blob: d34d99899831e65eed5b99eef2cbf6c63e3bb78d [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package net.glowstone.entity;
import com.flowpowered.networking.Message;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import net.glowstone.*;
import net.glowstone.block.entity.TileEntity;
import net.glowstone.constants.*;
import net.glowstone.entity.meta.ClientSettings;
import net.glowstone.entity.meta.MetadataIndex;
import net.glowstone.entity.meta.MetadataMap;
import net.glowstone.entity.meta.profile.PlayerProfile;
import net.glowstone.entity.objects.GlowItem;
import net.glowstone.inventory.GlowInventory;
import net.glowstone.inventory.InventoryMonitor;
import net.glowstone.util.StatisticMap;
import net.glowstone.util.TextMessage;
import net.glowstone.util.nbt.CompoundTag;
import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.World.Environment;
import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.DelegateDeserialization;
import org.bukkit.conversations.Conversation;
import org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationAbandonedEvent;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.*;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger;
import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard;
import org.bukkit.util.BlockVector;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
* Represents an in-game player.
* @author Graham Edgecombe
public final class GlowPlayer extends GlowHumanEntity implements Player {
* A static entity id to use when telling the client about itself.
private static final int SELF_ID = 0;
* This player's session.
private final GlowSession session;
* The entities that the client knows about.
private final Set<GlowEntity> knownEntities = new HashSet<>();
* The entities that are hidden from the client.
private final Set<UUID> hiddenEntities = new HashSet<>();
* The chunks that the client knows about.
private final Set<GlowChunk.Key> knownChunks = new HashSet<>();
* A queue of BlockChangeMessages to be sent.
private final List<BlockChangeMessage> blockChanges = new LinkedList<>();
* A queue of messages that should be sent after block changes are processed.
* Used for sign updates and other situations where the block must be sent first.
private final List<Message> afterBlockChanges = new LinkedList<>();
* The set of plugin channels this player is listening on
private final Set<String> listeningChannels = new HashSet<>();
* The player's statistics, achievements, and related data.
private final StatisticMap stats = new StatisticMap();
* Whether the player has played before (will be false on first join).
private final boolean hasPlayedBefore;
* The time the player first played, or 0 if unknown.
private final long firstPlayed;
* The time the player last played, or 0 if unknown.
private final long lastPlayed;
* The time the player joined.
private final long joinTime;
* The settings sent by the client.
private ClientSettings settings = ClientSettings.DEFAULT;
* The lock used to prevent chunks from unloading near the player.
private ChunkManager.ChunkLock chunkLock;
* The tracker for changes to the currently open inventory.
private InventoryMonitor invMonitor;
* The display name of this player, for chat purposes.
private String displayName;
* The name a player has in the player list
private String playerListName;
* Cumulative amount of experience points the player has collected.
private int totalExperience = 0;
* The current level (or skill point amount) of the player.
private int level = 0;
* The progress made to the next level, from 0 to 1.
private float experience = 0;
* The human entity's current food level
private int food = 20;
* The player's current exhaustion level.
private float exhaustion = 0;
* The player's current saturation level.
private float saturation = 0;
* Whether to perform special scaling of the player's health.
private boolean healthScaled = false;
* The scale at which to display the player's health.
private double healthScale = 20;
* This player's current time offset.
private long timeOffset = 0;
* Whether the time offset is relative.
private boolean timeRelative = true;
* The player-specific weather, or null for normal weather.
private WeatherType playerWeather = null;
* The player's compass target.
private Location compassTarget;
* Whether this player's sleeping state is ignored when changing time.
private boolean sleepingIgnored;
* The bed spawn location of a player
private Location bedSpawn;
* The location of the sign the player is currently editing, or null.
private Location signLocation;
* Whether the player is permitted to fly.
private boolean canFly;
* Whether the player is currently flying.
private boolean flying;
* The player's base flight speed.
private float flySpeed = 0.1f;
* The player's base walking speed.
private float walkSpeed = 0.2f;
* Creates a new player and adds it to the world.
* @param session The player's session.
* @param profile The player's profile with name and UUID information.
* @param reader The PlayerReader to be used to initialize the player.
public GlowPlayer(GlowSession session, PlayerProfile profile, PlayerDataService.PlayerReader reader) {
super(initLocation(session, reader), profile);
setBoundingBox(0.6, 1.8);
this.session = session;
chunkLock = world.newChunkLock(getName());
// enable compression if needed
int compression = session.getServer().getCompressionThreshold();
if (compression > 0) {
// send login response
session.send(new LoginSuccessMessage(profile.getUniqueId().toString(), profile.getName()));
// send join game
// in future, handle hardcore, difficulty, and level type
String type = world.getWorldType().getName().toLowerCase();
int gameMode = getGameMode().getValue();
if (server.isHardcore()) {
gameMode |= 0x8;
session.send(new JoinGameMessage(SELF_ID, gameMode, world.getEnvironment().getId(), world.getDifficulty().getValue(), session.getServer().getMaxPlayers(), type, world.getGameRuleMap().getBoolean("reducedDebugInfo")));
// send server brand and supported plugin channels
session.send(PluginMessage.fromString("MC|Brand", server.getName()));
// read data from player reader
hasPlayedBefore = reader.hasPlayedBefore();
if (hasPlayedBefore) {
firstPlayed = reader.getFirstPlayed();
lastPlayed = reader.getLastPlayed();
bedSpawn = reader.getBedSpawnLocation();
} else {
firstPlayed = 0;
lastPlayed = 0;
joinTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Add player to list of online players
getServer().setPlayerOnline(this, true);
// save data back out
streamBlocks(); // stream the initial set of blocks
setCompassTarget(world.getSpawnLocation()); // set our compass target
invMonitor = new InventoryMonitor(getOpenInventory());
updateInventory(); // send inventory contents
// send initial location
session.send(new PositionRotationMessage(location));
if (!server.getResourcePackURL().isEmpty()) {
setResourcePack(server.getResourcePackURL(), server.getResourcePackHash());
* Read the location from a PlayerReader for entity initialization. Will
* fall back to a reasonable default rather than returning null.
* @param session The player's session.
* @param reader The PlayerReader to get the location from.
* @return The location to spawn the player.
private static Location initLocation(GlowSession session, PlayerDataService.PlayerReader reader) {
if (reader.hasPlayedBefore()) {
Location loc = reader.getLocation();
if (loc != null) {
return loc;
return session.getServer().getWorlds().get(0).getSpawnLocation();
public String toString() {
return "GlowPlayer{name=" + getName() + "}";
// Internals
* Get the network session attached to this player.
* @return The GlowSession of the player.
public GlowSession getSession() {
return session;
* Get the join time in milliseconds, to be saved as last played time.
* @return The player's join time.
public long getJoinTime() {
return joinTime;
* Destroys this entity by removing it from the world and marking it as not
* being active.
public void remove() {
getServer().setPlayerOnline(this, false);
public boolean shouldSave() {
return false;
public void pulse() {
// stream world
// add to playtime
// update inventory
for (InventoryMonitor.Entry entry : invMonitor.getChanges()) {
sendItemChange(entry.slot, entry.item);
// send changed metadata
List<MetadataMap.Entry> changes = metadata.getChanges();
if (changes.size() > 0) {
session.send(new EntityMetadataMessage(SELF_ID, changes));
// update or remove entities
List<Integer> destroyIds = new LinkedList<>();
for (Iterator<GlowEntity> it = knownEntities.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
GlowEntity entity =;
if (isWithinDistance(entity)) {
for (Message msg : entity.createUpdateMessage()) {
} else {
if (destroyIds.size() > 0) {
session.send(new DestroyEntitiesMessage(destroyIds));
// add entities
for (GlowEntity entity : world.getEntityManager()) {
if (entity != this && isWithinDistance(entity) &&
!knownEntities.contains(entity) && !hiddenEntities.contains(entity.getUniqueId())) {
for (Message msg : entity.createSpawnMessage()) {
* Process and send pending BlockChangeMessages.
private void processBlockChanges() {
List<BlockChangeMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>(blockChanges);
// separate messages by chunk
// inner map is used to only send one entry for same coordinates
Map<GlowChunk.Key, Map<BlockVector, BlockChangeMessage>> chunks = new HashMap<>();
for (BlockChangeMessage message : messages) {
GlowChunk.Key key = new GlowChunk.Key(message.getX() >> 4, message.getZ() >> 4);
Map<BlockVector, BlockChangeMessage> map = chunks.get(key);
if (map == null) {
map = new HashMap<>();
chunks.put(key, map);
map.put(new BlockVector(message.getX(), message.getY(), message.getZ()), message);
// send away
for (Map.Entry<GlowChunk.Key, Map<BlockVector, BlockChangeMessage>> entry : chunks.entrySet()) {
GlowChunk.Key key = entry.getKey();
List<BlockChangeMessage> value = new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue().values());
if (value.size() == 1) {
} else if (value.size() > 1) {
session.send(new MultiBlockChangeMessage(key.getX(), key.getZ(), value));
// now send post-block-change messages
List<Message> postMessages = new ArrayList<>(afterBlockChanges);
for (Message message : postMessages) {
* Streams chunks to the player's client.
private void streamBlocks() {
Set<GlowChunk.Key> previousChunks = new HashSet<>(knownChunks);
ArrayList<GlowChunk.Key> newChunks = new ArrayList<>();
int centralX = location.getBlockX() >> 4;
int centralZ = location.getBlockZ() >> 4;
int radius = Math.min(server.getViewDistance(), 1 + settings.getViewDistance());
for (int x = (centralX - radius); x <= (centralX + radius); x++) {
for (int z = (centralZ - radius); z <= (centralZ + radius); z++) {
GlowChunk.Key key = new GlowChunk.Key(x, z);
if (knownChunks.contains(key)) {
} else {
// early end if there's no changes
if (newChunks.size() == 0 && previousChunks.size() == 0) {
// sort chunks by distance from player - closer chunks sent first
Collections.sort(newChunks, new Comparator<GlowChunk.Key>() {
public int compare(GlowChunk.Key a, GlowChunk.Key b) {
double dx = 16 * a.getX() + 8 - location.getX();
double dz = 16 * a.getZ() + 8 - location.getZ();
double da = dx * dx + dz * dz;
dx = 16 * b.getX() + 8 - location.getX();
dz = 16 * b.getZ() + 8 - location.getZ();
double db = dx * dx + dz * dz;
return, db);
// populate then send chunks to the player
// done in two steps so that all the new chunks are finalized before any of them are sent
// this prevents sending a chunk then immediately sending block changes in it because
// one of its neighbors has populated
// first step: force population then acquire lock on each chunk
for (GlowChunk.Key key : newChunks) {
world.getChunkManager().forcePopulation(key.getX(), key.getZ());
// second step: package chunks into bulk packets
final int maxSize = 0x1fff00; // slightly under protocol max size of 0x200000
final boolean skylight = world.getEnvironment() == World.Environment.NORMAL;
final List<ChunkDataMessage> messages = new LinkedList<>();
int bulkSize = 6; // size of bulk header
// split the chunks into bulk packets based on how many fit
for (GlowChunk.Key key : newChunks) {
GlowChunk chunk = world.getChunkAt(key.getX(), key.getZ());
ChunkDataMessage message = chunk.toMessage(skylight);
// 10 bytes of header in bulk packet, plus data length
int messageSize = 10 + message.getData().length;
// if this chunk would make the message too big,
if (bulkSize + messageSize > maxSize) {
// send out what we have so far
session.send(new ChunkBulkMessage(skylight, messages));
bulkSize = 6;
bulkSize += messageSize;
// send the leftovers
if (!messages.isEmpty()) {
session.send(new ChunkBulkMessage(skylight, messages));
// send visible tile entity data
for (GlowChunk.Key key : newChunks) {
GlowChunk chunk = world.getChunkAt(key.getX(), key.getZ());
for (TileEntity entity : chunk.getRawTileEntities()) {
// and remove old chunks
for (GlowChunk.Key key : previousChunks) {
session.send(ChunkDataMessage.empty(key.getX(), key.getZ()));
* Spawn the player at the given location after they have already joined.
* Used for changing worlds and respawning after death.
* @param location The location to place the player.
private void spawnAt(Location location) {
// switch worlds
GlowWorld oldWorld = world;
world = (GlowWorld) location.getWorld();
// switch chunk set
// no need to send chunk unload messages - respawn unloads all chunks
chunkLock = world.newChunkLock(getName());
// spawn into world
String type = world.getWorldType().getName().toLowerCase();
session.send(new RespawnMessage(world.getEnvironment().getId(), world.getDifficulty().getValue(), getGameMode().getValue(), type));
setRawLocation(location); // take us to spawn position
streamBlocks(); // stream blocks
setCompassTarget(world.getSpawnLocation()); // set our compass target
session.send(new PositionRotationMessage(location));
// fire world change if needed
if (oldWorld != world) {
EventFactory.callEvent(new PlayerChangedWorldEvent(this, oldWorld));
* Respawn the player after they have died.
public void respawn() {
// restore health
// determine spawn destination
boolean spawnAtBed = false;
Location dest = world.getSpawnLocation();
if (bedSpawn != null) {
if (bedSpawn.getBlock().getType() == Material.BED_BLOCK) {
// todo: spawn next to the bed instead of inside it
dest = bedSpawn.clone();
spawnAtBed = true;
// fire event and perform spawn
PlayerRespawnEvent event = new PlayerRespawnEvent(this, dest, spawnAtBed);
if (event.getRespawnLocation().getWorld().equals(getWorld()) && knownEntities.size() > 0) {
// we need to manually reset all known entities if the player respawns in the same world
List<Integer> entityIds = new ArrayList<>(knownEntities.size());
for (GlowEntity e : knownEntities) {
session.send(new DestroyEntitiesMessage(entityIds));
// just in case any items are left in their inventory after they respawn
* Checks whether the player can see the given chunk.
* @return If the chunk is known to the player's client.
public boolean canSeeChunk(GlowChunk.Key chunk) {
return knownChunks.contains(chunk);
* Checks whether the player can see the given entity.
* @return If the entity is known to the player's client.
public boolean canSeeEntity(GlowEntity entity) {
return knownEntities.contains(entity);
* Open the sign editor interface at the specified location.
* @param loc The location to open the editor at
public void openSignEditor(Location loc) {
signLocation = loc.clone();
session.send(new SignEditorMessage(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()));
* Check that the specified location matches that of the last opened sign
* editor, and if so, clears the last opened sign editor.
* @param loc The location to check
* @return Whether the location matched.
public boolean checkSignLocation(Location loc) {
if (loc.equals(signLocation)) {
signLocation = null;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Get a UserListItemMessage entry representing adding this player.
* @return The entry (action ADD_PLAYER) with this player's information.
public UserListItemMessage.Entry getUserListEntry() {
TextMessage displayName = null;
if (playerListName != null && !playerListName.isEmpty()) {
displayName = new TextMessage(playerListName);
return UserListItemMessage.add(getProfile(), getGameMode().getValue(), 0, displayName);
* Send a UserListItemMessage to every player that can see this player.
* @param updateMessage The message to send.
private void updateUserListEntries(UserListItemMessage updateMessage) {
for (GlowPlayer player : server.getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (player.canSee(this)) {
public void setVelocity(Vector velocity) {
PlayerVelocityEvent event = EventFactory.callEvent(new PlayerVelocityEvent(this, velocity));
if (!event.isCancelled()) {
velocity = event.getVelocity();
session.send(new EntityVelocityMessage(SELF_ID, velocity));
* Set the client settings for this player.
* @param settings The new client settings.
public void setSettings(ClientSettings settings) {
this.settings = settings;
metadata.set(MetadataIndex.PLAYER_SKIN_FLAGS, settings.getSkinFlags());
* Get this player's client settings.
* @return The player's client settings.
public ClientSettings getSettings() {
return settings;
public Map<String, Object> serialize() {
Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<>();
ret.put("name", getName());
return ret;
// Basic stuff
public EntityType getType() {
return EntityType.PLAYER;
public InetSocketAddress getAddress() {
return session.getAddress();
public boolean isOnline() {
return session.isActive();
public boolean isBanned() {
return server.getBanList(BanList.Type.NAME).isBanned(getName());
public void setBanned(boolean banned) {
server.getBanList(BanList.Type.NAME).addBan(getName(), null, null, null);
public boolean isWhitelisted() {
return server.getWhitelist().containsUUID(getUniqueId());
public void setWhitelisted(boolean value) {
if (value) {
} else {
public Player getPlayer() {
return this;
public boolean hasPlayedBefore() {
return hasPlayedBefore;
public long getFirstPlayed() {
return firstPlayed;
public long getLastPlayed() {
return lastPlayed;
// HumanEntity overrides
public boolean isOp() {
return getServer().getOpsList().containsUUID(getUniqueId());
public void setOp(boolean value) {
if (value) {
} else {
// Editable properties
public String getDisplayName() {
return displayName == null ? getName() : displayName;
public void setDisplayName(String name) {
displayName = name;
public String getPlayerListName() {
return playerListName == null || playerListName.isEmpty() ? getName() : playerListName;
public void setPlayerListName(String name) {
// update state
playerListName = name;
// send update message
TextMessage displayName = null;
if (playerListName != null && !playerListName.isEmpty()) {
displayName = new TextMessage(playerListName);
updateUserListEntries(UserListItemMessage.displayNameOne(getUniqueId(), displayName));
public Location getCompassTarget() {
return compassTarget;
public void setCompassTarget(Location loc) {
compassTarget = loc;
session.send(new SpawnPositionMessage(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()));
public Location getBedSpawnLocation() {
return bedSpawn;
public void setBedSpawnLocation(Location bedSpawn) {
setBedSpawnLocation(bedSpawn, false);
public void setBedSpawnLocation(Location location, boolean force) {
this.bedSpawn = location;
public boolean isSleepingIgnored() {
return sleepingIgnored;
public void setSleepingIgnored(boolean isSleeping) {
sleepingIgnored = isSleeping;
public void setGameMode(GameMode mode) {
if (getGameMode() != mode) {
PlayerGameModeChangeEvent event = new PlayerGameModeChangeEvent(this, mode);
if (EventFactory.callEvent(event).isCancelled()) {
updateUserListEntries(UserListItemMessage.gameModeOne(getUniqueId(), mode.getValue()));
session.send(new StateChangeMessage(StateChangeMessage.Reason.GAMEMODE, mode.getValue()));
private void setGameModeDefaults() {
GameMode mode = getGameMode();
setAllowFlight(mode == GameMode.CREATIVE || mode == GameMode.SPECTATOR);
metadata.setBit(MetadataIndex.STATUS, MetadataIndex.StatusFlags.INVISIBLE, mode == GameMode.SPECTATOR);
// Entity status
public boolean isSneaking() {
return metadata.getBit(MetadataIndex.STATUS, MetadataIndex.StatusFlags.SNEAKING);
public void setSneaking(boolean sneak) {
if (EventFactory.callEvent(new PlayerToggleSneakEvent(this, sneak)).isCancelled()) {
metadata.setBit(MetadataIndex.STATUS, MetadataIndex.StatusFlags.SNEAKING, sneak);
public boolean isSprinting() {
return metadata.getBit(MetadataIndex.STATUS, MetadataIndex.StatusFlags.SPRINTING);
public void setSprinting(boolean sprinting) {
if (EventFactory.callEvent(new PlayerToggleSprintEvent(this, sprinting)).isCancelled()) {
metadata.setBit(MetadataIndex.STATUS, MetadataIndex.StatusFlags.SPRINTING, sprinting);
public double getEyeHeight() {
return getEyeHeight(false);
public double getEyeHeight(boolean ignoreSneaking) {
// Height of player's eyes above feet. Matches CraftBukkit.
if (ignoreSneaking || !isSneaking()) {
return 1.62;
} else {
return 1.54;
// Player capabilities
public boolean getAllowFlight() {
return canFly;
public void setAllowFlight(boolean flight) {
canFly = flight;
if (!canFly) flying = false;
public boolean isFlying() {
return flying;
public void setFlying(boolean value) {
flying = value && canFly;
public float getFlySpeed() {
return flySpeed;
public void setFlySpeed(float value) throws IllegalArgumentException {
flySpeed = value;
public float getWalkSpeed() {
return walkSpeed;
public void setWalkSpeed(float value) throws IllegalArgumentException {
walkSpeed = value;
private void sendAbilities() {
boolean creative = getGameMode() == GameMode.CREATIVE;
int flags = (creative ? 8 : 0) | (canFly ? 4 : 0) | (flying ? 2 : 0) | (creative ? 1 : 0);
// division is conversion from Bukkit to MC units
session.send(new PlayerAbilitiesMessage(flags, flySpeed / 2f, walkSpeed / 2f));
// Experience and levelling
public int getLevel() {
return level;
public void setLevel(int level) {
this.level = Math.max(level, 0);
public int getTotalExperience() {
return totalExperience;
public void setTotalExperience(int exp) {
this.totalExperience = Math.max(exp, 0);
public void giveExp(int xp) {
totalExperience += xp;
// gradually award levels based on xp points
float value = 1.0f / getExpToLevel();
for (int i = 0; i < xp; ++i) {
experience += value;
if (experience >= 1) {
experience -= 1;
value = 1.0f / getExpToLevel(++level);
public float getExp() {
return experience;
public void setExp(float percentToLevel) {
experience = Math.min(Math.max(percentToLevel, 0), 1);
public int getExpToLevel() {
return getExpToLevel(level);
private int getExpToLevel(int level) {
if (level >= 30) {
return 62 + (level - 30) * 7;
} else if (level >= 15) {
return 17 + (level - 15) * 3;
} else {
return 17;
public void giveExpLevels(int amount) {
setLevel(getLevel() + amount);
private void sendExperience() {
session.send(new ExperienceMessage(getExp(), getLevel(), getTotalExperience()));
// Health and food handling
public void setHealth(double health) {
public void setMaxHealth(double health) {
public boolean isHealthScaled() {
return healthScaled;
public void setHealthScaled(boolean scale) {
healthScaled = scale;
public double getHealthScale() {
return healthScale;
public void setHealthScale(double scale) throws IllegalArgumentException {
healthScaled = true;
healthScale = scale;
public int getFoodLevel() {
return food;
public void setFoodLevel(int food) { = Math.min(food, 20);
public float getExhaustion() {
return exhaustion;
public void setExhaustion(float value) {
exhaustion = value;
public float getSaturation() {
return saturation;
public void setSaturation(float value) {
saturation = value;
private void sendHealth() {
float finalHealth = (float) (getHealth() / getMaxHealth() * getHealthScale());
session.send(new HealthMessage(finalHealth, getFoodLevel(), getSaturation()));
// Actions
public boolean teleport(Location location) {
return teleport(location, TeleportCause.UNKNOWN);
public boolean teleport(Location location, TeleportCause cause) {
Validate.notNull(location, "location cannot be null");
Validate.notNull(location.getWorld(), "location's world cannot be null");
Validate.notNull(cause, "cause cannot be null");
if (this.location != null && this.location.getWorld() != null) {
PlayerTeleportEvent event = new PlayerTeleportEvent(this, this.location, location, cause);
if (EventFactory.callEvent(event).isCancelled()) {
return false;
location = event.getTo();
if (location.getWorld() != world) {
} else {
session.send(new PositionRotationMessage(location));
teleported = true;
return true;
protected boolean teleportToSpawn() {
Location target = getBedSpawnLocation();
if (target == null) {
target = server.getWorlds().get(0).getSpawnLocation();
PlayerPortalEvent event = EventFactory.callEvent(new PlayerPortalEvent(this, location.clone(), target, null));
if (event.isCancelled()) {
return false;
target = event.getTo();
teleported = true;
awardAchievement(Achievement.THE_END, false);
return true;
protected boolean teleportToEnd() {
if (!server.getAllowEnd()) {
return false;
Location target = null;
for (World world : server.getWorlds()) {
if (world.getEnvironment() == Environment.THE_END) {
target = world.getSpawnLocation();
if (target == null) {
return false;
PlayerPortalEvent event = EventFactory.callEvent(new PlayerPortalEvent(this, location.clone(), target, null));
if (event.isCancelled()) {
return false;
target = event.getTo();
teleported = true;
awardAchievement(Achievement.END_PORTAL, false);
return true;
public void sendMessage(String message) {
public void sendMessage(String[] messages) {
for (String line : messages) {
public void sendRawMessage(String message) {
// old-style formatting to json conversion is in TextMessage
session.send(new ChatMessage(message));
public void kickPlayer(String message) {
session.disconnect(message == null ? "" : message);
public boolean performCommand(String command) {
return getServer().dispatchCommand(this, command);
public void chat(String text) {
chat(text, false);
* Says a message (or runs a command).
* @param text message sent by the player.
* @param async whether the message was received asynchronously.
public void chat(final String text, boolean async) {
if (text.startsWith("/")) {
Runnable task = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
server.getLogger().info(getName() + " issued command: " + text);
try {
PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event = new PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent(GlowPlayer.this, text);
if (!EventFactory.callEvent(event).isCancelled()) {
server.dispatchCommand(GlowPlayer.this, event.getMessage().substring(1));
} catch (Exception ex) {
sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "An internal error occurred while executing your command.");
server.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while executing command: " + text, ex);
// if async is true, this task should happen synchronously
// otherwise, we're sync already, it can happen here
if (async) {
server.getScheduler().runTask(null, task);
} else {;
} else {
AsyncPlayerChatEvent event = EventFactory.onPlayerChat(async, this, text);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
String message = String.format(event.getFormat(), getDisplayName(), event.getMessage());
for (Player recipient : event.getRecipients()) {
public void saveData() {
public void saveData(boolean async) {
if (async) {
server.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(null, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else {
public void loadData() {
public void setTexturePack(String url) {
public void setResourcePack(String url) {
setResourcePack(url, "");
public void setResourcePack(String url, String hash) {
session.send(new ResourcePackSendMessage(url, hash));
// Effect and data transmission
public void playNote(Location loc, Instrument instrument, Note note) {
playNote(loc, instrument.getType(), note.getId());
public void playNote(Location loc, byte instrument, byte note) {
session.send(new BlockActionMessage(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ(), instrument, note, Material.NOTE_BLOCK.getId()));
public void playEffect(Location loc, Effect effect, int data) {
int id = effect.getId();
boolean ignoreDistance = effect.isDistanceIgnored();
session.send(new PlayEffectMessage(id, loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ(), data, ignoreDistance));
public <T> void playEffect(Location loc, Effect effect, T data) {
playEffect(loc, effect, GlowEffect.getDataValue(effect, data));
public void playSound(Location location, Sound sound, float volume, float pitch) {
playSound(location, GlowSound.getName(sound), volume, pitch);
public void playSound(Location location, String sound, float volume, float pitch) {
if (location == null || sound == null) return;
// the loss of precision here is a bit unfortunate but it's what CraftBukkit does
double x = location.getBlockX() + 0.5;
double y = location.getBlockY() + 0.5;
double z = location.getBlockZ() + 0.5;
session.send(new PlaySoundMessage(sound, x, y, z, volume, pitch));
public void showParticle(Location loc, Particle particle, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float speed, int amount) {
showParticle(loc, particle, null, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, amount);
public void showParticle(Location loc, Particle particle, MaterialData material, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float speed, int amount) {
if (location == null || particle == null) return;
int id = GlowParticle.getId(particle);
boolean longDistance = GlowParticle.isLongDistance(particle);
float x = (float) loc.getX();
float y = (float) loc.getY();
float z = (float) loc.getZ();
int[] extData = GlowParticle.getData(particle, material);
session.send(new PlayParticleMessage(id, longDistance, x, y, z, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, amount, extData));
public void sendBlockChange(Location loc, Material material, byte data) {
sendBlockChange(loc, material.getId(), data);
public void sendBlockChange(Location loc, int material, byte data) {
sendBlockChange(new BlockChangeMessage(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ(), material, data));
public void sendBlockChange(BlockChangeMessage message) {
// only send message if the chunk is within visible range
GlowChunk.Key key = new GlowChunk.Key(message.getX() >> 4, message.getZ() >> 4);
if (canSeeChunk(key)) {
public boolean sendChunkChange(Location loc, int sx, int sy, int sz, byte[] data) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void sendSignChange(Location location, String[] lines) throws IllegalArgumentException {
Validate.notNull(location, "location cannot be null");
Validate.notNull(lines, "lines cannot be null");
Validate.isTrue(lines.length == 4, "lines.length must equal 4");
afterBlockChanges.add(UpdateSignMessage.fromPlainText(location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ(), lines));
* Send a sign change, similar to {@link #sendSignChange(Location, String[])},
* but using complete TextMessages instead of strings.
* @param location the location of the sign
* @param lines the new text on the sign or null to clear it
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if location is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if lines is non-null and has a length less than 4
public void sendSignChange(Location location, TextMessage[] lines) {
Validate.notNull(location, "location cannot be null");
Validate.notNull(lines, "lines cannot be null");
Validate.isTrue(lines.length == 4, "lines.length must equal 4");
afterBlockChanges.add(new UpdateSignMessage(location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ(), lines));
* Send a block entity change to the given location.
* @param location The location of the block entity.
* @param type The type of block entity being sent.
* @param nbt The NBT structure to send to the client.
public void sendBlockEntityChange(Location location, GlowBlockEntity type, CompoundTag nbt) {
Validate.notNull(location, "Location cannot be null");
Validate.notNull(type, "Type cannot be null");
Validate.notNull(nbt, "NBT cannot be null");
afterBlockChanges.add(new UpdateBlockEntityMessage(location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ(), type.getValue(), nbt));
public void sendMap(MapView map) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
// Achievements and statistics
public boolean hasAchievement(Achievement achievement) {
return stats.hasAchievement(achievement);
public void awardAchievement(Achievement achievement) {
awardAchievement(achievement, true);
* Awards the given achievement if the player already has the parent achievement,
* otherwise does nothing. If {@code awardParents} is true, award the player all
* parent achievements and the given achievement, making this method equivalent
* to {@link #awardAchievement(Achievement)}.
* @param achievement the achievement to award.
* @param awardParents whether parent achievements should be awarded.
* @return {@code true} if the achievement was awarded, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean awardAchievement(Achievement achievement, boolean awardParents) {
if (hasAchievement(achievement)) return false;
Achievement parent = achievement.getParent();
if (parent != null && !hasAchievement(parent)) {
if (!awardParents || !awardAchievement(parent, true)) {
// does not have or failed to award required parent achievement
return false;
PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent event = new PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent(this, achievement);
if (EventFactory.callEvent(event).isCancelled()) {
return false; // event was cancelled
stats.setAchievement(achievement, true);
sendAchievement(achievement, true);
if (server.getAnnounceAchievements()) {
// todo: make message fancier (hover, translated names)
server.broadcastMessage(getName() + " earned achievement " + ChatColor.GREEN + "[" + + "]");
return true;
public void removeAchievement(Achievement achievement) {
if (!hasAchievement(achievement)) return;
stats.setAchievement(achievement, false);
sendAchievement(achievement, false);
private void sendAchievement(Achievement achievement, boolean has) {
Map<String, Integer> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put(GlowAchievement.getName(achievement), has ? 1 : 0);
session.send(new StatisticMessage(values));
public int getStatistic(Statistic statistic) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return stats.get(statistic);
public int getStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return stats.get(statistic, material);
public int getStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return stats.get(statistic, entityType);
public void setStatistic(Statistic statistic, int newValue) throws IllegalArgumentException {
stats.set(statistic, newValue);
public void setStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material, int newValue) throws IllegalArgumentException {
stats.set(statistic, material, newValue);
public void setStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType, int newValue) {
stats.set(statistic, entityType, newValue);
public void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic) {
stats.add(statistic, 1);
public void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, int amount) {
stats.add(statistic, amount);
public void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material) {
stats.add(statistic, material, 1);
public void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material, int amount) {
stats.add(statistic, material, amount);
public void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType) throws IllegalArgumentException {
stats.add(statistic, entityType, 1);
public void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType, int amount) throws IllegalArgumentException {
stats.add(statistic, entityType, amount);
public void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic) throws IllegalArgumentException {
stats.add(statistic, -1);
public void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, int amount) throws IllegalArgumentException {
stats.add(statistic, -amount);
public void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material) throws IllegalArgumentException {
stats.add(statistic, material, -1);
public void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material, int amount) throws IllegalArgumentException {
stats.add(statistic, material, -amount);
public void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType) throws IllegalArgumentException {
stats.add(statistic, entityType, -1);
public void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType, int amount) {
stats.add(statistic, entityType, -amount);
public void sendStats() {
// Inventory
public void updateInventory() {
session.send(new SetWindowContentsMessage(invMonitor.getId(), invMonitor.getContents()));
public void sendItemChange(int slot, ItemStack item) {
session.send(new SetWindowSlotMessage(invMonitor.getId(), slot, item));
public void setItemOnCursor(ItemStack item) {
session.send(new SetWindowSlotMessage(-1, -1, item));
public boolean setWindowProperty(InventoryView.Property prop, int value) {
if (!super.setWindowProperty(prop, value)) return false;
session.send(new WindowPropertyMessage(invMonitor.getId(), prop.getId(), value));
return true;
public void openInventory(InventoryView view) {
session.send(new CloseWindowMessage(invMonitor.getId()));
invMonitor = new InventoryMonitor(getOpenInventory());
int viewId = invMonitor.getId();
if (viewId != 0) {
String title = view.getTitle();
boolean defaultTitle = view.getType().getDefaultTitle().equals(title);
if (view.getTopInventory() instanceof PlayerInventory && defaultTitle) {
title = ((PlayerInventory) view.getTopInventory()).getHolder().getName();
Message open = new OpenWindowMessage(viewId, invMonitor.getType(), title, ((GlowInventory) view.getTopInventory()).getRawSlots());
public GlowItem drop(ItemStack stack) {
GlowItem dropping = super.drop(stack);
if (dropping != null) {
PlayerDropItemEvent event = new PlayerDropItemEvent(this, dropping);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
dropping = null;
return dropping;
// Player-specific time and weather
public void setPlayerTime(long time, boolean relative) {
timeOffset = (time % GlowWorld.DAY_LENGTH + GlowWorld.DAY_LENGTH) % GlowWorld.DAY_LENGTH;
timeRelative = relative;
public long getPlayerTime() {
if (timeRelative) {
// add timeOffset ticks to current time
return (world.getTime() + timeOffset) % GlowWorld.DAY_LENGTH;
} else {
// return time offset
return timeOffset;
public long getPlayerTimeOffset() {
return timeOffset;
public boolean isPlayerTimeRelative() {
return timeRelative;
public void resetPlayerTime() {
setPlayerTime(0, true);
public void sendTime() {
long time = getPlayerTime();
if (!timeRelative || !world.getGameRuleMap().getBoolean("doDaylightCycle")) {
time = -time; // negative value indicates fixed time
session.send(new TimeMessage(world.getFullTime(), time));
public void setPlayerWeather(WeatherType type) {
playerWeather = type;
public WeatherType getPlayerWeather() {
return playerWeather;
public void resetPlayerWeather() {
playerWeather = null;
public void sendWeather() {
boolean stormy = playerWeather == null ? getWorld().hasStorm() : playerWeather == WeatherType.DOWNFALL;
session.send(new StateChangeMessage(stormy ? StateChangeMessage.Reason.START_RAIN : StateChangeMessage.Reason.STOP_RAIN, 0));
public void sendRainDensity() {
session.send(new StateChangeMessage(StateChangeMessage.Reason.RAIN_DENSITY, getWorld().getRainDensity()));
public void sendSkyDarkness() {
session.send(new StateChangeMessage(StateChangeMessage.Reason.SKY_DARKNESS, getWorld().getSkyDarkness()));
// Player visibility
public void hidePlayer(Player player) {
Validate.notNull(player, "player cannot be null");
if (equals(player) || !player.isOnline() || !session.isActive()) return;
if (hiddenEntities.contains(player.getUniqueId())) return;
if (knownEntities.remove(player)) {
session.send(new DestroyEntitiesMessage(Arrays.asList(player.getEntityId())));
public void showPlayer(Player player) {
Validate.notNull(player, "player cannot be null");
if (equals(player) || !player.isOnline() || !session.isActive()) return;
if (!hiddenEntities.contains(player.getUniqueId())) return;
session.send(new UserListItemMessage(UserListItemMessage.Action.ADD_PLAYER, ((GlowPlayer) player).getUserListEntry()));
public boolean canSee(Player player) {
return !hiddenEntities.contains(player.getUniqueId());
* Called when a player hidden to this player disconnects.
* This is necessary so the player is visible again after they reconnected.
* @param player The disconnected player
public void stopHidingDisconnectedPlayer(Player player) {
// Scoreboard
public Scoreboard getScoreboard() {
return null;
public void setScoreboard(Scoreboard scoreboard) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
// Conversable
public boolean isConversing() {
return false;
public void acceptConversationInput(String input) {
public boolean beginConversation(Conversation conversation) {
return false;
public void abandonConversation(Conversation conversation) {
public void abandonConversation(Conversation conversation, ConversationAbandonedEvent details) {
// Plugin messages
public void sendPluginMessage(Plugin source, String channel, byte[] message) {
StandardMessenger.validatePluginMessage(getServer().getMessenger(), source, channel, message);
if (listeningChannels.contains(channel)) {
// only send if player is listening for it
session.send(new PluginMessage(channel, message));
public Set<String> getListeningPluginChannels() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(listeningChannels);
* Add a listening channel to this player.
* @param channel The channel to add.
public void addChannel(String channel) {
if (listeningChannels.add(channel)) {
EventFactory.callEvent(new PlayerRegisterChannelEvent(this, channel));
* Remove a listening channel from this player.
* @param channel The channel to remove.
public void removeChannel(String channel) {
if (listeningChannels.remove(channel)) {
EventFactory.callEvent(new PlayerUnregisterChannelEvent(this, channel));
* Send the supported plugin channels to the client.
private void sendSupportedChannels() {
Set<String> listening = server.getMessenger().getIncomingChannels();
if (!listening.isEmpty()) {
// send NUL-separated list of channels we support
ByteBuf buf = Unpooled.buffer(16 * listening.size());
for (String channel : listening) {
session.send(new PluginMessage("REGISTER", buf.array()));