blob: 2da6408ab5e4d1251082e1e50cb5904b851a8c45 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
# ##########################################################################
# LZ4 programs - Makefile
# Copyright (C) Yann Collet 2011-2016
# GPL v2 License
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# You can contact the author at :
# - LZ4 homepage :
# - LZ4 source repository :
# ##########################################################################
# fuzzer : Test tool, to check lz4 integrity on target platform
# fuzzer32: Same as fuzzer, but forced to compile in 32-bits mode
# frametest : Test tool, to check lz4frame integrity on target platform
# frametest32: Same as frametest, but forced to compile in 32-bits mode
# fullbench : Precisely measure speed for each LZ4 function variant
# fullbench32: Same as fullbench, but forced to compile in 32-bits mode
# datagen : generates synthetic data samples for tests & benchmarks
# ##########################################################################
PREFIX ?= /usr/local
VOID := /dev/null
MANDIR := $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1
LZ4DIR := ../lib
PRGDIR := ../programs
TESTDIR := versionsTest
PYTHON?= python3
CFLAGS ?= -O3 # can select custom flags. For example : CFLAGS="-O2 -g" make
CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wshadow -Wswitch-enum -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wstrict-prototypes
# Define *.exe as extension for Windows systems
ifneq (,$(filter Windows%,$(OS)))
EXT =.exe
# Default test parameters
default: bins
m32: fullbench32 fuzzer32 frametest32
bins: fullbench fuzzer frametest datagen
all: bins m32
$(MAKE) -C $(PRGDIR) $@
$(MAKE) -C $(PRGDIR) $@
$(MAKE) -C $(PRGDIR) $@
fullbench : $(LZ4DIR)/lz4.o $(LZ4DIR)/lz4hc.o $(LZ4DIR)/lz4frame.o $(LZ4DIR)/xxhash.o fullbench.c
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
fullbench32: $(LZ4DIR)/lz4.c $(LZ4DIR)/lz4hc.c $(LZ4DIR)/lz4frame.c $(LZ4DIR)/xxhash.c fullbench.c
$(CC) -m32 $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
fuzzer : $(LZ4DIR)/lz4.o $(LZ4DIR)/lz4hc.o $(LZ4DIR)/xxhash.o fuzzer.c
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
fuzzer32: $(LZ4DIR)/lz4.c $(LZ4DIR)/lz4hc.c $(LZ4DIR)/xxhash.c fuzzer.c
$(CC) -m32 $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
frametest: $(LZ4DIR)/lz4frame.o $(LZ4DIR)/lz4.o $(LZ4DIR)/lz4hc.o $(LZ4DIR)/xxhash.o frametest.c
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
frametest32: $(LZ4DIR)/lz4frame.c $(LZ4DIR)/lz4.c $(LZ4DIR)/lz4hc.c $(LZ4DIR)/xxhash.c frametest.c
$(CC) -m32 $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
fasttest: $(LZ4DIR)/lz4.o fasttest.c
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
datagen : $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c datagencli.c
$(CC) $(FLAGS) -I$(PRGDIR) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
@$(MAKE) -C $(LZ4DIR) $@ > $(VOID)
@$(RM) core *.o *.test tmp* \
fullbench$(EXT) fullbench32$(EXT) \
fuzzer$(EXT) fuzzer32$(EXT) \
frametest$(EXT) frametest32$(EXT) \
@rm -fR $(TESTDIR)
@echo Cleaning completed
#make install is validated only for Linux, OSX, kFreeBSD, Hurd and
#FreeBSD targets
ifneq (,$(filter $(shell uname),Linux Darwin GNU/kFreeBSD GNU FreeBSD))
test: test-lz4 test-lz4c test-fasttest test-frametest test-fullbench test-fuzzer test-mem
test32: test-lz4c32 test-frametest32 test-fullbench32 test-fuzzer32 test-mem32
test-all: test test32
test-lz4-sparse: lz4 datagen
@echo "\n ---- test sparse file support ----"
./datagen -g5M -P100 > tmpSrc
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -B4D tmpSrc | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -dv --sparse > tmpB4
diff -s tmpSrc tmpB4
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -B5D tmpSrc | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -dv --sparse > tmpB5
diff -s tmpSrc tmpB5
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -B6D tmpSrc | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -dv --sparse > tmpB6
diff -s tmpSrc tmpB6
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -B7D tmpSrc | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -dv --sparse > tmpB7
diff -s tmpSrc tmpB7
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 tmpSrc | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -dv --no-sparse > tmpNoSparse
diff -s tmpSrc tmpNoSparse
ls -ls tmp*
./datagen -s1 -g1200007 -P100 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -dv --sparse > tmpOdd # Odd size file (to generate non-full last block)
./datagen -s1 -g1200007 -P100 | diff -s - tmpOdd
ls -ls tmpOdd
@$(RM) tmp*
@echo "\n Compatibility with Console :"
echo "Hello World 1 !" | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -d -c
echo "Hello World 2 !" | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -d | cat
echo "Hello World 3 !" | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 --no-frame-crc | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -d -c
@echo "\n Compatibility with Append :"
./datagen -P100 -g1M > tmp1M
cat tmp1M tmp1M > tmp2M
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -B5 -v tmp1M tmpC
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -d -v tmpC tmpR
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -d -v tmpC >> tmpR
ls -ls tmp*
diff tmp2M tmpR
@$(RM) tmp*
test-lz4-contentSize: lz4 datagen
@echo "\n ---- test original size support ----"
./datagen -g15M > tmp
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -v tmp | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -t
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -v --content-size tmp | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -d > tmp2
diff -s tmp tmp2
# test large size [2-4] GB
@./datagen -g3G -P100 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 --decompress --force --sparse - tmp
@ls -ls tmp
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 --quiet --content-size tmp | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 --verbose --decompress --force --sparse - tmp2
@ls -ls tmp2
@$(RM) tmp*
test-lz4-frame-concatenation: lz4 datagen
@echo "\n ---- test frame concatenation ----"
@echo -n > empty.test
@echo hi > nonempty.test
cat nonempty.test empty.test nonempty.test > orig.test
@$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -zq empty.test > empty.lz4.test
@$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -zq nonempty.test > nonempty.lz4.test
cat nonempty.lz4.test empty.lz4.test nonempty.lz4.test > concat.lz4.test
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -d concat.lz4.test > result.test
sdiff orig.test result.test
@$(RM) *.test
@echo frame concatenation test completed
test-lz4-multiple: lz4 datagen
@echo "\n ---- test multiple files ----"
@./datagen -s1 > tmp1 2> $(VOID)
@./datagen -s2 -g100K > tmp2 2> $(VOID)
@./datagen -s3 -g1M > tmp3 2> $(VOID)
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -f -m tmp*
ls -ls tmp*
@$(RM) tmp1 tmp2 tmp3
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -df -m *.lz4
ls -ls tmp*
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -f -m tmp1 notHere tmp2; echo $$?
@$(RM) tmp*
test-lz4-basic: lz4 datagen
@echo "\n ---- test lz4 basic compression/decompression ----"
./datagen -g0 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -v | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -t
./datagen -g16KB | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -9 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -t
./datagen -g20KB > tmpSrc
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 < tmpSrc | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -d > tmpRes
diff -q tmpSrc tmpRes
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 --no-frame-crc < tmpSrc | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -d > tmpRes
diff -q tmpSrc tmpRes
./datagen | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -t
./datagen -g6M -P99 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -9BD | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -t
./datagen -g17M | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -9v | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -qt
./datagen -g33M | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 --no-frame-crc | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -t
./datagen -g256MB | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -vqB4D | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -t
./datagen -g6GB | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -vqB5D | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -qt
./datagen -g6GB | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -vq9BD | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -qt
@$(RM) tmp*
test-lz4: lz4 datagen test-lz4-basic test-lz4-multiple test-lz4-sparse test-lz4-contentSize test-lz4-frame-concatenation
@echo "\n ---- test pass-through ----"
./datagen | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -t && false || true
./datagen | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -tf && false || true
./datagen | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -d > $(VOID) && false || true
./datagen | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -df > $(VOID)
@echo "\n ---- test cli ----"
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 file-does-not-exist && false || true
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -f file-does-not-exist && false || true
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -fm file1-dne file2-dne && false || true
$(PRGDIR)/lz4 -fm file1-dne file2-dne && false || true
test-lz4c: lz4c datagen
@echo "\n ---- test lz4c version ----"
./datagen -g256MB | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c -l -v | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c -t
test-interop-32-64: lz4 lz4c32 datagen
@echo "\n ---- test interoperability 32-bits -vs- 64 bits ----"
./datagen -g16KB | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -9 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -t
./datagen -P10 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -9B4 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -t
./datagen | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -t
./datagen -g1M | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -3B5 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -t
./datagen -g256MB | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -vqB4D | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -qt
./datagen -g1G -P90 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -t
./datagen -g6GB | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -vq9BD | $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -qt
test-lz4c32-basic: lz4c32 datagen
@echo "\n ---- test lz4c32 32-bits version ----"
./datagen -g16KB | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -9 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -t
./datagen | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -t
./datagen -g256MB | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -vqB4D | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -qt
./datagen -g6GB | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -vqB5D | $(PRGDIR)/lz4c32 -qt
test-lz4c32: test-lz4c32-basic test-interop-32-64
test-fullbench: fullbench
./fullbench --no-prompt $(NB_LOOPS) $(TEST_FILES)
test-fullbench32: fullbench32
./fullbench32 --no-prompt $(NB_LOOPS) $(TEST_FILES)
test-fuzzer: fuzzer
./fuzzer $(FUZZER_TIME)
test-fuzzer32: fuzzer32
./fuzzer32 $(FUZZER_TIME)
test-frametest: frametest
./frametest $(FUZZER_TIME)
test-frametest32: frametest32
./frametest32 $(FUZZER_TIME)
test-fasttest: fasttest
test-mem: lz4 datagen fuzzer frametest fullbench
@echo "\n ---- valgrind tests : memory analyzer ----"
valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-exitcode=1 ./datagen -g50M > $(VOID)
./datagen -g16KB > tmp
valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-exitcode=1 $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -9 -BD -f tmp $(VOID)
./datagen -g16KB -s2 > tmp2
./datagen -g16KB -s3 > tmp3
valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-exitcode=1 $(PRGDIR)/lz4 --force --multiple tmp tmp2 tmp3
./datagen -g16MB > tmp
valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-exitcode=1 $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -9 -B5D -f tmp tmp2
valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-exitcode=1 $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -t tmp2
valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-exitcode=1 $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -bi1 tmp
valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-exitcode=1 ./fullbench -i1 tmp tmp2
./datagen -g256MB > tmp
valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-exitcode=1 $(PRGDIR)/lz4 -B4D -f -vq tmp $(VOID)
$(RM) tmp*
valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-exitcode=1 ./fuzzer -i64 -t1
valgrind --leak-check=yes --error-exitcode=1 ./frametest -i256
test-mem32: lz4c32 datagen
# unfortunately, valgrind doesn't seem to work with non-native binary...