blob: a06cf5ed529022e2ae988e6730c87dbf1331e300 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
<TITLE>GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader</TITLE>
<CENTER><H1>GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader</H1></CENTER>
<CENTER><H3>version 0.5</H3></CENTER>
<A HREF=>Erich Boleyn</A></H3></CENTER>
<H2>Master Contents</H2>
Some of these contents are included in other pages.<P>
<LI> <A HREF="#intro">Introduction</A>
<LI> <A HREF="#thanks">Thanks To</A>
<LI> <A HREF="#status">Distribution and Status</A>
<LI> <A HREF=using.html>Using GRUB</A>
<LI> <A HREF=install.html>Installation</A>
<LI> <A HREF=errors.html>GRUB Error Messages</A>
<LI> <A HREF=technical.html>Technical Info</A>
<LI> <A HREF=faq.html>GRUB FAQ</A>
<B>NOTE</B>: Up-to-date versions of this documentation directory can
be found at
<A HREF=></A>. The
specifics might be for a newer version of the program, so check the
<A HREF=>online NEWS file</A> for details
about the differences.<P>
<H2><A NAME="intro">Introduction</A></H2>
GRUB is an attempt to produce a bootloader for IBM PC-compatible machines
that has both the capability to be friendly to beginning or
otherwise non-technically
interested users and the flexibility to help experts in diverse
environments. It is currently most useful for users of at least
one of the various free UNIX-like operating systems, though it can
be used with most any PC operating system.<P>
This project actually started because we wanted to boot the
operating system on top of
Mach4</A> on an IBM PC-compatible system in a manner compliant
with the <A HREF=boot-proposal.html>Multiboot Standard</A>, which
was put together as a general solution to the problem of the different
boot formats and the functionality they need.
I then tried to add support for the extra functionality to the
standard bootloader used for FreeBSD. The number of things I had to do
to get it all to work multiplied until it was obviously necessary to
start from scratch with something different.<P>
GRUB has evolved a long way from it's beginnings as a multi-module
bootloader. Several
of the techniques used have no analogue in the rest of the free
software world, and a few are apparently superior to most proprietary OSes
as well.
The documentation here and in the multiboot proposal should be very
useful to prospective OS and bootloader writers for PCs.<P>
The name comes from the acronym, but also from the realization that although
a grub is one of the smaller (and less interesting) critters - barely worthy
of notice - it is nearly ubiquitous and vital to the order of things.<P>
<H2><A NAME="thanks">Thanks To</A></H2>
<LI><B>Members of the Multiboot e-mail list and Bryan Ford
(</B> -- for all the multiboot discussion
and OS code to test with.<P>
<LI><B>VaX#n8 (</B> -- for testing feedback plus the
initial implementation for the ext2fs filesystem.<P>
<LI><B>Miles Bader (</B> -- for testing feedback.<P>
<LI><B>Eric Hanchrow (</B> -- for interstate remote
debugging by hand.<P>
<LI><B>Gord Matzigkeit (</B> -- for lots of
testing feedback.<P>
<LI><B>Heiko Schroeder (</B> -- for
a re-writing stage1 to be much more readable, plus several patches.<P>
<H2><A NAME="status">Distribution and Status</A></H2>
GRUB is currently available under the
<A HREF=COPYING>GNU General Public License</A>.
This should not be an issue for OS developers or users who dislike
the terms of the GPL, as it is a separate package, and will not
have any licensing impact upon their own work or installation.
If it is still an issue,
<A>send me e-mail</A> and maybe we can
work something out.<P>
The publically available releases are available on my
<A HREF=>FTP site</A>, and I
believe they will get included in the GNU FTP sites as well.<P>
Here are links to the <A HREF=NEWS>NEWS file</A>,
<A HREF=TODO>TODO list</A>, and list of <A HREF=BUGS>known BUGS</A>.<P>