blob: 7a253dd5d54edf1f220b6b0e4910d8a69907f2fa [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#ifndef _IF_ETHER_H
#define _IF_ETHER_H
I'm moving towards the defined names in linux/if_ether.h for clarity.
The confusion between 60/64 and 1514/1518 arose because the NS8390
counts the 4 byte frame checksum in the incoming packet, but not
in the outgoing packet. 60/1514 are the correct numbers for most
if not all of the other NIC controllers.
#define ETH_ALEN 6 /* Size of Ethernet address */
#define ETH_HLEN 14 /* Size of ethernet header */
#define ETH_ZLEN 60 /* Minimum packet */
#define ETH_FRAME_LEN 1514 /* Maximum packet */
#define ETH_DATA_ALIGN 2 /* Amount needed to align the data after an ethernet header */
#ifndef ETH_MAX_MTU
#endif /* _IF_ETHER_H */