| |
| This is the README for the SDL port of Yape/SDL (Yet Another Plus/4 Emulator) |
| |
| Current version is 0.70.1 |
| |
| ===== |
| |
| Yape for SDL is |
| (C) 2000,2001,2004,2007,2008,2015,2016 Attila Grรณsz (gyros@freemail.hu) |
| http://yape.plus4.net |
| |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as |
| published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the |
| License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| along with this program; if not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| |
| The ROM file headers in the package are |
| Copyright (C) by Commodore Business Machines. |
| |
| ======= |
| |
| To be able to compile on Linux, you must have the latest SDL |
| package from http://libsdl.org. The recent stable release as of time of |
| this writing is 2.0.4. You will need the development libraries. |
| |
| The provided makefile is written for the GNU C++ compiler but can also |
| be easily adjusted for other compilers. |
| |
| It is very likely that if SDL is supported on your system, than Yape can |
| be compiled and run. Hence, an Android port is also possible, and Yape has |
| been succesfully compiled on Windows and 64 bit Linux systems as well. |
| |
| Once the libraries and header files are installed, you should |
| extract the source tarball to a directory, and simply type: |
| |
| make |
| |
| If the compilation finished with no error, you can type: |
| |
| ./yapesdl [PRG/TAP filename] |
| |
| to start the emulator, where filename is optional. |
| |
| Note that the 2.0.4 version of the Windows SDL runtime library has a |
| serious crash in its DX9 driver. The one included in the Windows |
| yapesdl binary package is a bugfixed build. |
| |
| ===== |
| |
| The user interface isn't yet ready, so you MUST memorise a couple |
| of keyboard shortcuts: |
| |
| F12 or ESCAPE : exits the emulator |
| F11 : soft reset |
| LCTRL + F11 : forced reset (memory remains intact) |
| SHIFT + F11 : hard reset (clear memory, reloads ROMs, rewinds tape) |
| |
| F5 : press PLAY on tape |
| F6 : press STOP on tape |
| F7 : save screenshot to BMP file |
| F8 : enter the user interface, press F8 again or ESC to quit. |
| You can move around in the menus with the arrow keys, press ENTER for selection. |
| F9 : quick debugger |
| F10 : save current settings to user's home directory |
| |
| LALT + 1-3 : set window size |
| LALT + L : switch among emulators (C+4 cycle based; C+4 line based; C64 cycle based) |
| LALT + I : switch emulated joystick port |
| LALT + M : enter console based external monitor and disassembler |
| LALT + P : toggle CRT emulation |
| LALT + R : machine forced reset |
| LALT + S : display frame rate on/off |
| LALT + W : toggle between unlimited speed and 50 Hz frame rate (original speed) |
| LALT + ENTER : toggle full screen mode |
| LALT + F5 : save emulator state |
| LALT + F6 : load emulator state |
| LALT + F8 : save memory pointed by $2B/$2C and $2D/$2E |
| LALT + KPLUS : collate replay frequencies |
| |
| Internal disk LOAD/SAVE operations are supported to the current |
| file system directory - which is usually '/home/<username>/yape'. |
| Any PRG files you may wish to load, should go there, although you can browse the directory tree |
| from the user interface, too. |
| |
| This means that an exact filename match will load |
| the requested program, similarly can you save a file. |
| |
| Full ROM banking is supported, currently only via the yape configuration |
| file. You must fill in the path for the relevant ROM image you intend to use. |
| However, Yape supports some internal ROMs already. These are: |
| |
| - 'BASIC' - the ROM image containing the BASIC interpreter |
| - 'KERNAL' - the system kernal ROM image |
| - '3PLUS1LOW' - the low bank ROM image of the built-in plus/4 software |
| - '3PLUS1HIGH' - the high bank ROM image of the built-in plus/4 software |
| |
| ================= |
| |
| For the keys at different positions, the emulator relies on SDL, so your |
| mileage may vary. |
| |
| There are a few keys that need to be mapped to the emulator keyboard |
| differently. These are: |
| |
| Commodore emulator |
| ------------------------ |
| Pound = END |
| Clr/Home = HOME |
| |
| ======== |
| |
| YapeSDL features: |
| |
| - full, cycle exact MOS 6502/6510/7501/8501 CPU emulation |
| - almost full MOS 7360/8360 aka 'TED' chip emulation |
| - almost complete MOS 6569 aka 'VIC-II' chip emulation |
| - reasonable MOS 6581/8580 aka 'SID' chip emulation |
| - somewhat incomplete CIA 6526 aka 'CIA' emulation |
| - real 1541 drive emulation (Read/Write) |
| - full ROM banking on +4 |
| - almost full tape emulation (+4 for now) |
| - joystick emulation via cursor keys and gamepads |
| - PRG, P00, T64, D64 and TAP file format support |
| - partial CRT emulation |
| - disk LOAD/SAVE to the file system on +4 |
| - snapshots / savestates |
| |
| ===== |
| |
| http://yapesdl.codeplex.com : source repository for yape/SDL |
| http://yape.plus4.net : Yape homepage |
| http://plus4world.powweb.com : Commodore +4 World (games, tape images, scans etc.) |
| http://c64.rulez.org : Commodore plus/4 mail list and FTP archive |
| http://gaia.atilia.eu : My emulator page |
| |