blob: 5818931df2be66b2597703624cf32615b88a774d [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
* PXE file system for GRUB
* Copyright (C) 2007 Bean (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifdef FSYS_PXE
#include "shared.h"
#include "filesys.h"
#include "pxe.h"
#include "etherboot.h"
#ifdef GRUB_UTIL
int pxe_mount (void) { return 0; }
unsigned long pxe_read (char *buf, unsigned long len, unsigned long write) { return -1; }
int pxe_dir (char *dirname) { return 0; }
void pxe_close (void) {}
#ifndef TFTP_PORT
#define TFTP_PORT 69
//#define PXE_MIN_BLKSIZE 512
//#define PXE_MAX_BLKSIZE 1432
#define PXE_MIN_BLKSIZE 128
#define PXE_MAX_BLKSIZE 16384
#define DOT_SIZE 1048576
/* PXE_BUF must be in low memory */
//#define PXE_BUF FSYS_BUF
/* use disk buffer for PXE_BUF */
//#define PXE_DEBUG 1
unsigned long pxe_entry = 0, pxe_blksize = 512 /*PXE_MAX_BLKSIZE*/;
unsigned short pxe_basemem, pxe_freemem;
unsigned long pxe_keep;
//IP4 pxe_yip, pxe_sip, pxe_gip;
UINT8 pxe_mac_len, pxe_mac_type;
MAC_ADDR pxe_mac;
static UINT8 pxe_tftp_opened;
static unsigned long pxe_saved_pos, pxe_cur_ofs, pxe_read_ofs;
extern PXENV_TFTP_OPEN_t pxe_tftp_open; /* now it is defined in asm.S */
static char *pxe_tftp_name;
extern unsigned long ROM_int15;
extern unsigned long ROM_int13;
extern unsigned long ROM_int13_dup;
extern struct drive_map_slot bios_drive_map[DRIVE_MAP_SIZE + 1];
static char* pxe_outhex (char* pc, unsigned char c)
int i;
pc += 2;
for (i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
unsigned char t;
t = c & 0xF;
if (t >= 10)
t += 'A' - 10;
t += '0';
*(pc - i) = t;
c = c >> 4;
return pc;
static unsigned long pxe_read_blk (unsigned long buf, int num);
static int try_blksize (int tmp)
unsigned long nr;
pxe_blksize = tmp;
grub_printf ("\nTry block size %d ...\n", pxe_blksize);
if ((tmp = pxe_dir (pxe_tftp_name)))
if (filemax <= pxe_blksize)
grub_printf ("\nFailure: Size %ld too small.\n", filemax);
pxe_close ();
return 1;
nr = pxe_read_blk (PXE_BUF, 1);
if (nr == PXE_ERR_LEN)
grub_printf ("\nFailure: Cannot read the first block.\n");
pxe_close ();
return 1;
if (pxe_blksize != nr && filemax > nr && nr <= PXE_MAX_BLKSIZE && nr >= PXE_MIN_BLKSIZE)
grub_printf ("\npxe_blksize tuned from %d to %d\n", pxe_blksize, nr);
pxe_blksize = nr;
grub_printf ("\nUse block size %d\n", pxe_blksize);
pxe_close ();
return 0;
return 1; /* return 0 for seccess, 1 for failure */
unsigned long pxe_inited = 0; /* pxe_detect only run once */
BOOTPLAYER *discover_reply = 0;
int pxe_detect (int blksize, char *config) //void pxe_detect (void)
unsigned long tmp;
char *pc;
int i, ret;
// if (pxe_inited)
// return 0;
if (! pxe_entry) //if (! pxe_scan ())
return 0;
pxe_inited = 1;
if (discover_reply->bootfile[0])
int n;
grub_printf ("\nbootfile is %s\n", discover_reply->bootfile);
n = grub_strlen ((char*)discover_reply->bootfile) - 1;
grub_strcpy ((char*)&pxe_tftp_open.FileName, (char*)discover_reply->bootfile);
while ((n >= 0) && (pxe_tftp_open.FileName[n] != '/')) n--;
if (n < 0) /* need to add a slash */
pxe_tftp_open.FileName[0] = '/';
grub_strcpy (((char*)&pxe_tftp_open.FileName) + 1, (char*)discover_reply->bootfile);
n = 0;
pxe_tftp_name = (char*)&pxe_tftp_open.FileName[n];
/* read the boot file to determine the block size. */
if (blksize)
pxe_blksize = blksize;
else if (try_blksize (1408) && try_blksize (512))
pxe_blksize = 512; /* default to 512 */
grub_printf ("\nCannot open %s, pxe_blksize set to %d\n", pxe_tftp_name, pxe_blksize);
//grub_strcpy (pxe_tftp_name, "/menu.lst/");
pxe_blksize = (blksize ? blksize : 512); /* default to 512 */
grub_printf ("\nNo bootfile! pxe_blksize set to %d\n", pxe_blksize);
pxe_tftp_name = (char*)&pxe_tftp_open.FileName[0];
pxe_tftp_opened = 0;
ret = 0;
grub_memcpy ((char *) saved_pxe_mac, (char *) pxe_mac, 6);
saved_pxe_ip = pxe_yip;
if (config)
if (*config == '/')
int n;
n = grub_strlen (config) - 1;
if (config[n] != '/')
grub_strcpy (pxe_tftp_name, config);
grub_printf ("%s\n", pxe_tftp_open.FileName);
ret = pxe_dir (pxe_tftp_name);
goto done;
return 1;
//if (pxe_dir ("/menu.lst"))
// grub_strcpy (pxe_tftp_name, "/menu.lst");
// ret = 1;
// goto done;
grub_strcpy (pxe_tftp_name, "/menu.lst");
#if 0
grub_printf ("\nFrom now on, we first try to open this FILE: %s\n"
"\nCaution: The PXE server should NOT have a DIR of \"%s\"."
"\nCaution: The system could hang if \"%s\" is a DIR."
"\nCaution: Your original \"menu.lst\" DIR should be renamed to \"menu\".\n"
, pxe_tftp_open.FileName
, pxe_tftp_open.FileName
, pxe_tftp_open.FileName);
ret = pxe_dir (pxe_tftp_name);
if (ret && filemax)
goto done;
/* Reports from Ruymbeke: opening /menu.lst will hang if it is a dir.
* Do NOT use /menu.lst as a dir any more!! Use /menu for it instead.
if (!config)
config = "/menu.lst/";
grub_strcpy (pxe_tftp_name, config);
//#define MENU_DIR_NAME_LENGTH (sizeof("/menu.lst/") - 1)
int MENU_DIR_NAME_LENGTH = grub_strlen(config);
pc = pxe_tftp_name + MENU_DIR_NAME_LENGTH;
pc = pxe_outhex (pc, pxe_mac_type);
for (i = 0; i < pxe_mac_len; i++)
*(pc++) = '-';
pc = pxe_outhex (pc, pxe_mac[i]);
*pc = 0;
grub_printf ("\n%s\n", pxe_tftp_open.FileName);
if (pxe_dir (pxe_tftp_name))
ret = 1;
goto done;
pc = pxe_tftp_name + MENU_DIR_NAME_LENGTH;
tmp = pxe_yip;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
pc = pxe_outhex (pc, tmp & 0xFF);
tmp >>= 8;
*pc = 0;
grub_printf ("%s\n", pxe_tftp_open.FileName);
if (pxe_dir (pxe_tftp_name))
ret = 1;
goto done;
*(--pc) = 0;
} while (pc > pxe_tftp_name + MENU_DIR_NAME_LENGTH);
grub_strcpy (pc, "default");
grub_printf ("%s\n", pxe_tftp_open.FileName);
ret = pxe_dir (pxe_tftp_name);
if (ret && filemax)
#if 1
char *new_config = config_file;
char *filename = (char *)pxe_tftp_open.FileName;
if (debug > 1)
grub_printf("PXE boot configfile:%s\n",filename);
pxe_close ();
/* got file name. put it in config_file */
if (grub_strlen (filename) >= ((char *)0x8270 - new_config))
return ! (errnum = ERR_WONT_FIT);
/* set (pd) as root device. */
saved_drive = PXE_DRIVE;
saved_partition = 0xFFFFFF;
while ((*new_config++ = *filename++) != 0);
if (pxe_restart_config == 0)
pxe_restart_config = 1;
return ret;
use_config_file = 1;
/* Make sure that the user will not be authoritative. */
auth = 0;
buf_drive = -1; /* invalidate disk cache. */
buf_track = -1; /* invalidate disk cache. */
saved_entryno = 0;
//force_cdrom_as_boot_device = 0;
boot_drive = saved_drive;
install_partition = saved_partition;
current_drive = GRUB_INVALID_DRIVE;
current_partition = 0xFFFFFF;
fsys_type = NUM_FSYS;
boot_part_addr = 0;
current_slice = 0;
///* Restart pre_stage2. */
//(*(char *)0x8205) |= 2; /* disable keyboard intervention */
//chain_stage1(0, 0x8200, boot_part_addr);
/* Restart cmain. */
asm volatile ("movl $0x7000, %esp"); /* set stack to STACKOFF */
asm volatile ("call _cmain");
asm volatile ("jmp _stop");
asm volatile ("call cmain");
asm volatile ("jmp stop");
/* Never reach here. */
unsigned long nr;
nr = 4096 - 1;
if (nr > filemax)
nr = filemax;
nr = pxe_read ((char*)0x800, nr);
if (nr != PXE_ERR_LEN)
*(char*)(0x800 + nr) = 0;
if (preset_menu != (char*)0x800)
preset_menu = (char*)0x800;
if (*config_file)
*config_file = 0; /* only use preset_menu with pxe */
if (nr < filemax)
grub_printf ("Boot menu truncated\n");
//pxe_read (NULL, filemax - nr);
pxe_close ();
return ret;
static int pxe_reopen (void)
pxe_close ();
pxe_call (PXENV_TFTP_OPEN, &pxe_tftp_open);
if (pxe_tftp_open.Status)
return 0;
pxe_blksize = pxe_tftp_open.PacketSize;
pxe_saved_pos = pxe_cur_ofs = pxe_read_ofs = 0;
pxe_tftp_opened = 1;
return 1;
static int pxe_open (char* name)
PXENV_TFTP_GET_FSIZE_t *tftp_get_fsize;
pxe_close ();
tftp_get_fsize = (void*)&pxe_tftp_open;
tftp_get_fsize->ServerIPAddress = pxe_sip;
tftp_get_fsize->GatewayIPAddress = pxe_gip;
if (name != pxe_tftp_name)
grub_strcpy (pxe_tftp_name, name);
pxe_call (PXENV_TFTP_GET_FSIZE, tftp_get_fsize);
filemax = tftp_get_fsize->FileSize;
if (tftp_get_fsize->Status)
pxe_tftp_opened = 0;
pxe_saved_pos = pxe_cur_ofs = pxe_read_ofs = 0;
return 0;
/* we have to replace pxe_tftp_open.TFTPPort with tftp_get_fsize->FileSize
* to avoid compiler optimization issue. */
//pxe_tftp_open.TFTPPort = htons (TFTP_PORT);
tftp_get_fsize->FileSize = htons (TFTP_PORT);
pxe_tftp_open.PacketSize = pxe_blksize;
return pxe_reopen ();
void pxe_close (void)
if (pxe_tftp_opened)
PXENV_TFTP_CLOSE_t tftp_close;
pxe_call (PXENV_TFTP_CLOSE, &tftp_close);
pxe_tftp_opened = 0;
pxe_saved_pos = pxe_cur_ofs = pxe_read_ofs = 0;
/* Read num packets , BUF must be segment aligned */
static unsigned long pxe_read_blk (unsigned long buf, int num)
PXENV_TFTP_READ_t tftp_read;
unsigned long ofs;
tftp_read.Buffer = SEGOFS(buf);
ofs = tftp_read.Buffer & 0xFFFF;
pxe_fast_read (&tftp_read, num);
/* disk cache destroyed, so invalidate it. */
buf_drive = -1;
buf_track = -1;
return (tftp_read.Status) ? PXE_ERR_LEN : ((tftp_read.Buffer & 0xFFFF) - ofs);
static unsigned long pxe_read_blk (unsigned long buf, int num)
PXENV_TFTP_READ_t tftp_read;
unsigned long ofs;
/* disk cache will be destroyed, so invalidate it. */
buf_drive = -1;
buf_track = -1;
tftp_read.Buffer = SEGOFS(buf);
ofs = tftp_read.Buffer & 0xFFFF;
while (num > 0)
pxe_call (PXENV_TFTP_READ, &tftp_read);
if (tftp_read.Status)
return PXE_ERR_LEN;
tftp_read.Buffer += tftp_read.BufferSize;
if (tftp_read.BufferSize < pxe_blksize)
return (tftp_read.Buffer & 0xFFFF) - ofs;
static unsigned long pxe_read_len (unsigned long long buf, unsigned long long len)
unsigned long old_ofs, sz;
if (len == 0)
return 0;
sz = 0;
old_ofs = pxe_cur_ofs;
pxe_cur_ofs += len;
if (pxe_cur_ofs > pxe_read_ofs)
unsigned long nb, nr;
long nb_del, nb_pos;
sz = (pxe_read_ofs - old_ofs);
if ((buf) && (sz))
grub_memmove64 (buf, (unsigned long long)(unsigned int)(char*)(PXE_BUF + old_ofs), sz);
buf += sz;
pxe_cur_ofs -= pxe_read_ofs; /* bytes to read */
nb = pxe_cur_ofs / pxe_blksize; /* blocks to read */
nb_del = DOT_SIZE / pxe_blksize;
if (nb_del > nb)
nb_del = 0;
nb_pos = -1;
nb_pos = nb - nb_del;
pxe_cur_ofs -= pxe_blksize * nb; /* bytes residual */
if (pxe_read_ofs + pxe_blksize > PXE_BUFLEN)
pxe_read_ofs = 0;
while (nb > 0)
unsigned long nn;
nn = (PXE_BUFLEN - pxe_read_ofs) / pxe_blksize;
if (nn > nb)
nn = nb;
nr = pxe_read_blk (PXE_BUF + pxe_read_ofs, nn);
if (nr == PXE_ERR_LEN)
return nr;
sz += nr;
if (buf)
grub_memmove64 (buf, (unsigned long long)(unsigned int)(char*)(PXE_BUF + pxe_read_ofs), nr);
buf += nr;
if (nr < nn * pxe_blksize)
pxe_read_ofs += nr;
pxe_cur_ofs = pxe_read_ofs;
return sz;
nb -= nn;
if (nb)
pxe_read_ofs = 0;
pxe_read_ofs += nr;
if ((long)nb <= nb_pos)
grub_putchar ('.');
nb_pos -= nb_del;
if (nb_del)
grub_putchar ('\r');
grub_putchar ('\n');
if (pxe_cur_ofs)
if (pxe_read_ofs + pxe_blksize > PXE_BUFLEN)
pxe_read_ofs = 0;
nr = pxe_read_blk (PXE_BUF + pxe_read_ofs, 1);
if (nr == PXE_ERR_LEN)
return nr;
if (pxe_cur_ofs > nr)
pxe_cur_ofs = nr;
sz += pxe_cur_ofs;
if (buf)
grub_memmove64 (buf, (unsigned long long)(unsigned int)(char*)(PXE_BUF + pxe_read_ofs), pxe_cur_ofs);
pxe_cur_ofs += pxe_read_ofs;
pxe_read_ofs += nr;
pxe_cur_ofs = pxe_read_ofs;
sz += len;
if (buf)
grub_memmove64 (buf, (unsigned long long)(unsigned int)(char *)PXE_BUF + old_ofs, len);
return sz;
/* Mount the network drive. If the drive is ready, return 1, otherwise
return 0. */
int pxe_mount (void)
if (current_drive != PXE_DRIVE)
return 0;
return 1;
/* Read up to SIZE bytes, returned in ADDR. */
unsigned long long
pxe_read (unsigned long long buf, unsigned long long len, unsigned long write)
unsigned long nr;
if (write == 0x900ddeed)
return !(errnum = ERR_WRITE);
if (! pxe_tftp_opened)
return PXE_ERR_LEN;
if (pxe_saved_pos != filepos)
if ((filepos < pxe_saved_pos) && (filepos+pxe_cur_ofs >= pxe_saved_pos))
pxe_cur_ofs -= pxe_saved_pos - filepos;
if (pxe_saved_pos > filepos)
if (! pxe_reopen ())
return PXE_ERR_LEN;
nr = pxe_read_len (0ULL, filepos - pxe_saved_pos);
if ((nr == PXE_ERR_LEN) || (pxe_saved_pos + nr != filepos))
return PXE_ERR_LEN;
pxe_saved_pos = filepos;
nr = pxe_read_len (buf, len);
if (nr != PXE_ERR_LEN)
filepos += nr;
pxe_saved_pos = filepos;
return nr;
/* Check if the file DIRNAME really exists. Get the size and save it in
FILEMAX. return 1 if succeed, 0 if fail. */
int pxe_dir (char *dirname)
int ret, ch;
if (print_possibilities)
return 1;
pxe_close ();
ret = 1;
ch = nul_terminate (dirname);
if (! pxe_open (dirname))
ret = 0;
dirname[grub_strlen(dirname)] = ch;
return ret;
void pxe_unload (void)
int i, h;
if (! pxe_entry)
pxe_close ();
if (pxe_keep)
h = unset_int13_handler (1); /* check if it was set. */
if (! h) /* h==0 for set */
unset_int13_handler (0); /* unset it */
/* at this moment, there should be no other handlers.
* if other handlers do exist, we should quit.
if (*((unsigned short *)0x413) != pxe_basemem)
grub_printf ("PXE unload failed because of an unknown handler(e.g., of int13) loaded.\n");
goto quit;
i = 0;
while (code[i])
grub_memset (&unload, 0, sizeof(unload));
pxe_call (code[i], &unload);
if (unload.Status)
grub_printf ("PXE unload fails: %d\n", unload.Status);
goto quit;
//if (*((unsigned short *)0x413) == pxe_basemem)
*((unsigned short *)0x413) = pxe_freemem;
pxe_entry = 0;
ROM_int15 = *((unsigned long *)0x54);
ROM_int13 = ROM_int13_dup = *((unsigned long *)0x4C);
grub_printf ("PXE stack unloaded\n");
if (! h) /* h==0 for set */
set_int13_handler (bios_drive_map);
static void print_ip (IP4 ip)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
grub_printf ("%d.", (unsigned long)(unsigned char)ip);
ip >>= 8;
grub_printf ("%d", (unsigned long)(unsigned char)ip);
int pxe_func (char *arg, int flags)
if (! pxe_entry)
grub_printf ("No PXE stack\n");
goto bad_argument;
if (*arg == 0)
char buf[4], *pc;
int i;
pxe_tftp_name[0] = '/';
pxe_tftp_name[1] = 0;
grub_printf ("blksize : %d\n", pxe_blksize);
grub_printf ("basedir : %s\n", pxe_tftp_open.FileName);
grub_printf ("bootfile: %s\n", discover_reply->bootfile);
grub_printf ("client ip : ");
print_ip (pxe_yip);
grub_printf ("\nserver ip : ");
print_ip (pxe_sip);
grub_printf ("\ngateway ip : ");
print_ip (pxe_gip);
grub_printf ("\nmac : ");
for (i = 0; i < pxe_mac_len; i++)
pc = buf;
pc = pxe_outhex (pc, pxe_mac[i]);
*pc = 0;
grub_printf ("%s%c", buf, ((i == pxe_mac_len - 1) ? '\n' : '-'));
else if (grub_memcmp(arg, "blksize", sizeof("blksize") - 1) == 0)
unsigned long long val;
arg = skip_to (0, arg);
if (! safe_parse_maxint (&arg, &val))
return 0;
if (val > PXE_MAX_BLKSIZE)
if (val < PXE_MIN_BLKSIZE)
pxe_blksize = val;
else if (grub_memcmp (arg, "basedir", sizeof("basedir") - 1) == 0)
int n;
arg = skip_to (0, arg);
if (*arg == 0)
grub_printf ("No pathname\n");
goto bad_argument;
if (*arg != '/')
grub_printf ("Base directory must start with /\n");
goto bad_argument;
n = grub_strlen (arg);
if (n > sizeof(pxe_tftp_open.FileName) - 8)
grub_printf ("Path too long\n");
goto bad_argument;
grub_strcpy ((char*)pxe_tftp_open.FileName, arg);
while ((n >= 0) && (pxe_tftp_open.FileName[n] == '/'))
pxe_tftp_name = (char*)&pxe_tftp_open.FileName[n + 1];
else if (grub_memcmp (arg, "keep", sizeof("keep") - 1) == 0)
pxe_keep = 1;
else if (grub_memcmp (arg, "nokeep", sizeof("nokeep") - 1) == 0)
pxe_keep = 0;
else if (grub_memcmp (arg, "unload", sizeof("unload") - 1) == 0)
pxe_keep = 0;
pxe_unload ();
#ifdef PXE_DEBUG
else if (grub_memcmp (arg, "dump", sizeof("dump") - 1) == 0)
PXENV_GET_CACHED_INFO_t get_cached_info;
unsigned long long val;
arg = skip_to (0, arg);
if (! safe_parse_maxint (&arg, &val))
return 0;
if ((val < 1) || (val > 3))
grub_printf ("Invalid type\n");
goto bad_argument;
get_cached_info.PacketType = val;
get_cached_info.Buffer = get_cached_info.BufferSize = 0;
pxe_call (PXENV_GET_CACHED_INFO, &get_cached_info);
if (get_cached_info.Status)
return 0;
bp = LINEAR(get_cached_info.Buffer);
grub_printf ("%X\n", (unsigned long)bp);
hexdump (0, bp, get_cached_info.BufferSize);
else if (grub_memcmp (arg, "detect", sizeof("detect") - 1) == 0)
unsigned long long blksize = 0;
/* pxe_detect should be done before any other command. */
arg = skip_to (0, arg);
if (*arg != '/')
if (*arg >= '0' && *arg <= '9')
if (! safe_parse_maxint (&arg, &blksize))
return 0;
arg = skip_to (0, arg);
if (*arg == 0)
arg = 0;
//else if (*arg != '/')
// goto bad_argument;
} else if (*arg == 0)
arg = 0;
// goto bad_argument;
return pxe_detect ((int)blksize, arg);
return 0;
return 1;