| openInventory=Taking Inventory |
| mineWood=Getting Wood |
| buildWorkBench=Benchmarking |
| buildPickaxe=Time to Mine! |
| buildFurnace=Hot Topic |
| acquireIron=Acquire Hardware |
| buildHoe=Time to Farm! |
| makeBread=Bake Bread |
| bakeCake=The Lie |
| buildBetterPickaxe=Getting an Upgrade |
| cookFish=Delicious Fish |
| onARail=On a Rail |
| buildSword=Time to Strike! |
| killEnemy=Monster Hunter |
| killCow=Cow Tipper |
| flyPig=When Pigs Fly |
| snipeSkeleton=Sniper Duel |
| diamonds=DIAMONDS! |
| portal=We Need to Go Deeper |
| ghast=Return to Sender |
| blazeRod=Into Fire |
| potion=Local Brewery |
| theEnd=The End? |
| theEnd2=The End. |
| enchantments=Enchanter |
| overkill=Overkill |
| bookcase=Librarian |
| exploreAllBiomes=Adventuring Time |
| spawnWither=The Beginning? |
| killWither=The Beginning. |
| fullBeacon=Beaconator |
| breedCow=Repopulation |
| diamondsToYou=Diamonds to you! |
| overpowered=Overpowered |