linksCapacity=Links > 2 |
| gui.teleporter.noLink=No link found |
| |
| gui.robit=Robit |
| entity.Robit.name=Robit |
| gui.robit.smelting=Robit Smelting |
| gui.robit.inventory=Robit Inventory |
| gui.robit.crafting=Robit Crafting |
| gui.robit.greeting=Hi, I'm |
| gui.robit.toggleFollow=Toggle 'follow' mode |
| gui.robit.rename=Rename this Robit |
| gui.robit.teleport=Teleport back home |
| gui.robit.togglePickup=Toggle 'drop pickup' mode |
| |
| gui.password.setPassword=Set password |
| gui.password.enterPassword=Enter password |
| gui.password.fieldsEmpty=Field(s) empty |
| gui.password.notMatching=Not matching |
| gui.password.identical=Identical |
| gui.password.invalid=Invalid |
| gui.password=Password |
| |
| gui.logisticalSorter.default=Default |
| gui.logisticalSorter.auto=Auto |
| gui.logisticalSorter.roundRobin=Round robin |
| |
| gui.electricChest.editPassword=Edit Password |
| |
| gui.digitalMinerConfig=Digital Miner Config |
| |
| gui.digitalMiner.autoPull=Auto-pull |
| gui.digitalMiner.replaceBlock=Replace block |
| gui.digitalMiner.reset=Reset |
| gui.digitalMiner.silkTouch=Silk touch |
| gui.digitalMiner.pull=Pull |
| gui.digitalMiner.silk=Silk |
| gui.digitalMiner.toMine=To mine |
| gui.digitalMiner.running=Running |
| gui.digitalMiner.inverse=Inverse mode |
| |
| //Item and block tooltip text |
| tooltip.configurator.modify=Modify |
| tooltip.configurator.empty=Empty |
| tooltip.configurator.wrench=Wrench |
| tooltip.configurator.link=Link |
| tooltip.configurator.pumpReset=Reset Electric Pump calculation |
| tooltip.configurator.toggleDiverter=Diverter mode changed to |
| tooltip.configurator.toggleColor=Color bumped to |
| tooltip.configurator.viewColor=Current color |
| tooltip.configurator.unauth=This chest is locked |
| tooltip.configurator.noLink=No link |
| tooltip.configurator.linkMsg=Bound to |
| tooltip.configurator.dim=dimension |
| |
| tooltip.filterCard.got=Retrieved filter data from %s |
| tooltip.filterCard.set=Injected filter data of type %s |
| tooltip.filterCard.unequal=Unequal filter data formats |
| tooltip.filterCard.logisticalSorter=Logistical Sorter |
| tooltip.filterCard.digitalMiner=Digital Miner |
| |
| tooltip.balloon=Balloon |
| |
| tooltip.jetpack.regular=Regular |
| tooltip.jetpack.hover=Hover |
| tooltip.jetpack.disabled=Disabled |
| |
| tooltip.seismicReader.needsEnergy=Not enough energy to interpret vibration |
| tooltip.seismicReader.noVibrations=Unable to discover any vibrations |
| |
| tooltip.EnrichmentChamber=A simple machine used to enrich ores into !ntwo of their dust counterparts, as well as !nperform many other operations. |
| tooltip.OsmiumCompressor=A fairly advanced machine used to compress !nosmium into various dusts in order to create !ntheir ingot counterparts. |
| tooltip.Combiner=A machine used to combine dusts and cobblestone to !nform their ore counterparts. |
| tooltip.Crusher=A machine used to crush ingots into their dust counterparts, !nas well as perform many other operations. |
| tooltip.DigitalMiner=A highly-advanced, filter-based, auto-miner that can !nmine whatever block you tell it to within !na 32 block (max) radius. |
| tooltip.BasicFactory=The lowest tier of the line of Factories, which can !nbe used to process multiple machine operations !nat once. |
| tooltip.AdvancedFactory=The middle tier of the line of Factories, which can !nbe used to process multiple machine !noperations at once. |
| tooltip.EliteFactory=The highest tier of the line of Factories, which can !nbe used to process multiple machine !noperations at once. |
| tooltip.MetallurgicInfuser=A machine used to infuse various materials !ninto (generally) metals to create metal alloys !nand other compounds. |
| tooltip.PurificationChamber=An advanced machine capable of processing !nores into three clumps, serving as the initial !nstage of 300% ore processing. |
| tooltip.EnergizedSmelter=A simple machine that serves as a Mekanism-based !nfurnace that runs off of energy. |
| tooltip.Teleporter=A machine capable of teleporting players to various !nlocations defined by another teleporter. |
| tooltip.ElectricPump=An advanced pump capable of pumping out an entire !nlava lake. |
| tooltip.ElectricChest=A portable, 54-slot chest that uses energy to lock !nitself from others by means of password protection. |
| tooltip.Chargepad=A universal chargepad that can charge any energized item !nfrom any mod. |
| tooltip.LogisticalSorter=A filter-based, advanced sorting machine that !ncan auto-eject specified items out of and into !nadjacent inventories and Logistical Transporters. |
| tooltip.RotaryCondensentrator=A machine capable of converting gasses into !ntheir fluid form and vice versa. |
| tooltip.ChemicalInjectionChamber=An elite machine capable of processing !nores into four shards, serving as the initial !nstage of 400% ore processing. |
| tooltip.ElectrolyticSeparator=A machine that uses the process of !nelectrolysis to split apart a certain !ngas into two different gasses. |
| tooltip.PrecisionSawmill=A machine used to process logs and other !nwood-based items more efficiently, as well !nas to obtain sawdust. |
| tooltip.ChemicalDissolutionChamber=An ultimate machine used to !nchemically dissolve all impurities of an !nore, leaving an unprocessed slurry !nbehind. |
| tooltip.ChemicalWasher=An ultimate machine that cleans unprocessed !nslurry and prepares it for crystallization. |
| tooltip.ChemicalCrystallizer=An ultimate machine used to crystallize !npurified ore slurry into ore crystals. |
| tooltip.SeismicVibrator=A machine that uses seismic vibrations to !nprovide information on differing layers !of the world. |
| |
| tooltip.OsmiumOre=A strong mineral that can be found !nat nearly any height in the world. !nIt is known to have many uses in !nthe construction of machinery. |
| tooltip.CopperOre=A common, conductive material that !ncan be used in the production of !nwires. Its ability to withstand !nhigh heats also makes it essential !nto advanced machinery. |
| tooltip.TinOre=A lightweight, yet sturdy, conductive !nmaterial that is found slightly less !ncommonly than Copper. |
| |
| //Redstone control |
| control.disabled=Disabled |
| control.high=High |
| control.low=Low |
| control.disabled.desc=Always active |
| control.high.desc=Active with signal |
| control.low.desc=Active without signal |
| |
| //Colors |
| color.black=Black |
| color.darkBlue=Dark Blue |
| color.darkGreen=Dark Green |
| color.darkAqua=Dark Aqua |
| color.darkRed=Dark Red |
| color.purple=Purple |
| color.orange=Orange |
| color.grey=Grey |
| color.darkGrey=Dark Grey |
| color.indigo=Indigo |
| color.brightGreen=Bright Green |
| color.aqua=Aqua |
| color.red=Red |
| color.pink=Pink |
| color.yellow=Yellow |
| color.white=White |
| color.brown=Brown |
| color.brightPink=Bright Pink |
| |
| //Dyes |
| dye.black=Black |
| dye.darkBlue=Blue |
| dye.brown=Brown |
| dye.darkGreen=Green |
| dye.darkAqua=Cyan |
| dye.darkRed=Dark Red |
| dye.purple=Purple |
| dye.orange=Orange |
| dye.grey=Light Grey |
| dye.darkGrey=Grey |
| dye.indigo=Light Blue |
| dye.brightGreen=Lime |
| dye.aqua=Aqua |
| dye.red=Red |
| dye.brightPink=Pink |
| dye.pink=Magenta |
| dye.yellow=Yellow |
| dye.white=White |
| |
| //Creative tab |
| itemGroup.tabMekanism=Mekanism |
| |
| //NEI stuff |
| nei.chemicalInjectionChamber=C. Injection Chamber |
| nei.rotaryCondensentrator=R. Condensentrator |
| |
| //**********// |
| //**********// |
| |
| //Items |
| item.BioFuel.name=Bio Fuel |
| item.SolarPanel.name=Solar Panel |
| |
| //Infuse types |
| infuse.bio=Biomass |
| |
| //Generators |
| tile.Generator.HeatGenerator.name=Heat Generator |
| tile.Generator.SolarGenerator.name=Solar Generator |
| tile.Generator.HydrogenGenerator.name=Gas-Burning Generator |
| tile.Generator.BioGenerator.name=Bio-Generator |
| tile.Generator.AdvancedSolarGenerator.name=Advanced Solar Generator |
| tile.Generator.WindTurbine.name=Wind Turbine |
| |
| //Gui text |
| gui.heatGenerator.fuel=Fuel |
| gui.solarGenerator.sun=Sun |
| gui.bioGenerator.bioFuel=BioFuel |
| gui.electrolyticSeparator.dump=Dump |
| |
| //*****// |
| //TOOLS// |
| //*****// |
| |
| //Vanilla Paxels |
| item.WoodPaxel.name=Wood Paxel |
| item.StonePaxel.name=Stone Paxel |
| item.IronPaxel.name=Iron Paxel |
| item.DiamondPaxel.name=Diamond Paxel |
| item.GoldPaxel.name=Gold Paxel |
| |
| //Obsidian |
| item.ObsidianHelmet.name=Obsidian Helmet |
| item.ObsidianChestplate.name=Obsidian Chestplate |
| item.ObsidianLeggings.name=Obsidian Leggings |
| item.ObsidianBoots.name=Obsidian Boots |
| item.ObsidianPaxel.name=Obsidian Paxel |
| item.ObsidianPickaxe.name=Obsidian Pickaxe |
| item.ObsidianAxe.name=Obsidian Axe |
| item.ObsidianShovel.name=Obsidian Shovel |
| item.ObsidianHoe.name=Obsidian Hoe |
| item.ObsidianSword.name=Obsidian Sword |
| |
| //Lapis Lazuli |
| item.LazuliHelmet.name=Lapis Lazuli Helmet |
| item.LazuliChestplate.name=Lapis Lazuli Chestplate |
| item.LazuliLeggings.name=Lapis Lazuli Leggings |
| item.LazuliBoots.name=Lapis Lazuli Boots |
| item.LazuliPaxel.name=Lapis Lazuli Paxel |
| item.LazuliPickaxe.name=Lapis Lazuli Pickaxe |
| item.LazuliAxe.name=Lapis Lazuli Axe |
| item.LazuliShovel.name=Lapis Lazuli Shovel |
| item.LazuliHoe.name=Lapis Lazuli Hoe |
| item.LazuliSword.name=Lapis Lazuli Sword |
| |
| //Osmium |
| item.OsmiumHelmet.name=Osmium Helmet |
| item.OsmiumChestplate.name=Osmium Chestplate |
| item.OsmiumLeggings.name=Osmium Leggings |
| item.OsmiumBoots.name=Osmium Boots |
| item.OsmiumPaxel.name=Osmium Paxel |
| item.OsmiumPickaxe.name=Osmium Pickaxe |
| item.OsmiumAxe.name=Osmium Axe |
| item.OsmiumShovel.name=Osmium Shovel |
| item.OsmiumHoe.name=Osmium Hoe |
| item.OsmiumSword.name=Osmium Sword |
| |
| //Bronze |
| item.BronzeHelmet.name=Bronze Helmet |
| item.BronzeChestplate.name=Bronze Chestplate |
| item.BronzeLeggings.name=Bronze Leggings |
| item.BronzeBoots.name=Bronze Boots |
| item.BronzePaxel.name=Bronze Paxel |
| item.BronzePickaxe.name=Bronze Pickaxe |
| item.BronzeAxe.name=Bronze Axe |
| item.BronzeShovel.name=Bronze Shovel |
| item.BronzeHoe.name=Bronze Hoe |
| item.BronzeSword.name=Bronze Sword |
| |
| //Glow |
| item.GlowstoneHelmet.name=Glowstone Helmet |
| item.GlowstoneChestplate.name=Glowstone Chestplate |
| item.GlowstoneLeggings.name=Glowstone Leggings |
| item.GlowstoneBoots.name=Glowstone Boots |
| item.GlowstonePaxel.name=Glowstone Paxel |
| item.GlowstonePickaxe.name=Glowstone Pickaxe |
| item.GlowstoneAxe.name=Glowstone Axe |
| item.GlowstoneShovel.name=Glowstone Shovel |
| item.GlowstoneHoe.name=Glowstone Hoe |
| item.GlowstoneSword.name=Glowstone Sword |
| |
| //Steel |
| item.SteelHelmet.name=Steel Helmet |
| item.SteelChestplate.name=Steel Chestplate |
| item.SteelLeggings.name=Steel Leggings |
| item.SteelBoots.name=Steel Boots |
| item.SteelPaxel.name=Steel Paxel |
| item.SteelPickaxe.name=Steel Pickaxe |
| item.SteelAxe.name=Steel Axe |
| item.SteelShovel.name=Steel Shovel |
| item.SteelHoe.name=Steel Hoe |
| item.SteelSword.name=Steel Sword |