blob: 7559623c4046649f3d4b535ad5ab5d2cf7cf3b62 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
htop - ProcessList.c
(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad
Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
in the source distribution for its full text.
#include "ProcessList.h"
#include "CRT.h"
#include "String.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "Vector.h"
#include "Hashtable.h"
#include "UsersTable.h"
#include "Panel.h"
#include "Process.h"
#ifndef PROCDIR
#define PROCDIR "/proc"
#ifndef MAX_NAME
#define MAX_NAME 128
#ifndef MAX_READ
#define MAX_READ 2048
#ifndef ProcessList_cpuId
#define ProcessList_cpuId(pl, cpu) ((pl)->countCPUsFromZero ? (cpu) : (cpu)+1)
typedef enum TreeStr_ {
} TreeStr;
typedef struct CPUData_ {
unsigned long long int totalTime;
unsigned long long int userTime;
unsigned long long int systemTime;
unsigned long long int systemAllTime;
unsigned long long int idleAllTime;
unsigned long long int idleTime;
unsigned long long int niceTime;
unsigned long long int ioWaitTime;
unsigned long long int irqTime;
unsigned long long int softIrqTime;
unsigned long long int stealTime;
unsigned long long int guestTime;
unsigned long long int totalPeriod;
unsigned long long int userPeriod;
unsigned long long int systemPeriod;
unsigned long long int systemAllPeriod;
unsigned long long int idleAllPeriod;
unsigned long long int idlePeriod;
unsigned long long int nicePeriod;
unsigned long long int ioWaitPeriod;
unsigned long long int irqPeriod;
unsigned long long int softIrqPeriod;
unsigned long long int stealPeriod;
unsigned long long int guestPeriod;
} CPUData;
typedef struct ProcessList_ {
const char **treeStr;
Vector* processes;
Vector* processes2;
Hashtable* processTable;
UsersTable* usersTable;
Panel* panel;
int following;
uid_t userId;
const char* incFilter;
Hashtable* pidWhiteList;
int cpuCount;
int totalTasks;
int userlandThreads;
int kernelThreads;
int runningTasks;
hwloc_topology_t topology;
bool topologyOk;
CPUData* cpus;
unsigned long long int totalMem;
unsigned long long int usedMem;
unsigned long long int freeMem;
unsigned long long int sharedMem;
unsigned long long int buffersMem;
unsigned long long int cachedMem;
unsigned long long int totalSwap;
unsigned long long int usedSwap;
unsigned long long int freeSwap;
int flags;
ProcessField* fields;
ProcessField sortKey;
int direction;
bool hideThreads;
bool shadowOtherUsers;
bool showThreadNames;
bool showingThreadNames;
bool hideKernelThreads;
bool hideUserlandThreads;
bool treeView;
bool highlightBaseName;
bool highlightMegabytes;
bool highlightThreads;
bool detailedCPUTime;
bool countCPUsFromZero;
bool updateProcessNames;
bool accountGuestInCPUMeter;
bool userOnly;
} ProcessList;
const char *ProcessList_treeStrAscii[TREE_STR_COUNT] = {
const char *ProcessList_treeStrUtf8[TREE_STR_COUNT] = {
"\xe2\x94\x80", // TREE_STR_HORZ ─
"\xe2\x94\x82", // TREE_STR_VERT │
"\xe2\x94\x9c", // TREE_STR_RTEE ├
"\xe2\x94\x94", // TREE_STR_BEND └
"\xe2\x94\x8c", // TREE_STR_TEND ┌
"+", // TREE_STR_OPEN +
"\xe2\x94\x80", // TREE_STR_SHUT ─
static ssize_t xread(int fd, void *buf, size_t count) {
// Read some bytes. Retry on EINTR and when we don't get as many bytes as we requested.
size_t alreadyRead = 0;
for(;;) {
ssize_t res = read(fd, buf, count);
if (res == -1 && errno == EINTR) continue;
if (res > 0) {
buf = ((char*)buf)+res;
count -= res;
alreadyRead += res;
if (res == -1) return -1;
if (count == 0 || res == 0) return alreadyRead;
ProcessList* ProcessList_new(UsersTable* usersTable, Hashtable* pidWhiteList) {
ProcessList* this;
this = calloc(1, sizeof(ProcessList));
this->processes = Vector_new(Class(Process), true, DEFAULT_SIZE);
this->processTable = Hashtable_new(140, false);
this->usersTable = usersTable;
this->pidWhiteList = pidWhiteList;
/* tree-view auxiliary buffers */
this->processes2 = Vector_new(Class(Process), true, DEFAULT_SIZE);
FILE* file = fopen(PROCSTATFILE, "r");
if (file == NULL) {
CRT_fatalError("Cannot open " PROCSTATFILE);
char buffer[256];
int cpus = -1;
do {
fgets(buffer, 255, file);
} while (String_startsWith(buffer, "cpu"));
this->cpuCount = MAX(cpus - 1, 1);
this->topologyOk = false;
int topoErr = hwloc_topology_init(&this->topology);
if (topoErr == 0) {
topoErr = hwloc_topology_load(this->topology);
if (topoErr == 0) {
this->topologyOk = true;
this->cpus = calloc(cpus, sizeof(CPUData));
for (int i = 0; i < cpus; i++) {
this->cpus[i].totalTime = 1;
this->cpus[i].totalPeriod = 1;
this->fields = calloc(LAST_PROCESSFIELD+1, sizeof(ProcessField));
// TODO: turn 'fields' into a Vector,
// (and ProcessFields into proper objects).
this->flags = 0;
for (int i = 0; defaultHeaders[i]; i++) {
this->fields[i] = defaultHeaders[i];
this->flags |= Process_fieldFlags[defaultHeaders[i]];
this->flags |= PROCESS_FLAG_OPENVZ;
this->sortKey = PERCENT_CPU;
this->direction = 1;
this->hideThreads = false;
this->shadowOtherUsers = false;
this->showThreadNames = false;
this->showingThreadNames = false;
this->hideKernelThreads = false;
this->hideUserlandThreads = false;
this->treeView = false;
this->highlightBaseName = false;
this->highlightMegabytes = false;
this->detailedCPUTime = false;
this->countCPUsFromZero = false;
this->updateProcessNames = false;
this->treeStr = NULL;
this->following = -1;
if (CRT_utf8)
this->treeStr = CRT_utf8 ? ProcessList_treeStrUtf8 : ProcessList_treeStrAscii;
return this;
void ProcessList_delete(ProcessList* this) {
void ProcessList_setPanel(ProcessList* this, Panel* panel) {
this->panel = panel;
void ProcessList_invertSortOrder(ProcessList* this) {
if (this->direction == 1)
this->direction = -1;
this->direction = 1;
void ProcessList_printHeader(ProcessList* this, RichString* header) {
ProcessField* fields = this->fields;
for (int i = 0; fields[i]; i++) {
const char* field = Process_fieldTitles[fields[i]];
if (!this->treeView && this->sortKey == fields[i])
RichString_append(header, CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS], field);
RichString_append(header, CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS], field);
static void ProcessList_add(ProcessList* this, Process* p) {
assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare) == -1);
assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, p->pid) == NULL);
Vector_add(this->processes, p);
Hashtable_put(this->processTable, p->pid, p);
assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare) != -1);
assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, p->pid) != NULL);
assert(Hashtable_count(this->processTable) == Vector_count(this->processes));
static void ProcessList_remove(ProcessList* this, Process* p) {
assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare) != -1);
assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, p->pid) != NULL);
Process* pp = Hashtable_remove(this->processTable, p->pid);
assert(pp == p); (void)pp;
unsigned int pid = p->pid;
int idx = Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare);
assert(idx != -1);
if (idx >= 0) Vector_remove(this->processes, idx);
assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, pid) == NULL); (void)pid;
assert(Hashtable_count(this->processTable) == Vector_count(this->processes));
Process* ProcessList_get(ProcessList* this, int idx) {
return (Process*) (Vector_get(this->processes, idx));
int ProcessList_size(ProcessList* this) {
return (Vector_size(this->processes));
static void ProcessList_buildTree(ProcessList* this, pid_t pid, int level, int indent, int direction, bool show) {
Vector* children = Vector_new(Class(Process), false, DEFAULT_SIZE);
for (int i = Vector_size(this->processes) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Process* process = (Process*) (Vector_get(this->processes, i));
if (process->tgid == pid || (process->tgid == process->pid && process->ppid == pid)) {
process = (Process*) (Vector_take(this->processes, i));
Vector_add(children, process);
int size = Vector_size(children);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Process* process = (Process*) (Vector_get(children, i));
if (!show)
process->show = false;
int s = this->processes2->items;
if (direction == 1)
Vector_add(this->processes2, process);
Vector_insert(this->processes2, 0, process);
assert(this->processes2->items == s+1); (void)s;
int nextIndent = indent | (1 << level);
ProcessList_buildTree(this, process->pid, level+1, (i < size - 1) ? nextIndent : indent, direction, show ? process->showChildren : false);
if (i == size - 1)
process->indent = -nextIndent;
process->indent = nextIndent;
void ProcessList_sort(ProcessList* this) {
if (!this->treeView) {
} else {
// Save settings
int direction = this->direction;
int sortKey = this->sortKey;
// Sort by PID
this->sortKey = PID;
this->direction = 1;
// Restore settings
this->sortKey = sortKey;
this->direction = direction;
// Take PID 1 as root and add to the new listing
int vsize = Vector_size(this->processes);
Process* init = (Process*) (Vector_take(this->processes, 0));
// This assertion crashes on hardened kernels.
// I wonder how well tree view works on those systems.
// assert(init->pid == 1);
init->indent = 0;
Vector_add(this->processes2, init);
// Recursively empty list
ProcessList_buildTree(this, init->pid, 0, 0, direction, true);
// Add leftovers
while (Vector_size(this->processes)) {
Process* p = (Process*) (Vector_take(this->processes, 0));
p->indent = 0;
Vector_add(this->processes2, p);
ProcessList_buildTree(this, p->pid, 0, 0, direction, p->showChildren);
assert(Vector_size(this->processes2) == vsize); (void)vsize;
assert(Vector_size(this->processes) == 0);
// Swap listings around
Vector* t = this->processes;
this->processes = this->processes2;
this->processes2 = t;
static bool ProcessList_readStatFile(Process *process, const char* dirname, const char* name, char* command) {
char filename[MAX_NAME+1];
snprintf(filename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/stat", dirname, name);
int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
return false;
static char buf[MAX_READ+1];
int size = xread(fd, buf, MAX_READ);
if (size <= 0) return false;
buf[size] = '\0';
assert(process->pid == atoi(buf));
char *location = strchr(buf, ' ');
if (!location) return false;
location += 2;
char *end = strrchr(location, ')');
if (!end) return false;
int commsize = end - location;
memcpy(command, location, commsize);
command[commsize] = '\0';
location = end + 2;
process->state = location[0];
location += 2;
process->ppid = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->pgrp = strtoul(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->session = strtoul(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->tty_nr = strtoul(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->tpgid = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->flags = strtoul(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->minflt = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->cminflt = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->majflt = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->cmajflt = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->utime = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->stime = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->cutime = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->cstime = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->priority = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->nice = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
process->nlwp = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
for (int i=0; i<17; i++) location = strchr(location, ' ')+1;
process->exit_signal = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
assert(location != NULL);
process->processor = strtol(location, &location, 10);
assert(location == NULL);
return true;
static bool ProcessList_statProcessDir(Process* process, const char* dirname, char* name, time_t curTime) {
char filename[MAX_NAME+1];
filename[MAX_NAME] = '\0';
snprintf(filename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s", dirname, name);
struct stat sstat;
int statok = stat(filename, &sstat);
if (statok == -1)
return false;
process->st_uid = sstat.st_uid;
struct tm date;
time_t ctime = sstat.st_ctime;
process->starttime_ctime = ctime;
(void) localtime_r((time_t*) &ctime, &date);
strftime(process->starttime_show, 7, ((ctime > curTime - 86400) ? "%R " : "%b%d "), &date);
return true;
static void ProcessList_readIoFile(Process* process, const char* dirname, char* name, unsigned long long now) {
char filename[MAX_NAME+1];
filename[MAX_NAME] = '\0';
snprintf(filename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/io", dirname, name);
int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
char buffer[1024];
ssize_t buflen = xread(fd, buffer, 1023);
if (buflen < 1) return;
buffer[buflen] = '\0';
unsigned long long last_read = process->io_read_bytes;
unsigned long long last_write = process->io_write_bytes;
char *buf = buffer;
char *line = NULL;
while ((line = strsep(&buf, "\n")) != NULL) {
switch (line[0]) {
case 'r':
if (line[1] == 'c' && strncmp(line+2, "har: ", 5) == 0)
process->io_rchar = strtoull(line+7, NULL, 10);
else if (strncmp(line+1, "ead_bytes: ", 11) == 0) {
process->io_read_bytes = strtoull(line+12, NULL, 10);
process->io_rate_read_bps =
((double)(process->io_read_bytes - last_read))/(((double)(now - process->io_rate_read_time))/1000);
process->io_rate_read_time = now;
case 'w':
if (line[1] == 'c' && strncmp(line+2, "har: ", 5) == 0)
process->io_wchar = strtoull(line+7, NULL, 10);
else if (strncmp(line+1, "rite_bytes: ", 12) == 0) {
process->io_write_bytes = strtoull(line+13, NULL, 10);
process->io_rate_write_bps =
((double)(process->io_write_bytes - last_write))/(((double)(now - process->io_rate_write_time))/1000);
process->io_rate_write_time = now;
case 's':
if (line[5] == 'r' && strncmp(line+1, "yscr: ", 6) == 0)
process->io_syscr = strtoull(line+7, NULL, 10);
else if (strncmp(line+1, "yscw: ", 6) == 0)
sscanf(line, "syscw: %32llu", &process->io_syscw);
process->io_syscw = strtoull(line+7, NULL, 10);
case 'c':
if (strncmp(line+1, "ancelled_write_bytes: ", 22) == 0)
process->io_cancelled_write_bytes = strtoull(line+23, NULL, 10);
static bool ProcessList_readStatmFile(Process* process, const char* dirname, const char* name) {
char filename[MAX_NAME+1];
snprintf(filename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/statm", dirname, name);
int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
return false;
char buf[256];
ssize_t rres = xread(fd, buf, 255);
if (rres < 1) return false;
char *p = buf;
errno = 0;
process->m_size = strtol(p, &p, 10); if (*p == ' ') p++;
process->m_resident = strtol(p, &p, 10); if (*p == ' ') p++;
process->m_share = strtol(p, &p, 10); if (*p == ' ') p++;
process->m_trs = strtol(p, &p, 10); if (*p == ' ') p++;
process->m_lrs = strtol(p, &p, 10); if (*p == ' ') p++;
process->m_drs = strtol(p, &p, 10); if (*p == ' ') p++;
process->m_dt = strtol(p, &p, 10);
return (errno == 0);
static void ProcessList_readOpenVZData(ProcessList* this, Process* process, const char* dirname, const char* name) {
if ( (!(this->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_OPENVZ)) || (access("/proc/vz", R_OK) != 0)) {
process->vpid = process->pid;
process->ctid = 0;
this->flags |= ~PROCESS_FLAG_OPENVZ;
char filename[MAX_NAME+1];
snprintf(filename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/stat", dirname, name);
FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!file)
"%*32u %*32s %*1c %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u "
"%*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u "
"%*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u "
"%*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u "
"%*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u "
"%*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u %*32u "
"%*32u %*32u %32u %32u",
&process->vpid, &process->ctid);
static void ProcessList_readCGroupFile(Process* process, const char* dirname, const char* name) {
char filename[MAX_NAME+1];
snprintf(filename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/cgroup", dirname, name);
FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!file) {
process->cgroup = strdup("");
char buffer[256];
char *ok = fgets(buffer, 255, file);
if (ok) {
char* trimmed = String_trim(buffer);
int nFields;
char** fields = String_split(trimmed, ':', &nFields);
if (nFields >= 3) {
process->cgroup = strndup(fields[2] + 1, 10);
} else {
process->cgroup = strdup("");
static void ProcessList_readVServerData(Process* process, const char* dirname, const char* name) {
char filename[MAX_NAME+1];
snprintf(filename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/status", dirname, name);
FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!file)
char buffer[256];
process->vxid = 0;
while (fgets(buffer, 255, file)) {
if (String_startsWith(buffer, "VxID:")) {
int vxid;
int ok = sscanf(buffer, "VxID:\t%32d", &vxid);
if (ok >= 1) {
process->vxid = vxid;
else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "s_context:")) {
int vxid;
int ok = sscanf(buffer, "s_context:\t%32d", &vxid);
if (ok >= 1) {
process->vxid = vxid;
#ifdef HAVE_OOM
static void ProcessList_readOomData(Process* process, const char* dirname, const char* name) {
char filename[MAX_NAME+1];
snprintf(filename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/oom_score", dirname, name);
FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!file)
char buffer[256];
if (fgets(buffer, 255, file)) {
unsigned int oom;
int ok = sscanf(buffer, "%32u", &oom);
if (ok >= 1) {
process->oom = oom;
static bool ProcessList_readCmdlineFile(Process* process, const char* dirname, const char* name) {
if (Process_isKernelThread(process))
return true;
char filename[MAX_NAME+1];
snprintf(filename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/cmdline", dirname, name);
int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
return false;
char command[4096+1]; // max cmdline length on Linux
int amtRead = xread(fd, command, sizeof(command) - 1);
int tokenEnd = 0;
if (amtRead > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < amtRead; i++)
if (command[i] == '\0' || command[i] == '\n') {
if (tokenEnd == 0) {
tokenEnd = i;
command[i] = ' ';
if (tokenEnd == 0) {
tokenEnd = amtRead;
command[amtRead] = '\0';
process->comm = strdup(command);
process->basenameOffset = tokenEnd;
return true;
static bool ProcessList_processEntries(ProcessList* this, const char* dirname, Process* parent, double period, struct timeval tv) {
DIR* dir;
struct dirent* entry;
time_t curTime = tv.tv_sec;
unsigned long long now = tv.tv_sec*1000LL+tv.tv_usec/1000LL;
dir = opendir(dirname);
if (!dir) return false;
int cpus = this->cpuCount;
bool hideKernelThreads = this->hideKernelThreads;
bool hideUserlandThreads = this->hideUserlandThreads;
while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
char* name = entry->d_name;
// The RedHat kernel hides threads with a dot.
// I believe this is non-standard.
if ((!this->hideThreads) && name[0] == '.') {
// Just skip all non-number directories.
if (name[0] < '0' || name[0] > '9') {
// filename is a number: process directory
int pid = atoi(name);
if (parent && pid == parent->pid)
if (pid <= 0)
Process* process = NULL;
Process* existingProcess = (Process*) Hashtable_get(this->processTable, pid);
if (existingProcess) {
assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, existingProcess, Process_pidCompare) != -1);
process = existingProcess;
assert(process->pid == pid);
} else {
process = Process_new(this);
assert(process->comm == NULL);
process->pid = pid;
process->tgid = parent ? parent->pid : pid;
char subdirname[MAX_NAME+1];
snprintf(subdirname, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/task", dirname, name);
ProcessList_processEntries(this, subdirname, process, period, tv);
if (this->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_IO)
ProcessList_readIoFile(process, dirname, name, now);
if (! ProcessList_readStatmFile(process, dirname, name))
goto errorReadingProcess;
process->show = ! ((hideKernelThreads && Process_isKernelThread(process)) || (hideUserlandThreads && Process_isUserlandThread(process)));
char command[MAX_NAME+1];
unsigned long long int lasttimes = (process->utime + process->stime);
if (! ProcessList_readStatFile(process, dirname, name, command))
goto errorReadingProcess;
if (this->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_IOPRIO)
float percent_cpu = (process->utime + process->stime - lasttimes) / period * 100.0;
process->percent_cpu = MAX(MIN(percent_cpu, cpus*100.0), 0.0);
if (isnan(process->percent_cpu)) process->percent_cpu = 0.0;
process->percent_mem = (process->m_resident * PAGE_SIZE_KB) / (double)(this->totalMem) * 100.0;
if(!existingProcess) {
if (! ProcessList_statProcessDir(process, dirname, name, curTime))
goto errorReadingProcess;
process->user = UsersTable_getRef(this->usersTable, process->st_uid);
ProcessList_readOpenVZData(this, process, dirname, name);
if (this->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_VSERVER)
ProcessList_readVServerData(process, dirname, name);
if (! ProcessList_readCmdlineFile(process, dirname, name))
goto errorReadingProcess;
ProcessList_add(this, process);
} else {
if (this->updateProcessNames) {
if (! ProcessList_readCmdlineFile(process, dirname, name))
goto errorReadingProcess;
if (this->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_CGROUP)
ProcessList_readCGroupFile(process, dirname, name);
#ifdef HAVE_OOM
ProcessList_readOomData(process, dirname, name);
if (process->state == 'Z') {
process->basenameOffset = -1;
process->comm = strdup(command);
} else if (Process_isThread(process)) {
if (this->showThreadNames || Process_isKernelThread(process) || process->state == 'Z') {
process->basenameOffset = -1;
process->comm = strdup(command);
} else if (this->showingThreadNames) {
if (! ProcessList_readCmdlineFile(process, dirname, name))
goto errorReadingProcess;
if (Process_isKernelThread(process)) {
} else {
if (process->state == 'R')
process->updated = true;
// Exception handler.
errorReadingProcess: {
if (process->comm) {
process->basenameOffset = -1;
process->comm = NULL;
if (existingProcess)
ProcessList_remove(this, process);
return true;
void ProcessList_scan(ProcessList* this) {
unsigned long long int usertime, nicetime, systemtime, idletime;
unsigned long long int swapFree = 0;
FILE* file = fopen(PROCMEMINFOFILE, "r");
if (file == NULL) {
CRT_fatalError("Cannot open " PROCMEMINFOFILE);
int cpus = this->cpuCount;
assert(cpus > 0);
char buffer[128];
while (fgets(buffer, 128, file)) {
switch (buffer[0]) {
case 'M':
if (String_startsWith(buffer, "MemTotal:"))
sscanf(buffer, "MemTotal: %32llu kB", &this->totalMem);
else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "MemFree:"))
sscanf(buffer, "MemFree: %32llu kB", &this->freeMem);
else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "MemShared:"))
sscanf(buffer, "MemShared: %32llu kB", &this->sharedMem);
case 'B':
if (String_startsWith(buffer, "Buffers:"))
sscanf(buffer, "Buffers: %32llu kB", &this->buffersMem);
case 'C':
if (String_startsWith(buffer, "Cached:"))
sscanf(buffer, "Cached: %32llu kB", &this->cachedMem);
case 'S':
if (String_startsWith(buffer, "SwapTotal:"))
sscanf(buffer, "SwapTotal: %32llu kB", &this->totalSwap);
if (String_startsWith(buffer, "SwapFree:"))
sscanf(buffer, "SwapFree: %32llu kB", &swapFree);
this->usedMem = this->totalMem - this->freeMem;
this->usedSwap = this->totalSwap - swapFree;
file = fopen(PROCSTATFILE, "r");
if (file == NULL) {
CRT_fatalError("Cannot open " PROCSTATFILE);
for (int i = 0; i <= cpus; i++) {
char buffer[256];
int cpuid;
unsigned long long int ioWait, irq, softIrq, steal, guest, guestnice;
unsigned long long int systemalltime, idlealltime, totaltime, virtalltime;
ioWait = irq = softIrq = steal = guest = guestnice = 0;
// Dependending on your kernel version,
// 5, 7, 8 or 9 of these fields will be set.
// The rest will remain at zero.
fgets(buffer, 255, file);
if (i == 0)
sscanf(buffer, "cpu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu", &usertime, &nicetime, &systemtime, &idletime, &ioWait, &irq, &softIrq, &steal, &guest, &guestnice);
else {
sscanf(buffer, "cpu%4d %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu %16llu", &cpuid, &usertime, &nicetime, &systemtime, &idletime, &ioWait, &irq, &softIrq, &steal, &guest, &guestnice);
assert(cpuid == i - 1);
// Guest time is already accounted in usertime
usertime = usertime - guest;
nicetime = nicetime - guestnice;
// Fields existing on kernels >= 2.6
// (and RHEL's patched kernel 2.4...)
idlealltime = idletime + ioWait;
systemalltime = systemtime + irq + softIrq;
virtalltime = guest + guestnice;
totaltime = usertime + nicetime + systemalltime + idlealltime + steal + virtalltime;
CPUData* cpuData = &(this->cpus[i]);
assert (usertime >= cpuData->userTime);
assert (nicetime >= cpuData->niceTime);
assert (systemtime >= cpuData->systemTime);
assert (idletime >= cpuData->idleTime);
assert (totaltime >= cpuData->totalTime);
assert (systemalltime >= cpuData->systemAllTime);
assert (idlealltime >= cpuData->idleAllTime);
assert (ioWait >= cpuData->ioWaitTime);
assert (irq >= cpuData->irqTime);
assert (softIrq >= cpuData->softIrqTime);
assert (steal >= cpuData->stealTime);
assert (virtalltime >= cpuData->guestTime);
cpuData->userPeriod = usertime - cpuData->userTime;
cpuData->nicePeriod = nicetime - cpuData->niceTime;
cpuData->systemPeriod = systemtime - cpuData->systemTime;
cpuData->systemAllPeriod = systemalltime - cpuData->systemAllTime;
cpuData->idleAllPeriod = idlealltime - cpuData->idleAllTime;
cpuData->idlePeriod = idletime - cpuData->idleTime;
cpuData->ioWaitPeriod = ioWait - cpuData->ioWaitTime;
cpuData->irqPeriod = irq - cpuData->irqTime;
cpuData->softIrqPeriod = softIrq - cpuData->softIrqTime;
cpuData->stealPeriod = steal - cpuData->stealTime;
cpuData->guestPeriod = virtalltime - cpuData->guestTime;
cpuData->totalPeriod = totaltime - cpuData->totalTime;
cpuData->userTime = usertime;
cpuData->niceTime = nicetime;
cpuData->systemTime = systemtime;
cpuData->systemAllTime = systemalltime;
cpuData->idleAllTime = idlealltime;
cpuData->idleTime = idletime;
cpuData->ioWaitTime = ioWait;
cpuData->irqTime = irq;
cpuData->softIrqTime = softIrq;
cpuData->stealTime = steal;
cpuData->guestTime = virtalltime;
cpuData->totalTime = totaltime;
double period = (double)this->cpus[0].totalPeriod / cpus; fclose(file);
// mark all process as "dirty"
for (int i = 0; i < Vector_size(this->processes); i++) {
Process* p = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i);
p->updated = false;
this->totalTasks = 0;
this->userlandThreads = 0;
this->kernelThreads = 0;
this->runningTasks = 0;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
ProcessList_processEntries(this, PROCDIR, NULL, period, tv);
this->showingThreadNames = this->showThreadNames;
for (int i = Vector_size(this->processes) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Process* p = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i);
if (p->updated == false)
ProcessList_remove(this, p);
p->updated = false;
ProcessField ProcessList_keyAt(ProcessList* this, int at) {
int x = 0;
ProcessField* fields = this->fields;
ProcessField field;
for (int i = 0; (field = fields[i]); i++) {
int len = strlen(Process_fieldTitles[field]);
if (at >= x && at <= x + len) {
return field;
x += len;
return COMM;
void ProcessList_expandTree(ProcessList* this) {
int size = Vector_size(this->processes);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Process* process = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i);
process->showChildren = true;
void ProcessList_rebuildPanel(ProcessList* this, bool flags, int following, bool userOnly, uid_t userId, const char* incFilter) {
if (!flags) {
following = this->following;
userOnly = this->userOnly;
userId = this->userId;
incFilter = this->incFilter;
} else {
this->following = following;
this->userOnly = userOnly;
this->userId = userId;
this->incFilter = incFilter;
int currPos = Panel_getSelectedIndex(this->panel);
pid_t currPid = following != -1 ? following : 0;
int currScrollV = this->panel->scrollV;
int size = ProcessList_size(this);
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
bool hidden = false;
Process* p = ProcessList_get(this, i);
if ( (!p->show)
|| (userOnly && (p->st_uid != userId))
|| (incFilter && !(String_contains_i(p->comm, incFilter)))
|| (this->pidWhiteList && !Hashtable_get(this->pidWhiteList, p->pid)) )
hidden = true;
if (!hidden) {
Panel_set(this->panel, idx, (Object*)p);
if ((following == -1 && idx == currPos) || (following != -1 && p->pid == currPid)) {
Panel_setSelected(this->panel, idx);
this->panel->scrollV = currScrollV;