blob: 589f817b5b030c8566f29e4b297f17f3bcb7905a [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
htop - AixProcessList.c
(C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad
(C) 2018 Calvin Buckley
Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
in the source distribution for its full text.
#include "ProcessList.h"
#include "AixProcess.h"
#include "AixProcessList.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/proc.h>
#include <procinfo.h>
#ifndef __PASE__
#include <libperfstat.h>
#include <sys/vminfo.h>
#ifndef __PASE__
#include <libperfstat.h>
// publically consumed
typedef struct CPUData_ {
// per libperfstat.h, clock ticks
unsigned long long utime, stime, itime, wtime;
// warning: doubles are 4 bytes in structs on AIX
// ...not like we need precision here anyways
double utime_p, stime_p, itime_p, wtime_p;
} CPUData;
typedef struct AixProcessList_ {
ProcessList super;
CPUData* cpus;
#ifndef __PASE__
perfstat_cpu_t* ps_cpus;
perfstat_cpu_total_t ps_ct;
} AixProcessList;
#ifndef Process_isKernelThread
#define Process_isKernelThread(_process) (_process->kernel == 1)
#ifndef Process_isUserlandThread
// XXX
#define Process_isUserlandThread(_process) (false)
ProcessList* ProcessList_new(UsersTable* usersTable, Hashtable* pidWhiteList, uid_t userId) {
AixProcessList* apl = xCalloc(1, sizeof(AixProcessList));
ProcessList* this = (ProcessList*) apl;
ProcessList_init(this, Class(AixProcess), usersTable, pidWhiteList, userId);
#ifndef __PASE__
perfstat_memory_total_t mt;
perfstat_memory_total(NULL, &mt, sizeof(mt), 1);
perfstat_cpu_total(NULL, &apl->ps_ct, sizeof(perfstat_cpu_total_t), 1);
// most of these are in 4KB sized pages
this->totalMem = mt.real_total * 4;
this->totalSwap = mt.pgsp_total * 4;
this->cpuCount = apl->ps_ct.ncpus;
apl->ps_cpus = xCalloc (this->cpuCount, sizeof (perfstat_cpu_t));
this->cpuCount = sysconf (_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
this->totalMem = sysconf (_SC_AIX_REALMEM);
// smp requires avg + cpus as the 0th entry is avg
apl->cpus = xCalloc (this->cpuCount + (this->cpuCount > 1), sizeof (CPUData));
return this;
void ProcessList_delete(ProcessList* this) {
AixProcessList* apl = (AixProcessList*)this;
free (apl->cpus);
#ifndef __PASE__
free (apl->ps_cpus);
static void AixProcessList_scanCpuInfo (AixProcessList *apl) {
#ifndef __PASE__
ProcessList *super;
// delay is in tenths of a second
// XXX: may not be precise enough
double delay, nproc;
perfstat_id_t id;
int i;
// old values
unsigned long long oct_utime, oct_stime, oct_itime, oct_wtime;
super = (ProcessList*) apl;
nproc = super->cpuCount;
delay = (double)super->settings->delay / 10;
strcpy (, FIRST_CPU);
// acquire deltas to get a percentage;
// 1s captures = you get 100%, 2s -> 200%, and so on
// so divide by the delay we're given in settings
// for the average/total, we'll have to divide by nproc for avg
oct_utime = apl->ps_ct.user;
oct_stime = apl->ps_ct.sys;
oct_itime = apl->ps_ct.idle;
oct_wtime = apl->ps_ct.wait;
perfstat_cpu_total (NULL, &apl->ps_ct, sizeof (perfstat_cpu_total_t), 1);
apl->cpus [0].utime_p = ((double)(apl->ps_ct.user - oct_utime) / delay) / nproc;
apl->cpus [0].stime_p = ((double)(apl->ps_ct.sys - oct_stime) / delay) / nproc;
apl->cpus [0].itime_p = ((double)(apl->ps_ct.idle - oct_itime) / delay) / nproc;
apl->cpus [0].wtime_p = ((double)(apl->ps_ct.wait - oct_wtime) / delay) / nproc;
// untested on a uniproc system; i assume avg is good enough for that
if (nproc < 2)
perfstat_cpu (&id, apl->ps_cpus, sizeof (perfstat_cpu_t), super->cpuCount);
for (i = 0; i < super->cpuCount; i++) {
// use old times for delta to calc percentage
apl->cpus [i+1].utime_p = (double)(apl->ps_cpus [i].user - apl->cpus [i+1].utime) / delay;
apl->cpus [i+1].stime_p = (double)(apl->ps_cpus [i].sys - apl->cpus [i+1].stime) / delay;
apl->cpus [i+1].itime_p = (double)(apl->ps_cpus [i].idle - apl->cpus [i+1].itime) / delay;
apl->cpus [i+1].wtime_p = (double)(apl->ps_cpus [i].wait - apl->cpus [i+1].wtime) / delay;
// uptime new times
apl->cpus [i+1].utime = apl->ps_cpus [i].user;
apl->cpus [i+1].stime = apl->ps_cpus [i].sys;
apl->cpus [i+1].itime = apl->ps_cpus [i].idle;
apl->cpus [i+1].wtime = apl->ps_cpus [i].wait;
static void AixProcessList_scanMemoryInfo (ProcessList *pl) {
#ifndef __PASE__
perfstat_memory_total_t mt;
perfstat_memory_total(NULL, &mt, sizeof(mt), 1);
pl->freeMem = mt.real_free * 4;
pl->cachedMem = mt.numperm * 4;
pl->buffersMem = 0;
pl->sharedMem = 0;
pl->usedMem = mt.real_inuse * 4;
pl->totalSwap = mt.pgsp_total * 4;
pl->freeSwap = mt.pgsp_free * 4;
pl->usedSwap = pl->totalSwap - pl->freeSwap;
struct vminfo64 vi;
if (vmgetinfo (&vi, VMINFO64, sizeof (struct vminfo64)) == -1) {
fprintf (stderr, "htop: AixProcessList_scanMemoryInfo failed: vmgetinfo error\n");
_exit (1);
pl->freeMem = vi.memavailable / 0x1000;
// XXX: cached memory? nmon can do it...
pl->cachedMem = 0;
pl->buffersMem = 0;
pl->sharedMem = 0;
pl->usedMem = pl->totalMem - pl->freeMem;
static char *AixProcessList_readProcessName (struct procentry64 *pe) {
char argvbuf [0x100000]; // completely arbitrary
int i;
// if empty fall back
if (getargs (pe, sizeof (struct procentry64), argvbuf, 0x100000) == 0 && *argvbuf) {
// args are seperated by NUL, double NUL terminates
for (i = 0; i < 0x100000; i++) {
if (argvbuf [i] == '\0' && argvbuf [i + 1] != '\0')
argvbuf [i] = ' ';
return xStrdup (argvbuf);
return xStrdup (pe->pi_comm);
void ProcessList_goThroughEntries(ProcessList* super) {
AixProcessList* apl = (AixProcessList*)super;
Settings* settings = super->settings;
bool hideKernelThreads = settings->hideKernelThreads;
bool hideUserlandThreads = settings->hideUserlandThreads;
bool preExisting;
Process *proc;
AixProcess *ap;
/* getprocs stuff */
struct procentry64 *pes;
struct procentry64 *pe;
pid_t pid;
int count, i;
struct tm date;
time_t t, pt;
AixProcessList_scanMemoryInfo (super);
AixProcessList_scanCpuInfo (apl);
// 1000000 is what IBM ps uses; instead of rerunning getprocs with
// a PID cookie, get one big clump. also, pid 0 is a strange proc,
// seems to maybe represent the kernel? it has no name/argv, and
// marked with SKPROC, so if you have the tree view and kernel
// threads hidden, everything is hidden. oops? kernel threads seem
// to be children of it as well, but having it in the list is odd
pid = 1;
count = getprocs64 (NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &pid, 1000000);
if (count < 1) {
fprintf (stderr, "htop: ProcessList_goThroughEntries failed; during count: %s\n", strerror (errno));
_exit (1);
count += 25; // it's not atomic, new processes could spawn in next call
pes = xCalloc (count, sizeof (struct procentry64));
pid = 1;
count = getprocs64 (pes, sizeof (struct procentry64), NULL, 0, &pid, count);
if (count < 1) {
fprintf (stderr, "htop: ProcessList_goThroughEntries failed; during listing\n");
_exit (1);
t = time (NULL);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
pe = pes + i;
proc = ProcessList_getProcess(super, pe->pi_pid, &preExisting, (Process_New) AixProcess_new);
ap = (AixProcess*) proc;
proc->show = ! ((hideKernelThreads && Process_isKernelThread(ap))
|| (hideUserlandThreads && Process_isUserlandThread(ap)));
if (!preExisting) {
ap->kernel = pe->pi_flags & SKPROC ? 1 : 0;
proc->pid = pe->pi_pid;
proc->ppid = pe->pi_ppid;
/* XXX: tpgid? */
proc->tgid = pe->pi_pid;
proc->session = pe->pi_sid;
proc->tty_nr = pe->pi_ttyd;
proc->pgrp = pe->pi_pgrp;
proc->st_uid = pe->pi_uid;
proc->starttime_ctime = pe->pi_start;
proc->user = UsersTable_getRef(super->usersTable, proc->st_uid);
ProcessList_add((ProcessList*)super, proc);
proc->comm = AixProcessList_readProcessName (pe);
// copy so localtime_r works properly
pt = pe->pi_start;
(void) localtime_r((time_t*) &pt, &date);
strftime(proc->starttime_show, 7, ((proc->starttime_ctime > t - 86400) || 0 ? "%R " : "%b%d "), &date);
} else {
if (settings->updateProcessNames) {
proc->comm = AixProcessList_readProcessName (pe);
ap->cid = pe->pi_cid;
// XXX: are the numbers here right? I think these are based on pages or 1K?
proc->m_resident = pe->pi_drss + pe->pi_trss;
proc->m_size = pe->pi_ru.ru_maxrss;//pe->pi_drss + pe->pi_trss;
proc->percent_mem = (pe->pi_drss + pe->pi_trss * PAGE_SIZE_KB) / (double)(super->totalMem) * 100.0;
proc->nlwp = pe->pi_thcount;
proc->nice = pe->pi_nice;
ap->utime = pe->pi_ru.ru_utime.tv_sec;
ap->stime = pe->pi_ru.ru_stime.tv_sec;
proc->time = ap->utime + ap->stime;
proc->percent_cpu = (((double)proc->time / (t - proc->starttime_ctime)) * 100.0) / super->cpuCount;
// sometimes this happens with freshly spawned in procs
if (isnan(proc->percent_cpu))
proc->percent_cpu = 0.0;
proc->priority = pe->pi_ppri;
switch (pe->pi_state) {
case SIDL: proc->state = 'I'; break;
case SRUN: proc->state = 'R'; break;
case SSLEEP: proc->state = 'S'; break;
case SSTOP: proc->state = 'T'; break;
case SZOMB: proc->state = 'Z'; break;
case SACTIVE: proc->state = 'P'; break;
case SSWAP: proc->state = 'W'; break;
default: proc->state = '?';
if (Process_isKernelThread(ap)) {
// SRUN ('R') means runnable, not running
if (proc->state == 'P') {
proc->updated = true;
free (pes);