blob: a109ec85a5757682293a8c213cf8fd3dc69924e1 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
# Do not place command-related messages here if they use the CommandSender locale; use for those.
# These messages use MessageFormat, with the exception of console.permission.invalid which uses String.format for
# Bukkit compatibility.
# Notes on the naming convention:
# Message names beginning with "console" are logged or sent to to System.err or System.out. Players other than the
# server operator won't see them.
# Message names beginning with "glowstone" are the only ones that can be sent to players; the second-level name of the
# message is usually the relevant subpackage of net.glowstone.
console.biome.unknown=Unknown biome id: {0}!
console.block-entity.load-failed=Error loading block entity at {0}: {1} saving block entity at {0}
console.block-entity.unknown=Unknown block entity at {0},{1},{2},{3}: {4}
console.block.chest.facing=Can only handle N/O/S/W BlockFaces, getting face: {0}
console.block.chest.interact-wrong-class=Calling blockInteract on BlockChest, but BlockState is {1}
console.block.chest.triple-already=Chest may only have one near other chest. Found ''{0}'' near {1}
console.block.chest.triple-end=Chest placed near already attached chest!
console.block.chest.triple-middle=Chest placed near two other chests!
console.block.doubleslab.wrong-material=BlockDoubleSlab got wrong material: {0}
console.block.unknown-clicked=Unknown clicked block, {0}
console.block.wrong-material-data=Wrong MaterialData for {0} ({1}): expected {2}, got {3}
console.block.wrong-block-data=Wrong BlockData for {0} ({1}): expected {2}, got {3}
console.chunk.gen-failed=Error while generating chunk ({0},{1})
console.chunk.load-failed=Error while loading chunk ({0},{1})
console.chunk.pop-failed=Error while generating chunk ({0},{1})
console.chunk.regen-failed=Error while regenerating chunk ({0},{1}) while saving {0}
console.chunk.section-dup=Multiple chunk sections at y {0} in {1}!
console.chunk.section-oob=Out of bounds chunk section at y {0} in {1}!
console.chunk.unknown-block-to-tick=Unknown block ''{0}'' when loading chunk block ticks.
console.chunk.unload-failed=Failed to unload chunk {0}:{1}
console.classpath.load-failed=Error loading classpath!
console.command.deop.failed=deop command failed for player {0}
console.command.l10n-failed=Error retrieving messages for command {0} in {1}'s locale.
console.command.op.failed=op command failed for player {0}
console.config-only-done=Configuration files have been loaded, exiting...
console.enchant.bad-slot=Malicious client, cannot enchant slot {0}
console.enchant.missing-resources=Malicious client, player has not enough levels / enough resources to enchant item!
console.enchant.not-open=Player {0} tried to enchant item while no enchanting inventory was open!
console.entity.load-failed=Error loading entity in {0}
console.entity.load-too-late=Cannot register custom entity ''{0}'' for plugin ''{1}'', worlds are already loaded.
console.entity.particle-invalid=Ignoring invalid particle type %s in tag %s saving {0} in {1} saving {0} from vehicle {1}
console.entity.unknown=Unknown entity in {0}: {1}
console.event.interrupted=Interrupted while handling {0}
console.event.shutdown=Not handling event {0} due to shutdown fishingRewards.yml: no 'rewards' section
console.function.load-failed=Error while loading functions for world ''{0}''
console.i18n-failed.command=Error loading localized command messages in {0}.
console.i18n-failed.difficulty=Error loading localized difficulty names in {0}.
console.i18n-failed.gamemode=Error loading localized game-mode names in {0}.
console.icon.import=Importing ''{0}'' from Vanilla.
console.icon.load-failed=Failed to load ''{0}''
console.icon.load-failed.import=Failed to import ''{0}'' from Vanilla
console.import=Importing {0} from {1} of {0} failed
console.import.failed.with-message=Importing file {0} failed: {1} statistic type for '{0}': {1} ({2}) to create directory: {0} world \\"{0}\\": reading from root, not Data to read data for {0}: {1} to read data for player: {0} to write data for {0}: {1} \\"{0}\\": removing single-player Player tag to access {0} for world {1}
console.looting-manager.load-failed=Failed to load looting manager:
console.native-transport.epoll=Native epoll transport is enabled.
console.native-transport.kqueue=Native kqueue transport is enabled. to bind server to {0}:{1}. 'server.ip' in your configuration may not be valid.\nUnless you are sure you need it, try removing it. address was already in use.\nCheck that no server is already running on that port.\nIf needed, try killing all Java processes using Task Manager or similar. unknown bind error has occurred. server to {0}:{1}... bound server to {0}:{1}. crafting book data from {0}, not currently supported: {1} craft recipe request from {0}, not currently supported. to initialize encrypted channel encode ip address for proxy check \\"{0}\\" failed to authenticate! bytes ({0}) after decoding: {1}{0} sent unknown ClientStatus action: {1}
console.offline=The server is running in offline mode! Only do this if you know what you're doing. is best platform so far, on {0} tied for flops, but had higher version on {0}
console.opencl.cpu=No Intel graphics found, best platform is the best CPU platform we could find...
console.opencl.found-device=Found {0} with {1} flops dGPU found, best platform is the best Intel graphics we could find... system does not meet the OpenCL requirements for Glowstone. See if driver updates are available.
console.opencl.required-extensions=Required extensions: [ cl_khr_fp64 ]
console.opencl.required-version=Required version: {0}.{1} command-line options:\n\
--help, -h, -? Shows this help message and exits.\n\
--version, -v Shows version information and exits.\n\
--generate-config Generates and loads configuration files, then exits.\n\
--configdir <directory> Sets the configuration directory.\n\
--configfile <file> Sets the configuration file.\n\
--port, -p <port> Sets the server listening port.\n\
--host, -H <ip | hostname> Sets the server listening address.\n\
--onlinemode, -o <onlinemode> Sets the server''s online-mode.\n\
--jline <true/false> Enables or disables JLine console.\n\
--plugins-dir, -P <directory> Sets the plugin directory to use.\n\
--worlds-dir, -W <directory> Sets the world directory to use.\n\
--update-dir, -U <directory> Sets the plugin update folder to use.\n\
--max-players, -M <director> Sets the maximum amount of players.\n\
--world-name, -N <name> Sets the main world name.\n\
--log-pattern, -L <pattern> Sets the log file pattern (%D for date).
console.option.invalid=Ignored invalid option: {0} option specified without value: {0}
console.permission.duplicate=Permission config tried to register ''{0}'' but it''s already registered
console.permission.invalid=Permission node ''%s'' in permissions config is invalid
console.plugin.counts=PluginTypeDetector: found {0} Bukkit, {1} Sponge, {2} Forge, {3} Canary, {4} unknown plugins (total {5})
console.plugin.load-failed=Error loading {0}
console.plugin.load-failed.type-detector=PluginTypeDetector: Error reading {0}
console.plugin.malformed-url=PluginTypeDetector: Malformed URL: {0}
console.plugin.mkdir-failed=Could not create plugins directory: {0} plugins found, but no Sponge bridge present! They will be ignored. install to load these plugins
console.plugin.permission.duplicate=Plugin {0} tried to register permission ''{1}'' but it''s already registered
console.plugin.scanning=Scanning plugins...
console.plugin.unrecognized=Unrecognized plugin: {0}
console.plugin.unsupported=Unsupported plugin types found, will be ignored:
console.plugin.unsupported.canary=Canary plugin not supported: {0}
console.plugin.unsupported.forge=Forge plugin not supported: {0}
console.plugin.unsupported.other=Unrecognized plugin not supported: {0}
console.plugin.unsupported.sponge=Ignored SpongeAPI plugin: {0}
console.profile.interrupted=Profile lookup interrupted:
console.profile.timeout=Profile lookup timeout:
console.proxy=Proxy support is enabled. support is enabled, but online mode is enabled.
console.rcon.bind-interrupted=Bind interrupted!
console.ready=Ready for connections.
console.recipe.counts=Recipes: {0} shaped, {1} shapeless, {2} furnace, {3} dynamic, {4} fuels. not find default recipes on classpath
console.reload-failed=Uncaught error while reloading world: {0}
console.shutdown=The server is shutting down...
console.startup-failed=Error during server startup.
console.structure.load-failed=Failed to read structure data from {0} data tag in {0} to write structure data to {0}
console.structure.unknown-piece-type=Unknown structure piece type to load: "{0}"
console.uuid.interrupted=UUID lookup interrupted:
console.uuid.timeout=UUID lookup timeout:
console.version.bukkit=Bukkit version: {0}
console.version.glowstone=Glowstone version: {0}
console.version.minecraft-client=Minecraft version: {0} protocol {1}
console.worldgen.disabled=World generation is disabled! World ''{0}'' will be empty.
glowstone.achievement.earned={0} has just earned the achievement ยงa[{1}]
glowstone.achievement.unknown=Unknown Achievement
glowstone.advancement.title=Advancements in Glowstone can only sleep at night.
glowstone.bed.mob=You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby.
glowstone.bed.occupied=This bed is occupied.
glowstone.block.max-height={0}The height limit for this world is {1} blocks
glowstone.command.error.unknown-command={0}Unknown command "{1}", try "help"
glowstone.entity.unknown-type-no-id=Trying to load an entity tag with no type ID: {0}
glowstone.entity.unknown-type-with-id=Unknown entity type to load: "{0}"
glowstone.kick.banned=Banned: {0}
glowstone.kick.creative-item=Illegal creative mode item selection
glowstone.kick.crypt.auth-internal=Internal error during authentication.
glowstone.kick.crypt.invalid-uuid=Invalid UUID: {0}
glowstone.kick.crypt.rsa-init-failed=Unable to initialize RSA cipher.
glowstone.kick.crypt.sha1-failed=Failed to hash login data.
glowstone.kick.crypt.shared-secret=Unable to decrypt shared secret.
glowstone.kick.crypt.user-auth=Failed to verify username!
glowstone.kick.crypt.verify-token=Unable to decrypt verify token, or incorrect verify token.
glowstone.kick.file-read=Failed to read player data!
glowstone.kick.file-write=Failed to save player data!
glowstone.kick.full=The server is full ({0} players).
glowstone.kick.whitelist=You are not whitelisted on this server.
glowstone.player.joined={0}{1} joined the game
glowstone.player.left={0}{1} left the game