| /* |
| YAPE - Yet Another Plus/4 Emulator |
| |
| The program emulates the Commodore 264 family of 8 bit microcomputers |
| |
| This program is free software, you are welcome to distribute it, |
| and/or modify it under certain conditions. For more information, |
| read 'Copying'. |
| |
| (c) 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2015 Attila Grósz |
| */ |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| #include <ctype.h> |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <ctype.h> |
| #include "tedmem.h" |
| #include "Sid.h" |
| #include "sound.h" |
| #include "cpu.h" |
| #include "keyboard.h" |
| #include "tape.h" |
| #include "roms.h" |
| #include "tcbm.h" |
| #include "Clockable.h" |
| #include "video.h" |
| |
| unsigned int TED::vertSubCount; |
| int TED::x, TED::tmp; |
| unsigned char *TED::VideoBase; |
| |
| ClockCycle TED::CycleCounter; |
| bool TED::ScreenOn, TED::attribFetch; |
| bool TED::SideBorderFlipFlop, TED::CharacterWindow; |
| unsigned int TED::BadLine; |
| unsigned int TED::clockingState; |
| unsigned int TED::CharacterCount = 0; |
| bool TED::VertSubActive; |
| unsigned int TED::CharacterPosition; |
| unsigned int TED::CharacterPositionReload; |
| //unsigned int TED::CharacterPositionCount; |
| unsigned int TED::TVScanLineCounter; |
| bool TED::HBlanking; |
| bool TED::VBlanking; |
| bool TED::aligned_write; |
| unsigned char *TED::aw_addr_ptr; |
| unsigned char TED::aw_value; |
| unsigned int TED::ff1d_latch; |
| bool TED::charPosLatchFlag; |
| bool TED::endOfScreen; |
| bool TED::delayedDMA; |
| TED *TED::instance_; |
| |
| enum { |
| TSS = 1 << 1, |
| TDS = 1 << 2, |
| TRFSH = 1 << 3, |
| THALT1 = 1 << 4, |
| THALT2 = 1 << 5, |
| THALT3 = 1 << 6, |
| TDMA = 1 << 7, |
| TDMADELAY = 1 << 8, |
| TSSDELAY = 1 << 9, |
| TDSDELAY = 1 << 10, |
| TRFSHDELAY = 1 << 11 |
| }; |
| |
| TED::TED() : sidCard(0) |
| { |
| unsigned int i; |
| |
| instance_ = this; |
| // clearing cartdridge ROMs |
| for (i=0;i<4;++i) { |
| memset(&(RomHi[i]),0,ROMSIZE); |
| memset(&(RomLo[i]),0,ROMSIZE); |
| memset(romlopath,0,sizeof(romlopath)); |
| memset(romhighpath,0,sizeof(romhighpath)); |
| }; |
| // default ROM sets |
| strcpy(romlopath[0],"BASIC"); |
| strcpy(romhighpath[0],"KERNAL"); |
| |
| // 64 kbytes of memory allocated |
| RAMMask=0xFFFF; |
| |
| // actual ram bank pointer default setting |
| actram=Ram; |
| |
| // setting screen memory pointer |
| scrptr=screen; |
| // pointer of the end of the screen memory |
| endptr=scrptr + 456; |
| // setting the CPU to fast mode |
| fastmode=1; |
| // initial position of the electron beam (upper left corner) |
| irqline=vertSubCount=0; |
| beamy=0; |
| beamx=0; |
| hshift = 0; |
| scrblank= false; |
| |
| charrombank=charrambank=cset=VideoBase=Ram; |
| scrattr=0; |
| timer1=timer2=timer3=0; |
| chrbuf = DMAbuf; |
| clrbuf = DMAbuf + 64; |
| tmpClrbuf = DMAbuf + 128; |
| memset(DMAbuf, 0, sizeof(DMAbuf)); |
| |
| // create an instance of the keyboard class |
| keys = new KEYS; |
| tap = new TAP; |
| // setting the TAP::mem pointer to this MEM class |
| tap->mem=this; |
| tcbmbus = NULL; |
| crsrblinkon = false; |
| VertSubActive = false; |
| CharacterPositionReload = CharacterPosition = 0; |
| SideBorderFlipFlop = false; |
| render_ok = false; |
| |
| BadLine = 0; |
| CycleCounter = 0; |
| |
| enableSidCard(true, 0); |
| } |
| |
| void TED::soundReset() |
| { |
| if (sidCard) sidCard->reset(); |
| } |
| |
| void TED::Reset(bool clearmem) |
| { |
| RAMenable = false; |
| loadroms(); |
| ChangeMemBankSetup(); |
| // this should not be HERE, but where else could I've put it?? |
| tap->rewind(); |
| // clear RAM with powerup pattern |
| if (clearmem) |
| for (int i=0;i<RAMSIZE;Ram[i] = (i>>1)<<1==i ? 0 : 0xFF, i++); |
| soundReset(); |
| fastmode = 2; |
| } |
| |
| void TED::showled(int x, int y, unsigned char onoff) |
| { |
| unsigned int j, k; |
| char out = 0; |
| unsigned char *charset = (unsigned char *) (kernal+0x1000+(0x51<<3)); |
| unsigned int offset = y * getCyclesPerRow() + x; |
| |
| // if either drive motor is on or LED is on, but motor has priority |
| if (onoff) { |
| out = (onoff & 0x04) ? 0x55 : 0x52; |
| for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) |
| for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) |
| screen[offset + j * getCyclesPerRow() + k] = (charset[j] & (0x80 >> k)) ? out : 0x71; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void TED::texttoscreen(int x,int y, const char *scrtxt) |
| { |
| register int i =0; |
| |
| while (scrtxt[i]!=0) { |
| chrtoscreen(x+i*8,y,scrtxt[i]); |
| i++; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void TED::copyToKbBuffer(const char *text, unsigned int length) |
| { |
| if (!length) |
| length = strlen(text); |
| Write(0xEF, length); |
| while (length--) |
| Write(0x0527+length, text[length]); |
| } |
| |
| void TED::chrtoscreen(int x,int y, char scrchr) |
| { |
| register int j, k; |
| const unsigned int CPR = getCyclesPerRow(); |
| unsigned char *charset = (unsigned char *) kernal + 0x1000; |
| |
| if (isalpha(scrchr)) { |
| scrchr=toupper(scrchr)-64; |
| charset+=(scrchr<<3); |
| for (j=0;j<8;j++) |
| for (k=0;k<8;k++) |
| screen[(y+j)*CPR+x+k] = (*(charset+j) & (0x80>>k)) ? 0x00 : 0x71; |
| return; |
| } |
| charset+=(scrchr<<3); |
| for (j=0;j<8;j++) |
| for (k=0;k<8;k++) |
| screen[(y+j)*CPR+x+k] = (*(charset+j) & (0x80>>k)) ? 0x00 : 0x71; |
| } |
| |
| void TED::loadroms() |
| { |
| for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { |
| loadhiromfromfile(i,romhighpath[i]); |
| loadloromfromfile(i,romlopath[i]); |
| } |
| mem_8000_bfff = actromlo = &(RomLo[0][0]); |
| mem_fc00_fcff = mem_c000_ffff = actromhi = &(RomHi[0][0]); |
| } |
| |
| void TED::loadloromfromfile(int nr, char fname[256]) |
| { |
| FILE *img; |
| |
| if ((fname[0]!='\0')) { |
| if ((img = fopen(fname, "rb"))) { |
| // load low ROM file |
| fread(&(RomLo[nr]),ROMSIZE,1,img); |
| fclose(img); |
| return; |
| } |
| switch (nr) { |
| case 0: memcpy(&(RomLo[0]),basic,ROMSIZE); |
| break; |
| case 1: if (!strncmp(fname,"3PLUS1LOW",9)) |
| memcpy(&(RomLo[1]),plus4lo,ROMSIZE); |
| else |
| memset(&(RomLo[1]),0,ROMSIZE); |
| break; |
| default : memset(&(RomLo[nr]),0,ROMSIZE); |
| } |
| } else |
| memset(&(RomLo[nr]),0,ROMSIZE); |
| } |
| |
| void TED::loadhiromfromfile(int nr, char fname[256]) |
| { |
| FILE *img; |
| |
| if ((fname[0]!='\0')) { |
| if ((img = fopen(fname, "rb"))) { |
| // load high ROM file |
| fread(&(RomHi[nr]),ROMSIZE,1,img); |
| fclose(img); |
| return; |
| } |
| switch (nr) { |
| case 0: |
| memcpy(&(RomHi[0]),kernal,ROMSIZE); |
| break; |
| case 1: if (!strncmp(fname,"3PLUS1HIGH",10)) |
| memcpy(&(RomHi[1]),plus4hi,ROMSIZE); |
| else |
| memset(&(RomHi[1]),0,ROMSIZE); |
| break; |
| default : memset(&(RomHi[nr]),0,ROMSIZE); |
| } |
| } else |
| memset(&(RomHi[nr]),0,ROMSIZE); |
| } |
| |
| ClockCycle TED::GetClockCount() |
| { |
| return CycleCounter; |
| } |
| |
| void TED::ChangeMemBankSetup() |
| { |
| if (RAMenable) { |
| mem_8000_bfff = actram + (0x8000 & RAMMask); |
| mem_fc00_fcff = mem_c000_ffff = actram + (0xC000 & RAMMask); |
| } else { |
| mem_8000_bfff = actromlo; |
| mem_c000_ffff = actromhi; |
| mem_fc00_fcff = &(RomHi[0][0]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| unsigned char TED::Read(unsigned int addr) |
| { |
| switch ( addr & 0xF000 ) { |
| case 0x0000: |
| switch ( addr & 0xFFFF ) { |
| case 0: |
| return prddr; |
| case 1: |
| { |
| #if 0 |
| CSerial *serialDevice = getRoot(); |
| while (serialDevice) { |
| // Half cycle delay elapsed? |
| unsigned int devNr = serialDevice->getDeviceNumber(); |
| if (devNr >= 8 && Clockable::item[devNr]->getClockCount() > 15000000) { |
| serialDevice->UpdateSerialState(serialPort[0]); |
| } |
| serialDevice = serialDevice->getNext(); |
| } |
| #endif |
| unsigned char retval = |
| (readBus()&0xC0) |
| |(tap->ReadCSTIn(CycleCounter)&0x10); |
| return (prp&prddr)|(retval&~prddr); |
| } |
| default: |
| return actram[addr&0xFFFF]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0x1000: |
| case 0x2000: |
| case 0x3000: |
| return actram[addr&0xFFFF]; |
| case 0x4000: |
| case 0x5000: |
| case 0x6000: |
| case 0x7000: |
| return actram[addr&RAMMask]; |
| case 0x8000: |
| case 0x9000: |
| case 0xA000: |
| case 0xB000: |
| return mem_8000_bfff[addr&0x3FFF]; |
| case 0xC000: |
| case 0xD000: |
| case 0xE000: |
| return mem_c000_ffff[addr&0x3FFF]; |
| case 0xF000: |
| switch ( addr >> 8 ) { |
| case 0xFF: |
| switch (addr) { |
| case 0xFF00 : return timer1&0xFF; |
| case 0xFF01 : return timer1>>8; |
| case 0xFF02 : return timer2&0xFF; |
| case 0xFF03 : return timer2>>8; |
| case 0xFF04 : return timer3&0xFF; |
| case 0xFF05 : return timer3>>8; |
| case 0xFF06 : return Ram[0xFF06]; |
| case 0xFF07 : return Ram[0xFF07]; |
| case 0xFF08 : |
| return keys->readLatch(); |
| case 0xFF09 : return Ram[0xFF09]|(0x25); |
| case 0xFF0A : return Ram[0xFF0A]|(0xA0); |
| case 0xFF0B : return irqline & 0xFF; |
| case 0xFF0C : return ((crsrpos>>8)&0x03)|0xFC; |
| case 0xFF0D : return crsrpos&0xFF; |
| case 0xFF10 : return Ram[0xFF10] | 0x7C; |
| case 0xFF12 : return Ram[0xFF12] | 0xC0; |
| case 0xFF0E : |
| case 0xFF0F : |
| case 0xFF11 : |
| case 0xFF13 : |
| return Ram[addr]; |
| case 0xFF14 : return Ram[addr]|0x07; // lowest 3 bits are always high |
| case 0xFF15 : return ecol[0]|0x80; // The highest bit is not used and so always 1 |
| case 0xFF16 : return ecol[1]|0x80; // A few games (Rockman) used it... |
| case 0xFF17 : return ecol[2]|0x80; |
| case 0xFF18 : return ecol[3]|0x80; |
| case 0xFF19 : return (framecol&0xFF)|0x80; |
| case 0xFF1A : return (CharacterPositionReload >> 8) | 0xFC; |
| case 0xFF1B : return CharacterPositionReload & 0xFF; |
| case 0xFF1C : return (beamy>>8)|0xFE; |
| case 0xFF1D : return beamy&0xFF; /// 1-8. bit of the rasterline counter |
| case 0xFF1E : return ((98+beamx)<<1)%228; // raster column |
| case 0xFF1F : return 0x80|(crsrphase<<3)|vertSubCount; |
| default: |
| return mem_c000_ffff[addr&0x3FFF]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFE: |
| if (tcbmbus) |
| return tcbmbus->Read(addr); |
| else |
| return addr >> 8; // FIXME |
| case 0xFD: |
| switch (addr>>4) { |
| case 0xFD0: // RS232 |
| return 0xFD; |
| case 0xFD1: // User port, PIO & 256 RAM expansion |
| return (tap->IsButtonPressed()<<2)^0xFF; |
| case 0xFD2: // Speech hardware |
| return addr >> 8; |
| case 0xFD4: // SID Card |
| case 0xFD5: |
| case 0xFE8: // FIXME never taken |
| case 0xFE9: |
| if (sidCard) { |
| return sidCard->read(addr & 0x1f); |
| } |
| return 0xFD; |
| case 0xFD3: |
| return Ram[0xFD30]; |
| } |
| return 0xFD; |
| case 0xFC: |
| return mem_fc00_fcff[addr&0x3FFF]; |
| default: |
| return mem_c000_ffff[addr&0x3FFF]; |
| } |
| } |
| //fprintf(stderr,"Unhandled read %04X\n", addr); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| void TED::updateSerialDevices(unsigned char newAtn) |
| { |
| // Let all devices know about the new serial state |
| CSerial *SerialDevChain = CSerial::getRoot(); |
| while (SerialDevChain) { |
| SerialDevChain->UpdateSerialState(newAtn); |
| SerialDevChain = SerialDevChain->getNext(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void TED::UpdateSerialState(unsigned char portVal) |
| { |
| static unsigned char prevVal = 0x00; |
| |
| if ((prevVal ^ portVal) & 8) |
| tap->SetTapeMotor(CycleCounter, portVal&8); |
| |
| if ((prevVal ^ portVal) & 7 ) { // serial lines changed |
| serialPort[0] = ((portVal << 7) & 0x80) // DATA OUT -> DATA IN |
| | ((portVal << 5) & 0x40) // CLK OUT -> CLK IN |
| | ((portVal << 2) & 0x10); // ATN OUT -> ATN IN (drive) |
| updateSerialDevices(serialPort[0]); |
| #if LOG_SERIAL |
| fprintf(stderr, "$01 write : %02X @ PC=%04X\n", portVal, cpuptr->getPC()); |
| fprintf(stderr, "$01 written: %02X @ PC=%04X.\n", serialPort[0], cpuptr->getPC()); |
| #endif |
| } |
| prevVal = portVal; |
| } |
| |
| void TED::changeCharsetBank() |
| { |
| if (rvsmode || ecmode) { |
| tmp = 0xF800 & RAMMask; |
| } else { |
| tmp = 0xFC00 & RAMMask; |
| } |
| charrombank = &(RomHi[0][((Ram[0xFF13] & 0x3C)<<8) & tmp]); |
| charrambank = Ram + ((Ram[0xFF13]<<8)&tmp); |
| cset = charrom ? charrombank : charrambank; |
| } |
| |
| void TED::Write(unsigned int addr, unsigned char value) |
| { |
| switch (addr&0xF000) { |
| case 0x0000: |
| switch ( addr & 0xFFFF ) { |
| case 0: |
| prddr = value & 0xDF; |
| UpdateSerialState(prddr & ~prp); |
| return; |
| case 1: |
| prp = value; |
| UpdateSerialState(prddr & ~prp); |
| return; |
| default: |
| actram[addr & 0xFFFF] = value; |
| } |
| return; |
| case 0x1000: |
| case 0x2000: |
| case 0x3000: |
| actram[addr&0xFFFF] = value; |
| return; |
| case 0xD000: |
| //if (sidCard) { |
| // sidCard->write(addr & 0x1f, value); |
| // sidCard->setFrequency(1); |
| //} |
| case 0x4000: |
| case 0x5000: |
| case 0x6000: |
| case 0x7000: |
| case 0x8000: |
| case 0x9000: |
| case 0xA000: |
| case 0xB000: |
| case 0xC000: |
| case 0xE000: |
| actram[addr&RAMMask] = value; |
| return; |
| case 0xF000: |
| switch ( addr >> 8 ) { |
| case 0xFF: |
| switch (addr) { |
| case 0xFF00 : |
| t1on=false; // Timer1 disabled |
| t1start=(t1start & 0xFF00)|value; |
| timer1=(timer1 & 0xFF00)|value; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF01 : |
| t1on=true; // Timer1 enabled |
| t1start=(t1start & 0xFF)|(value<<8); |
| timer1=(timer1 & 0x00FF)|(value<<8); |
| return; |
| case 0xFF02 : |
| t2on=false; // Timer2 disabled |
| timer2=(timer2 & 0xFF00)|value; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF03 : |
| t2on=true; // Timer2 enabled |
| timer2=(timer2&0x00FF)|(value<<8); |
| return; |
| case 0xFF04 : |
| t3on=false; // Timer3 disabled |
| timer3=(timer3&0xFF00)|value; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF05 : |
| t3on=true; // Timer3 enabled |
| timer3=(timer3&0x00FF)|(value<<8); |
| return; |
| case 0xFF06 : |
| /*fprintf(stderr, "%04X write %02X in cycle %d, in line: %d\n", addr, |
| value, beamx, beamy);*/ |
| Ram[0xFF06]=value; |
| // get vertical offset of screen when smooth scroll |
| vshift = value&0x07; |
| // check for flat screen (23 rows) |
| fltscr = !(value&0x08); |
| // check for extended mode |
| ecmode = value & EXTCOLOR; |
| // check for graphics mode (5th b14it) |
| scrattr = (scrattr & ~(GRAPHMODE|EXTCOLOR))|(value & (GRAPHMODE|EXTCOLOR)); |
| changeCharsetBank(); |
| // Check if screen is turned on |
| if (value&0x10 && beamy == 0 && !attribFetch) { |
| attribFetch = ScreenOn = true; |
| vertSubCount = 7; |
| if (vshift != (ff1d_latch&7)) |
| { |
| if (beamx>4 && beamx<84) |
| clockingState = TSSDELAY; |
| } |
| } else if (attribFetch && ((fltscr && ff1d_latch == 8) || (!fltscr && ff1d_latch == 4))) { |
| ScreenOn = true; |
| } else if ((ff1d_latch == 200 && fltscr) || (ff1d_latch == 204 && !fltscr)) { |
| ScreenOn = false; |
| } |
| if ( (Ram[0xFF06] ^ value) & 0x1F) |
| return; |
| if (attribFetch) { |
| if (vshift == (ff1d_latch & 7)) { |
| // Delayed DMA? |
| if (beamx>=3 && beamx<89) { |
| unsigned char idleread = Read((cpuptr->getPC()+1)&0xFFFF); |
| unsigned int delay = (BadLine & 2) ? 0 : (beamx - 1) >> 1; |
| unsigned int invalidcount = (delay > 3) ? 3 : delay; |
| unsigned int invalidpos = delay - invalidcount; |
| invalidcount = (invalidcount < 40-invalidpos) ? invalidcount : 40-invalidpos; |
| unsigned int newdmapos = (invalidpos+invalidcount < 40) ? invalidpos+invalidcount : 40; |
| unsigned int newdmacount = 40 - newdmapos ; |
| unsigned int oldcount = 40 - newdmacount - invalidcount; |
| memcpy(tmpClrbuf, clrbuf, oldcount); |
| memset(tmpClrbuf + oldcount, idleread, invalidcount); |
| memcpy(tmpClrbuf + oldcount + invalidcount, VideoBase + CharacterCount + oldcount |
| + invalidcount, newdmacount); |
| BadLine |= 1; |
| delayedDMA = true; |
| if (!(BadLine & 2)) |
| clockingState = TDMADELAY; |
| } else if (beamx<111 && beamx>=89) { |
| // FIXME this breaks on FF1E writes |
| BadLine |= 1; |
| } |
| } else if (BadLine & 1) { |
| if (beamx>=94) { |
| BadLine &= ~1; |
| } else if (beamx >= 91) { |
| unsigned char *tmpbuf = clrbuf; |
| clrbuf = tmpClrbuf; |
| tmpClrbuf = tmpbuf; |
| BadLine &= ~1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return; |
| case 0xFF07 : |
| Ram[0xFF07]=value; |
| // check for narrow screen (38 columns) |
| nrwscr=value&0x08; |
| // get horizontal offset of screen when smooth scroll |
| hshift=value&0x07; |
| // check for reversed mode |
| rvsmode = value & 0x80; |
| // check for multicolor mode |
| scrattr = (scrattr & ~(MULTICOLOR|REVERSE)) | (value & (MULTICOLOR|REVERSE)); |
| changeCharsetBank(); |
| return; |
| case 0xFF08 : |
| keys->latch(Ram[0xfd30], Ram[0xFF08] = value); |
| return; |
| case 0xFF09 : |
| // clear the interrupt requester bits |
| // by writing 1 into them (!!) |
| Ram[0xFF09]=(Ram[0xFF09]&0x7F)&(~value); |
| // check if we have a pending IRQ |
| Ram[0xFF0A]&0x5E&(Ram[0xFF09]|4) ? Ram[0xFF09]|=0x80 : Ram[0xFF09]&=0x7F; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF0A : |
| { |
| Ram[0xFF0A]=value; |
| // change the raster irq line |
| unsigned int newirqline = (irqline&0xFF)|((value&0x01)<<8); |
| if (newirqline != irqline) { |
| if (beamy == newirqline) |
| Ram[0xFF0A]&0x02 ? Ram[0xFF09]|=0x82 : Ram[0xFF09]|=0x02; |
| irqline = newirqline; |
| } |
| // check if we have a pending IRQ m |
| if ((Ram[0xFF09]|4)&0x5E&value) |
| Ram[0xFF09]|=0x80; |
| else |
| Ram[0xFF09]&=0x7F; |
| } |
| return; |
| case 0xFF0B : |
| { |
| Ram[0xFF0B]=value; |
| unsigned int newirqline = value|(irqline&0x0100); |
| if (newirqline != irqline) { |
| if (beamy == newirqline) |
| Ram[0xFF0A]&0x02 ? Ram[0xFF09]|=0x82 : Ram[0xFF09]|=0x02; |
| irqline = newirqline; |
| } |
| } |
| return; |
| case 0xFF0C : |
| crsrpos=((value<<8)|(crsrpos&0xFF))&0x3FF; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF0D : |
| crsrpos=value|(crsrpos&0xFF00); |
| return; |
| case 0xFF0E : |
| if (value != Ram[0xFF0E]) { |
| writeSoundReg(CycleCounter, 0, value); |
| Ram[0xFF0E]=value; |
| } |
| return; |
| case 0xFF0F : |
| if (value != Ram[0xFF0F]) { |
| writeSoundReg(CycleCounter, 1, value); |
| Ram[0xFF0F]=value; |
| } |
| return; |
| case 0xFF10 : |
| if (value != Ram[0xFF10]) { |
| writeSoundReg(CycleCounter, 2, value & 3); |
| Ram[0xFF10]=value; |
| } |
| return; |
| case 0xFF11 : |
| if (value != Ram[0xFF11]) { |
| writeSoundReg(CycleCounter, 3, value); |
| Ram[0xFF11]=value; |
| } |
| return; |
| case 0xFF12: |
| grbank=Ram+((value&0x38)<<10); |
| if ((value ^ Ram[0xFF12]) & 3) |
| writeSoundReg(CycleCounter, 4, value & 3); |
| // if the 2nd bit is set the chars are read from ROM |
| charrom=(value&0x04) != 0; |
| if (charrom && Ram[0xFF13] < 0x80) |
| scrattr|=ILLEGAL; |
| else { |
| scrattr&=~ILLEGAL; |
| cset = charrom ? charrombank : charrambank; |
| } |
| Ram[0xFF12]=value; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF13 : |
| // the 0th bit is not writable, it indicates if the ROMs are on |
| Ram[0xFF13]=(value&0xFE)|(Ram[0xFF13]&0x01); |
| // bit 1 is the fast/slow mode switch |
| if ((fastmode ^ value) & 2) { |
| fastmode = !(value&0x02); |
| clockingState = fastmode ? TDSDELAY : TSSDELAY; |
| } |
| (ecmode || rvsmode) ? tmp=(0xF800)&RAMMask : tmp=(0xFC00)&RAMMask; |
| charbank = ((value)<<8)&tmp; |
| charrambank=Ram+charbank; |
| charrombank=&(RomHi[0][charbank & 0x3C00]); |
| if (charrom && value<0x80) |
| scrattr|=ILLEGAL; |
| else { |
| scrattr&=~ILLEGAL; |
| (charrom) ? cset = charrombank : cset = charrambank; |
| } |
| return; |
| case 0xFF14 : |
| Ram[0xFF14]=value; |
| VideoBase = Ram+(((value&0xF8)<<8)&RAMMask); |
| return; |
| case 0xFF15 : |
| ecol[0]=bmmcol[0]=mcol[0]=value&0x7F; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF16 : |
| ecol[1]=bmmcol[3]=mcol[1]=value&0x7F; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF17 : |
| ecol[2]=mcol[2]=value&0x7F; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF18 : |
| ecol[3]=value&0x7F; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF19 : |
| value &= 0x7F; |
| framecol=(value<<24)|(value<<16)|(value<<8)|value; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF1A : |
| CharacterPositionReload = (CharacterPositionReload & 0xFF) | ((value&3)<<8); |
| return; |
| case 0xFF1B : |
| CharacterPositionReload = (CharacterPositionReload & 0x300) | value; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF1C : |
| beamy=((value&0x01)<<8)|(beamy&0xFF); |
| return; |
| case 0xFF1D : |
| beamy=(beamy&0x0100)|value; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF1E : |
| { |
| /*fprintf(stderr, "%04X write %02X in cycle %d, in line: %d\n", addr, |
| value ^ 0xFF, beamx, beamy);*/ |
| unsigned int low_x = beamx&1; |
| // lowest 2 bits are not writable |
| // inverted value must be written |
| unsigned int new_beamx=((~value))&0xFC; |
| new_beamx >>= 1; |
| new_beamx>=98 ? new_beamx -= 98 : new_beamx += 16; |
| // writes are aligned to single clock cycles |
| if (low_x) { |
| aligned_write = true; |
| aw_addr_ptr = (unsigned char*)(&beamx); |
| aw_value = new_beamx; |
| } else { |
| beamx = new_beamx; |
| } |
| } |
| return; |
| case 0xFF1F : |
| vertSubCount=value&0x07; |
| if ((crsrphase & 0x0F) == 0x0F) { |
| if (value != 0x78) crsrblinkon = !crsrblinkon; |
| } |
| crsrphase=(value&0x78)>>3; |
| return; |
| case 0xFF3E : |
| Ram[0xFF13]|=0x01; |
| RAMenable=false; |
| ChangeMemBankSetup(); |
| return; |
| case 0xFF3F : |
| Ram[0xFF13]&=0xFE; |
| RAMenable=true; |
| ChangeMemBankSetup(); |
| return; |
| } |
| actram[addr&RAMMask] = value; |
| return; |
| |
| case 0xFE: |
| case 0xFD: |
| switch (addr>>4) { |
| default: |
| case 0xFD0: // RS232 |
| case 0xFD1: // User port, PIO & 256 RAM expansion |
| case 0xFD2: // Speech hardware |
| return; |
| case 0xFD3: |
| Ram[0xFD30] = value; |
| return; |
| case 0xFD4: // SID Card |
| case 0xFD5: |
| case 0xFE8: |
| case 0xFE9: |
| if (sidCard) { |
| sidCard->setFrequency(0); |
| sidCard->write(addr & 0x1f, value); |
| } |
| return; |
| case 0xFDD: |
| actromlo=&(RomLo[addr&0x03][0]); |
| actromhi=&(RomHi[(addr&0x0c)>>2][0]); |
| return; |
| case 0xFEC: |
| case 0xFED: |
| case 0xFEE: |
| case 0xFEF: |
| if (tcbmbus) |
| tcbmbus->Write(addr,value); |
| return; |
| } |
| return; |
| default: |
| actram[addr&RAMMask] = value; |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| void TED::dump(void *img) |
| { |
| // this is ugly :-P |
| fwrite(Ram,RAMSIZE,1,(FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&RAMenable,sizeof(RAMenable),1,(FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&t1start,sizeof(t1start),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&t1on,sizeof(t1on),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&t2on,sizeof(t2on),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&t3on,sizeof(t3on),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&timer1,sizeof(timer1),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&timer2,sizeof(timer2),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&timer3,sizeof(timer3),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&beamx,sizeof(beamx),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&beamy,sizeof(beamy),1, (FILE *) img); |
| //fwrite(&x,sizeof(x),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&irqline,sizeof(irqline),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&crsrpos,sizeof(crsrpos),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&scrattr,sizeof(scrattr),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&tmp,sizeof(tmp),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&nrwscr,sizeof(nrwscr),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&hshift,sizeof(hshift),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&vshift,sizeof(vshift),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&fltscr,sizeof(fltscr),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&mcol,sizeof(mcol),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(chrbuf,40,1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(clrbuf,40,1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&charrom,sizeof(charrom),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&charbank,sizeof(charbank),1, (FILE *) img); |
| // fwrite(&TEDfreq1,sizeof(TEDfreq1),1, (FILE *) img); |
| // fwrite(&TEDfreq2,sizeof(TEDfreq2),1, (FILE *) img); |
| // fwrite(&TEDVolume,sizeof(TEDVolume),1, (FILE *) img); |
| // fwrite(&TEDDA,sizeof(TEDDA),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fwrite(&framecol,sizeof(framecol),1, (FILE *) img); |
| } |
| |
| void TED::memin(void *img) |
| { |
| |
| // this is ugly :-P |
| fread(Ram,RAMSIZE,1,(FILE *) img); |
| |
| fread(&RAMenable,sizeof(RAMenable),1,(FILE *) img); |
| fread(&t1start,sizeof(t1start),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&t1on,sizeof(t1on),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&t2on,sizeof(t2on),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&t3on,sizeof(t3on),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&timer1,sizeof(timer1),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&timer2,sizeof(timer2),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&timer3,sizeof(timer3),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&beamx,sizeof(beamx),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&beamy,sizeof(beamy),1, (FILE *) img); |
| //fread(&x,sizeof(x),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&irqline,sizeof(irqline),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&crsrpos,sizeof(crsrpos),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&scrattr,sizeof(scrattr),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&tmp,sizeof(tmp),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&nrwscr,sizeof(nrwscr),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&hshift,sizeof(hshift),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&vshift,sizeof(vshift),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&fltscr,sizeof(fltscr),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&mcol,sizeof(mcol),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(chrbuf,40,1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(clrbuf,40,1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&charrom,sizeof(charrom),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&charbank,sizeof(charbank),1, (FILE *) img); |
| fread(&framecol,sizeof(framecol),1, (FILE *) img); |
| |
| for (int i=0; i<5; i++) |
| writeSoundReg(0, i, Ram[0xFF0E + i]); |
| beamy=0; |
| beamx=0; |
| scrptr=screen; |
| charrambank=Ram+charbank; |
| charrombank=&(RomHi[0][charbank & 0x3C00]); |
| (charrom) ? cset = charrombank : cset = charrambank; |
| |
| } |
| |
| // when multi and extended color modes are all on the screen is blank |
| inline void TED::mcec() |
| { |
| memset( scrptr, 0, 8); |
| } |
| |
| // renders hires text with reverse (128 chars) |
| inline void TED::hi_text() |
| { |
| unsigned char chr; |
| unsigned char charcol; |
| unsigned char mask; |
| unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift; |
| |
| // get the actual physical character column |
| charcol=clrbuf[x]; |
| chr=chrbuf[x]; |
| |
| if ((charcol)&0x80 && !crsrblinkon) |
| mask = 00; |
| else if (VertSubActive) |
| mask = cset[((chr&0x7F)<<3)|vertSubCount]; |
| else |
| mask = Read(0xFFFF); |
| |
| if (chr&0x80) |
| mask ^= 0xFF; |
| if (crsrpos==((CharacterPosition+x)&0x3FF) && crsrblinkon ) |
| mask ^= 0xFF; |
| |
| wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| } |
| |
| // renders text without the reverse (all 256 chars) |
| inline void TED::rv_text() |
| { |
| unsigned char chr; |
| unsigned char charcol; |
| unsigned char mask; |
| unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift; |
| |
| // get the actual physical character column |
| charcol=clrbuf[x]; |
| chr=chrbuf[x]; |
| |
| if ((charcol)&0x80 && !crsrblinkon) |
| mask = 00; |
| else if (VertSubActive) |
| mask = cset[(chr<<3)|vertSubCount]; |
| else |
| mask = Read(0xFFFF); |
| |
| if (crsrpos==((CharacterPosition+x)&0x3FF) && crsrblinkon ) |
| mask ^= 0xFF; |
| |
| wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| } |
| |
| // renders extended color text |
| inline void TED::ec_text() |
| { |
| unsigned char charcol; |
| unsigned char chr; |
| unsigned char mask; |
| unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift; |
| |
| // get the actual physical character column |
| charcol = clrbuf[x] & 0x7F; |
| chr = chrbuf[x]; |
| |
| if (VertSubActive) |
| mask = cset[ ((chr & 0x3F) << 3)|vertSubCount ]; |
| else |
| mask = Read(0xFFFF); |
| |
| chr >>= 6; |
| |
| wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? charcol : ecol[chr]; |
| wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? charcol : ecol[chr]; |
| wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? charcol : ecol[chr]; |
| wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? charcol : ecol[chr]; |
| wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? charcol : ecol[chr]; |
| wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? charcol : ecol[chr]; |
| wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? charcol : ecol[chr]; |
| wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? charcol : ecol[chr]; |
| } |
| |
| // renders multicolor text |
| inline void TED::mc_text_rvs() |
| { |
| unsigned char chr = chrbuf[x]; |
| unsigned char charcol = clrbuf[x]; |
| unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift; |
| unsigned char mask; |
| |
| if (VertSubActive) |
| mask = cset[(chr << 3) | vertSubCount]; |
| else |
| mask = Read(0xFFFF); |
| |
| if (charcol&0x08) { // if character is multicolored |
| |
| mcol[3]=charcol & 0xF7; |
| |
| wbuffer[0] = wbuffer[1] = mcol[mask >> 6]; |
| wbuffer[2] = wbuffer[3] = mcol[(mask & 0x30) >> 4]; |
| wbuffer[4] = wbuffer[5] = mcol[(mask & 0x0C) >> 2]; |
| wbuffer[6] = wbuffer[7] = mcol[mask & 0x03]; |
| |
| } else { // this is a normally colored character |
| |
| wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // renders multicolor text with reverse bit set |
| inline void TED::mc_text() |
| { |
| unsigned char charcol = clrbuf[x]; |
| unsigned char chr = chrbuf[x] & 0x7F; |
| unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift; |
| unsigned char mask; |
| |
| if (VertSubActive) |
| mask = cset[(chr << 3) | vertSubCount]; |
| else |
| mask = Read(0xFFFF); |
| |
| if ((charcol)&0x08) { // if character is multicolored |
| |
| mcol[3] = charcol & 0xF7; |
| |
| wbuffer[0] = wbuffer[1] = mcol[mask >> 6]; |
| wbuffer[2] = wbuffer[3] = mcol[(mask & 0x30) >> 4]; |
| wbuffer[4] = wbuffer[5] = mcol[(mask & 0x0C) >> 2]; |
| wbuffer[6] = wbuffer[7] = mcol[mask & 0x03]; |
| |
| } else { // this is a normally colored character |
| |
| wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // renders hires bitmap graphics |
| inline void TED::hi_bitmap() |
| { |
| unsigned char mask; |
| unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift; |
| // get the actual color attributes |
| hcol[0] = (chrbuf[x] & 0x0F) | (clrbuf[x] & 0x70); |
| hcol[1] = (chrbuf[x] >> 4) | ((clrbuf[x] & 0x07) << 4); |
| |
| if (VertSubActive) |
| mask = grbank[(((CharacterPosition + x) << 3) & 0x1FFF) | vertSubCount]; |
| else |
| mask = Read(0xFFFF); |
| |
| wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? hcol[1] : hcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? hcol[1] : hcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? hcol[1] : hcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? hcol[1] : hcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? hcol[1] : hcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? hcol[1] : hcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? hcol[1] : hcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? hcol[1] : hcol[0]; |
| } |
| |
| // renders multicolor bitmap graphics |
| inline void TED::mc_bitmap() |
| { |
| unsigned char mask; |
| unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift; |
| // get the actual color attributes |
| bmmcol[1] = (chrbuf[x] >> 4)|((clrbuf[x] & 0x07) << 4); |
| bmmcol[2] = (chrbuf[x] & 0x0F)|(clrbuf[x] & 0x70); |
| |
| if (VertSubActive) |
| mask = grbank[ (((CharacterPosition+x)<<3)&0x1FFF)+vertSubCount ]; |
| else |
| mask = Read(0xFFFF); |
| |
| wbuffer[0]= wbuffer[1] = bmmcol[ mask >> 6 ]; |
| wbuffer[2]= wbuffer[3] = bmmcol[ (mask & 0x30) >> 4 ]; |
| wbuffer[4]= wbuffer[5] = bmmcol[ (mask & 0x0C) >> 2 ]; |
| wbuffer[6]= wbuffer[7] = bmmcol[ mask & 0x03 ]; |
| } |
| |
| // "illegal" mode: when $FF13 points to an illegal ROM address |
| // the current data on the bus is displayed |
| inline void TED::illegalbank() |
| { |
| unsigned char chr = chrbuf[x]; |
| unsigned char charcol = clrbuf[x]; |
| unsigned char mask; |
| unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift; |
| |
| if (charcol&0x80 && crsrblinkon) |
| mask = 00; |
| else { |
| if (BadLine==1) |
| mask = clrbuf[x]; |
| else if (BadLine==2) |
| mask = chrbuf[x]; |
| else |
| mask = Read(VertSubActive ? cpuptr->getPC() : 0xFFFF); |
| } |
| |
| if (chr&0x80) |
| mask ^= 0xFF; |
| if (crsrpos==((CharacterPosition+x)&0x3FF) && crsrblinkon) |
| mask ^= 0xFF; |
| |
| wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? charcol : mcol[0]; |
| } |
| |
| void TED::doDMA( unsigned char *Buf, unsigned int Offset ) |
| { |
| if (CharacterCount>=0x03d9) { |
| memcpy( Buf, VideoBase + CharacterCount + Offset, 0x400 - CharacterCount); |
| memcpy( Buf + 0x400 - CharacterCount, VideoBase + Offset, (CharacterCount + 40)&0x03FF); |
| } else { |
| memcpy( Buf, VideoBase + CharacterCount + Offset, 40); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void TED::doVRetrace() |
| { |
| // frame ready... |
| loop_continuous = 0; |
| // reset screen pointer ("TV" electron beam) |
| TVScanLineCounter = 0; |
| } |
| |
| void TED::doHRetrace() |
| { |
| // the beam reached a new line |
| TVScanLineCounter += 1; |
| if ( TVScanLineCounter >= 340 ) { |
| doVRetrace(); |
| } |
| scrptr = screen + TVScanLineCounter * SCR_HSIZE; |
| endptr = scrptr + SCR_HSIZE; |
| } |
| |
| inline void TED::render() |
| { |
| // call the relevant rendering function |
| switch (scrattr) { |
| case 0: |
| hi_text(); |
| break; |
| case REVERSE : |
| rv_text(); |
| break; |
| mc_text_rvs(); |
| break; |
| case MULTICOLOR : |
| mc_text(); |
| break; |
| case EXTCOLOR : |
| ec_text(); |
| break; |
| case GRAPHMODE : |
| hi_bitmap(); |
| break; |
| mcec(); |
| break; |
| mc_bitmap(); |
| break; |
| default: |
| illegalbank(); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| inline void TED::newLine() |
| { |
| beamx = 0; |
| beamy = ff1d_latch; |
| doHRetrace(); |
| flushBuffer(CycleCounter, TED_SOUND_CLOCK); |
| switch (beamy) { |
| |
| case 4: |
| if (!fltscr && attribFetch) ScreenOn = true; |
| break; |
| |
| case 8: |
| if (fltscr && attribFetch) ScreenOn = true; |
| break; |
| |
| case 200: |
| if (fltscr) ScreenOn = false; |
| break; |
| |
| case 204: |
| if (!fltscr) ScreenOn = false; |
| break; |
| |
| case 205: |
| CharacterCount = 0; |
| VertSubActive = false; |
| // cursor phase counter in TED register $1F |
| if ((++crsrphase&0x0F) == 0x0F) |
| crsrblinkon ^= 1; |
| break; |
| |
| case 251: |
| VBlanking = true; |
| break; |
| |
| case 261: // Vertical retrace |
| doVRetrace(); |
| break; |
| |
| case 271: |
| VBlanking = false; |
| break; |
| |
| case 512: |
| case 312: |
| beamy = 0; |
| CharacterPositionReload = 0; |
| if (!attribFetch) { |
| endOfScreen = true; |
| } |
| attribFetch = (Ram[0xFF06]&0x10) != 0; |
| } |
| // is there raster interrupt? |
| if (beamy == irqline) |
| Ram[0xFF09] |= Ram[0xFF0A]&0x02 ? 0x82 : 0x02; |
| } |
| |
| // main loop of the whole emulation as the TED feeds the CPU with clock cycles |
| void TED::ted_process(const unsigned int continuous) |
| { |
| loop_continuous = continuous; |
| do { |
| switch(++beamx) { |
| |
| default: |
| break; |
| |
| case 2: |
| if (VertSubActive) |
| vertSubCount = (vertSubCount+1)&7; |
| break; |
| |
| case 3: |
| if (endOfScreen) { |
| vertSubCount = 7; |
| endOfScreen = false; |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case 4: |
| if (attribFetch) { |
| BadLine |= (vshift == (ff1d_latch & 7)) & (ff1d_latch != 203); |
| if ( BadLine ) { |
| if (clockingState != TDMADELAY) clockingState = THALT1; |
| } else |
| clockingState = TSS; |
| if (beamy==203) { |
| attribFetch = false; |
| if (!(BadLine & 2)) clockingState = TSS; |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case 8: |
| HBlanking = false; |
| break; |
| |
| case 10: |
| if (VertSubActive) |
| CharacterPosition = CharacterPositionReload; |
| break; |
| |
| case 16: |
| if (ScreenOn) { |
| SideBorderFlipFlop = true; |
| memset( scrptr, mcol[0], hshift); |
| if (nrwscr) |
| CharacterWindow = true; |
| x = 0; |
| } |
| if (BadLine & 1) { |
| if (!delayedDMA) |
| doDMA(tmpClrbuf, 0); |
| else |
| delayedDMA = false; |
| } |
| if (BadLine & 2) |
| doDMA(chrbuf, (BadLine & 1) ? 0 : 0x400); |
| break; |
| |
| case 18: |
| if (ScreenOn && !nrwscr) { |
| CharacterWindow = true; |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case 89: |
| if (VertSubActive && vertSubCount == 6) |
| CharacterCount = (CharacterCount + 40)&0x3FF; |
| break; |
| |
| case 90: |
| if ( VertSubActive && charPosLatchFlag) // FIXME |
| CharacterPositionReload = (CharacterPosition + x + 3)&0x3FF; |
| break; |
| |
| case 91: |
| clockingState = TRFSH; |
| break; |
| |
| case 94: |
| if (!nrwscr) |
| SideBorderFlipFlop = CharacterWindow = false; |
| break; |
| |
| case 96: |
| if (nrwscr) |
| SideBorderFlipFlop = CharacterWindow = false; |
| // FIXME this breaks on FF1E writes |
| if (BadLine & 1) { |
| // swap DMA fetch pointers for colour DMA... |
| unsigned char *tmpbuf = clrbuf; |
| clrbuf = tmpClrbuf; |
| tmpClrbuf = tmpbuf; |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case 102: |
| clockingState = fastmode ? TDS : TSS; |
| break; |
| |
| case 104: |
| HBlanking = true; |
| break; |
| |
| case 107: // HSYNC start |
| break; |
| |
| case 110: // $BC (376) |
| charPosLatchFlag = vertSubCount == 6; |
| break; |
| |
| case 111: |
| if (BadLine & 1) { |
| BadLine = 2; |
| VertSubActive = true; |
| } else if (BadLine & 2) {// in the second bad line, we're finished... |
| BadLine &= ~2; |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case 255: |
| case 128: |
| doHRetrace(); |
| break; |
| case 113: |
| ff1d_latch = (beamy + 1) & 0x1FF; |
| break; |
| case 114: // HSYNC end |
| newLine(); |
| } |
| |
| if (beamx&1) { // perform these only in every second cycle |
| if (t2on && !((timer2--)&0xFFFF)) {// Timer2 permitted |
| timer2=0xFFFF; |
| Ram[0xFF09] |= Ram[0xFF0A]&0x10 ? 0x90 : 0x10; // interrupt |
| } |
| if (t3on && !((timer3--)&0xFFFF)) {// Timer3 permitted |
| timer3=0xFFFF; |
| Ram[0xFF09] |= Ram[0xFF0A]&0x40 ? 0xC0 : 0x40; // interrupt |
| } |
| if (!CharacterWindow && !HBlanking && !VBlanking) { |
| // we are on the border area, so use the frame color |
| *((int*)(scrptr+4)) = framecol; |
| } |
| if (scrptr != endptr) |
| scrptr+=8; |
| else |
| doHRetrace(); |
| } else { |
| if (t1on && !timer1--) { // Timer1 permitted decreased and zero |
| timer1=(t1start-1)&0xFFFF; |
| Ram[0xFF09] |= Ram[0xFF0A]&0x08 ? 0x88 : 0x08; // interrupt |
| } |
| if (!(HBlanking |VBlanking)) { |
| if (SideBorderFlipFlop) { // drawing the visible part of the screen |
| // call the relevant rendering function |
| render(); |
| x = (x + 1) & 0x3F; |
| } |
| if (!CharacterWindow) { |
| // we are on the border area, so use the frame color |
| *((int*)scrptr) = framecol; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (aligned_write) { |
| *aw_addr_ptr = aw_value; |
| aligned_write = false; |
| } |
| switch (clockingState|(beamx&1)) { |
| case TRFSH|1: |
| case TSS|1: |
| case TDS|1: |
| case TDS: |
| cpuptr->process(); |
| break; |
| case TDMADELAY|1: |
| cpuptr->process(); |
| clockingState = THALT1; |
| break; |
| case THALT1|1: |
| case THALT2|1: |
| case THALT3|1: |
| cpuptr->stopcycle(); |
| clockingState<<=1; |
| break; |
| |
| case TSSDELAY: |
| clockingState = TSS; |
| case TSSDELAY|1: |
| cpuptr->process(); |
| break; |
| case TDSDELAY|1: |
| clockingState = TDS; |
| cpuptr->process(); |
| break; |
| case TDSDELAY: |
| clockingState = TDS; |
| break; |
| case TRFSH: |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| CycleCounter++; |
| |
| #if 1 |
| unsigned int i = 0; |
| while (Clockable::itemHeap[i]) { |
| Clockable *c = Clockable::itemHeap[i]; |
| while (c->ClockCount >= TED_REAL_CLOCK_M10) { |
| c->ClockCount -= TED_REAL_CLOCK_M10; |
| c->Clock(); |
| } |
| c->ClockCount += c->ClockRate; |
| i++; |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| } while (loop_continuous); |
| |
| loop_continuous = false; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| void TED::enableSidCard(bool enable, unsigned int disableMask) |
| { |
| if (enable) { |
| if (sidCard) |
| return; |
| sidCard = new SIDsound(SID8580, disableMask); |
| sidCard->setSampleRate(SAMPLE_FREQ); |
| } else { |
| if (!sidCard) |
| return; |
| delete sidCard; |
| sidCard = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| SIDsound *TED::getSidCard() |
| { |
| return sidCard; |
| } |
| |
| Color TED::getColor(unsigned int ix) |
| { |
| Color color; |
| unsigned int code = ix & 0x0F; |
| int thishue = hue(code); |
| double thisluma = luma(ix >> 4); |
| if (thishue < 0) { |
| color.saturation = 0; |
| color.hue = 0; |
| } else { |
| color.saturation = 45.0; |
| color.hue = thishue; |
| } |
| if (thishue == -2) // black |
| color.luma = 0; |
| else |
| color.luma = thisluma; |
| return color; |
| } |
| |
| TED::~TED() |
| { |
| delete keys; |
| delete tap; |
| } |
| |
| //-------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // TED - fast emulation (line based) FIXME: could be made much faster |
| //-------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| enum { |
| CLK_BORDER = 0, |
| CLK_DMA, |
| }; |
| |
| static bool externalFetchWindow; |
| |
| { |
| unsigned int i = 0; |
| endOfDMA = false; |
| //emulationLevel = 0; |
| Clockable *device = Clockable::itemHeap[0]; |
| while (device) { |
| device->ClockCount = 0; |
| device = Clockable::itemHeap[++i]; |
| } |
| } |
| inline void TEDFAST::dmaLineBased() |
| { |
| static bool endOfDMA; |
| |
| if (attribFetch) { |
| |
| bool bad_line = (vshift == (beamy & 7)); |
| // First line after second line of DMA |
| if (endOfDMA) { |
| endOfDMA = false; |
| clockingState = CLK_SCREEN; |
| } |
| // Check second line DMA |
| if (BadLine & 2) { |
| unsigned int offset; |
| unsigned char *tmp = tmpClrbuf; |
| |
| tmpClrbuf = clrbuf; |
| clrbuf = tmp; |
| offset = bad_line ? 0 : 0x400; |
| doDMA(chrbuf, offset); |
| endOfDMA = true; |
| BadLine &= ~2; |
| externalFetchWindow = true; |
| VertSubActive = true; |
| clockingState = CLK_DMA; |
| } |
| // Check first line DMA |
| if (bad_line) { |
| BadLine |= 2; |
| // idleState = false; |
| clockingState = CLK_DMA; |
| doDMA(tmpClrbuf, 0); |
| } |
| if (externalFetchWindow) { |
| vertSubCount = (vertSubCount + 1) & 7; |
| if (6 == vertSubCount) { |
| CharacterCount = (CharacterCount + 40) & 0x3FF; |
| charPosLatchFlag = true; |
| } else if (0 == vertSubCount) { |
| if (charPosLatchFlag) { |
| CharacterPosition = (CharacterPositionReload + 40) & 0x3FF; |
| CharacterPositionReload = CharacterPosition; |
| charPosLatchFlag = false; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (beamy == 203) { |
| if (BadLine & 2) { |
| BadLine = 0; |
| endOfDMA = false; |
| } |
| attribFetch = false; |
| } |
| } |
| if (beamy == 204) { |
| clockingState = CLK_BORDER; |
| externalFetchWindow = false; // -? |
| } else if (beamy == 311 /*Clock::RasterLinesPerFrame*/) { |
| CharacterPositionReload = CharacterPosition = 0; |
| charPosLatchFlag = false; |
| if (endOfScreen) { |
| vertSubCount = 7; |
| endOfScreen = false; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| inline void TEDFAST::countTimers(unsigned int clocks) |
| { |
| int newTimerValue; |
| |
| if (t1on) { // Timer1 permitted decreased and zero |
| newTimerValue = (int) timer1 - (int) clocks; |
| if (newTimerValue <= 0) { |
| if (t1start >= clocks) |
| timer1 = (t1start + newTimerValue - 1)&0xFFFF; |
| Ram[0xFF09] |= Ram[0xFF0A]&0x08 ? 0x88 : 0x08; // interrupt |
| } else { |
| timer1 = newTimerValue; |
| } |
| } |
| if (t2on) { |
| newTimerValue = (int) timer2 - (int) clocks; |
| if (newTimerValue <= 0) { // Timer2 permitted |
| Ram[0xFF09] |= Ram[0xFF0A]&0x10 ? 0x90 : 0x10; // interrupt |
| } |
| timer2 = newTimerValue & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| if (t3on) { |
| newTimerValue = (int) timer3 - (int) clocks; |
| if (newTimerValue <= 0) {// Timer3 permitted |
| Ram[0xFF09] |= Ram[0xFF0A]&0x40 ? 0xC0 : 0x40; // interrupt |
| } |
| timer3 = newTimerValue & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| // checkIrq(); |
| } |
| |
| void TEDFAST::renderLine() |
| { |
| if (ScreenOn) { |
| |
| unsigned char *screen; |
| |
| scrptr += 4 * 8; |
| |
| DRAW_BORDER(0,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(4,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(8,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(12,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(16,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(20,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(24,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(28,framecol); |
| |
| scrptr += 4 * 8; |
| screen = scrptr; |
| |
| for(x = 0; x < 40; x++) { |
| //(this->*scrmode)(); |
| render(); |
| scrptr += 8; |
| } |
| if (!nrwscr) { |
| unsigned char bc = framecol & 0xFF; |
| |
| memset(screen, bc, 8); |
| memset(screen + 312, bc, 8); |
| } else if (hshift) { |
| unsigned char a; |
| switch (scrattr) { |
| case 0: |
| case REVERSE : |
| a = mcol[0]; |
| break; |
| case GRAPHMODE: |
| a = (clrbuf[39]&0x70)+(chrbuf[39]&0x0F); |
| break; |
| default: |
| a = ecol[0]; |
| } |
| memset( screen, a, hshift); |
| } |
| DRAW_BORDER(0,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(4,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(8,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(12,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(16,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(20,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(24,framecol); |
| DRAW_BORDER(28,framecol); |
| } else { |
| unsigned char bc = framecol & 0xFF; |
| memset(scrptr + 4 * 8, bc, 384); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const unsigned int clocksPerLine[6] = { 109, 22, 65, 57, 14, 57 }; |
| |
| void TEDFAST::ted_process(const unsigned int continuous) |
| { |
| loop_continuous = continuous; |
| |
| Clockable *drive = Clockable::itemHeap[0]; |
| if (drive) { |
| for (;loop_continuous;) { |
| |
| const unsigned int clkIx = clocksPerLine[clockingState + fastmode ? 0 : 3]; |
| |
| ff1d_latch = (beamy + 1) & 0x1FF; |
| newLine(); |
| dmaLineBased(); |
| //if (isFrameRendered()) { |
| renderLine(); |
| //} |
| // Drives |
| const unsigned int driveStepFactor = 1; |
| const int driveCycles = 64; // 312 * 50 * 64 = 998400 ~= 1 MHz |
| |
| int machineCycles = clkIx; |
| do { |
| unsigned int i = 0; |
| |
| cpuptr->process(); |
| Clockable *device = drive; |
| do { |
| device->ClockCount += driveCycles; |
| while (device->ClockCount >= clkIx) { // clkIx 57 |
| device->Clock(driveStepFactor); |
| device->ClockCount -= clkIx; // clkIx 57 |
| } |
| device = Clockable::itemHeap[++i]; |
| } while (device); |
| } while (--machineCycles); |
| countTimers(57); |
| CycleCounter += 114; |
| } |
| } else { |
| for (;loop_continuous;) { |
| const unsigned int clkIx = clocksPerLine[clockingState + fastmode ? 0 : 3]; |
| |
| ff1d_latch = (beamy + 1) & 0x1FF; |
| newLine(); |
| dmaLineBased(); |
| //if (isFrameRendered()) { |
| renderLine(); |
| //} |
| cpuptr->process(clkIx); |
| countTimers(57); |
| CycleCounter += 114; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void TEDFAST::process_debug(unsigned int continuous) |
| { |
| TED::ted_process(continuous); |
| } |
| |
| unsigned char TEDFAST::getHorizontalCount() |
| { |
| unsigned int cyclesPerLine = clocksPerLine[clockingState + fastmode ? 0 : 3]; |
| return ((98 + ((cyclesPerLine - cpuptr->getRemainingCycles()) * 114 |
| / cyclesPerLine)) << 1) % 228; |
| } |