blob: bd5dc1cea449422b7c8fd25705ba774ec71e32ee [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
bench.c - Demo program to benchmark open-source compression algorithm
Copyright (C) Yann Collet 2012
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
You can contact the author at :
- LZ4 homepage :
- LZ4 source repository :
// Compilation Directives
// Includes
#include <stdio.h> // printf, fopen, fseeko64, ftello64
#include <stdlib.h> // malloc
#include <sys/timeb.h> // timeb
#include "lz4.h"
// Basic Types
#if defined(_MSC_VER) // Visual Studio does not support 'stdint' natively
#define BYTE unsigned __int8
#define U16 unsigned __int16
#define U32 unsigned __int32
#define S32 __int32
#define U64 unsigned __int64
#include <stdint.h>
#define BYTE uint8_t
#define U16 uint16_t
#define U32 uint32_t
#define S32 int32_t
#define U64 uint64_t
// Constants
#define NBLOOPS 3
#define TIMELOOP 2000
#define KNUTH 2654435761U
#define MAX_MEM (1984<<20)
#define CHUNKSIZE (8<<20)
// Local structures
struct chunkParameters
U32 id;
char* inputBuffer;
char* outputBuffer;
int inputSize;
int outputSize;
struct compressionParameters
int (*compressionFunction)(char*, char*, int);
int (*decompressionFunction)(char*, char*, int);
#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
// Private functions
static int BMK_GetMilliStart()
// Supposed to be portable
// Rolls over every ~ 12.1 days (0x100000/24/60/60)
// Use GetMilliSpan to correct for rollover
struct timeb tb;
int nCount;
ftime( &tb );
nCount = tb.millitm + (tb.time & 0xfffff) * 1000;
return nCount;
static int BMK_GetMilliSpan( int nTimeStart )
int nSpan = BMK_GetMilliStart() - nTimeStart;
if ( nSpan < 0 )
nSpan += 0x100000 * 1000;
return nSpan;
static U32 BMK_checksum(char* buff, U32 length)
BYTE* p = (BYTE*)buff;
BYTE* bEnd = p + length;
BYTE* limit = bEnd - 3;
U32 idx = 1;
U32 crc = KNUTH;
while (p<limit)
crc += ((*(U32*)p) + idx++);
crc *= KNUTH;
while (p<bEnd)
crc += ((*p) + idx++);
crc *= KNUTH;
return crc;
static size_t BMK_findMaxMem(U64 requiredMem)
size_t step = (64U<<20); // 64 MB
BYTE* testmem=NULL;
requiredMem = (((requiredMem >> 25) + 1) << 26);
if (requiredMem > MAX_MEM) requiredMem = MAX_MEM;
requiredMem += 2*step;
while (!testmem)
requiredMem -= step;
testmem = malloc ((size_t)requiredMem);
free (testmem);
return (size_t) (requiredMem - step);
static U64 BMK_GetFileSize(FILE* f)
U64 r;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
_fseeki64(f, 0L, SEEK_END);
r = (U64) _ftelli64(f);
_fseeki64(f, 0L, SEEK_SET);
fseeko64(f, 0LL, SEEK_END);
r = (U64) ftello64(f);
fseeko64(f, 0LL, SEEK_SET);
return r;
// Public function
int BMK_benchFile(char** fileNamesTable, int nbFiles)
int fileIdx=0;
FILE* fileIn;
char* infilename;
U64 largefilesize;
size_t benchedsize;
int nbChunks;
int maxCChunkSize;
size_t readSize;
char* in_buff;
char* out_buff; int out_buff_size;
struct chunkParameters chunkP[MAX_NB_CHUNKS];
U32 crcc, crcd;
struct compressionParameters compP;
U64 totals = 0;
U64 totalz = 0;
double totalc = 0.;
double totald = 0.;
// Init
compP.compressionFunction = LZ4_compress;
compP.decompressionFunction = LZ4_uncompress;
// Loop for each file
while (fileIdx<nbFiles)
// Check file existence
infilename = fileNamesTable[fileIdx++];
fileIn = fopen( infilename, "rb" );
if (fileIn==NULL)
DISPLAY( "Pb opening %s\n", infilename);
return 11;
// Memory allocation & restrictions
largefilesize = BMK_GetFileSize(fileIn);
benchedsize = (size_t) BMK_findMaxMem(largefilesize) / 2;
if ((U64)benchedsize > largefilesize) benchedsize = (size_t)largefilesize;
if (benchedsize < largefilesize)
DISPLAY("Not enough memory for '%s' full size; testing %i MB only...\n", infilename, (int)(benchedsize>>20));
// Alloc
in_buff = malloc((size_t )benchedsize);
nbChunks = (benchedsize / CHUNKSIZE) + 1;
maxCChunkSize = CHUNKSIZE + CHUNKSIZE/255 + 64;
out_buff_size = nbChunks * maxCChunkSize;
out_buff = malloc((size_t )out_buff_size);
if(!in_buff || !out_buff)
DISPLAY("\nError: not enough memory!\n");
return 12;
// Init chunks data
int i;
size_t remaining = benchedsize;
char* in = in_buff;
char* out = out_buff;
for (i=0; i<nbChunks; i++)
chunkP[i].id = i;
chunkP[i].inputBuffer = in; in += CHUNKSIZE;
if (remaining > CHUNKSIZE) { chunkP[i].inputSize = CHUNKSIZE; remaining -= CHUNKSIZE; } else { chunkP[i].inputSize = remaining; remaining = 0; }
chunkP[i].outputBuffer = out; out += maxCChunkSize;
chunkP[i].outputSize = 0;
// Fill input buffer
DISPLAY("Loading %s... \r", infilename);
readSize = fread(in_buff, 1, benchedsize, fileIn);
if(readSize != benchedsize)
printf("\nError: problem reading file '%s' !! \n", infilename);
return 13;
// Calculating input Checksum
crcc = BMK_checksum(in_buff, benchedsize);
// Bench
int loopNb, nb_loops, chunkNb;
size_t cSize;
int milliTime;
double fastestC = 100000000., fastestD = 100000000.;
for (loopNb = 1; loopNb <= NBLOOPS; loopNb++)
// Compression
DISPLAY("%1i-%-14.14s : %9i ->\r", loopNb, infilename, (int)benchedsize);
{ size_t i; for (i=0; i<benchedsize; i++) out_buff[i]=(char)i; } // warmimg up memory
nb_loops = 0;
milliTime = BMK_GetMilliStart();
while(BMK_GetMilliStart() == milliTime);
milliTime = BMK_GetMilliStart();
while(BMK_GetMilliSpan(milliTime) < TIMELOOP)
for (chunkNb=0; chunkNb<nbChunks; chunkNb++)
chunkP[chunkNb].outputSize = compP.compressionFunction(chunkP[chunkNb].inputBuffer, chunkP[chunkNb].outputBuffer, chunkP[chunkNb].inputSize);
milliTime = BMK_GetMilliSpan(milliTime);
if ((double)milliTime < fastestC*nb_loops) fastestC = (double)milliTime/nb_loops;
cSize=0; for (chunkNb=0; chunkNb<nbChunks; chunkNb++) cSize += chunkP[chunkNb].outputSize;
DISPLAY("%1i-%-14.14s : %9i -> %9i (%5.2f%%), %6.1f MB/s\r", loopNb, infilename, (int)benchedsize, (int)cSize, (double)cSize/(double)benchedsize*100., (double)benchedsize / fastestC / 1000.);
// Decompression
{ size_t i; for (i=0; i<benchedsize; i++) in_buff[i]=0; } // zeroing area, for CRC checking
nb_loops = 0;
milliTime = BMK_GetMilliStart();
while(BMK_GetMilliStart() == milliTime);
milliTime = BMK_GetMilliStart();
while(BMK_GetMilliSpan(milliTime) < TIMELOOP)
for (chunkNb=0; chunkNb<nbChunks; chunkNb++)
chunkP[chunkNb].outputSize = compP.decompressionFunction(chunkP[chunkNb].outputBuffer, chunkP[chunkNb].inputBuffer, chunkP[chunkNb].inputSize);
milliTime = BMK_GetMilliSpan(milliTime);
if ((double)milliTime < fastestD*nb_loops) fastestD = (double)milliTime/nb_loops;
DISPLAY("%1i-%-14.14s : %9i -> %9i (%5.2f%%), %6.1f MB/s , %6.1f MB/s\r", loopNb, infilename, (int)benchedsize, (int)cSize, (double)cSize/(double)benchedsize*100., (double)benchedsize / fastestC / 1000., (double)benchedsize / fastestD / 1000.);
DISPLAY("%-16.16s : %9i -> %9i (%5.2f%%), %6.1f MB/s , %6.1f MB/s\n", infilename, (int)benchedsize, (int)cSize, (double)cSize/(double)benchedsize*100., (double)benchedsize / fastestC / 1000., (double)benchedsize / fastestD / 1000.);
totals += benchedsize;
totalz += cSize;
totalc += fastestC;
totald += fastestD;
// CRC Checking
crcd = BMK_checksum(in_buff, benchedsize);
if (crcc!=crcd) printf("!!! WARNING !!! Invalid Checksum : %x != %x\n", (unsigned)crcc, (unsigned)crcd);
if (nbFiles > 1)
printf("%-16.16s :%10llu ->%10llu (%5.2f%%), %6.1f MB/s , %6.1f MB/s\n", " TOTAL", (long long unsigned int)totals, (long long unsigned int)totalz, (double)totalz/(double)totals*100., (double)totals/totalc/1000., (double)totals/totald/1000.);
return 0;