| #!/usr/bin/env lua |
| |
| local VISUALDELAY = os.getenv("VISUALDELAY") |
| |
| local visual = VISUALDELAY or false |
| local visual_delay = VISUALDELAY and (tonumber(VISUALDELAY)) or 0.1 |
| local short_delay = 0.3 |
| local long_delay = 1 |
| |
| local unistd = require("posix.unistd") |
| local time = require("posix.time") |
| local curses = require("posix.curses") |
| local rote = require("rote") |
| |
| local rt = rote.RoteTerm(24, 80) |
| |
| --[[ |
| local function os_execread(cmd) |
| local fd = io.popen(cmd, "r") |
| local out = fd:read("*a") |
| fd:close() |
| return (out:gsub("\n$", "")) |
| end |
| ]] |
| --local branch = os_execread("git branch | grep '*'"):sub(3) |
| --print("Running in branch "..branch) |
| |
| os.execute("make coverage") |
| os.execute("rm -f *.gcda */*.gcda") |
| os.execute("rm -f coverage.info test.htoprc") |
| os.execute("rm -rf lcov") |
| os.execute("killall htop") |
| os.execute("ps aux | grep '[s]leep 12345' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill 2> /dev/null") |
| |
| os.execute("cp ./default.htoprc ./test.htoprc") |
| rt:forkPty("LC_ALL=C HTOPRC=./test.htoprc ./htop 2> htop-valgrind.txt") |
| |
| local stdscr, term_win |
| -- Curses initialization needed even when not in visual mode |
| -- because luaposix only initializes KEY_* constants after initscr(). |
| stdscr = curses.initscr() |
| if visual then |
| curses.echo(false) |
| curses.start_color() |
| curses.raw(true) |
| curses.halfdelay(1) |
| stdscr:keypad(true) |
| term_win = curses.newwin(24, 80, 0, 0) |
| local function makePair(foreground, background) |
| return background * 8 + 7 - foreground |
| end |
| -- initialize the color pairs the way rt:draw() expects it |
| for foreground = 0, 7 do |
| for background = 0, 7 do |
| if foreground ~= 7 or background ~= 0 then |
| local pair = makePair(foreground, background) |
| curses.init_pair(pair, foreground, background) |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| else |
| curses.endwin() |
| end |
| |
| local function show(key) |
| rt:update() |
| if visual then |
| rt:draw(term_win, 0, 0) |
| if key then |
| term_win:mvaddstr(0, 0, tostring(key)) |
| end |
| term_win:refresh() |
| |
| delay(visual_delay) |
| end |
| end |
| |
| local function send(key, times, quick) |
| if times == 0 then return end |
| for _ = 1, times or 1 do |
| delay(0.003) -- 30ms delay to avoid clobbering Esc sequences |
| if type(key) == "string" then |
| for c in key:gmatch('.') do |
| rt:keyPress(string.byte(c)) |
| end |
| else |
| rt:keyPress(key) |
| end |
| if not quick then |
| show(key) |
| end |
| end |
| if quick then |
| show(key) |
| end |
| end |
| |
| local function string_at(x, y, len) |
| rt:update() |
| local out = {} |
| for i = 1, len do |
| out[#out+1] = rt:cellChar(y-1, x+i-2) |
| end |
| return table.concat(out) |
| end |
| |
| local function is_string_at(x, y, str) |
| return string_at(x, y, #str) == str |
| end |
| |
| local function check_string_at(x, y, str) |
| return { str, string_at(x, y, #str) } |
| end |
| |
| local ESC = "\27\27" |
| |
| function delay(t) |
| time.nanosleep({ tv_sec = math.floor(t), tv_nsec = (t - math.floor(t)) * 1000000000 }) |
| end |
| |
| delay(2) -- give some time for htop to initialize. |
| rt:update() |
| |
| local y_panelhdr = (function() |
| for y = 1, 24 do |
| if is_string_at(3, y, "PID") then |
| return y |
| end |
| end |
| end)() or 1 |
| |
| assert.not_equal(y_panelhdr, 1) |
| |
| local x_metercol2 = 41 |
| |
| show() |
| |
| os.execute("sleep 12345 &") |
| |
| local function terminated() |
| return not os.execute("ps aux | grep -q '\\./[h]top'") |
| end |
| |
| local function running_it(desc, fn) |
| it(desc, function() |
| assert(not terminated()) |
| show() |
| fn() |
| assert(not terminated()) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| local function check(t) |
| return t[1], t[2] |
| end |
| |
| local attrs = { |
| black_on_cyan = 6, |
| red_on_cyan = 22, |
| white_on_black = 176, |
| yellow_on_black = 112, |
| } |
| |
| local function find_selected_y(from) |
| rt:update() |
| for y = from or (y_panelhdr + 1), rt:rows() - 1 do |
| local attr = rt:cellAttr(y-1, 1) |
| if attr == attrs.black_on_cyan then |
| return y |
| end |
| end |
| return y_panelhdr + 1 |
| end |
| |
| local function find_command_x() |
| for x = 1, 80 do |
| if is_string_at(x, y_panelhdr, "Command") then |
| return x |
| end |
| end |
| return 64 |
| end |
| |
| local function set_display_option(n) |
| send("S") |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT) |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN, n, "quick") |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_F10) |
| end |
| |
| describe("htop test suite", function() |
| |
| running_it("performs incremental filter", function() |
| send("\\") |
| send("x\127bux\127sted") -- test backspace |
| send("\n") |
| delay(short_delay) |
| rt:update() |
| local pid = (" "..tostring(unistd.getpid())):sub(-5) |
| local ourpid = check_string_at(1, y_panelhdr + 1, pid) |
| send("\\") |
| send(ESC) |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| rt:update() |
| local initpid = check_string_at(1, y_panelhdr + 1, " 1") |
| delay(short_delay) |
| rt:update() |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) |
| assert.equal(check(ourpid)) |
| assert.equal(check(initpid)) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("performs incremental search", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| send("/") |
| send("busted") |
| local attr = rt:cellAttr(rt:rows() - 1, 30) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local line = find_selected_y() |
| local pid = (" "..tostring(unistd.getpid())):sub(-5) |
| assert.equal(attr, attrs.black_on_cyan) |
| local ourpid = check_string_at(1, line, pid) |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| assert.equal(check(ourpid)) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("performs pid search", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) |
| send(curses.KEY_END) |
| send("1") |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local line = find_selected_y() |
| local initpid = check_string_at(1, line, " 1") |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) |
| assert.equal(check(initpid)) |
| end) |
| |
| |
| running_it("horizontal scroll", function() |
| local h_scroll = 20 |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local str1 = string_at(1+h_scroll, y_panelhdr+1, 5) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local str2 = string_at(1, y_panelhdr+1, 5) |
| send(curses.KEY_LEFT) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local str3 = string_at(1+h_scroll, y_panelhdr+1, 5) |
| send(curses.KEY_LEFT) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local str4 = string_at(1+h_scroll, y_panelhdr+1, 5) |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) |
| assert.equal(str1, str2) |
| assert.equal(str2, str3) |
| assert.equal(str3, str4) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("kills a process", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| send("\\") |
| send("sleep 12345") |
| local attr = rt:cellAttr(rt:rows() - 1, 30) |
| assert.equal(attr, attrs.black_on_cyan) |
| send("\n") |
| delay(short_delay) |
| rt:update() |
| local col = find_command_x() |
| local procname = check_string_at(col, y_panelhdr + 1, "sleep 12345") |
| send("k") |
| send("\n") |
| send("\\") |
| send(ESC) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| assert.equal(check(procname)) |
| assert.not_equal((os.execute("ps aux | grep -q '[s]leep 12345'")), true) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("runs strace", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| send("/") |
| send("busted") |
| send("\n") |
| send("s") |
| delay(long_delay) |
| send(ESC) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("runs lsof", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| send("/") |
| send("busted") |
| send("\n") |
| send("l") |
| delay(long_delay) |
| send(ESC) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("performs filtering in lsof", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| send("/") |
| send("htop") |
| send("\n") |
| send("l") |
| send(curses.KEY_F4) |
| send("pipe") |
| delay(long_delay) |
| local pipefd = check_string_at(1, 3, " 3") |
| send(ESC) |
| assert.equal(check(pipefd)) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("performs search in lsof", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| send("/") |
| send("htop") |
| send("\n") |
| send("l") |
| send(curses.KEY_F3) |
| send("pipe") |
| delay(long_delay) |
| local line = find_selected_y(3) |
| local pipefd = check_string_at(1, line, " 3") |
| send(ESC) |
| assert.equal(check(pipefd)) |
| end) |
| |
| |
| running_it("cycles through meter modes in the default meters", function() |
| send("S") |
| for _ = 1, 2 do |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT) |
| for _ = 1, 3 do |
| send("\n", 4) |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN) |
| end |
| end |
| send(ESC) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("show process of a user", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) |
| send("u") |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| rt:update() |
| local chosen = string_at(1, y_panelhdr + 2, 9) |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| rt:update() |
| local shown = string_at(7, y_panelhdr + 1, 9) |
| send("u") |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| rt:update() |
| local inituser = string_at(7, y_panelhdr + 1, 9) |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) |
| assert.equal(shown, chosen) |
| assert.equal(inituser, "root ") |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("performs failing search", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| send("/") |
| send("xxxxxxxxxx") |
| delay(short_delay) |
| rt:update() |
| local attr = rt:cellAttr(rt:rows() - 1, 30) |
| assert.equal(attr, attrs.red_on_cyan) |
| send("\n") |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("cycles through search", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| send("/") |
| send("sh") |
| local lastpid |
| local pidpairs = {} |
| for _ = 1, 3 do |
| send(curses.KEY_F3) |
| local line = find_selected_y() |
| local pid = string_at(1, line, 5) |
| if lastpid then |
| pidpairs[#pidpairs + 1] = { lastpid, pid } |
| lastpid = pid |
| end |
| end |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| for _, pair in pairs(pidpairs) do |
| assert.not_equal(pair[1], pair[2]) |
| end |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("visits each setup screen", function() |
| send("S") |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN, 3) |
| send(curses.KEY_F10) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("adds and removes PPID column", function() |
| send("S") |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN, 3) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT, 2) |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN, 2) |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_F10) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local ppid = check_string_at(2, y_panelhdr, "PPID") |
| send("S") |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN, 3) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT, 1) |
| send(curses.KEY_DC) |
| send(curses.KEY_F10) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local not_ppid = check_string_at(2, y_panelhdr, "PPID") |
| assert.equal(check(ppid)) |
| assert.not_equal(check(not_ppid)) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("changes CPU affinity for a process", function() |
| send("a") |
| send(" \n") |
| send(ESC) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("renices for a process", function() |
| send("/") |
| send("busted") |
| send("\n") |
| local line = find_selected_y() |
| local before = check_string_at(22, line, " 0") |
| send(curses.KEY_F8) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local after = check_string_at(22, line, " 1") |
| assert.equal(check(before)) |
| assert.equal(check(after)) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("tries to lower nice for a process", function() |
| send("/") |
| send("busted") |
| send("\n") |
| local line = find_selected_y() |
| local before = string_at(22, line, 2) |
| send(curses.KEY_F7) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local after = string_at(22, line, 2) |
| assert.equal(before, after) -- no permissions |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("invert sort order", function() |
| local cpu_col = 45 |
| send("P") |
| send("I") |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local zerocpu = check_string_at(cpu_col, y_panelhdr + 1, " 0.0") |
| send("I") |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local nonzerocpu = check_string_at(cpu_col, y_panelhdr + 1, " 0.0") |
| assert.equal(check(zerocpu)) |
| assert.not_equal(check(nonzerocpu)) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("changes IO priority for a process", function() |
| send("/") |
| send("htop") |
| send("\n") |
| send("i") |
| send(curses.KEY_END) |
| send("\n") |
| send(ESC) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("shows help", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_F1) |
| send("\n") |
| set_display_option(9) |
| send(curses.KEY_F1) |
| send("\n") |
| set_display_option(9) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("moves meters around", function() |
| send("S") |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT) |
| send(curses.KEY_UP) |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN) |
| send(curses.KEY_UP) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT) |
| send(curses.KEY_LEFT) |
| send(curses.KEY_LEFT) |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_F10) |
| end) |
| |
| local meters = { |
| { name = "clock", down = 0, string = "Time" }, |
| { name = "load", down = 2, string = "Load" }, |
| { name = "battery", down = 7, string = "Battery" }, |
| { name = "hostname", down = 8, string = "Hostname" }, |
| { name = "memory", down = 3, string = "Mem" }, |
| { name = "CPU average", down = 16, string = "Avg" }, |
| } |
| |
| running_it("checks various CPU meters", function() |
| send("S") |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT, 3) |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN, 9, "quick") |
| for _ = 9, 14 do |
| send("\n") |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_DC) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT) |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN) |
| end |
| end) |
| |
| for _, item in ipairs(meters) do |
| running_it("adds and removes a "..item.name.." widget", function() |
| send("S") |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT, 3) |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN, item.down) |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_UP, 4) |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_F4, 4) -- cycle through meter modes |
| delay(short_delay) |
| rt:update() |
| local with = check_string_at(x_metercol2, 2, item.string) |
| send(curses.KEY_DC) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| local without = check_string_at(x_metercol2, 2, item.string) |
| send(curses.KEY_F10) |
| assert.equal(check(with)) |
| assert.not_equal(check(without)) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| running_it("goes through themes", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_F2) |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN, 2) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT) |
| for _ = 1, 6 do |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN) |
| end |
| send(curses.KEY_UP, 6) |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_F10) |
| end) |
| |
| local display_options = { |
| { name = "tree view", down = 0 }, |
| { name = "shadow other user's process", down = 1 }, |
| { name = "hide kernel threads", down = 2 }, |
| { name = "hide userland threads", down = 3 }, |
| { name = "display threads in different color", down = 4 }, |
| { name = "show custom thread names", down = 5 }, |
| { name = "highlight basename", down = 6 }, |
| { name = "highlight large numbers", down = 7 }, |
| { name = "leave margin around header", down = 8 }, |
| { name = "use detailed CPU time", down = 9 }, |
| { name = "count from zero", down = 10 }, |
| { name = "update process names", down = 11 }, |
| { name = "guest time in CPU%", down = 12 }, |
| } |
| |
| for _, item in ipairs(display_options) do |
| running_it("checks display option to "..item.name, function() |
| for _ = 1, 2 do |
| set_display_option(item.down) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| end |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| running_it("shows detailed CPU with guest time", function() |
| for _ = 1, 2 do |
| send("S") |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT) |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN, 9) |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN, 3) |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_LEFT) |
| send(curses.KEY_UP) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT) |
| send(curses.KEY_F4, 4) -- cycle through CPU meter modes |
| send(curses.KEY_F10) |
| delay(short_delay) |
| end |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("expands and collapses tree", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) -- tree view |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN) -- second process in the tree |
| send("-") |
| send("+") |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("sets sort key", function() |
| send(".") |
| send("\n") |
| end) |
| |
| running_it("tags all children", function() |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) -- tree view |
| send(curses.KEY_HOME) -- ensure we're at init |
| send("c") |
| local taggedattrs = {} |
| rt:update() |
| for y = y_panelhdr + 2, 23 do |
| table.insert(taggedattrs, rt:cellAttr(y-1, 4)) |
| end |
| delay(short_delay) |
| send("U") |
| local untaggedattrs = {} |
| rt:update() |
| for y = y_panelhdr + 2, 23 do |
| table.insert(untaggedattrs, rt:cellAttr(y-1, 4)) |
| end |
| send(curses.KEY_F5) |
| |
| for _, taggedattr in ipairs(taggedattrs) do |
| assert.equal(attrs.yellow_on_black, taggedattr) |
| end |
| for _, untaggedattr in ipairs(untaggedattrs) do |
| assert.equal(attrs.white_on_black, untaggedattr) |
| end |
| end) |
| |
| for i = 1, 62 do |
| running_it("show column "..i, function() |
| send("S") |
| send(curses.KEY_END) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT, 1) |
| if i > 1 then |
| send(curses.KEY_DC) |
| end |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT, 1) |
| local down = i |
| while down > 13 do |
| send(curses.KEY_NPAGE) |
| down = down - 13 |
| end |
| send(curses.KEY_DOWN, down, "quick") |
| send("\n") |
| send(curses.KEY_F10) |
| if i == 62 then |
| send("S") |
| send(curses.KEY_END) |
| send(curses.KEY_RIGHT, 1) |
| if i > 1 then |
| send(curses.KEY_DC) |
| end |
| send(curses.KEY_F10) |
| end |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| it("finally quits", function() |
| assert(not terminated()) |
| send("q") |
| while not terminated() do |
| unistd.sleep(1) |
| send("q") |
| end |
| assert(terminated()) |
| if visual then |
| curses.endwin() |
| end |
| os.execute("make lcov && xdg-open lcov/index.html") |
| end) |
| end) |
| |