| # Localized strings related to commands, and which use a CommandSender locale rather than the |
| # server locale, will be placed here. |
| # The naming scheme for strings used by templates is: |
| # {name}.description: Description of the command's function. |
| # {name}.usage: Example invocations of the command. May be multiline. |
| # {name}.no-permission: Error message when the command sender doesn't have permission |
| # ({name}.no-permission is optional as long as _generic.no-permission is defined.) |
| |
| # _generic._joiner is used to join names in a list. Leading and trailing spaces should be escaped, |
| # to make it clear that they're intentional. |
| _generic._joiner=,\u0020 |
| _generic.invalid-json=Failed to parse JSON: {0} |
| _generic.nan=''{0}'' is not a valid number. |
| _generic.no-matches=Selector ''{0}'' does not match any targets. |
| _generic.no-permission=\ |
| I'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server \ |
| administrators if you believe that this is in error. |
| _generic.no-such-player=Player ''{0}'' cannot be found. |
| _generic.not-physical=This command can only be executed by players and command blocks. |
| _generic.not-physical-coord=This command needs absolute coordinates when you''re not a player or command block. |
| _generic.offline=Player ''{0}'' is offline. |
| _generic.too-high=Too high: maximum Y coordinate in this world is {0}. |
| _generic.too-low=Too low: Y coordinate can''t be negative. |
| _generic.usage=Usage: {0} |
| ban.description=Bans a player from the server. |
| ban.done=Banned player {0} |
| ban.exception=Failed to ban {0}: {1} |
| ban.usage=/ban <player> [reason] |
| ban-ip.description=Bans an IP address from the server. |
| ban-ip.done=Banned IP address {0} |
| ban-ip.invalid=You have entered an invalid IP address or a player that is not online. |
| ban-ip.usage=/ban-ip <address|player> [reason] |
| banlist.description=Displays the server's blacklist. |
| banlist.empty=There are no banned players |
| banlist.non-empty=There are {0} banned players: |
| banlist.usage=/banlist [ips|players] |
| clear.count={0} has {1} items that match the criteria. |
| clear.description=Clears the content of a player's inventory. |
| clear.done=Cleared the inventory of {0}, removing {1} items. |
| clear.done.singular=Cleared the inventory of {0}, removing one item. |
| clear.empty=Could not clear the inventory of {0}, no items to remove. |
| clear.negative=The number you have entered ({0}) is too small, it must be at least -1 |
| clear.no-such-item=There is no such item with name {0}. |
| clear.tag-unsupported=Sorry, item data-tags are not supported yet. |
| clear.usage=/clear [player] [item] [data] [maxCount] |
| clone.bad-blockdata=Filtered block data not a number between 0 and 15, inclusive. |
| clone.description=Clones a section of the world. |
| clone.done=Cloned {0} blocks. |
| clone.done.singular=Cloned one block. |
| clone.done.zero=No blocks cloned. |
| clone.usage=/clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [maskMode] [cloneMode] [tileName] [tileData] |
| clone.usage.filtered=You must specify a block type and, optionally, block data when using the filtered mask mode. |
| colors.description=Display all colors. |
| colors.usage=/colors |
| defaultgamemode.description=Sets the default game mode (creative, survival, etc.) for new players entering a \ |
| multiplayer server. |
| defaultgamemode.done=The world's default game mode is now {0} Mode |
| defaultgamemode.unknown=Unknown game mode ''{0}''. |
| defaultgamemode.usage=/defaultgamemode <mode> |
| deop.description=Removes server operator status from a player. |
| deop.done=Deopped {0} |
| deop.failed=Failed to deop {0}: {1} |
| deop.not-op=Could not deop {0}: not an operator |
| deop.usage=/deop <player> |
| difficulty.description=Sets the difficulty level. |
| difficulty.done=Set difficulty of world ''{0}'' to {1}. |
| difficulty.unknown=Unknown difficulty {0} |
| difficulty.usage=/difficulty <difficulty> |
| effect.cleared=Cleared potion effects from {0}. |
| effect.description=Gives a player an effect. |
| effect.done=Given {0} (ID {1}) * {2} to {3} for {4} seconds |
| effect.unknown=Potion effect {0} is unknown. |
| effect.usage=/effect <player> clear OR /effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles] |
| enchant.description=Adds an enchantment to the currently by a player held item. |
| enchant.done=Enchanting succeeded. |
| enchant.unknown=Enchantment ''{0}'' is unknown. |
| enchant.usage=/enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level] |
| function.description=Execute a function |
| function.skipped=Skipped execution of function ''{0}'' |
| function.unknown=Unknown function ''{0}'' |
| function.usage=/function <name> [if <selector>|unless <selector>] |
| gamemode.description=Change the game mode of a player. |
| gamemode.done={0}'s game mode has been updated to \u00A7o\u00A77{0} Mode\u00A7r. |
| gamemode.done.to-you=Your game mode has been updated to \u00A7o\u00A77{0} Mode\u00A7r. |
| gamemode.unknown='{0}' is not a valid game mode. |
| gamemode.usage=/gamemode <mode> [player] |
| gamerule.description=Changes the rules of the server. |
| gamerule.done=Game rule {0} has been updated to {1}. |
| gamerule.unknown=No game rule called ''{0}'' is available. |
| gamerule.usage=/gamerule [rule] [new value] |
| give.description=Gives an item to a player. |
| give.done=Given [{0}] * {1} to {2}. |
| give.too-few=The amount {0} is too small; the minimum is 1. |
| give.too-many=The amount {0} is too big for one stack; the maximum is 64. |
| give.unknown=There is no item with name ''{0}''. |
| give.usage=/give <player> <item> [amount] |
| glowstone.about=Information about this server: |
| glowstone.about._template=- \u00A76{0}: \u00A7b{1}\u00A7r. |
| glowstone.about.api-version=API version |
| glowstone.about.brand=Server brand |
| glowstone.about.name=Server name |
| glowstone.about.players=Players |
| glowstone.about.plugins=Plugins |
| glowstone.about.threads=Threads |
| glowstone.about.version=Glowstone version |
| glowstone.about.worlds=Worlds |
| glowstone.chunk=Chunk coordinates: [x={0}, z={1}] |
| glowstone.description=A handful of Glowstone commands for debugging purposes. |
| glowstone.eval=\u00A76Eval returned: \u00A7b{0} |
| glowstone.eval.null=\u00A76Eval returned: <no value> |
| glowstone.property=Property ''\u00A7b{0}\u00A7r'' = "\u00A76{1}\u00A7r" |
| glowstone.property.invalid=Unknown system property ''{0}''. |
| glowstone.subcommand.about.description=Information about this server. |
| glowstone.subcommand.about.usage=about |
| glowstone.subcommand.chunk.description=Information about the current chunk. |
| glowstone.subcommand.chunk.usage=chunk |
| glowstone.subcommand.eval.description=Evaluate a reflection string. |
| glowstone.subcommand.eval.usage=eval <eval> |
| glowstone.subcommand.help.description=Shows the help screen |
| glowstone.subcommand.help.usage=help |
| glowstone.subcommand.property.description=Lists or gets system properties |
| glowstone.subcommand.property.usage=property [name] |
| glowstone.subcommand.vm.description=Lists JVM options |
| glowstone.subcommand.vm.usage=vm |
| glowstone.subcommand.world.description=Lists or teleports to worlds |
| glowstone.subcommand.world.usage=world [teleportTo] |
| glowstone.usage=/glowstone <about|chunk|eval|help|property|vm|world> |
| glowstone.vm=Glowstone JVM arguments ({0}): |
| glowstone.vm.empty=There are no JVM arguments. |
| glowstone.world.done=Teleported to world ''{0}''. |
| glowstone.world.invalid=World ''{0}'' is not loaded or does not exist. |
| glowstone.world.not-player=Only players can switch worlds. |
| glowstone.worlds=Worlds: {0} |
| kick.description=Removes a player from the server. |
| kick.done.no-reason=Kicked {0}. |
| kick.done=Kicked {0} for reason ''{1}''. |
| kick.usage=/kick <player> [reason] |
| kill.description=Destroy entities. |
| kill.done=Killed {0}. |
| kill.self-dead=You are already dead. |
| kill.self-not-entity=Only entities can be killed. Use /kill <target> instead. |
| kill.usage=/kill [target] |
| list.description=Lists players on the server. |
| list.header=There are {0}/{1} players online: |
| list.name-and-uuid={0} ({1}) |
| list.usage=/list [uuids] |
| me.description=Displays a message about yourself. |
| me.usage=/me <action ...> |
| op.description=Turns a player into a server operator. |
| op.done=Opped {0} |
| op.failed=Failed to op {0}: {1} |
| op.usage=/op <player> |
| pardon.description=Unbans a player from the server. |
| pardon.done=Unbanned {0} |
| pardon.exception=Failed to unban {0}: {1} |
| pardon.not-banned=Player {0} is not banned. |
| pardon.usage=/pardon <name> |
| pardon-ip.description=Unbans an IP address from the server. |
| pardon-ip.done=Unbanned IP address {0}. |
| pardon-ip.invalid=Invalid IP address {0}. |
| pardon-ip.usage=/pardon-ip <address> |
| playsound.description=Plays a sound. |
| playsound.invalid=''{0}'' is not a valid sound. |
| playsound.invalid.category=''{0}'' is not a valid sound category. |
| playsound.invalid.pitch=Pitch value ({0}) must be between 0 and 2. |
| playsound.invalid.position=The position ({0},{1},{2}) is invalid. |
| playsound.invalid.volume=Minimum volume value ({0}) must be between 0 and 1. |
| playsound.too-far={0} is too far away to hear the sound. |
| playsound.usage=/playsound <sound> <source> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume] |
| save-all.description=Saves the server to disk. |
| save-all.done=Saved the worlds |
| save-all.done.world=Saved world ''{0}''. |
| save-all.starting=Saving... |
| save-all.usage=/save-all |
| save-off.description=Disables automatic sever saves. |
| save-off.done=Turned off world auto-saving. |
| save-off.usage=/save-off |
| save-on.description=Enables automatic server saves. |
| save-on.done=Turned on world auto-saving. |
| save-on.usage=/save-on |
| say.description=Say a message. |
| say.usage=/say <message ...> |
| seed.description=Displays the world seed. |
| seed.output=Seed: {0} |
| seed.usage=/seed |
| setblock.description=Changes a block to another block. |
| setblock.done=Block placed |
| setblock.invalid.data=Invalid block data: {0} |
| setblock.invalid.type={0} is not a valid block type. |
| setblock.usage=/setblock <x> <y> <z> <block> [dataValue|state] [dataTag] |
| setidletimeout.description=Sets the time before idle players are kicked from the server. |
| setidletimeout.done=Successfully set the idle timeout to {0} minutes. |
| setidletimeout.too-low=Can''t set an idle timeout of {0} minutes: the minimum is 1 minute. |
| setidletimeout.usage=/setidletimeout <Minutes until kick> |
| setworldspawn.description=Sets the world spawn. |
| setworldspawn.done=Set world spawn to {0}, {1}, {2}. |
| setworldspawn.usage=/setworldspawn OR /setworldspawn <x> <y> <z> |
| spawnpoint.description=Sets the spawn point for a player. |
| spawnpoint.done=Set {0}''s spawn point to {1}, {2}, {3}. |
| spawnpoint.no-player=Need a target player. |
| spawnpoint.usage=/spawnpoint OR /spawnpoint <player> OR /spawnpoint <player> <x> <y> <z> |
| stop.description=Gracefully stops the server. |
| stop.usage=/stop [message] |
| summon.description=Summons an entity. |
| summon.done=Object summoned. |
| summon.error=The entity ''{0}'' cannot be summoned. |
| summon.invalid-data=Invalid data tag: {0} |
| summon.not-found=The entity ''{0}'' does not exist. |
| summon.not-impl=The entity ''{0}'' is not implemented yet. |
| summon.usage=/summon <EntityName> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag] |
| teleport.description=Teleports entities to coordinates relative to you. |
| teleport.done=Teleported {0} to {1}, {2}, {3} |
| teleport.usage=/teleport <target> <x> <y> <z> [<y-rot> <x-rot>] |
| tell.description=Send a private message. |
| tell.recipient=\u00A77{0} whispers: {1} |
| tell.self=You can''t send a private message to yourself. |
| tell.sender=\u00A77[{0}->{1}] {2} |
| tell.usage=/tell <player> <private message ...> |
| tellraw.description=Send a private JSON message to the given player. |
| tellraw.usage=/tellraw <player> <raw-json-message> |
| testfor.description=Tests for a certain target in game. |
| testfor.done=Found {0}. |
| testfor.usage=/testfor <player> [dataTag] |
| testfor.wrong-data={0} does not match the required data tag. |
| testforblock.description=Tests for a certain block at a given location. |
| testforblock.done=Successfully found the block at {0}, {1}, {2}. |
| testforblock.invalid-block=No such block type as {0}. |
| testforblock.invalid-data=Invalid data tag: {0} |
| testforblock.usage=/testforblock <x> <y> <z> <block> [dataValue|state] [dataTag] |
| testforblock.wrong-block=The block at {0}, {1}, {2} is {3} (expected: {4}) |
| testforblock.wrong-data=The block at {0}, {1}, {2} had the data value of {3} (expected: {4}) |
| testforblock.wrong-state=The block at {0}, {1}, {2} did not match the expected state of {3} |
| testforblocks.description=Tests whether the blocks in two regions match. |
| testforblocks.done={0} blocks match. |
| testforblocks.no-match=Source and destination are not identical. |
| testforblocks.usage=/testforblock <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode] |
| time.description=Changes the time of the world. |
| time.usage=/time <set|add> <value> OR /time query <daytime|gametime|day> |
| title.description=Sends a title to the specified player(s). |
| title.done.clear=Cleared {0}''s title. |
| title.done.reset=Reset {0}''s title. |
| title.usage=/title <player> <title|subtitle|times|clear|reset> ... |
| toggledownfall.description=Toggles the weather. |
| toggledownfall.done=Toggled downfall. |
| toggledownfall.usage=/toggledownfall |
| tp.description=Teleports an entity to another entity, or to coordinates relative to itself. |
| tp.usage=/tp [target entity] <destination player> OR /tp [target entity] <x> <y> <z> [<yaw> <pitch>] |
| weather.description=Changes the weather in the world. |
| weather.usage=/weather <clear|rain|thunder> [duration in seconds] |
| whitelist.description=Manage the server whitelist. |
| whitelist.usage=/whitelist <on|off|list|add|remove|reload> |
| worldborder.description=Adjust the world border or the damage players take while outside it. |
| worldborder.usage=/worldborder <set|center|damage|warning|get|add> ... |
| xp.description=Adds experience to a player. |
| xp.usage=/xp <amount> [player] OR /xp <amount>L [player] OR /xp <amount>l [player] |