blob: 1ce416e1e75a70522fdeab90db6e070a0655462f [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
htop - Settings.c
(C) 2004-2011 Hisham H. Muhammad
Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
in the source distribution for its full text.
#include "Settings.h"
#include "Platform.h"
#include "StringUtils.h"
#include "Vector.h"
#include "CRT.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define DEFAULT_DELAY 15
#include "config.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct {
int len;
char** names;
int* modes;
} MeterColumnSettings;
typedef struct Settings_ {
char* filename;
MeterColumnSettings columns[2];
ProcessField* fields;
int flags;
int colorScheme;
int delay;
int cpuCount;
int direction;
ProcessField sortKey;
bool countCPUsFromZero;
bool detailedCPUTime;
bool treeView;
bool showProgramPath;
bool shadowOtherUsers;
bool showThreadNames;
bool hide_kernel_processes;
bool hide_thread_processes;
#if defined __OpenBSD__ && defined PID_AND_MAIN_THREAD_ID_DIFFER
bool hide_high_level_processes;
bool highlightBaseName;
bool highlightMegabytes;
bool highlightThreads;
bool highlight_kernel_processes;
bool updateProcessNames;
bool accountGuestInCPUMeter;
bool headerMargin;
bool explicit_delay;
bool vi_mode;
bool use_mouse;
int (*sort_strcmp)(const char *, const char *);
bool changed;
} Settings;
#ifndef Settings_cpuId
#define Settings_cpuId(settings, cpu) ((settings)->countCPUsFromZero ? (cpu) : (cpu)+1)
void Settings_delete(Settings* this) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (sizeof(this->columns)/sizeof(MeterColumnSettings)); i++) {
static void Settings_readMeters(Settings* this, char* line, int column) {
char* trim = String_trim(line);
int nIds;
char** ids = String_split(trim, ' ', &nIds);
this->columns[column].names = ids;
static void Settings_readMeterModes(Settings* this, char* line, int column) {
char* trim = String_trim(line);
int nIds;
char** ids = String_split(trim, ' ', &nIds);
int len = 0;
for (int i = 0; ids[i]; i++) {
this->columns[column].len = len;
int* modes = xCalloc(len, sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
modes[i] = atoi(ids[i]);
this->columns[column].modes = modes;
static void Settings_defaultMeters(Settings* this) {
int sizes[] = { 3, 3 };
if (this->cpuCount > 4) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
this->columns[i].names = xCalloc(sizes[i] + 1, sizeof(char*));
this->columns[i].modes = xCalloc(sizes[i], sizeof(int));
this->columns[i].len = sizes[i];
int r = 0;
if (this->cpuCount > 8) {
this->columns[0].names[0] = xStrdup("LeftCPUs2");
this->columns[0].modes[0] = BAR_METERMODE;
this->columns[1].names[r] = xStrdup("RightCPUs2");
this->columns[1].modes[r++] = BAR_METERMODE;
} else if (this->cpuCount > 4) {
this->columns[0].names[0] = xStrdup("LeftCPUs");
this->columns[0].modes[0] = BAR_METERMODE;
this->columns[1].names[r] = xStrdup("RightCPUs");
this->columns[1].modes[r++] = BAR_METERMODE;
} else {
this->columns[0].names[0] = xStrdup("AllCPUs");
this->columns[0].modes[0] = BAR_METERMODE;
this->columns[0].names[1] = xStrdup("Memory");
this->columns[0].modes[1] = BAR_METERMODE;
this->columns[0].names[2] = xStrdup("Swap");
this->columns[0].modes[2] = BAR_METERMODE;
this->columns[1].names[r] = xStrdup("Tasks");
this->columns[1].modes[r++] = TEXT_METERMODE;
this->columns[1].names[r] = xStrdup("LoadAverage");
this->columns[1].modes[r++] = TEXT_METERMODE;
this->columns[1].names[r] = xStrdup("Uptime");
this->columns[1].modes[r++] = TEXT_METERMODE;
static void readFields(ProcessField* fields, int* flags, const char* line) {
char* trim = String_trim(line);
int nIds;
char** ids = String_split(trim, ' ', &nIds);
int i, j;
*flags = 0;
for (j = 0, i = 0; i < Platform_numberOfFields && ids[i]; i++) {
// This "+1" is for compatibility with the older enum format.
int id = atoi(ids[i]) + 1;
if (id > 0 && Process_fields[id].name && id < Platform_numberOfFields) {
fields[j] = id;
*flags |= Process_fields[id].flags;
static bool Settings_read(Settings* this, const char* fileName) {
FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r");
if (!f) return false;
bool didReadMeters = false;
bool didReadFields = false;
for (;;) {
char* line = String_readLine(f);
if (!line) {
int nOptions;
char** option = String_split(line, '=', &nOptions);
free (line);
if (nOptions < 2) {
if (String_eq(option[0], "fields")) {
readFields(this->fields, &(this->flags), option[1]);
didReadFields = true;
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "sort_key")) {
// This "+1" is for compatibility with the older enum format.
this->sortKey = atoi(option[1]) + 1;
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "sort_direction")) {
this->direction = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "tree_view")) {
this->treeView = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "hide_kernel_processes") || String_eq(option[0], "hide_kernel_threads")) {
this->hide_kernel_processes = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "hide_thread_processes") || String_eq(option[0], "hide_userland_threads")) {
this->hide_thread_processes = atoi(option[1]);
#if defined __OpenBSD__ && defined PID_AND_MAIN_THREAD_ID_DIFFER
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "hide_high_level_processes")) {
this->hide_high_level_processes = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "shadow_other_users")) {
this->shadowOtherUsers = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "show_thread_names")) {
this->showThreadNames = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "show_program_path")) {
this->showProgramPath = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "highlight_base_name")) {
this->highlightBaseName = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "highlight_megabytes")) {
this->highlightMegabytes = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "highlight_threads")) {
this->highlightThreads = atoi(option[1]);
} else if(String_eq(option[0], "highlight_kernel_processes")) {
this->highlight_kernel_processes = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "header_margin")) {
this->headerMargin = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "expand_system_time")) {
// Compatibility option.
this->detailedCPUTime = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "detailed_cpu_time")) {
this->detailedCPUTime = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "cpu_count_from_zero")) {
this->countCPUsFromZero = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "update_process_names")) {
this->updateProcessNames = atoi(option[1]);
} else if(String_eq(option[0], "case_insensitive_sort")) {
this->sort_strcmp = atoi(option[1]) ? strcasecmp : strcmp;
} else if(String_eq(option[0], "explicit_delay")) {
this->explicit_delay = atoi(option[1]);
} else if(String_eq(option[0], "vi_mode")) {
this->vi_mode = atoi(option[1]);
} else if(String_eq(option[0], "use_mouse")) {
this->use_mouse = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "account_guest_in_cpu_meter")) {
this->accountGuestInCPUMeter = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "delay")) {
this->delay = atoi(option[1]);
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "color_scheme")) {
this->colorScheme = CRT_getColorSchemeIndexForName(option[1]);
if(this->colorScheme < 0) {
this->colorScheme = atoi(option[1]);
if (this->colorScheme < 0 || this->colorScheme >= CRT_color_scheme_count) {
//this->colorScheme = DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME;
this->colorScheme = CRT_getDefaultColorScheme();
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "left_meters")) {
Settings_readMeters(this, option[1], 0);
didReadMeters = true;
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "right_meters")) {
Settings_readMeters(this, option[1], 1);
didReadMeters = true;
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "left_meter_modes")) {
Settings_readMeterModes(this, option[1], 0);
didReadMeters = true;
} else if (String_eq(option[0], "right_meter_modes")) {
Settings_readMeterModes(this, option[1], 1);
didReadMeters = true;
if (!didReadMeters) {
return didReadFields;
static void writeFields(FILE *f, ProcessField* fields, const char* name) {
fprintf(f, "%s=", name);
const char* sep = "";
for (int i = 0; fields[i]; i++) {
// This "-1" is for compatibility with the older enum format.
fprintf(f, "%s%d", sep, (int) fields[i]-1);
sep = " ";
fputc('\n', f);
static void writeMeters(Settings* this, FILE *f, int column) {
const char* sep = "";
for (int i = 0; i < this->columns[column].len; i++) {
fprintf(f, "%s%s", sep, this->columns[column].names[i]);
sep = " ";
fputc('\n', f);
static void writeMeterModes(Settings* this, FILE *f, int column) {
const char* sep = "";
for (int i = 0; i < this->columns[column].len; i++) {
fprintf(f, "%s%d", sep, this->columns[column].modes[i]);
sep = " ";
fputc('\n', f);
bool Settings_write(Settings* this) {
FILE *f = fopen(this->filename, "w");
if (f == NULL) {
return false;
fprintf(f, "# Beware! This file is rewritten by htop when settings are changed in the interface.\n");
fprintf(f, "# The parser is also very primitive, and not human-friendly.\n");
writeFields(f, this->fields, "fields");
// This "-1" is for compatibility with the older enum format.
fprintf(f, "sort_key=%d\n", (int) this->sortKey-1);
fprintf(f, "sort_direction=%d\n", this->direction);
fprintf(f, "hide_kernel_processes=%d\n", (int) this->hide_kernel_processes);
fprintf(f, "hide_thread_processes=%d\n", (int) this->hide_thread_processes);
#if defined __OpenBSD__ && defined PID_AND_MAIN_THREAD_ID_DIFFER
fprintf(f, "hide_high_level_processes=%d\n", (int)this->hide_high_level_processes);
fprintf(f, "shadow_other_users=%d\n", (int) this->shadowOtherUsers);
fprintf(f, "show_thread_names=%d\n", (int) this->showThreadNames);
fprintf(f, "show_program_path=%d\n", (int) this->showProgramPath);
fprintf(f, "highlight_base_name=%d\n", (int) this->highlightBaseName);
fprintf(f, "highlight_megabytes=%d\n", (int) this->highlightMegabytes);
fprintf(f, "highlight_threads=%d\n", (int) this->highlightThreads);
fprintf(f, "highlight_kernel_processes=%d\n", (int)this->highlight_kernel_processes);
fprintf(f, "tree_view=%d\n", (int) this->treeView);
fprintf(f, "header_margin=%d\n", (int) this->headerMargin);
fprintf(f, "detailed_cpu_time=%d\n", (int) this->detailedCPUTime);
fprintf(f, "cpu_count_from_zero=%d\n", (int) this->countCPUsFromZero);
fprintf(f, "update_process_names=%d\n", (int) this->updateProcessNames);
fprintf(f, "case_insensitive_sort=%d\n", (int)(this->sort_strcmp == strcasecmp));
fprintf(f, "explicit_delay=%d\n", (int)this->explicit_delay);
fprintf(f, "vi_mode=%d\n", (int)this->vi_mode);
fprintf(f, "use_mouse=%d\n", (int)this->use_mouse);
fprintf(f, "account_guest_in_cpu_meter=%d\n", (int) this->accountGuestInCPUMeter);
fprintf(f, "color_scheme=%s\n", CRT_color_scheme_names[this->colorScheme]);
fprintf(f, "delay=%d\n", this->delay);
fprintf(f, "left_meters="); writeMeters(this, f, 0);
fprintf(f, "left_meter_modes="); writeMeterModes(this, f, 0);
fprintf(f, "right_meters="); writeMeters(this, f, 1);
fprintf(f, "right_meter_modes="); writeMeterModes(this, f, 1);
return true;
Settings* Settings_new(int cpuCount) {
Settings* this = xCalloc(1, sizeof(Settings));
this->direction = 1;
this->shadowOtherUsers = false;
this->showThreadNames = false;
this->hide_kernel_processes = false;
this->hide_thread_processes = false;
#if defined __OpenBSD__ && defined PID_AND_MAIN_THREAD_ID_DIFFER
this->hide_high_level_processes = false;
this->treeView = false;
this->highlightBaseName = false;
this->highlightMegabytes = false;
this->detailedCPUTime = false;
this->countCPUsFromZero = false;
this->updateProcessNames = false;
this->cpuCount = cpuCount;
this->showProgramPath = true;
this->highlightThreads = true;
this->highlight_kernel_processes = true;
this->fields = xCalloc(Platform_numberOfFields+1, sizeof(ProcessField));
// TODO: turn 'fields' into a Vector,
// (and ProcessFields into proper objects).
this->flags = 0;
ProcessField* defaults = Platform_defaultFields;
for (int i = 0; defaults[i]; i++) {
this->fields[i] = defaults[i];
this->flags |= Process_fields[defaults[i]].flags;
this->sort_strcmp = strcmp;
this->explicit_delay = false;
this->vi_mode = false;
this->use_mouse = true;
char* legacyDotfile = NULL;
char* rcfile = getenv("HTOPRC");
if (rcfile) {
this->filename = xStrdup(rcfile);
} else {
const char *home;
char* htopDir = CRT_getConfigDirPath(&home);
this->filename = String_cat(htopDir, "htoprc");
legacyDotfile = String_cat(home, "/.htoprc");
struct stat st;
if (lstat(legacyDotfile, &st) < 0 || S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
legacyDotfile = NULL;
this->colorScheme = CRT_getDefaultColorScheme();
this->changed = false;
this->delay = DEFAULT_DELAY;
bool ok = false;
if (legacyDotfile) {
ok = Settings_read(this, legacyDotfile);
if (ok) {
// Transition to new location and delete old configuration file
if (Settings_write(this))
if (!ok) {
ok = Settings_read(this, this->filename);
if (!ok) {
this->changed = true;
// TODO: how to get SYSCONFDIR correctly through Autoconf?
char* systemSettings = String_cat(SYSCONFDIR, "/htoprc");
ok = Settings_read(this, systemSettings);
if (!ok) {
this->hide_kernel_processes = true;
this->highlightMegabytes = true;
this->highlightThreads = true;
this->headerMargin = true;
return this;
void Settings_invertSortOrder(Settings* this) {
this->direction = (this->direction == 1) ? -1 : 1;