blob: 2f24fe1b1e77d3a6d37a2c40d401110f402a26b5 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#include "Cia.h"
unsigned int Cia::refCount = 0;
void Cia::reset()
pra = prb = 0;
ddra = ddrb = 0;
icr = 0;
irq_mask = 0;
ta = tb = taFeed = tbFeed = 0;
latcha = latchb = 0xFFFF;
tbReload = 0;
cra = crb = 0;
prbTimerOut = 0;
prbTimerMode = 0;
prbTimerToggle = 0x80;
sdrShiftCnt = 0;
// ToD
todCount = 60 * 60 * 50; // set to 1hr at reset
alarmCount = -1;
tod.latched = false;
tod.halt = 1;
todIn = 60;
tod.ampm = 0;
pendingIrq = false;
void Cia::setIRQflag(unsigned int mask)
if (mask) {
if (!(icr & 0x80)) {
#if 0
pendingIrq = true;
icr |= 0x80;
unsigned int Cia::bcd2hex(unsigned int bcd)
return (((bcd & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10) + (bcd & 0xf);
unsigned int Cia::hex2bcd(unsigned int hex)
return ((hex / 10) << 4) + (hex % 10);
// called after each new frame
void Cia::todUpdate()
if (!tod.halt) {
todCount += 1;
if (alarmCount == todCount) {
// set alarm IRQ
icr |= 4;
setIRQflag(irq_mask & icr);
if (todCount == 12 * 60 * 60 * 50) {// 12 AM/PM
tod.ampm ^= 0x80;
todCount = 0;
#if 0
TOD time;
frames2tod(todCount, time, todIn);
// if (!(todCount % 2000))
fprintf(stderr, "Count:%09u Time: %02xh:%02Xm:%02Xs:%02Xths.\n", todCount,, time.min, time.sec, time.tenths);
unsigned int Cia::tod2frames(TOD &todin)
unsigned int newmsec =
bcd2hex( * 180000 +
bcd2hex(todin.min) * 3000 +
bcd2hex(todin.sec) * 50 +
bcd2hex(todin.tenths) * 5;
return newmsec;
void Cia::frames2tod(unsigned int frames, TOD &todout, unsigned int frq)
unsigned int hours = frames * frq / 180000 / 50;
frames = frames - hours * 180000;
unsigned int minutes = frames / 3000;
frames = frames - minutes * 3000;
unsigned int seconds = frames / 50;
frames = frames - seconds * 50;
unsigned int tenths = frames / 5; = hex2bcd(hours);
todout.min = hex2bcd(minutes);
todout.sec = hex2bcd(seconds);
todout.tenths = hex2bcd(tenths);
inline void Cia::setTimerMode(const unsigned int flag, const unsigned int tv, unsigned int cr)
if (cr & 2) {
prbTimerMode |= flag; // PB6 shows timer underflow state
if (cr & 4) { // On a timer overflow, PBx is inverted?
prbTimerOut = (prbTimerOut & ~flag) | (prbTimerToggle & flag);
else {
if (!tv) {
prbTimerOut |= flag;
else {
prbTimerOut &= ~flag;
prbTimerMode &= ~flag;
void Cia::write(unsigned int addr, unsigned char value)
//fprintf(stderr, "$(%04X) CIA%i write : %02X @ PC=%04X\n", addr, refCount, value, theTed->cpuptr->getPC());
addr &= 0xF;
switch (addr) {
case 0x00:
pra = value;
case 0x01:
prb = value;
case 0x02:
ddra = value;
case 0x03:
ddrb = value;
case 0x04:
latcha = (latcha & 0xFF00) | value;
case 0x05:
latcha = (latcha & 0xFF) | (value << 8);
// Reload timer A only if stopped
if (!(cra & 1)) {
taReload = 1;
case 0x06:
latchb = (latchb & 0xFF00) | value;
case 0x07:
latchb = (latchb & 0xFF) | (value << 8);
// Reload timer B only if stopped
if (!(crb & 1)) {
tbReload = 1;
case 0x08:
if (crb & 0x80) {
frames2tod(alarmCount, alm, todIn);
alm.tenths = value & 0x0F;
alarmCount = tod2frames(alm);
else {
if (!tod.halt)
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
tod.tenths = value & 0x0F;
if (!tod.halt)
todCount = tod2frames(tod);
tod.halt = false;
case 0x09:
if (crb & 0x80) {
frames2tod(alarmCount, alm, todIn);
alm.sec = value & 0x7F;
alarmCount = tod2frames(alm);
else {
if (!tod.halt)
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
tod.sec = value & 0x7F;
if (!tod.halt)
todCount = tod2frames(tod);
case 0x0A:
if (crb & 0x80) {
frames2tod(alarmCount, alm, todIn);
alm.min = value & 0x7F;
alarmCount = tod2frames(alm);
else {
if (!tod.halt)
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
tod.min = value & 0x7F;
if (!tod.halt)
todCount = tod2frames(tod);
case 0x0B:
if (crb & 0x80) {
frames2tod(alarmCount, alm, todIn); = value & 0x9F;
alarmCount = tod2frames(alm);
else {
if (!tod.halt)
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn); = value & 0x9F;
//todCount = tod2frames(tod);
tod.halt = true;
case 0x0C:
sdr = value;
sdrShiftCnt = 8;
case 0x0D:
if (value & 0x80)
irq_mask |= (value & 0x1F);
irq_mask &= ~(value & 0x1F);
setIRQflag(icr & irq_mask);
case 0x0E:
// rising edge of CRA0 sets PB6 toggle
if (!(cra & 1) && (value & 1))
prbTimerToggle |= 0x40;
cra = value & 0xEF;
if (!(value & 1))
taFeed = 0;
// Forced reload
if (value & 0x10) {
taReload = 1;
value &= ~0x10;
taFeed &= ~1;
// set Timer A mode
setTimerMode(0x40, ta, cra);
// ToD clock rate
todIn = value & 0x80 ? 50 : 60;
case 0x0F:
// rising edge of CRB0 sets PB7 toggle
if (!(crb & 1) && (value & 1))
prbTimerToggle |= 0x80;
crb = value & 0xEF;
if (!(crb & 1))
tbFeed = 0;
// Forced reload
if (value & 0x10) {
tbReload = 1;
value &= ~0x10;
tbFeed &= ~1;
// set Timer B mode
setTimerMode(0x80, tb, crb);
reg[addr] = value;
unsigned char Cia::read(unsigned int addr)
addr &= 0x0F;
switch (addr) {
case 0x00:
return pra | ~ddra;
case 0x01:
unsigned char retval;
retval = ((prb | ~ddrb) & ~prbTimerMode) | (prbTimerOut & prbTimerMode);
return retval;
case 0x02:
return ddra;
case 0x03:
return ddrb;
case 0x04:
return ta & 0xFF;
case 0x05:
return ta >> 8;
case 0x06:
return tb & 0xFF;
case 0x07:
return tb >> 8;
case 0x08:
if (tod.latched) {
tod.latched = false;
return todLatch.sec;
else {
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
return tod.tenths;
case 0x09:
if (tod.latched)
return todLatch.sec;
else {
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
return tod.sec;
case 0x0A:
if (tod.latched)
return todLatch.min;
else {
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
return tod.min;
case 0x0B:
if (!tod.halt) {
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
tod.latched = true;
todLatch = tod;
return | tod.ampm;
case 0x0C:
return sdr;
case 0x0D:
unsigned char retval = icr & 0x9F;
icr = 0;
pendingIrq = false;
return retval;
case 0x0E:
return cra;
case 0x0F:
return crb;
return reg[addr];
void Cia::checkTimerAUnderflow()
if (!ta && (taFeed & 1)) {
icr |= 0x01; // Set timer A IRQ flag
setIRQflag(icr & irq_mask); // FIXME, 1 cycle delay
if ((crb & 0x41) == 0x41) { // cascaded timer? CNT pin is high by default
tbFeed |= 1;
prbTimerToggle ^= 0x40; // PRA7 underflow count toggle
// timer A output to PB6?
if (cra & 2) {
// set PRA6 high for one clock cycle
if (cra & 4) {
prbTimerOut ^= 0x40; // toggle PRB6 between 1 and 0
else {
prbTimerOut |= 0x40; // set high for one clock
//prbTimerOut = (prbTimerOut & ~0x40) | (prbTimerToggle & 0x40);
if (cra & 8) { // One-shot?
cra &= 0xFE; // Stop timer
taFeed = 0;
taReload = 1;
void Cia::checkTimerBUnderflow(const int cascaded)
if (tb == cascaded && (tbFeed & 1)) {
icr |= 0x02; // Set timer B IRQ flag
setIRQflag(icr & irq_mask); // FIXME, 1 cycle delay on later CIA's
prbTimerToggle ^= 0x80; // PRB7 underflow count toggle
// timer A output to PB6?
if (crb & 2) {
// set PRB7 high for one clock cycle
if (crb & 4) {
prbTimerOut ^= 0x80; // toggle PRB7 between 1 and 0
else {
prbTimerOut |= 0x80; // set high for one clock
//prbTimerOut = (prbTimerOut & ~0x80) | (prbTimerToggle & 0x80);
if (crb & 8) {// One-shot?
crb &= 0xFE; // Stop timer
tbFeed = 0;
// Reload from latch if not cascading
tbReload = 1;
void Cia::countTimerB(int cascaded)
tb -= (tbFeed & 1);
tbFeed = (tbFeed >> 1) | ((crb & 1) << 1);
// Underflow?
if (tbReload) {
tbReload = 0;
// Reload from latch
tb = latchb;
// skip decrement in next cycle
tbFeed &= ~1;
void Cia::countTimers()
if (pendingIrq) {
icr |= 0x80;
pendingIrq = false;
if ((cra & 0x40) && sdrShiftCnt) {
sdrShiftCnt -= 1;
if (!sdrShiftCnt) {
icr |= 8;
setIRQflag(icr & irq_mask);
if (!(cra & 4)) {
prbTimerOut &= ~0x40; // reset PRB6
if ((cra & 0x20) == 0x00) {
ta -= (taFeed & 1);
taFeed = (taFeed >> 1) | ((cra & 1) << 1);
// Underflow?
if (taReload) {
taReload = 0;
// Reload from latch
ta = latcha;
// skip decrement in next cycle
taFeed &= ~1;
if (!(crb & 4)) {
prbTimerOut &= ~0x80; // reset PRB7
if ((crb & 0x60) == 0x00) { // TimerB counting phi clock cycles?