blob: 2c681852b36a6ddfecd357e68664ddfe604393e6 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
htop - SolarisProcessList.c
(C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad
(C) 2017,2018 Guy M. Broome
Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
in the source distribution for its full text.
#include "ProcessList.h"
#include "SolarisProcess.h"
#include "SolarisProcessList.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/user.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <procfs.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MAXCMDLINE 255
#include <kstat.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/sysconf.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <sys/swap.h>
#define ZONE_ERRMSGLEN 1024
char zone_errmsg[ZONE_ERRMSGLEN];
typedef struct CPUData_ {
double userPercent;
double nicePercent;
double systemPercent;
double irqPercent;
double idlePercent;
double systemAllPercent;
uint64_t luser;
uint64_t lkrnl;
uint64_t lintr;
uint64_t lidle;
} CPUData;
typedef struct SolarisProcessList_ {
ProcessList super;
kstat_ctl_t* kd;
CPUData* cpus;
} SolarisProcessList;
char* SolarisProcessList_readZoneName(kstat_ctl_t* kd, SolarisProcess* sproc) {
char* zname;
if ( sproc->zoneid == 0 ) {
zname = xStrdup("global ");
} else if ( kd == NULL ) {
zname = xStrdup("unknown ");
} else {
kstat_t* ks = kstat_lookup( kd, "zones", sproc->zoneid, NULL );
zname = xStrdup(ks->ks_name);
return zname;
ProcessList* ProcessList_new(UsersTable* usersTable, Hashtable* pidWhiteList, uid_t userId) {
SolarisProcessList* spl = xCalloc(1, sizeof(SolarisProcessList));
ProcessList* pl = (ProcessList*) spl;
ProcessList_init(pl, Class(SolarisProcess), usersTable, pidWhiteList, userId);
spl->kd = kstat_open();
pl->cpuCount = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
if (pl->cpuCount == 1 ) {
spl->cpus = xRealloc(spl->cpus, sizeof(CPUData));
} else {
spl->cpus = xRealloc(spl->cpus, (pl->cpuCount + 1) * sizeof(CPUData));
return pl;
static inline void SolarisProcessList_scanCPUTime(ProcessList* pl) {
const SolarisProcessList* spl = (SolarisProcessList*) pl;
int cpus = pl->cpuCount;
kstat_t *cpuinfo = NULL;
int kchain = 0;
kstat_named_t *idletime = NULL;
kstat_named_t *intrtime = NULL;
kstat_named_t *krnltime = NULL;
kstat_named_t *usertime = NULL;
double idlebuf = 0;
double intrbuf = 0;
double krnlbuf = 0;
double userbuf = 0;
uint64_t totaltime = 0;
int arrskip = 0;
assert(cpus > 0);
if (cpus > 1) {
// Store values for the stats loop one extra element up in the array
// to leave room for the average to be calculated afterwards
// Calculate per-CPU statistics first
for (int i = 0; i < cpus; i++) {
if (spl->kd != NULL) { cpuinfo = kstat_lookup(spl->kd,"cpu",i,"sys"); }
if (cpuinfo != NULL) { kchain = kstat_read(spl->kd,cpuinfo,NULL); }
if (kchain != -1 ) {
idletime = kstat_data_lookup(cpuinfo,"cpu_nsec_idle");
intrtime = kstat_data_lookup(cpuinfo,"cpu_nsec_intr");
krnltime = kstat_data_lookup(cpuinfo,"cpu_nsec_kernel");
usertime = kstat_data_lookup(cpuinfo,"cpu_nsec_user");
assert( (idletime != NULL) && (intrtime != NULL)
&& (krnltime != NULL) && (usertime != NULL) );
CPUData* cpuData = &(spl->cpus[i+arrskip]);
totaltime = (idletime->value.ui64 - cpuData->lidle)
+ (intrtime->value.ui64 - cpuData->lintr)
+ (krnltime->value.ui64 - cpuData->lkrnl)
+ (usertime->value.ui64 - cpuData->luser);
// Calculate percentages of deltas since last reading
cpuData->userPercent = ((usertime->value.ui64 - cpuData->luser) / (double)totaltime) * 100.0;
cpuData->nicePercent = (double)0.0; // Not implemented on Solaris
cpuData->systemPercent = ((krnltime->value.ui64 - cpuData->lkrnl) / (double)totaltime) * 100.0;
cpuData->irqPercent = ((intrtime->value.ui64 - cpuData->lintr) / (double)totaltime) * 100.0;
cpuData->systemAllPercent = cpuData->systemPercent + cpuData->irqPercent;
cpuData->idlePercent = ((idletime->value.ui64 - cpuData->lidle) / (double)totaltime) * 100.0;
// Store current values to use for the next round of deltas
cpuData->luser = usertime->value.ui64;
cpuData->lkrnl = krnltime->value.ui64;
cpuData->lintr = intrtime->value.ui64;
cpuData->lidle = idletime->value.ui64;
// Accumulate the current percentages into buffers for later average calculation
if (cpus > 1) {
userbuf += cpuData->userPercent;
krnlbuf += cpuData->systemPercent;
intrbuf += cpuData->irqPercent;
idlebuf += cpuData->idlePercent;
if (cpus > 1) {
CPUData* cpuData = &(spl->cpus[0]);
cpuData->userPercent = userbuf / cpus;
cpuData->nicePercent = (double)0.0; // Not implemented on Solaris
cpuData->systemPercent = krnlbuf / cpus;
cpuData->irqPercent = intrbuf / cpus;
cpuData->systemAllPercent = cpuData->systemPercent + cpuData->irqPercent;
cpuData->idlePercent = idlebuf / cpus;
static inline void SolarisProcessList_scanMemoryInfo(ProcessList* pl) {
SolarisProcessList* spl = (SolarisProcessList*) pl;
kstat_t *meminfo = NULL;
int ksrphyserr = -1;
kstat_named_t *totalmem_pgs = NULL;
kstat_named_t *lockedmem_pgs = NULL;
kstat_named_t *pages = NULL;
struct swaptable *sl = NULL;
struct swapent *swapdev = NULL;
uint64_t totalswap = 0;
uint64_t totalfree = 0;
int nswap = 0;
char *spath = NULL;
char *spathbase = NULL;
// Part 1 - physical memory
if (spl->kd != NULL) { meminfo = kstat_lookup(spl->kd,"unix",0,"system_pages"); }
if (meminfo != NULL) { ksrphyserr = kstat_read(spl->kd,meminfo,NULL); }
if (ksrphyserr != -1) {
totalmem_pgs = kstat_data_lookup( meminfo, "physmem" );
lockedmem_pgs = kstat_data_lookup( meminfo, "pageslocked" );
pages = kstat_data_lookup( meminfo, "pagestotal" );
pl->totalMem = totalmem_pgs->value.ui64 * PAGE_SIZE_KB;
pl->usedMem = lockedmem_pgs->value.ui64 * PAGE_SIZE_KB;
// Not sure how to implement this on Solaris - suggestions welcome!
pl->cachedMem = 0;
// Not really "buffers" but the best Solaris analogue that I can find to
// "memory in use but not by programs or the kernel itself"
pl->buffersMem = (totalmem_pgs->value.ui64 - pages->value.ui64) * PAGE_SIZE_KB;
} else {
// Fall back to basic sysconf if kstat isn't working
pl->totalMem = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) * PAGE_SIZE;
pl->buffersMem = 0;
pl->cachedMem = 0;
pl->usedMem = pl->totalMem - (sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) * PAGE_SIZE);
// Part 2 - swap
nswap = swapctl(SC_GETNSWP, NULL);
if (nswap > 0) { sl = xMalloc((nswap * sizeof(swapent_t)) + sizeof(int)); }
if (sl != NULL) { spathbase = xMalloc( nswap * MAXPATHLEN ); }
if (spathbase != NULL) {
spath = spathbase;
swapdev = sl->swt_ent;
for (int i = 0; i < nswap; i++, swapdev++) {
swapdev->ste_path = spath;
spath += MAXPATHLEN;
sl->swt_n = nswap;
nswap = swapctl(SC_LIST, sl);
if (nswap > 0) {
swapdev = sl->swt_ent;
for (int i = 0; i < nswap; i++, swapdev++) {
totalswap += swapdev->ste_pages;
totalfree += swapdev->ste_free;
pl->totalSwap = totalswap * PAGE_SIZE_KB;
pl->usedSwap = pl->totalSwap - (totalfree * PAGE_SIZE_KB);
void ProcessList_delete(ProcessList* pl) {
SolarisProcessList* spl = (SolarisProcessList*) pl;
if (spl->kd) kstat_close(spl->kd);
/* NOTE: the following is a callback function of type proc_walk_f
* and MUST conform to the appropriate definition in order
* to work. See libproc(3LIB) on a Solaris or Illumos
* system for more info.
int SolarisProcessList_walkproc(psinfo_t *_psinfo, lwpsinfo_t *_lwpsinfo, void *listptr) {
struct timeval tv;
struct tm date;
bool preExisting;
pid_t getpid;
// Setup process list
ProcessList *pl = (ProcessList*) listptr;
SolarisProcessList *spl = (SolarisProcessList*) listptr;
id_t lwpid_real = _lwpsinfo->pr_lwpid;
if (lwpid_real > 1023) return 0;
pid_t lwpid = (_psinfo->pr_pid * 1024) + lwpid_real;
bool onMasterLWP = (_lwpsinfo->pr_lwpid == _psinfo->pr_lwp.pr_lwpid);
if (onMasterLWP) {
getpid = _psinfo->pr_pid * 1024;
} else {
getpid = lwpid;
Process *proc = ProcessList_getProcess(pl, getpid, &preExisting, (Process_New) SolarisProcess_new);
SolarisProcess *sproc = (SolarisProcess*) proc;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
// Common code pass 1
proc->show = false;
sproc->taskid = _psinfo->pr_taskid;
sproc->projid = _psinfo->pr_projid;
sproc->poolid = _psinfo->pr_poolid;
sproc->contid = _psinfo->pr_contract;
proc->priority = _lwpsinfo->pr_pri;
proc->nice = _lwpsinfo->pr_nice;
proc->processor = _lwpsinfo->pr_onpro;
proc->state = _lwpsinfo->pr_sname;
// NOTE: This 'percentage' is a 16-bit BINARY FRACTIONS where 1.0 = 0x8000
// Source:
// (accessed on 18 November 2017)
proc->percent_mem = ((uint16_t)_psinfo->pr_pctmem/(double)32768)*(double)100.0;
proc->st_uid = _psinfo->pr_euid;
proc->pgrp = _psinfo->pr_pgid;
proc->nlwp = _psinfo->pr_nlwp;
proc->tty_nr = _psinfo->pr_ttydev;
proc->m_resident = _psinfo->pr_rssize/PAGE_SIZE_KB;
proc->m_size = _psinfo->pr_size/PAGE_SIZE_KB;
if (!preExisting) {
sproc->realpid = _psinfo->pr_pid;
sproc->lwpid = lwpid_real;
sproc->zoneid = _psinfo->pr_zoneid;
sproc->zname = SolarisProcessList_readZoneName(spl->kd,sproc);
proc->user = UsersTable_getRef(pl->usersTable, proc->st_uid);
proc->comm = xStrdup(_psinfo->pr_fname);
proc->commLen = strnlen(_psinfo->pr_fname,PRFNSZ);
// End common code pass 1
if (onMasterLWP) { // Are we on the representative LWP?
proc->ppid = (_psinfo->pr_ppid * 1024);
proc->tgid = (_psinfo->pr_ppid * 1024);
sproc->realppid = _psinfo->pr_ppid;
// See note above (in common section) about this BINARY FRACTION
proc->percent_cpu = ((uint16_t)_psinfo->pr_pctcpu/(double)32768)*(double)100.0;
proc->time = _psinfo->pr_time.tv_sec;
if(!preExisting) { // Tasks done only for NEW processes
sproc->is_lwp = false;
proc->starttime_ctime = _psinfo->pr_start.tv_sec;
// Update proc and thread counts based on settings
if (sproc->kernel && !pl->settings->hideKernelThreads) {
pl->kernelThreads += proc->nlwp;
pl->totalTasks += proc->nlwp+1;
if (proc->state == 'O') pl->runningTasks++;
} else if (!sproc->kernel) {
if (proc->state == 'O') pl->runningTasks++;
if (pl->settings->hideUserlandThreads) {
} else {
pl->userlandThreads += proc->nlwp;
pl->totalTasks += proc->nlwp+1;
proc->show = !(pl->settings->hideKernelThreads && sproc->kernel);
} else { // We are not in the master LWP, so jump to the LWP handling code
proc->percent_cpu = ((uint16_t)_lwpsinfo->pr_pctcpu/(double)32768)*(double)100.0;
proc->time = _lwpsinfo->pr_time.tv_sec;
if (!preExisting) { // Tasks done only for NEW LWPs
sproc->is_lwp = true;
proc->basenameOffset = -1;
proc->ppid = _psinfo->pr_pid * 1024;
proc->tgid = _psinfo->pr_pid * 1024;
sproc->realppid = _psinfo->pr_pid;
proc->starttime_ctime = _lwpsinfo->pr_start.tv_sec;
// Top-level process only gets this for the representative LWP
if (sproc->kernel && !pl->settings->hideKernelThreads) proc->show = true;
if (!sproc->kernel && !pl->settings->hideUserlandThreads) proc->show = true;
} // Top-level LWP or subordinate LWP
// Common code pass 2
if (!preExisting) {
if ((sproc->realppid <= 0) && !(sproc->realpid <= 1)) {
sproc->kernel = true;
} else {
sproc->kernel = false;
(void) localtime_r((time_t*) &proc->starttime_ctime, &date);
strftime(proc->starttime_show, 7, ((proc->starttime_ctime > tv.tv_sec - 86400) ? "%R " : "%b%d "), &date);
ProcessList_add(pl, proc);
proc->updated = true;
// End common code pass 2
return 0;
void ProcessList_goThroughEntries(ProcessList* this) {
this->kernelThreads = 1;
proc_walk(&SolarisProcessList_walkproc, this, PR_WALK_LWP);