| package net.glowstone.block; |
| |
| import net.glowstone.block.blocktype.*; |
| import net.glowstone.block.itemtype.*; |
| import net.glowstone.inventory.ToolType; |
| import org.bukkit.Material; |
| import org.bukkit.Sound; |
| |
| import java.util.HashMap; |
| import java.util.Map; |
| |
| /** |
| * The lookup table for block and item types. |
| */ |
| public final class ItemTable { |
| |
| private static final ItemTable INSTANCE = new ItemTable(); |
| |
| static { |
| INSTANCE.registerBuiltins(); |
| } |
| |
| private final Map<Integer, ItemType> idToType = new HashMap<>(512); |
| private int nextBlockId, nextItemId; |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Data |
| |
| private ItemTable() { |
| } |
| |
| public static ItemTable instance() { |
| return INSTANCE; |
| } |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Registration |
| |
| private void registerBuiltins() { |
| reg(Material.FLOWER_POT, new BlockFlowerPot()); |
| reg(Material.JUKEBOX, new BlockJukebox()); |
| reg(Material.NOTE_BLOCK, new BlockNote()); |
| reg(Material.MOB_SPAWNER, new BlockMobSpawner()); |
| reg(Material.MONSTER_EGGS, new BlockMonsterEggs()); |
| reg(Material.DRAGON_EGG, new BlockFalling(Material.DRAGON_EGG)); |
| reg(Material.SIGN_POST, new BlockSign(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.WALL_SIGN, new BlockSign(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.WORKBENCH, new BlockWorkbench(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.ENDER_CHEST, new BlockEnderchest()); |
| reg(Material.CHEST, new BlockChest(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.TRAPPED_CHEST, new BlockChest(true), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.DISPENSER, new BlockDispenser()); |
| reg(Material.DROPPER, new BlockDropper()); |
| reg(Material.BOOKSHELF, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.BOOK, 3), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.CLAY, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.CLAY_BALL, 4), Sound.BLOCK_GRAVEL_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.HARD_CLAY, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.STAINED_CLAY, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.WOODEN_DOOR, new BlockDoor(Material.WOOD_DOOR), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK, new BlockDoor(Material.IRON_DOOR)); |
| reg(Material.SPRUCE_DOOR, new BlockDoor(Material.SPRUCE_DOOR_ITEM)); |
| reg(Material.BIRCH_DOOR, new BlockDoor(Material.BIRCH_DOOR_ITEM)); |
| reg(Material.JUNGLE_DOOR, new BlockDoor(Material.JUNGLE_DOOR_ITEM)); |
| reg(Material.ACACIA_DOOR, new BlockDoor(Material.ACACIA_DOOR_ITEM)); |
| reg(Material.DARK_OAK_DOOR, new BlockDoor(Material.DARK_OAK_DOOR_ITEM)); |
| reg(Material.DOUBLE_STEP, new BlockDoubleSlab()); |
| reg(Material.DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB2, new BlockDoubleSlab()); |
| reg(Material.WOOD_DOUBLE_STEP, new BlockDoubleSlab(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.SOIL, new BlockSoil(), Sound.BLOCK_GRAVEL_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.GLASS, new BlockDropless()); |
| reg(Material.THIN_GLASS, new BlockDropless()); |
| reg(Material.STAINED_GLASS, new BlockDropless()); |
| reg(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, new BlockDropless()); |
| reg(Material.GLOWSTONE, new BlockRandomDrops(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST, 2, 4)); |
| reg(Material.MYCEL, new BlockMycel(), Sound.BLOCK_GRAVEL_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.GRASS, new BlockGrass(), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.DIRT, new BlockDirt(), Sound.BLOCK_GRAVEL_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.GRAVEL, new BlockGravel(), Sound.BLOCK_GRAVEL_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.SAND, new BlockFalling(Material.SAND), Sound.BLOCK_SAND_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.ANVIL, new BlockAnvil()); |
| reg(Material.ICE, new BlockIce()); |
| reg(Material.PACKED_ICE, new BlockDropless()); |
| reg(Material.SNOW, new BlockSnow(), Sound.BLOCK_SNOW_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.SNOW_BLOCK, new BlockSnowBlock(), Sound.BLOCK_SNOW_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.PRISMARINE, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.RED_SANDSTONE, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.SANDSTONE, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.NETHER_BRICK, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.NETHER_FENCE, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.NETHER_FENCE, ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.NETHERRACK, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.IRON_FENCE, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.BRICK, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.SMOOTH_BRICK, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.ENDER_STONE, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.COBBLESTONE, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.COBBLE_WALL, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.MOSSY_COBBLESTONE, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.STONE, new BlockStone()); |
| reg(Material.OBSIDIAN, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.DIAMOND_PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.COAL_ORE, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.COAL, ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.COAL_BLOCK, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.IRON_ORE, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.STONE_PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.IRON_BLOCK, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.STONE_PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.GOLD_ORE, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.IRON_PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.GOLD_BLOCK, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.IRON_PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.DIAMOND_ORE, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.DIAMOND, ToolType.IRON_PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.IRON_PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.EMERALD_ORE, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.EMERALD, ToolType.IRON_PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.EMERALD_BLOCK, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.LAPIS_ORE, new BlockRandomDrops(Material.INK_SACK, 4, 4, 8, ToolType.STONE_PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.LAPIS_BLOCK, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.STONE_PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.QUARTZ_ORE, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.QUARTZ, ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.REDSTONE_ORE, new BlockRedstoneOre()); |
| reg(Material.GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE, new BlockLitRedstoneOre()); |
| reg(Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK, new BlockDirectDrops(ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.CARROT, new BlockCarrot(), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.COCOA, new BlockCocoa(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.DEAD_BUSH, new BlockDeadBush(), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.LONG_GRASS, new BlockTallGrass(), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.HUGE_MUSHROOM_1, new BlockHugeMushroom(true), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.HUGE_MUSHROOM_2, new BlockHugeMushroom(false), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.LEAVES, new BlockLeaves(), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.LEAVES_2, new BlockLeaves(), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.MELON_BLOCK, new BlockMelon(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.MELON_STEM, new BlockStem(Material.MELON_STEM), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.NETHER_WARTS, new BlockNetherWart(), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.POTATO, new BlockPotato(), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.PUMPKIN_STEM, new BlockStem(Material.PUMPKIN_STEM), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.CROPS, new BlockCrops(), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.CAKE_BLOCK, new BlockDropless(), Sound.BLOCK_CLOTH_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.WEB, new BlockWeb()); |
| reg(Material.FIRE, new BlockFire()); |
| reg(Material.ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME, new BlockEnderPortalFrame()); |
| reg(Material.FENCE_GATE, new BlockFenceGate()); |
| reg(Material.ACACIA_FENCE_GATE, new BlockFenceGate()); |
| reg(Material.BIRCH_FENCE_GATE, new BlockFenceGate()); |
| reg(Material.DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE, new BlockFenceGate()); |
| reg(Material.JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE, new BlockFenceGate()); |
| reg(Material.SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE, new BlockFenceGate()); |
| reg(Material.TRAP_DOOR, new BlockWoodenTrapDoor(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.IRON_TRAPDOOR, new BlockIronTrapDoor()); |
| reg(Material.FURNACE, new BlockFurnace()); |
| reg(Material.BURNING_FURNACE, new BlockFurnace()); |
| reg(Material.LEVER, new BlockLever()); |
| reg(Material.HOPPER, new BlockHopper()); |
| reg(Material.PISTON_BASE, new BlockPiston(false)); |
| reg(Material.PISTON_STICKY_BASE, new BlockPiston(true)); |
| reg(Material.ACACIA_STAIRS, new BlockStairs()); |
| reg(Material.BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS, new BlockStairs(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.BRICK_STAIRS, new BlockStairs()); |
| reg(Material.COBBLESTONE_STAIRS, new BlockStairs()); |
| reg(Material.DARK_OAK_STAIRS, new BlockStairs()); |
| reg(Material.JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS, new BlockStairs(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS, new BlockStairs()); |
| reg(Material.QUARTZ_STAIRS, new BlockStairs()); |
| reg(Material.SANDSTONE_STAIRS, new BlockStairs()); |
| reg(Material.RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS, new BlockStairs()); |
| reg(Material.SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS, new BlockStairs(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.SMOOTH_STAIRS, new BlockStairs()); |
| reg(Material.WOOD_STAIRS, new BlockStairs(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.STEP, new BlockSlab()); |
| reg(Material.WOOD_STEP, new BlockSlab(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.STONE_SLAB2, new BlockSlab()); |
| reg(Material.HAY_BLOCK, new BlockHay()); |
| reg(Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK, new BlockQuartz()); |
| reg(Material.LOG, new BlockLog(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.LOG_2, new BlockLog2(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.LADDER, new BlockLadder(), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.VINE, new BlockVine()); |
| reg(Material.STONE_BUTTON, new BlockButton(Material.STONE_BUTTON)); |
| reg(Material.WOOD_BUTTON, new BlockButton(Material.WOOD_BUTTON), Sound.BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.BED_BLOCK, new BlockBed()); |
| reg(Material.SKULL, new BlockSkull()); |
| reg(Material.TORCH, new BlockTorch()); |
| reg(Material.GOLD_PLATE, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.GOLD_PLATE, ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.IRON_PLATE, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.IRON_PLATE, ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.STONE_PLATE, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.STONE_PLATE, ToolType.PICKAXE)); |
| reg(Material.DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR, new BlockDaylightDetector()); |
| reg(Material.DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR_INVERTED, new BlockDaylightDetector()); |
| reg(Material.YELLOW_FLOWER, new BlockNeedsAttached()); |
| reg(Material.RED_ROSE, new BlockNeedsAttached()); |
| reg(Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM, new BlockMushroom(Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM)); |
| reg(Material.RED_MUSHROOM, new BlockMushroom(Material.RED_MUSHROOM)); |
| reg(Material.SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK, new BlockSugarCane(), Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.SAPLING, new BlockSapling()); |
| reg(Material.RAILS, new BlockRails()); |
| reg(Material.ACTIVATOR_RAIL, new BlockRails()); |
| reg(Material.DETECTOR_RAIL, new BlockRails()); |
| reg(Material.POWERED_RAIL, new BlockRails()); |
| reg(Material.CARPET, new BlockCarpet(), Sound.BLOCK_CLOTH_BREAK); |
| reg(Material.ENCHANTMENT_TABLE, new BlockEnchantmentTable()); |
| reg(Material.BREWING_STAND, new BlockBrewingStand()); |
| reg(Material.CACTUS, new BlockCactus()); |
| reg(Material.WATER, new BlockWater()); |
| reg(Material.STATIONARY_WATER, new BlockWater()); |
| reg(Material.LAVA, new BlockLava()); |
| reg(Material.STATIONARY_LAVA, new BlockLava()); |
| reg(Material.CAULDRON, new BlockCauldron()); |
| reg(Material.STANDING_BANNER, new BlockBanner()); |
| reg(Material.WALL_BANNER, new BlockBanner()); |
| reg(Material.SPONGE, new BlockSponge()); |
| reg(Material.TNT, new BlockTNT()); |
| reg(Material.DOUBLE_PLANT, new BlockDoublePlant()); |
| reg(Material.PUMPKIN, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.PUMPKIN)); |
| reg(Material.JACK_O_LANTERN, new BlockDirectDrops(Material.JACK_O_LANTERN)); |
| reg(Material.SEA_LANTERN, new BlockRandomDrops(Material.PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS, 2, 3)); |
| reg(Material.REDSTONE_LAMP_ON, new BlockLamp()); |
| reg(Material.REDSTONE_LAMP_OFF, new BlockLamp()); |
| reg(Material.REDSTONE_WIRE, new BlockRedstone()); |
| reg(Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON, new BlockRedstoneTorch()); |
| reg(Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF, new BlockRedstoneTorch()); |
| reg(Material.DIODE_BLOCK_ON, new BlockRedstoneRepeater()); |
| reg(Material.DIODE_BLOCK_OFF, new BlockRedstoneRepeater()); |
| |
| reg(Material.FLINT_AND_STEEL, new ItemFlintAndSteel()); |
| reg(Material.SIGN, new ItemSign()); |
| reg(Material.REDSTONE, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.REDSTONE_WIRE)); |
| reg(Material.SUGAR_CANE, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK)); |
| reg(Material.DIODE, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.DIODE_BLOCK_OFF)); |
| reg(Material.BREWING_STAND_ITEM, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.BREWING_STAND)); |
| reg(Material.CAULDRON_ITEM, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.CAULDRON)); |
| reg(Material.FLOWER_POT_ITEM, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.FLOWER_POT)); |
| reg(Material.SKULL_ITEM, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.SKULL)); |
| reg(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR_OFF)); |
| reg(Material.BED, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.BED_BLOCK)); |
| reg(Material.BUCKET, new ItemBucket()); |
| reg(Material.WATER_BUCKET, new ItemFilledBucket(Material.WATER)); |
| reg(Material.LAVA_BUCKET, new ItemFilledBucket(Material.LAVA)); |
| reg(Material.WOOD_HOE, new ItemHoe()); |
| reg(Material.STONE_HOE, new ItemHoe()); |
| reg(Material.IRON_HOE, new ItemHoe()); |
| reg(Material.GOLD_HOE, new ItemHoe()); |
| reg(Material.DIAMOND_HOE, new ItemHoe()); |
| reg(Material.MONSTER_EGG, new ItemSpawn()); |
| reg(Material.SEEDS, new ItemSeeds(Material.CROPS, Material.SOIL)); |
| reg(Material.MELON_SEEDS, new ItemSeeds(Material.MELON_STEM, Material.SOIL)); |
| reg(Material.PUMPKIN_SEEDS, new ItemSeeds(Material.PUMPKIN_STEM, Material.SOIL)); |
| reg(Material.NETHER_STALK, new ItemSeeds(Material.NETHER_WARTS, Material.SOUL_SAND)); |
| reg(Material.CARROT_ITEM, new ItemFoodSeeds(Material.CARROT, Material.SOIL, 3, 4.8f)); |
| reg(Material.POTATO_ITEM, new ItemFoodSeeds(Material.POTATO, Material.SOIL, 1, 0.6f)); |
| reg(Material.INK_SACK, new ItemDye()); |
| reg(Material.BANNER, new ItemBanner()); |
| reg(Material.WOOD_DOOR, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.WOODEN_DOOR)); |
| reg(Material.IRON_DOOR, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK)); |
| reg(Material.SPRUCE_DOOR_ITEM, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.SPRUCE_DOOR)); |
| reg(Material.BIRCH_DOOR_ITEM, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.BIRCH_DOOR)); |
| reg(Material.JUNGLE_DOOR_ITEM, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.JUNGLE_DOOR)); |
| reg(Material.ACACIA_DOOR_ITEM, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.ACACIA_DOOR)); |
| reg(Material.DARK_OAK_DOOR_ITEM, new ItemPlaceAs(Material.DARK_OAK_DOOR)); |
| reg(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK, new ItemWrittenBook()); |
| reg(Material.ITEM_FRAME, new ItemItemFrame()); |
| reg(Material.APPLE, new ItemFood(4, 12.4f)); |
| reg(Material.BAKED_POTATO, new ItemFood(5, 7.2f)); |
| reg(Material.BREAD, new ItemFood(5, 6f)); |
| reg(Material.COOKED_CHICKEN, new ItemFood(6, 7.2f)); |
| reg(Material.COOKED_FISH, new ItemFishCooked()); |
| reg(Material.COOKED_MUTTON, new ItemFood(6, 9.6f)); |
| reg(Material.COOKED_BEEF, new ItemFood(8, 12.8f)); |
| reg(Material.COOKED_RABBIT, new ItemFood(5, 6f)); |
| reg(Material.COOKIE, new ItemFood(2, 0.4f)); |
| reg(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE, new ItemGoldenApple()); |
| reg(Material.GOLDEN_CARROT, new ItemFood(6, 14.4f)); |
| reg(Material.GRILLED_PORK, new ItemFood(8, 12.8f)); |
| reg(Material.MELON, new ItemFood(2, 1.2f)); |
| reg(Material.MUSHROOM_SOUP, new ItemFood(6, 7.2f)); |
| reg(Material.POISONOUS_POTATO, new ItemPoisonousPotato()); |
| reg(Material.PUMPKIN_PIE, new ItemFood(8, 4.8f)); |
| reg(Material.RABBIT_STEW, new ItemFood(10, 12f)); |
| reg(Material.RAW_BEEF, new ItemFood(3, 1.8f)); |
| reg(Material.RAW_CHICKEN, new ItemRawChicken()); |
| reg(Material.RAW_FISH, new ItemFishRaw()); |
| reg(Material.MUTTON, new ItemFood(2, 1.2f)); |
| reg(Material.PORK, new ItemFood(3, 1.8f)); |
| reg(Material.RABBIT, new ItemFood(3, 1.8f)); |
| reg(Material.ROTTEN_FLESH, new ItemRotternFlesh()); |
| reg(Material.SPIDER_EYE, new ItemFood(2, 3.2f)); // todo: effect |
| reg(Material.ARMOR_STAND, new ItemArmorStand()); |
| reg(Material.MILK_BUCKET, new ItemMilk()); |
| } |
| |
| private void reg(Material material, ItemType type) { |
| if (material.isBlock() != type instanceof BlockType) { |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot mismatch item and block: " + material + ", " + type); |
| } |
| |
| if (idToType.containsKey(material.getId())) { |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use " + type + " for " + material + ", is already " + idToType.get(material.getId())); |
| } |
| |
| idToType.put(material.getId(), type); |
| type.setId(material.getId()); |
| |
| |
| if (material.isBlock()) { |
| nextBlockId = Math.max(nextBlockId, material.getId() + 1); |
| if (type.getClass() != BlockType.class) { |
| ((BlockType) type).setPlaceSound(Sound.BLOCK_STONE_BREAK); |
| } |
| } else { |
| nextItemId = Math.max(nextItemId, material.getId() + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private void reg(Material material, ItemType type, Sound sound) { |
| if (material.isBlock() != type instanceof BlockType) { |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot mismatch item and block: " + material + ", " + type); |
| } |
| |
| if (idToType.containsKey(material.getId())) { |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use " + type + " for " + material + ", is already " + idToType.get(material.getId())); |
| } |
| |
| idToType.put(material.getId(), type); |
| type.setId(material.getId()); |
| |
| |
| if (material.isBlock()) { |
| nextBlockId = Math.max(nextBlockId, material.getId() + 1); |
| ((BlockType) type).setPlaceSound(sound); |
| } else { |
| nextItemId = Math.max(nextItemId, material.getId() + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Register a new, non-Vanilla ItemType. It will be assigned an ID automatically. |
| * |
| * @param type the ItemType to register. |
| */ |
| public void register(ItemType type) { |
| int id; |
| if (type instanceof BlockType) { |
| id = nextBlockId; |
| } else { |
| id = nextItemId; |
| } |
| |
| while (idToType.containsKey(id)) { |
| ++id; |
| } |
| |
| idToType.put(id, type); |
| type.setId(id); |
| |
| if (type instanceof BlockType) { |
| nextBlockId = id + 1; |
| } else { |
| nextItemId = id + 1; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private ItemType createDefault(int id) { |
| Material material = Material.getMaterial(id); |
| if (material == null || id == 0) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| ItemType result; |
| if (material.isBlock()) { |
| result = new BlockType(); |
| } else { |
| result = new ItemType(); |
| } |
| reg(material, result); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Type access |
| |
| public ItemType getItem(int id) { |
| ItemType type = idToType.get(id); |
| if (type == null) { |
| type = createDefault(id); |
| } |
| return type; |
| } |
| |
| public BlockType getBlock(int id) { |
| ItemType itemType = getItem(id); |
| if (itemType instanceof BlockType) { |
| return (BlockType) itemType; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| public ItemType getItem(Material mat) { |
| return getItem(mat.getId()); |
| } |
| |
| public BlockType getBlock(Material mat) { |
| return getBlock(mat.getId()); |
| } |
| |
| } |