| # Do not place command-related messages here if they use the CommandSender locale; use commands.properties for those. |
| # These messages use MessageFormat, with the exception of console.permission.invalid which uses String.format for |
| # Bukkit compatibility. |
| # Notes on the naming convention: |
| # Message names beginning with "console" are logged or sent to to System.err or System.out. Players other than the |
| # server operator won't see them. |
| # Message names beginning with "glowstone" are the only ones that can be sent to players; the second-level name of the |
| # message is usually the relevant subpackage of net.glowstone. |
| console.biome.unknown=Unknown biome id: {0}! |
| console.block-entity.load-failed=Error loading block entity at {0}: {1} |
| console.block-entity.save-failed=Error saving block entity at {0} |
| console.block-entity.unknown=Unknown block entity at {0},{1},{2},{3}: {4} |
| console.block.chest.facing=Can only handle N/O/S/W BlockFaces, getting face: {0} |
| console.block.chest.interact-wrong-class=Calling blockInteract on BlockChest, but BlockState is {1} |
| console.block.chest.triple-already=Chest may only have one near other chest. Found ''{0}'' near {1} |
| console.block.chest.triple-end=Chest placed near already attached chest! |
| console.block.chest.triple-middle=Chest placed near two other chests! |
| console.block.doubleslab.wrong-material=BlockDoubleSlab got wrong material: {0} |
| console.block.unknown-clicked=Unknown clicked block, {0} |
| console.block.wrong-material-data=Wrong MaterialData for {0} ({1}): expected {2}, got {3} |
| console.block.wrong-block-data=Wrong BlockData for {0} ({1}): expected {2}, got {3} |
| console.chunk.gen-failed=Error while generating chunk ({0},{1}) |
| console.chunk.load-failed=Error while loading chunk ({0},{1}) |
| console.chunk.pop-failed=Error while generating chunk ({0},{1}) |
| console.chunk.regen-failed=Error while regenerating chunk ({0},{1}) |
| console.chunk.save-failed=Error while saving {0} |
| console.chunk.section-dup=Multiple chunk sections at y {0} in {1}! |
| console.chunk.section-oob=Out of bounds chunk section at y {0} in {1}! |
| console.chunk.unknown-block-to-tick=Unknown block ''{0}'' when loading chunk block ticks. |
| console.chunk.unload-failed=Failed to unload chunk {0}:{1} |
| console.classpath.load-failed=Error loading classpath! |
| console.command.deop.failed=deop command failed for player {0} |
| console.command.l10n-failed=Error retrieving messages for command {0} in {1}'s locale. |
| console.command.op.failed=op command failed for player {0} |
| console.config-only-done=Configuration files have been loaded, exiting... |
| console.enchant.bad-slot=Malicious client, cannot enchant slot {0} |
| console.enchant.missing-resources=Malicious client, player has not enough levels / enough resources to enchant item! |
| console.enchant.not-open=Player {0} tried to enchant item while no enchanting inventory was open! |
| console.entity.load-failed=Error loading entity in {0} |
| console.entity.load-too-late=Cannot register custom entity ''{0}'' for plugin ''{1}'', worlds are already loaded. |
| console.entity.particle-invalid=Ignoring invalid particle type %s in tag %s |
| console.entity.save-failed=Error saving {0} in {1} |
| console.entity.save-failed.passenger=Error saving {0} from vehicle {1} |
| console.entity.unknown=Unknown entity in {0}: {1} |
| console.event.interrupted=Interrupted while handling {0} |
| console.event.shutdown=Not handling event {0} due to shutdown |
| console.fishing.rewards-invalid=Invalid fishingRewards.yml: no 'rewards' section |
| console.function.load-failed=Error while loading functions for world ''{0}'' |
| console.i18n-failed.command=Error loading localized command messages in {0}. |
| console.i18n-failed.difficulty=Error loading localized difficulty names in {0}. |
| console.i18n-failed.gamemode=Error loading localized game-mode names in {0}. |
| console.icon.import=Importing ''{0}'' from Vanilla. |
| console.icon.load-failed=Failed to load ''{0}'' |
| console.icon.load-failed.import=Failed to import ''{0}'' from Vanilla |
| console.import=Importing {0} from {1} |
| console.import.failed.no-message=Import of {0} failed |
| console.import.failed.with-message=Importing file {0} failed: {1} |
| console.io.json.stat-unknown=Unknown statistic type for '{0}': {1} ({2}) |
| console.io.mkdir-failed=Failed to create directory: {0} |
| console.io.no-world-data-tag=Loading world \\"{0}\\": reading from root, not Data |
| console.io.player-read-failed=Failed to read data for {0}: {1} |
| console.io.player-read-failed-unknown=Failed to read data for player: {0} |
| console.io.player-write-failed=Failed to write data for {0}: {1} |
| console.io.removing-single-player=World \\"{0}\\": removing single-player Player tag |
| console.io.world-read-failed=Unable to access {0} for world {1} |
| console.looting-manager.load-failed=Failed to load looting manager: |
| console.native-transport.epoll=Native epoll transport is enabled. |
| console.native-transport.kqueue=Native kqueue transport is enabled. |
| console.net.bind-failed=Failed to bind server to {0}. |
| console.net.bind-failed.cannot-assign=The 'server.ip' in your configuration may not be valid.\nUnless you are sure you need it, try removing it. |
| console.net.bind-failed.in-use=The address was already in use.\nCheck that no server is already running on that port.\nIf needed, try killing all Java processes using Task Manager or similar. |
| console.net.bind-failed.unknown=An unknown bind error has occurred. |
| console.net.binding=Binding server to {0}... |
| console.net.bound=Successfully bound server to {0}. |
| console.net.crafting-book-unsupported=Received crafting book data from {0}, not currently supported: {1} |
| console.net.crafting-recipe-unsupported=Received craft recipe request from {0}, not currently supported. |
| console.net.crypt.init-failed=Failed to initialize encrypted channel |
| console.net.crypt.url-encode-ip=Cannot encode ip address for proxy check |
| console.net.crypt.user-auth=Username \\"{0}\\" failed to authenticate! |
| console.net.message-too-long=Leftover bytes ({0}) after decoding: {1} |
| console.net.unknown-client-status-action={0} sent unknown ClientStatus action: {1} |
| console.offline=The server is running in offline mode! Only do this if you know what you're doing. |
| console.opencl.best=Device is best platform so far, on {0} |
| console.opencl.best.version-tiebreaker=Device tied for flops, but had higher version on {0} |
| console.opencl.cpu=No Intel graphics found, best platform is the best CPU platform we could find... |
| console.opencl.found-device=Found {0} with {1} flops |
| console.opencl.intel-gpu=No dGPU found, best platform is the best Intel graphics we could find... |
| console.opencl.no-device=Your system does not meet the OpenCL requirements for Glowstone. See if driver updates are available. |
| console.opencl.required-extensions=Required extensions: [ cl_khr_fp64 ] |
| console.opencl.required-version=Required version: {0}.{1} |
| console.option.help=Available command-line options:\n\ |
| --help, -h, -? Shows this help message and exits.\n\ |
| --version, -v Shows version information and exits.\n\ |
| --generate-config Generates and loads configuration files, then exits.\n\ |
| --configdir <directory> Sets the configuration directory.\n\ |
| --configfile <file> Sets the configuration file.\n\ |
| --port, -p <port> Sets the server listening port.\n\ |
| --host, -H <ip | hostname> Sets the server listening address.\n\ |
| --onlinemode, -o <onlinemode> Sets the server''s online-mode.\n\ |
| --jline <true/false> Enables or disables JLine console.\n\ |
| --plugins-dir, -P <directory> Sets the plugin directory to use.\n\ |
| --worlds-dir, -W <directory> Sets the world directory to use.\n\ |
| --update-dir, -U <directory> Sets the plugin update folder to use.\n\ |
| --max-players, -M <director> Sets the maximum amount of players.\n\ |
| --world-name, -N <name> Sets the main world name.\n\ |
| --log-pattern, -L <pattern> Sets the log file pattern (%D for date). |
| console.option.invalid=Ignored invalid option: {0} |
| console.option.no-value=Ignored option specified without value: {0} |
| console.permission.duplicate=Permission config tried to register ''{0}'' but it''s already registered |
| console.permission.invalid=Permission node ''%s'' in permissions config is invalid |
| console.plugin.counts=PluginTypeDetector: found {0} Bukkit, {1} Sponge, {2} Forge, {3} Canary, {4} unknown plugins (total {5}) |
| console.plugin.load-failed=Error loading {0} |
| console.plugin.load-failed.type-detector=PluginTypeDetector: Error reading {0} |
| console.plugin.malformed-url=PluginTypeDetector: Malformed URL: {0} |
| console.plugin.mkdir-failed=Could not create plugins directory: {0} |
| console.plugin.no-sponge=SpongeAPI plugins found, but no Sponge bridge present! They will be ignored. |
| console.plugin.no-sponge.bukkit2sponge=Suggestion: install https://github.com/GlowstoneMC/Bukkit2Sponge to load these plugins |
| console.plugin.permission.duplicate=Plugin {0} tried to register permission ''{1}'' but it''s already registered |
| console.plugin.scanning=Scanning plugins... |
| console.plugin.unrecognized=Unrecognized plugin: {0} |
| console.plugin.unsupported=Unsupported plugin types found, will be ignored: |
| console.plugin.unsupported.canary=Canary plugin not supported: {0} |
| console.plugin.unsupported.forge=Forge plugin not supported: {0} |
| console.plugin.unsupported.other=Unrecognized plugin not supported: {0} |
| console.plugin.unsupported.sponge=Ignored SpongeAPI plugin: {0} |
| console.profile.interrupted=Profile lookup interrupted: |
| console.profile.timeout=Profile lookup timeout: |
| console.proxy=Proxy support is enabled. |
| console.proxy.online=Proxy support is enabled, but online mode is enabled. |
| console.rcon.bind-interrupted=Bind interrupted! |
| console.ready=Ready for connections. |
| console.recipe.counts=Recipes: {0} shaped, {1} shapeless, {2} furnace, {3} dynamic, {4} fuels. |
| console.recipe.no-defaults=Could not find default recipes on classpath |
| console.reload-failed=Uncaught error while reloading |
| console.save=Saving world: {0} |
| console.shutdown=The server is shutting down... |
| console.startup-failed=Error during server startup. |
| console.structure.load-failed=Failed to read structure data from {0} |
| console.structure.no-data=No data tag in {0} |
| console.structure.save-failed=Failed to write structure data to {0} |
| console.structure.unknown-piece-type=Unknown structure piece type to load: "{0}" |
| console.uuid.interrupted=UUID lookup interrupted: |
| console.uuid.timeout=UUID lookup timeout: |
| console.version.bukkit=Bukkit version: {0} |
| console.version.glowstone=Glowstone version: {0} |
| console.version.minecraft-client=Minecraft version: {0} protocol {1} |
| console.worldgen.disabled=World generation is disabled! World ''{0}'' will be empty. |
| glowstone.achievement.earned={0} has just earned the achievement ยงa[{1}] |
| glowstone.achievement.unknown=Unknown Achievement |
| glowstone.advancement.title=Advancements in Glowstone |
| glowstone.bed.day=You can only sleep at night. |
| glowstone.bed.mob=You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby. |
| glowstone.bed.occupied=This bed is occupied. |
| glowstone.block.max-height={0}The height limit for this world is {1} blocks |
| glowstone.command.error.unknown-command={0}Unknown command "{1}", try "help" |
| glowstone.command.say.server=Server |
| glowstone.difficulty.names=Peaceful,Easy,Normal,Hard |
| glowstone.difficulty.unknown=Unknown |
| glowstone.entity.unknown-type-no-id=Trying to load an entity tag with no type ID: {0} |
| glowstone.entity.unknown-type-with-id=Unknown entity type to load: "{0}" |
| glowstone.gamemode.names=Creative,Survival,Adventure,Spectator |
| glowstone.gamemode.unknown=Unknown |
| glowstone.kick.banned=Banned: {0} |
| glowstone.kick.creative-item=Illegal creative mode item selection |
| glowstone.kick.crypt.auth-internal=Internal error during authentication. |
| glowstone.kick.crypt.invalid-uuid=Invalid UUID: {0} |
| glowstone.kick.crypt.rsa-init-failed=Unable to initialize RSA cipher. |
| glowstone.kick.crypt.sha1-failed=Failed to hash login data. |
| glowstone.kick.crypt.shared-secret=Unable to decrypt shared secret. |
| glowstone.kick.crypt.user-auth=Failed to verify username! |
| glowstone.kick.crypt.verify-token=Unable to decrypt verify token, or incorrect verify token. |
| glowstone.kick.file-read=Failed to read player data! |
| glowstone.kick.file-write=Failed to save player data! |
| glowstone.kick.full=The server is full ({0} players). |
| glowstone.kick.whitelist=You are not whitelisted on this server. |
| glowstone.player.joined={0}{1} joined the game |
| glowstone.player.left={0}{1} left the game |