blob: 700e1d8557a195a0e010bb97b2a330304fb99f77 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "vic2mem.h"
#include "c64rom.h"
#include "Sid.h"
#include "Clockable.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "keys64.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "tape.h"
#define RASTERX2TVCOL(X) (X < 400 ? X + 104 : X - 400)
#define SET_BITS(REG, VAL) { \
unsigned int i = 7; \
do { \
REG = ((VAL) & (1 << i)) == (1 << i); \
} while(i--); \
static unsigned char cycleLookup[][128] = {
// SCREEN: |===========0102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738391111=========
// coordinate: 111111111111111111111111111111
// 0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999000000000011111111112222222222
// 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
// beamX:
// 11111111111111111111111111
// 000000000011111111112222220000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999
// 012345678901234567890123450123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
//"3 i 4 i 5 i 6 i 7 i r r r r r g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g i i 0 i 1 i 2 i "
{ "33i344i455i566i677i7r r r r r g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g i i 0 i 11i122i2"},
// bad line
{ "33i344i455i566i677i7r r*r*r*rcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcg i i 00i011i122i2"}
unsigned int Vic2mem::CIA::refCount = 0;
enableSidCard(true, 0);
actram = Ram;
chrbuf = DMAbuf;
tmpClrbuf = DMAbuf + 128;
// setting screen memory pointer
scrptr = screen;
beamy = beamx = 0;
framecol = 0;
mobExtCol[0] = 0xFF;
unsigned int i;
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
collisionLookup[i] = i;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
collisionLookup[1 << i] = 0;
mob[i].dataCount = 0;
crsrblinkon = false;
vicBase = Ram;
charrombank = charRomC64;
charrom = false;
tap = new TAP;
keys64 = new KEYS64;
delete keys64;
delete tap;
void Vic2mem::Reset(bool clearmem)
if (clearmem) {
for (int i=0;i<RAMSIZE;Ram[i] = (i>>1)<<1==i ? 0 : 0xFF, i++);
// empty collision buffers
memset(spriteCollisions, 0, sizeof(spriteCollisions));
memset(spriteBckgColl, 0, sizeof(spriteBckgColl));
spriteBckgCollReg = spriteCollisionReg = 0;
vicReg[0x19] = 0;
prp = 7;
prddr = 0;
mem_8000_bfff = RomLo[0];
mem_c000_ffff = RomHi[0];
void Vic2mem::loadroms()
memcpy(RomLo[0], basicRomC64, basicRomC64_size);
memcpy(RomHi[0], kernalRomC64, kernalRomC64_size);
mem_8000_bfff = RomLo[0];
mem_c000_ffff = RomHi[0];
//if (memcmp()) // TODO
unsigned char patch[] = { 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA2, 0x00, 0x84, 0xC1, 0x86, 0xC2 };
memset(mem_c000_ffff + 0x1D68, 0xEA, 0x24);
memcpy(mem_c000_ffff + 0x1D68, patch, sizeof(patch));
void Vic2mem::copyToKbBuffer(const char *text, unsigned int length)
if (!length)
length = strlen(text);
Write(0xc6, length);
while (length--)
Write(0x0277 + length, text[length]);
Color Vic2mem::getColor(unsigned int ix)
const double bsat = 45.0;
Color color[16] = {
{ 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 5.0, 0 }, { 112.5, 2.9375, bsat }, { 292.5, 3.875, bsat },
{ 45, 3.125, bsat }, { 225, 3.5, bsat }, { 0, 2.75, bsat }, { 180, 4.25, bsat},
{ 135, 3.125, bsat }, { 157.5, 2.75, bsat }, { 112.5, 3.5, bsat }, { 0, 2.9375, 0 },
{ 0, 3.41, 0 }, { 225, 4.25, bsat }, { 0, 3.41, bsat }, { 0, 3.875, 0 }
return color[ix & 0xF];
void Vic2mem::soundReset()
void Vic2mem::CIA::reset()
pra = prb = 0;
ddra = ddrb = 0;
icr = 0;
irq_mask = 0;
ta = tb = latcha = latchb = 0;
cra = crb = 0;
prbTimerOut = 0;
// ToD
todCount = 60 * 60 * 50; // set to 1hr at reset
alarmCount = -1;
tod.latched = false;
tod.halt = 1;
todIn = 60;
tod.ampm = 0;
void Vic2mem::CIA::setIRQflag(unsigned int mask)
if (mask & 0x1F) {
icr |= 0x80;
} else {
icr &= 0x7F;
unsigned int Vic2mem::CIA::bcd2hex(unsigned int bcd)
return (((bcd & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10) + (bcd & 0xf);
unsigned int Vic2mem::CIA::hex2bcd(unsigned int hex)
return ((hex / 10) << 4) + (hex % 10);
// called after each new frame
void Vic2mem::CIA::todUpdate()
if (!tod.halt) {
todCount += 1;
if (alarmCount == todCount) {
// set alarm IRQ
icr |= 4;
setIRQflag(irq_mask & icr);
if (todCount == 12 * 60 * 60 * 50) {// 12 AM/PM
tod.ampm ^= 0x80;
todCount = 0;
#if 0
TOD time;
frames2tod(todCount, time, todIn);
// if (!(todCount % 2000))
fprintf(stderr, "Count:%09u Time: %02xh:%02Xm:%02Xs:%02Xths.\n", todCount,, time.min, time.sec, time.tenths);
unsigned int Vic2mem::CIA::tod2frames(TOD &todin)
unsigned int newmsec =
bcd2hex( * 180000 +
bcd2hex(todin.min) * 3000 +
bcd2hex(todin.sec) * 50 +
bcd2hex(todin.tenths) * 5;
return newmsec;
void Vic2mem::CIA::frames2tod(unsigned int frames, TOD &todout, unsigned int frq)
unsigned int hours = frames * frq / 180000 / 50;
frames = frames - hours * 180000;
unsigned int minutes = frames / 3000;
frames = frames - minutes * 3000;
unsigned int seconds = frames / 50;
frames = frames - seconds * 50;
unsigned int tenths = frames / 5; = hex2bcd(hours);
todout.min = hex2bcd(minutes);
todout.sec = hex2bcd(seconds);
todout.tenths = hex2bcd(tenths);
void Vic2mem::CIA::write(unsigned int addr, unsigned char value)
//fprintf(stderr, "$(%04X) CIA%i write : %02X @ PC=%04X\n", addr, refCount, value, theTed->cpuptr->getPC());
addr &= 0xF;
switch (addr) {
case 0x00:
pra = value;
case 0x01:
prb = value;
case 0x02:
ddra = value;
case 0x03:
ddrb = value;
case 0x04:
latcha = (latcha & 0xFF00) | value;
case 0x05:
latcha = (latcha & 0xFF) | (value << 8);
// Reload timer A if stopped
if (!(cra & 1))
ta = latcha;
case 0x06:
latchb = (latchb & 0xFF00) | value;
case 0x07:
latchb = (latchb & 0xFF) | (value << 8);
// Reload timer B if stopped
if (!(crb & 1))
tb = latchb;
case 0x08:
if (crb & 0x80) {
frames2tod(alarmCount, alm, todIn);
alm.tenths = value & 0x0F;
alarmCount = tod2frames(alm);
} else {
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
tod.tenths = value & 0x0F;
todCount = tod2frames(tod);
tod.halt = false;
case 0x09:
if (crb & 0x80) {
frames2tod(alarmCount, alm, todIn);
alm.sec = value & 0x7F;
alarmCount = tod2frames(alm);
} else {
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
tod.sec = value & 0x7F;
todCount = tod2frames(tod);
case 0x0A:
if (crb & 0x80) {
frames2tod(alarmCount, alm, todIn);
alm.min = value & 0x7F;
alarmCount = tod2frames(alm);
} else {
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
tod.min = value & 0x7F;
todCount = tod2frames(tod);
case 0x0B:
if (crb & 0x80) {
frames2tod(alarmCount, alm, todIn); = value & 0x9F;
alarmCount = tod2frames(alm);
} else {
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn); = value & 0x9F;
todCount = tod2frames(tod);
tod.halt = true;
case 0x0C:
sdr = value;
sdrShiftCnt = 8;
case 0x0D:
if (value & 0x80)
irq_mask |= value & 0x9F;
irq_mask &= ~value;
setIRQflag(icr & irq_mask);
case 0x0E:
cra = value & 0xEF;
// ToD clock rate
todIn = value & 0x80 ? 50 : 60;
if (value & 0x10) // Forced reload
ta = latcha;
case 0x0F:
crb = value & 0xEF;
if (value & 0x10) // Forced reload
tb = latchb;
reg[addr] = value;
unsigned char Vic2mem::CIA::read(unsigned int addr)
addr &= 0x0F;
switch (addr) {
case 0x00:
return pra | ~ddra;
case 0x01:
unsigned char retval;
retval = prb ^ prbTimerOut | ~ddrb;
return retval;
case 0x02:
return ddra;
case 0x03:
return ddrb;
case 0x04:
return ta & 0xFF;
case 0x05:
return ta >> 8;
case 0x06:
return tb & 0xFF;
case 0x07:
return tb >> 8;
case 0x08:
if (tod.latched) {
tod.latched = false;
return todLatch.sec;
} else {
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
return tod.tenths;
case 0x09:
if (tod.latched)
return todLatch.sec;
else {
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
return tod.sec;
case 0x0A:
if (tod.latched)
return todLatch.min;
else {
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
return tod.min;
case 0x0B:
frames2tod(todCount, tod, todIn);
tod.latched = true;
todLatch = tod;
return | tod.ampm;
case 0x0C:
return sdr;
case 0x0D:
unsigned char retval = icr;
icr = 0;
return retval & 0x9F;
case 0x0E:
return cra;
case 0x0F:
return crb;
return reg[addr];
void Vic2mem::CIA::countTimers()
if ((cra & 0x40) && sdrShiftCnt) {
sdrShiftCnt -= 1;
if (!sdrShiftCnt) {
icr |= 8;
setIRQflag(icr & irq_mask);
if ((cra & 0x20) == 0x00 && cra & 1 ) {
if (!ta--) {
icr |= 0x01; // Set timer A IRQ flag
setIRQflag(icr & irq_mask); // FIXME, 1 cycle delay
prbTimerToggle ^= 0x40; // PRA7 underflow count toggle
// timer A output to PB6?
if (cra & 2) {
// set PRA6 high for one clock cycle
if (cra & 4) {
prbTimerOut ^= 0x40; // toggle PRA6 between 1 and 0
} else {
prbTimerOut |= 0x40; // set high for one clock
if (cra & 8) // One-shot?
cra &= 0xFE; // Stop timer
// Reload from latch
ta = latcha;
if ((crb & 0x20) == 0x00 && crb & 1) {
if (!tb--) {
icr |= 0x02; // Set timer B IRQ flag
setIRQflag(icr & irq_mask); // FIXME, 1 cycle delay
prbTimerToggle ^= 0x80; // PRB7 underflow count toggle
// timer A output to PRB6?
if (crb & 2) {
// set PRB7 high for one clock cycle
if (crb & 4) {
prbTimerOut ^= 0x80; // toggle PRB7 between 1 and 0
} else {
prbTimerOut |= 0x80; // set high for one clock
if (crb & 8) // One-shot?
crb &= 0xFE; // Stop timer
// Reload from latch
tb = latchb;
void Vic2mem::changeCharsetBank()
const unsigned int vicBank = (((cia[1].pra | ~cia[1].ddra) ^ 0xFF) & 3) << 14;
vicBase = Ram + vicBank;
// video matrix base address
const unsigned int vmOffset = ((vicReg[0x18] & 0xF0) << 6);
VideoBase = vicBase + vmOffset;
// character bitmap data
const unsigned int cSetOffset = ((vicReg[0x18] & 0x0E) << 10);
charrambank = vicBase + cSetOffset;
cset = (!(vicBank & 0x4000) && ((cSetOffset & 0x3000) == 0x1000)) // 4 or 6
? charrombank + (cSetOffset & 0x0800) : charrambank;
grbank = vicBase + ((vicReg[0x18] & 8) << 10);
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "VIC bank: %04X, matrix:%04X(%u) in line:%03i pra:%02X ddra:%02X vic18:%02X\n",
vicBank, cSetOffset, cset != charrambank, beamy, cia[1].pra, cia[1].ddra, vicReg[0x18]);
void Vic2mem::checkIRQflag()
irqFlag = (cia[0].icr | vicReg[0x19]) & 0x80;
if (cia[1].icr & 0x80) cpuptr->triggerNmi();
void Vic2mem::doDelayedDMA()
if (attribFetch) {
if (vshift == (beamy & 7)) {
// Delayed DMA?
if (beamx >=2 && beamx < 82) {
unsigned char idleread = Read((cpuptr->getPC()+1) & 0xFFFF);
unsigned int delay = (beamx - 1) >> 1;
unsigned int invalidcount = (delay > 3) ? 3 : delay;
unsigned int invalidpos = delay - invalidcount;
invalidcount = (invalidcount < 40-invalidpos) ? invalidcount : 40-invalidpos;
unsigned int newdmapos = (invalidpos+invalidcount < 40) ? invalidpos+invalidcount : 40;
unsigned int newdmacount = 40 - newdmapos ;
unsigned int oldcount = 40 - newdmacount - invalidcount;
//memcpy(tmpClrbuf, chrbuf, oldcount);
memset(chrbuf + oldcount, idleread, invalidcount);
memcpy(chrbuf + oldcount + invalidcount, VideoBase + CharacterCount + oldcount
+ invalidcount, newdmacount);
BadLine = 1;
delayedDMA = true;
x = newdmapos;
VertSubActive = true;
vertSubCount = 0;
} else if (BadLine) {
BadLine = 0;
// read memory through memory decoder
unsigned char Vic2mem::Read(unsigned int addr)
switch (addr & 0xF000) {
case 0x0000:
switch (addr & 0xFFFF) {
case 0:
return prddr;
case 1:
return prp | ~prddr; // (!tap->IsButtonPressed() << 4)
return actram[addr & 0xFFFF];
return actram[addr & 0xFFFF];
case 0xA000:
case 0xB000:
return mem_8000_bfff[addr & 0x1FFF];
case 0xE000:
case 0xF000:
return mem_c000_ffff[addr & 0x1FFF];
case 0xD000:
if (!((prp | ~prddr) & 3))
return actram[addr & 0xFFFF];
else if (charrom) {
return charRomC64[addr & 0x0FFF];
} else {
switch ( addr >> 8 ) {
case 0xD0: // VIC2
case 0xD1:
case 0xD2:
case 0xD3:
addr &= 0x3F;
switch (addr) {
case 0x12:
return ((beamy)) & 0xFF;
case 0x11:
return (vicReg[0x11] & 0x7f) | ((((beamy)) & 0x100) >> 1);
case 0x13: // LPX
return beamx << 1;
case 0x16:
return vicReg[0x16] | 0xC0;
case 0x18:
return vicReg[0x18] | 1;
case 0x19:
return vicReg[0x19] | 0x70;
case 0x1A:
return vicReg[0x1A] | 0xF0;
case 0x1E:
{ // sprite-sprite collision
unsigned char rv = spriteCollisionReg;
spriteCollisionReg = 0;
return rv;
case 0x1F:
{ // sprite-background collision
unsigned char rv = spriteBckgCollReg;
spriteBckgCollReg = 0;
return rv;
case 0x20:
return framecol | 0xF0;
case 0x21:
case 0x22:
case 0x23:
case 0x24:
return ecol[(addr & 0x3F) - 0x21] | 0xF0;
return vicReg[addr];
case 0xD4: // SID
case 0xD5:
case 0xD6:
case 0xD7:
return sidCard->read(addr & 0x1F);
case 0xD8: // Color RAM
case 0xD9:
case 0xDA:
case 0xDB:
return colorRAM[addr & 0x03FF];
case 0xDC: // CIA1
unsigned char retval;
switch (addr & 0x0F) {
case 0x00:
retval = cia[0].read(0)
& keys64->getJoyState(1)
& keys64->feedKeyColumn(cia[0].prb | ~cia[0].ddrb);
case 0x01: // port B usually not driven low by port A.
retval = (keys64->feedkey(cia[0].pra | ~cia[0].ddra) & ~cia[0].ddrb) | (cia[0].prb & cia[0].ddrb);
//fprintf(stderr, "$Kb(%02X,%02X) read: %02X\n", cia[0].pra, cia[0].ddra, retval);
case 0x0D:
retval = cia[0].read(0x0D);
retval = cia[0].read(addr);
return retval;
case 0xDD: // CIA2
switch (addr & 0x0F) {
case 0:
return (readBus() & 0xC0) | (cia[1].read(0) & 0x3F);
case 0xD:
unsigned char retval = cia[1].read(0xD);
return retval;
return cia[1].read(addr);
default: // open address space
return beamy ^ beamx;//actram[addr & 0xFFFF];
void Vic2mem::Write(unsigned int addr, unsigned char value)
switch (addr & 0xF000) {
case 0x0000:
switch ( addr & 0xFFFF ) {
case 0:
prddr = value & 0xDF;
case 1:
if ((prp ^ value) & 8)
tap->SetTapeMotor(CycleCounter, value & 8);
prp = value;
mem_8000_bfff = ((prp & 3) == 3) ? RomLo[0] : Ram + 0xa000; // a000..bfff
mem_c000_ffff = ((prp & 2) == 2) ? RomHi[0] : Ram + 0xe000; // e000..ffff
charrom = (!(prp & 4) && (prp & 3));
actram[addr & 0xFFFF] = value;
actram[addr & 0xFFFF] = value;
case 0xD000:
if (!((prp | ~prddr) & 3)) { // should be read(1)
actram[addr & 0xFFFF] = value;
} else if (!charrom) {
//unsigned int i;
switch ( addr >> 8 ) {
case 0xD0: // VIC2
case 0xD1:
case 0xD2:
case 0xD3:
addr &= 0x3F;
switch (addr) {
case 0x12:
irqline = ((((irqline) & 0x100) | value));
if (beamy == irqline) {
vicReg[0x19] |= (vicReg[0x1A] & 1) ? 0x81 : 0x01;
case 0x11:
// raster IRQ line
irqline = ((((irqline) & 0xFF)
| ((value & 0x80) << 1)));
if (beamy == irqline) {
vicReg[0x19] |= (vicReg[0x1A] & 1) ? 0x81 : 0x01;
// get vertical offset of screen when smooth scroll
vshift = value & 0x07;
// check for flat screen (23 rows)
fltscr = !(value&0x08);
// check for extended mode
ecmode = value & EXTCOLOR;
// check for graphics mode (5th b14it)
scrattr = (scrattr & ~(GRAPHMODE|EXTCOLOR))|(value & (GRAPHMODE|EXTCOLOR));
// Check if screen is turned on
if (value & 0x10 && beamy == 48 && !attribFetch) {
attribFetch = true;
vertSubCount = 7;
} else if (attribFetch && ((fltscr && beamy == 48+7) || (!fltscr && beamy == 48+3))) {
ScreenOn = true;
} else if ((beamy == 48+199 && fltscr) || (beamy == 48+203 && !fltscr)) {
ScreenOn = false;
#if 1
if (attribFetch) {
bool nowBadLine = (vshift == (beamy & 7)) & (beamy != 247);
if (!BadLine && nowBadLine) {
vertSubCount = 0;
BadLine = 1;
VertSubActive = true;
case 0x16:
// check for narrow screen (38 columns)
nrwscr = value & 0x08;
// get horizontal offset of screen when smooth scroll
hshift = value & 0x07;
scrattr = (scrattr & ~(MULTICOLOR)) | (value & (MULTICOLOR));
case 0x18:
vicReg[0x18] = value;
case 0x19:
vicReg[0x19] &= (0x0F & ~value);
// check if we have a pending IRQ
if ((vicReg[0x1a]) & 0x0F & vicReg[0x19])
vicReg[0x19] |= 0x80;
vicReg[0x19] &= 0x7F;
case 0x1a:
// check if we have a pending IRQ
if ((vicReg[0x19]) & 0x0F & value)
vicReg[0x19] |= 0x80;
vicReg[0x19] &= 0x7F;
case 0x20:
// distinguish border in the rendered screen with 0x80
value = (value & 0x0F) | 0x80;
framecol = (value << 24) | (value << 16) | (value << 8) | value;
case 0x21:
ecol[0] = bmmcol[0] = mcol[0] = (value & 0x0F) | 0x40;
case 0x22: // '01' counts as background as well
ecol[1] = mcol[1] = (value & 0x0F) | 0x40;
case 0x23:
ecol[2] = mcol[2] = value & 0x0F;
case 0x24:
ecol[3] = value & 0x0F;
// sprites
case 0x00:
case 0x02:
case 0x04:
case 0x06:
case 0x08:
case 0x0A:
case 0x0C:
case 0x0E:
mob[addr >> 1].x = (mob[addr >> 1].x & 0x0100) | value;
//fprintf(stderr, "Sprite%i:%i m_x: %u\n", addr >> 1, value, mob[addr >> 1].x);
case 0x01:
case 0x03:
case 0x05:
case 0x07:
case 0x09:
case 0x0B:
case 0x0D:
case 0x0F:
mob[addr >> 1].y = (value);
//fprintf(stderr, "Sprite%i:%i : %u\n", addr >> 1, value, mob[addr >> 1].y);
case 0x10:
unsigned int i = 7;
do {
mob[i].x = ((mob[i].x & 0xFF) | ((value << (8 - i)) & 0x100));
//fprintf(stderr, "Sprite%i:%i m8x: %u\n", i, value, mob[i].x);
} while (i--);
case 0x15:
SET_BITS(mob[i].enabled, value);
case 0x17:
SET_BITS(mob[i].expandY, value);
case 0x1B:
SET_BITS(mob[i].priority, value);
case 0x1C:
SET_BITS(mob[i].multicolor, value);
case 0x1D:
SET_BITS(mob[i].expandX, value);
case 0x25:
case 0x26:
mobExtCol[((addr - 0x25) << 1) + 1] = value & 0x0F;
case 0x27:
case 0x28:
case 0x29:
case 0x2A:
case 0x2B:
case 0x2C:
case 0x2D:
case 0x2E:
mob[addr - 0x27].color = value & 0x0F;
vicReg[addr] = value;
case 0xD4: // SID
case 0xD5:
case 0xD6:
case 0xD7:
sidCard->write(addr & 0x1f, value);
case 0xD8: // Color RAM
case 0xD9:
case 0xDA:
case 0xDB:
colorRAM[addr & 0x03FF] = value;
case 0xDC: // CIA1
switch (addr & 0x0F) {
// key matrix row select
case 0:
cia[0].write(addr, value);
case 0xDD: // CIA2
switch (addr & 0x0F) {
case 2:
case 0:
cia[1].write(addr, value);
// VIC base
// serial IEC
static unsigned char prevPort = 0x01;
if ((prevPort ^ cia[1].pra) & 0x38) {
unsigned char port = ~cia[1].pra & 0x38;
serialPort[0] = ((port << 2) & 0x80) // DATA OUT -> DATA IN
| ((port << 2) & 0x40) // CLK OUT -> CLK IN
| ((port << 1) & 0x10); // ATN OUT -> ATN IN (drive)
prevPort = cia[1].pra;
fprintf(stderr, "$DD00 write : %02X @ PC=%04X\n", value, cpuptr->getPC());
fprintf(stderr, "$DD00 written: %02X.\n", serialPort[0]);
cia[1].write(addr, value);
default: // $DExx/$DFxx open I/O
//actram[addr & 0xFFFF] = value;
} else {
actram[addr & 0xFFFF] = value;
void Vic2mem::doHRetrace()
if (vicReg[0x15]) drawSpritesPerLine();
// the beam reached a new line
TVScanLineCounter += 1;
if ( TVScanLineCounter >= 340 ) {
scrptr = screen + TVScanLineCounter * VIC_PIXELS_PER_ROW;
inline void Vic2mem::newLine()
beamy += 1;
switch (beamy) {
case 48:
if (!attribFetch) {
endOfScreen = true;
attribFetch = (vicReg[0x11] & 0x10) != 0;
// skip checking raster IRQ
case 48 + 3:
if (!fltscr && attribFetch) ScreenOn = true;
case 48 + 7:
if (fltscr && attribFetch) ScreenOn = true;
case 199 + 48:
if (fltscr) ScreenOn = false;
case 203 + 48:
if (!fltscr) ScreenOn = false;
case 204 + 48:
CharacterCount = 0;
VertSubActive = false;
case 250 + 48: // VIC article: 300
VBlanking = true;
case 512:
case 312: // Vertical retrace
beamy = 0;
CharacterPositionReload = 0;
// CIA ToD count @ 50/60 Hz
case 6: // BEAMY2RASTER(271):
VBlanking = false;
// is there raster interrupt?
if (!endOfScreen && beamy == irqline) {
vicReg[0x19] |= (vicReg[0x1A] & 1) ? 0x81 : 0x01;
void Vic2mem::ted_process(const unsigned int continuous)
loop_continuous = continuous;
do {
beamx += 2;
switch(beamx) {
case 100:
// the beam reached a new line
case 102:
if (VertSubActive)
vertSubCount = (vertSubCount+1)&7;
if (endOfScreen) {
// is there raster interrupt? line 0 IRQ is delayed by 0 cycle
if (beamy == irqline) {
vicReg[0x19] |= (vicReg[0x1A] & 1) ? 0x81 : 0x01;
endOfScreen = false;
case 122:
HBlanking = false;
// break;
// case 124:
if (attribFetch) {
BadLine = (vshift == (beamy & 7));
if (BadLine) {
VertSubActive = true;
vertSubCount = 0;
if (beamy == 247) {
attribFetch = false;
//fprintf(stderr, "Line %03i - AttribFetch:%i Badline:%i VertSub:%i Screen:%i\n", beamy, attribFetch,
// BadLine, VertSubActive, ScreenOn);
case 126:
beamx = 0;
case 0:
if (VertSubActive)
CharacterPosition = CharacterPositionReload;
case 2:
if (BadLine) {
if (!delayedDMA)
doDMA(chrbuf, 0);
case 6:
if (ScreenOn) {
SideBorderFlipFlop = true;
memset(scrptr, mcol[0], hshift);
if (nrwscr)
CharacterWindow = true;
x = 0;
case 8:
if (ScreenOn && !nrwscr) {
CharacterWindow = true;
case 82:
if (VertSubActive && vertSubCount == 6)
CharacterCount = (CharacterCount + 40) & 0x3FF;
if (BadLine) {
BadLine = 0;
case 84:
if ( VertSubActive && charPosLatchFlag) // FIXME
CharacterPositionReload = (CharacterPosition + 40) & 0x3FF;
if (!nrwscr)
SideBorderFlipFlop = CharacterWindow = false;
case 86:
if (nrwscr)
SideBorderFlipFlop = CharacterWindow = false;
case 98:
HBlanking = true;
case 94: // $BC (376)
charPosLatchFlag = vertSubCount == 6;
case 96:
// drawing the visible part of the screen
if (!(HBlanking |VBlanking)) {
if (SideBorderFlipFlop) {
// call the relevant rendering function
x = (x + 1) & 0x3F;
if (!CharacterWindow) {
// we are on the border area, so use the frame color
*((int*)scrptr) = framecol;
*((int*)(scrptr + 4)) = framecol;
unsigned char cycleChr = cycleLookup[BadLine][beamx|1];
switch (cycleChr) {
case ' ':
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
// FIXME: not really accurate
if (!mob[cycleChr - '0'].dataCount)
case '*':
scrptr += 8;
CycleCounter += 1;
unsigned int i = 0;
while (Clockable::itemHeap[i]) {
Clockable *c = Clockable::itemHeap[i];
while (c->ClockCount >= VIC_REAL_CLOCK_M10) {
c->ClockCount -= VIC_REAL_CLOCK_M10;
c->ClockCount += c->ClockRate;
} while (loop_continuous);
loop_continuous = false;
// renders hires text
inline void Vic2mem::hi_text()
unsigned char charcol;
unsigned char mask;
unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift;
if (VertSubActive) {
charcol = colorRAM[CharacterPosition + x];
mask = cset[(chrbuf[x] << 3) | vertSubCount];
} else {
charcol = 0;
mask = vicBase[0x3FFF];
wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? charcol : mcol[0];
// renders extended color text
inline void Vic2mem::ec_text()
unsigned char charcol;
unsigned char chr;
unsigned char mask;
unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift;
if (VertSubActive) {
charcol = colorRAM[CharacterPosition + x];
chr = chrbuf[x];
mask = cset[((chr & 0x3F) << 3) | vertSubCount];
chr >>= 6;
} else {
mask = vicBase[0x39FF];
charcol = chr = 0;
wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? charcol : ecol[chr];
wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? charcol : ecol[chr];
wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? charcol : ecol[chr];
wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? charcol : ecol[chr];
wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? charcol : ecol[chr];
wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? charcol : ecol[chr];
wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? charcol : ecol[chr];
wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? charcol : ecol[chr];
// renders multicolor text with reverse bit set
inline void Vic2mem::mc_text()
unsigned char charcol;
unsigned char chr;
unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift;
unsigned char mask;
if (VertSubActive) {
charcol = colorRAM[CharacterPosition + x];
chr = chrbuf[x];
mask = cset[(chr << 3) | vertSubCount];
} else {
mask = vicBase[0x3FFF];
charcol = 0;
if (charcol & 8) { // if character is multicolored
mcol[3] = charcol & 0x07;
wbuffer[0] = wbuffer[1] = mcol[ (mask & 0xC0) >> 6 ];
wbuffer[2] = wbuffer[3] = mcol[ (mask & 0x30) >> 4 ];
wbuffer[4] = wbuffer[5] = mcol[ (mask & 0x0C) >> 2 ];
wbuffer[6] = wbuffer[7] = mcol[ mask & 0x03 ];
} else { // this is a normally colored character
wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? charcol : mcol[0];
wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? charcol : mcol[0];
// when multi and extended color modes are all on the screen is blank
inline void Vic2mem::mcec()
unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift;
unsigned char mask;
if (VertSubActive)
mask = cset[((chrbuf[x] & 0x3F) << 3) | vertSubCount];
mask = vicBase[0x3FFF];
wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? 0 : 0x40;
wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? 0 : 0x40;
wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? 0 : 0x40;
wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? 0 : 0x40;
wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? 0 : 0x40;
wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? 0 : 0x40;
wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? 0 : 0x40;
wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? 0 : 0x40;
// renders hires bitmap graphics
inline void Vic2mem::hi_bitmap()
unsigned char mask;
unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift;
unsigned char hcol0;
unsigned char hcol1;
if (VertSubActive) {
// get the actual color attributes
hcol0 = chrbuf[x] & 0x0F;
hcol1 = chrbuf[x] >> 4;
mask = grbank[(((CharacterPosition + x) << 3) & 0x1FFF) | vertSubCount];
} else {
hcol0 = hcol1 = 0;
mask = vicBase[0x3FFF];
wbuffer[0] = (mask & 0x80) ? hcol1 : hcol0;
wbuffer[1] = (mask & 0x40) ? hcol1 : hcol0;
wbuffer[2] = (mask & 0x20) ? hcol1 : hcol0;
wbuffer[3] = (mask & 0x10) ? hcol1 : hcol0;
wbuffer[4] = (mask & 0x08) ? hcol1 : hcol0;
wbuffer[5] = (mask & 0x04) ? hcol1 : hcol0;
wbuffer[6] = (mask & 0x02) ? hcol1 : hcol0;
wbuffer[7] = (mask & 0x01) ? hcol1 : hcol0;
// renders multicolor bitmap graphics
inline void Vic2mem::mc_bitmap()
unsigned char mask;
unsigned char *wbuffer = scrptr + hshift;
if (VertSubActive) {
bmmcol[1] = chrbuf[x] >> 4;
bmmcol[2] = chrbuf[x] & 0x0F;
bmmcol[3] = colorRAM[CharacterPosition + x] & 0x0F;
mask = grbank[(((CharacterPosition + x) << 3) & 0x1FFF) | vertSubCount];
} else {// FIXME
bmmcol[1] = bmmcol[2] = bmmcol[3] = 0;
mask = vicBase[0x3FFF];
wbuffer[0]= wbuffer[1] = bmmcol[(mask & 0xC0) >> 6 ];
wbuffer[2]= wbuffer[3] = bmmcol[(mask & 0x30) >> 4 ];
wbuffer[4]= wbuffer[5] = bmmcol[(mask & 0x0C) >> 2 ];
wbuffer[6]= wbuffer[7] = bmmcol[mask & 0x03];
inline void Vic2mem::render()
// call the relevant rendering function
switch (scrattr) {
case 0:
void Vic2mem::renderSprite(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, Mob &m, unsigned int cx, const unsigned int six)
unsigned int i;
const unsigned int priority = m.priority;
if (!m.multicolor) {
const unsigned char spc = m.color;
if (m.expandX) {
unsigned short *cb = (unsigned short *) (spriteCollisions + cx);
unsigned short cd = (six << 8) | six;
// sprite X expansion, hires mode
// TODO proper border detection
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++, out += 16) {
unsigned char data = in[i];
if (data & 0x80) {
cb[i] |= cd;
if (!(out[0] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[0] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx] |= six;
out[0] = (out[0] & 0xF0) | spc;
spriteCollisions[cx + 1] |= six;
if (!(out[1] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[1] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 1] |= six;
out[1] = (out[1] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x40) {
cb[i + 1] |= cd;
if (!(out[2] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[2] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 2] |= six;
out[2] = (out[2] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (!(out[3] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[3] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 3] |= six;
out[3] = (out[3] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x20) {
cb[i + 2] |= cd;
if (!(out[4] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[4] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 4] |= six;
out[4] = (out[4] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (!(out[5] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[5] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 5] |= six;
out[5] = (out[5] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x10) {
cb[i + 3] |= cd;
if (!(out[6] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[6] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 6] |= six;
out[6] = (out[6] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (!(out[7] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[7] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 7] |= six;
out[7] = (out[7] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x08) {
cb[i + 4] |= cd;
if (!(out[8] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[8] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 8] |= six;
out[8] = (out[8] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (!(out[9] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[9] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 9] |= six;
out[9] = (out[8] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x04) {
cb[i + 5] |= cd;
if (!(out[10] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[10] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 10] |= six;
out[10] = (out[10] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (!(out[11] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[11] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 11] |= six;
out[11] = (out[11] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x02) {
cb[i + 6] |= cd;
if (!(out[12] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[12] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 12] |= six;
out[12] = (out[12] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (!(out[13] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[13] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 13] |= six;
out[13] = (out[13] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x01) {
cb[i + 7] |= cd;
if (!(out[14] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[14] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 14] |= six;
out[14] = (out[14] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (!(out[15] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[15] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 15] |= six;
out[15] = (out[15] & 0xF0) | spc;
} else {
// sprite, normal size, hires mode
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++, out += 8, cx += 8) {
const unsigned char data = in[i];
if (data & 0x80) {
spriteCollisions[cx] |= six;
if (!(out[0] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[0] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx] |= six;
out[0] = (out[0] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x40) {
spriteCollisions[cx + 1] |= six;
if (!(out[1] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[1] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 1] |= six;
out[1] = (out[1] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x20) {
spriteCollisions[cx + 2] |= six;
if (!(out[2] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[2] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 2] |= six;
out[2] = (out[2] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x10) {
spriteCollisions[cx + 3] |= six;
if (!(out[3] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[3] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 3] |= six;
out[3] = (out[3] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x08) {
spriteCollisions[cx + 4] |= six;
if (!(out[4] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[4] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 4] |= six;
out[4] = (out[4] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x04) {
spriteCollisions[cx + 5] |= six;
if (!(out[5] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[5] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 5] |= six;
out[5] = (out[5] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x02) {
spriteCollisions[cx + 6] |= six;
if (!(out[6] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[6] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 6] |= six;
out[6] = (out[6] & 0xF0) | spc;
if (data & 0x01) {
spriteCollisions[cx + 7] |= six;
if (!(out[7] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[7] & 0x40)) spriteBckgColl[cx + 7] |= six;
out[7] = (out[7] & 0xF0) | spc;
} else {
mobExtCol[2] = m.color;
if (m.expandX) {
unsigned int *cb = (unsigned int *) (spriteCollisions + cx);
unsigned int cDword = (six << 24) | (six << 16) | (six << 8) | six;
// sprite X expansion, multi mode
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++, out += 16) {
const unsigned char data = in[i];
unsigned int bitlet = data & 0xC0;
// TODO background collision, proper border detection
if (bitlet) {
cb[i] |= cDword;
if (!(out[0] & 0x80))
out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = out[3] = mobExtCol[bitlet >> 6];
bitlet = data & 0x30;
if (bitlet) {
cb[i + 1] |= cDword;
if (!(out[4] & 0x80))
out[4] = out[5] = out[6] = out[7] = mobExtCol[bitlet >> 4];
bitlet = data & 0x0C;
if (bitlet) {
cb[i + 2] |= cDword;
if (!(out[8] & 0x80))
out[8] = out[9] = out[10] = out[11] = mobExtCol[bitlet >> 2];
bitlet = data & 0x03;
if (bitlet) {
cb[i + 3] |= cDword;
if (!(out[12] & 0x80))
out[12] = out[13] = out[14] = out[15] = mobExtCol[bitlet];
} else {
// normal size, multicolor
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++, out += 8) {
const unsigned char data = in[i];
unsigned int bitlet = data & 0xC0;
if (bitlet) {
spriteCollisions[cx] |= six;
spriteCollisions[cx + 1] |= six;
if (!(out[0] & 0x80)) {
bitlet >>= 6;
if (!(out[0] & 0x40)) {
spriteBckgColl[cx] |= six;
if (!priority) out[0] = mobExtCol[bitlet];
} else
out[0] = 0x40 | mobExtCol[bitlet];
if (!(out[1] & 0x40)) {
spriteBckgColl[cx + 1] |= six;
if (!priority) out[1] = mobExtCol[bitlet];
} else
out[1] = 0x40 | mobExtCol[bitlet];
bitlet = data & 0x30;
if (bitlet) {
spriteCollisions[cx + 2] |= six;
spriteCollisions[cx + 3] |= six;
if (!(out[2] & 0x80)) {
bitlet >>= 4;
if (!(out[2] & 0x40)) {
spriteBckgColl[cx + 2] |= six;
if (!priority) out[2] = mobExtCol[bitlet];
} else
out[2] = 0x40 | mobExtCol[bitlet];
if (!(out[3] & 0x40)) {
spriteBckgColl[cx + 3] |= six;
if (!priority) out[3] = mobExtCol[bitlet];
} else
out[3] = 0x40 | mobExtCol[bitlet];
bitlet = data & 0x0C;
if (bitlet) {
spriteCollisions[cx + 4] |= six;
spriteCollisions[cx + 5] |= six;
if (!(out[4] & 0x80)) {
bitlet >>= 2;
if (!(out[4] & 0x40)) {
spriteBckgColl[cx + 4] |= six;
if (!priority) out[4] = mobExtCol[bitlet];
} else
out[4] = 0x40 | mobExtCol[bitlet];
if (!(out[5] & 0x40)) {
spriteBckgColl[cx + 5] |= six;
if (!priority) out[5] = mobExtCol[bitlet];
} else
out[5] = 0x40 | mobExtCol[bitlet];
bitlet = data & 0x03;
if (bitlet) {
spriteCollisions[cx + 6] |= six;
spriteCollisions[cx + 7] |= six;
if (!(out[6] & 0x80)) {
if (!(out[6] & 0x40)) {
spriteBckgColl[cx + 6] |= six;
if (!priority) out[6] = mobExtCol[bitlet];
} else
out[6] = 0x40 | mobExtCol[bitlet];
if (!(out[7] & 0x40)) {
spriteBckgColl[cx + 7] |= six;
if (!priority) out[7] = mobExtCol[bitlet];
} else
out[7] = 0x40 | mobExtCol[bitlet];
inline void Vic2mem::drawSpritesPerLine()
unsigned int i = 7;
do {
if (mob[i].enabled) {
unsigned int &dc = mob[i].dataCount;
const unsigned int exy = mob[i].expandY;
if (!dc) {
unsigned int rY = mob[i].y;
if (rY + 1 == beamy) {
unsigned char *spd = VideoBase + 0x03F8;
dc = 21 << exy;
mob[i].dataCountReload = (spd[i] << 6);
if (dc) {
unsigned int tvX = RASTERX2TVCOL(mob[i].x);
unsigned char *d = vicBase + mob[i].dataCountReload + (21 - ((dc + exy) >> exy)) * 3;
unsigned char *p = screen + TVScanLineCounter * VIC_PIXELS_PER_ROW + tvX;
renderSprite(d, p, mob[i], tvX, 1 << i);
dc -= 1;
} while (i--);
// check collisions
for(i = 0; i < VIC_PIXELS_PER_ROW; i++) {
if (spriteCollisions[i]) {
spriteCollisionReg |= collisionLookup[spriteCollisions[i]];
spriteCollisions[i] = 0;
if (spriteBckgColl[i]) {
spriteBckgCollReg |= spriteBckgColl[i];
spriteBckgColl[i] = 0;
if (spriteCollisionReg) {
vicReg[0x19] |= (vicReg[0x1A] & 4) ? 0x84 : 0x04;
if (spriteBckgCollReg) {
vicReg[0x19] |= (vicReg[0x1A] & 2) ? 0x82 : 0x02;
void Vic2mem::drawSprites()
unsigned char *spd = VideoBase + 0x03F8;
// start with with lowest priority so it simply gets overwritten
unsigned int i = 7;
do {
if (mob[i].enabled) {
unsigned int tvX = RASTERX2TVCOL(mob[i].x);
unsigned int tvY = (mob[i].y + 1);
unsigned char *d = vicBase + (spd[i] << 6);
unsigned int j = 21;
unsigned char *p = screen + tvY * VIC_PIXELS_PER_ROW + tvX;
// sprite Y expansion?
if (mob[i].expandY) {
do {
renderSprite(d, p, mob[i], tvX, 1 << i);
memcpy(p + VIC_PIXELS_PER_ROW, p, 24 << mob[i].expandX);
d += 3;
} while(--j);
} else {
do {
renderSprite(d , p, mob[i], tvX, 1 << i);
d += 3;
} while(--j);
} while (i--);